第一章 18世纪80年代的世界
[1] Saint-Just, Oeuvres complètes, II, p. 514.
[2] A. Hovelacque, La taille dans un canton ligure. Revue Mensuelle de l’Ecole d’Anthropologie (Paris 1896).
[3] L. Dal Pane, Storia del Lavoro dagli inizi del secolo XVIII al 1815 (1958),p. 135. R. S. Eckers, The North-South Differential in Italian Economic Development, Journal of Economic History, XXI, 1961, p. 290.
[5] H. Sée, Esquisse d’une Histoire du Régime Agraire en Europe au XVIII et XIX siècles (1921), p. 184, J. Blum, Lord and Peasant in Russia (1961), pp. 455—60.
[7] A. Goodwin ed. The European Nobility in the Eighteenth Century (1953), p. 52.
[8] L. B. Namier, 1848, The Revolution of the Intellectuals (1944); J. Vicens Vives, Historia Economica de España (1959).
[9] Sten Carlsson, Stàndssamhälle och stàndspersoner 1700—1865 (1949).
[10]Pierre Lebrun et al., La rivoluzione industrial in Belgio, Studi Storici, II, 3—4, 1961, pp. 564—5.
[11] Like Turgot (Oeuvres V, p. 244): ‘Ceux qui connaissent la marche du commerce savent aussi que toute entreprise importante, de trafic ou d’industrie, exige le concours de deux espèces d’hommes, d’entrepreneurs...et des ouvriers qui travaillent pour Ie compte des premiers, moyennant un salaire convenu. Telle est la véritable origine de la distinction entre les entrepreneurs et les maîtres, et les ouvriers ou compagnons, laquelle est fondé sur la nature des choses.’
第二章 工业革命
[1] Arthur Young, Tours in England and Wales, London School of Economics edition, p. 269.
[2] A. de Toqueville, Journeys to England and Ireland, ed. J. P. Mayer (1958), pp. 107—8.
[3] Anna Bezanson, The Early Uses of the Term Industrial Revolution, Quarterly Journal of Economics, XXXVI, 1921—2, p. 343, G. N. Clark, The Idea of the Industrial Revolution (Glasgow 1953).
[4] cf. A. E. Musson & E. Robinson, Science and Industry in the late Eighteenth Century, Economic History Review, XIII. 2, Dec 1960, and R. E. Schofield’s work on the Midland Industrialists and the Lunar Society Isis 47 (March 1956), 48 (1957), Annals of Science II (June 1956) etc.
[6] W.G.Hoffmann, The Growth of Industrial Economics (Manchester 1958), p. 68.
[7] A. P. Wadsworth & J. de L. Mann, The Cotton Trade and Industrial Lancashire (1931), chapter VII.
[8] F.Crouzet, Le Blocus Continental et l’Economic Britannique (1958), p. 63, suggests that in 1805 it was up to two-thirds.
[9] P. K. O’Brien, British Incomes and Property in the early Nineteenth Century, Economic History Review, XII, 2 (1959), p.267.
[11] Baines, History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain (London 1835). p.431.
[12] P. Mathias, The Brewing Industry in England (Cambridge 1959).
[13] M. Mulhall, Dictionary of Statistics (1892), p. 158.
[14] Baines, op. cit., p. 112.
[15] cf. Phyllis Deane, Estimates of the British National Income, Economic History Review (April 1956 and April 1957).
[16] O’Brien, op. cit., p. 267.
[17] For the stationary state cf. J. Schumpeter, History of Economic Analysis (1954), pp. 570—1. The crucial formulation is John Stuart Mill’s (Principles of Political Economy, Book IV, chapter iv): ‘When a country has long possessed a large production, and a large net income to make saving from, and when, therefore, the means have long existed of making a great annual addition to capital; it is one of the characteristics of such a country, that the rate of profit is habitually within, as it were, a hand’s breadth of the minimum, and the country therefore on the very verge of the stationary state... The mere continuance of the present annual increase in capital if no circumstances occurred to counter its effect would suffice in a small number of years to reduce the net rate of profit (to the minimum).’ However, when this was published (1848) the counteracting force-the wave of development induced by the railways-had already shown itself.
[18] By the radical John Wade, History of the Middle and Working Classes, the banker Lord Overstone, Reflections suggested by the perusal of Mr J. Horsley Palmer’s pamphlet on the causes and consequences of the pressure on the Money Market (1837), the Anti-Corn Law campaigner J. Wilson, Fluctuations of Currency, Commerce and Manufacture; referable to the Corn Laws (1840); and in France by A. Blanqui (brother of the famous revolutionary) in 1837 and M. Briaune in 1840. Doubtless also by others.
[19] Baines, op. cit., p. 441. A. Ure & P. L. Simmonds, The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain (1861 edition),p. 390 ff.
[20] Geo. White, A Treatise on Weaving (Glasgow 1846), p. 272.
[21] M. Blaug, The Productivity of Capital in the Lancashire Cotton Industry during the Nineteenth Century, Economic History Review (April 1961).
[22] Thomas Ellison, The Cotton Trade of Great Britain (London 1886), p. 61.
[23] Baines, op. cit., p. 356.
[24] Baines, op. cit., p. 489.
[25] Ure & Simmonds, op. cit., Vol. I, p.317 ff.
[26] J. H. Clapham, An Economic History of Modern Britain (1926), p. 427 ff.; Mulhall, op. cit. pp. 121, 332, M. Robbins, The Railway Age (1962), p. 30—1.
[28] Mulhall, op. cit. 501, 497.
[29] L. H. Jenks, The Migration of British Capital to 1875 (New York and London 1927), p.126.
[30] D. Spring, The English Landed Estate in the Age of Coal and Iron, Journal of Economic History, (XI, I, 1951)
[32] Albert M. Imlah, British Balance of Payments and Export of Capital,1816—1913,Economic History Review V (1952, 2, p. 24).
[33] John Francis, A History of the English Railway (1851) II, 136; see also H. Tuck, The Railway Shareholder’s Manual (7th edition 1846), Preface, and T. Tooke, History of Prices II, pp. 275, 333—4 for the pressure of accumulated Lancashire surpluses into railways.
[34] Mulhall, op. cit., p. 14.
[35] Annals of Agric. XXXVI, p. 214.
[36] Wilbert Moore, Industrialisation and Labour (Cornell 1951).
[37] Blaug, loc. cit., p. 368. Children under 13, however, declined sharply in the 1830’s.
[39] Mulhall, op. cit.; Imlah, loc. cit., II, 52, pp. 228—9. The precise date of this estimate is 1854.
第三章 法国大革命
[1] See R. R. Palmer, The Age of Democratic Revolution (1959); J. Godechot, La Grande Nation (1956), Vol. I, Chapter 1.
[2] B. Lewis, The Impact of the French Revolution on Turkey, Journal of World History, I (1953—4, p.105)
[3] H. Sée, Esquisse d’une Histoire du Régime Agraire (1931), pp. 16—17.
[4] A. Soboul, Les Campagnes Montpelliéraines à la fin de l’Ancien Régime (1958).
[5] A. Goodwin, The French Revolution(1959 cd.), p. 70.
[7] D. Greer, The Incidence of the Terror (Harvard 1935).
[8] Oeuvres Complètes de Saint-Just, Vol. II, p. 147 (ed. C. Vellay, Paris 1908).
第四章 战争
[1] Cf. e.g. W. von Grootc, Die Entstehung d. Nationalbewussteins in Nordwestdeutschland 1790—1830 (1952).
[2] M. Lewis, A Social History of the Navy, 1793—1815 (1960), pp. 370, 373.
[3] Gordon Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army 1640—1945 (1955), p. 26.
[4] A. Sorel, L’Europe et la révolution francaise, I (1922 ed.), p. 66.
[5] Considérations sur la France, Chapter IV.
[6] Quoted in L.S.Stavrianos,Antecedents to Balkan Revolutions, Journal of Modern History,XXIX,1957, p.344.
[7] G. Bodart, Losses of Life in Modem Wars (1916), p. 133.
[8] J. Vicens Vives ed. Historia Social de Espaňa y America (1956), IV, ii, p. 15.
[9] G. Bruun, Europe and the French Imperium (1938), p. 72.
[10] J. Leverrier, La Naissance de l’armée nationale, 1789—94 (1939), p. 139; G.Lefebvre,Napoléon(1936), pp. 198, 527; M. Lewis, op. cit., p. 119; Parliamentary Papers XVII, 1859, p. 15.
[11] Mulhall, Dictionary of Statistics: War.
[12] Cabinet Cyclopedia, I, pp. 55—6 (‘Manufactures in Metal’).
[13] E. Tarlé, Le Blocus continental et le royaume d’Italie(1928), pp. 3—4, 25—31; H. Sée, Histoire Economique de la France,II, p. 52; Mulhall, loc. cit.
[14] Gayer, Rostow and Schwartz, Growth and Fluctuation of the British Economy, 1790—1850 (1953), pp. 646—9; F. Crouzet, Le blocus continental et l’économie Britannique (1958), p. 868 ff.
第五章 和平
[1] Castlereagh, Correspondence, Third Series, XI, p. 105.
[2] Gentz, Depêches inédites, I, p. 371.
[3] J. Richardson, My Dearest Uncle, Leopold of the Belgians (1961), p. 165.
[4] R. Cameron, op. cit. p. 85.
[5] F. Ponteil, Lafayette et la Pologne (1934).
第六章 革命
[1] Luding Boerne, Gesammelte Schriften, III, pp. 130—1.
[2] Memoirs of Prince Metternich, p. 468.
[3] Vienna, Verwaltungsarchiv: Polizeihofstelle H 136/1834, passim.
[4] Guizot, Of Democracy in Modern Societies (London 1838), p. 32.
[5] The most lucid discussion of this general revolutionary strategy is contained in Marx’ articles in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung during the 1848 revolution.
[6] M. L. Hansen, The Atlantic Migration (1945), p. 147.
[7] F. C. Mather, The Government and the Chartists, in A. Briggs ed. Chartist Studies(1959).
[8] cf. Parliamentary Papers, XXXIV, of 1834; answers to question 53 (causes and consequences of the agricultural riots and burning of 1830 and 1831), e.g. Lambourn, Speen (Berks), Steeple Claydon (Bucks), Bonington (Glos), Evenley (Northants).
[9] R. Dautry, 1848 et la Deuxième République (1848), p. 80.
[10] St. Kiniewicz, La Pologne et l’Italie à I’époque du printemps des peuples. La Pologne au Xe Congrés International Historique, 1955, p. 245.
[11] D. Cantimori in F. Fejtö ed., The Opening of an Era: 1848 (1948), p. 119.
[12] D. Read, Press and People (1961), p. 216.
[13] Irene Collins, Government and Newspaper Press in France, 1814—81 (1959).
[14] cf. E. J. Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels (1959). pp.171—2; V. Volguine, Les idées socialistes et communistes dans les sociétés secrètes (Questions d’Histoire, II, 1954,pp.10—37); A. B. Spitzer, The Revolutionary Theories of Auguste Blanqui (1957), pp.165—6.
[15] G.D. H. Cole and A. W. Filson, British Working Class Movements. Select Documents (1951), p. 402
[16] J. Zubrzycki, Emigration from Poland, Population Studies, VI, (1952—3), p. 248.
[17] Engels to Marx, March 9, 1847.
第七章 民族主义
[1] Hoffmann v. Fallersleben, Der Deutsche Zollverein, in Unpolitische Lieder.
[2] G. Weill, L’Enseignement Sécondaire en France 1801—1920 (1921), p.72.
[3] E. de Laveleye, L’Instruction Ju Peuple (1872), p. 278.
[4] F. Paulsen, Geschichte des Gelehrten Unterrichts (1897), II, p. 703; A. Daumard, Les élèves de l’Ecole Poly-technique 1815—48 (Rev. d’Hist. Mod. et Contemp. V. 1958); The total number of German and Belgian students in an average Semester of the early 1840’s was about 14,000. J. Conrad, Die Frequenzverhältnisse der Universitäten der hauptsächlichen Kulturländer (Jb. f. Nationalōk. u. Statistik LVI, 1895, pp. 376 ff.)
[5] L. Liard, L’Enseignement Supérieur en France 1789—1889 (1888), p. 11 ff.
[6] Paulsen, op. cit., II, pp. 690—1.
[7] Handwörterbuch d.Staabwissenschaften (2nd ed.) art. Buchhandel.
[8] Laveleye, op. cit., p. 264.
[9] W. Wachsmuth, Europäische Sittengeschichte, V, 2 (1839), pp. 807—8.
[10] J. Sigmann, L’es radicaux badois et l’idée nationàle allemande en 1848.Etudes d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine, II, 1948, pp. 213—4.
[11] J. Miskolczy, Ungarn und die Habsburger-Monarchie (1959), p. 85.
第八章 土地
[1] Haxthausen, Studien ... ueber Russland (1847), II, p. 3.
[2] J. Billingsley, Survey of the Board of Agriculture for Somerset (1798), p. 52.
[3] The figures are based on the ‘New Domesday Book’of 1871—3, but there is no reason to believe that they do not represent the situation in 1848.
[4] Handwörterbuch d.Staatswissenschaften (Second Ed.), art. Grundbesitz.
[5] Th. von der Goltz, Gesch. d. Deutschen Landwirtschaft (1903), II; Sartorius v. Waltershausen, Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte 1815—1914 (1923), p.132.
[6] Quoted in L. A. White ed., The Indian Journals of Lewis, Henry Morgan (1959).p 15.
[8] C. Issawi, Egypt since 1800. Journal Of Economic History, XXI, I,1961, p. 5.
[9] B.J. Hovde, The Scandinavian Countries 1720—1860 (1943), Vol. I, p. 279. For the increase in the average harvest from 6 million tons (1770) to 10 millions, see Hwb. d. Staatswissenschaften, art. Bauernbefreiung.
[10] A. Chabert, Essai sur les mouvements des prix et des revenus 1798—1820 (1949) II, p.27 ff; l. L’Huillier, Recherches sur l’Alsace Napoléonienne (1945), p.470.
[11] eg. G. Desert in E. Labrousse ed. Aspects de la Crise . . . 1846—51 (1956), p.58.
[12] J. Godechot, La Grande Nation (1956), II, p. 584.
[13] A. Agthe, Ursprung u. Lage d. Landarbeiter in Livland (1909), pp. 122—8.
[15] F. Luetge, Auswirkung der Bauernbefreiung, in Jb. f. Nat. Oek. 157, 1943, p.353 ff.
[16] R.Zangheri, Prime Ricerche sulla distribuzione delta proprietà fondiaria (1957).
[17] E. Sereni, Il Capitalismo nelle Campagne (1948), pp. 175—6.
[19] Dal Pane, Storia del Lavoro in Italia dagli inizi del secolo XVIII al 1815(1958), p.119 .
[20] R.Zangheri ed. Le Campagne emiliane nell’epoca moderna (1957), p. 73.
[21] J. Vicens Vives, ed. Historia Social y Economica de España y America(1959). IVii,pp. 92, 95.
[22] M. Emerit, L’état intellectuel et moral de l’Algérie en 1830, Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine,I, 1954,p.207.
[23] R. Dutt, The Economic History of India under early British Rule (n.d. Fourth Ed.), p.88.
[24] R. Dutt, India and the Victorian Age (1904), pp. 56—7.
[25] B. S. Cohn, The initial British impact on India (Journal of Asian Studies, 19, 1959—60, pp. 418—31) shows that in the Benares district (Uttar Pradesh) officials used their position to acquire land wholesale. Of 74 holders of large estates towards the end of the century, 23 owed the original title to the land to their connections with civil servants (p. 430).
[26] Sulekh Chandra Gupta, Land Market in the North Western Provinces (Utter Pradesh) in the first half of the nineteenth century (Indian Economic Review, IV, 2, August 1958). See also the same author’s equally illuminating and pioneering Agrarian Background of 1857 Rebellion in the North-western Provinces (Enquiry,N. Delhi, Feb. 1959).
[27] R. P. Dutt, India Today (1940), pp. 129—30.
[28] K. H. Connell, Land and Population in Ireland, Economic History Review, II. 3,1950.pp.285, 288.
[29] S. H. Cousens, Regional .Death Rates in Ireland during the Great Famine. Population Studies, XIV, 1, 1960, p. 65.
第九章 迈向工业世界
[1] Quoted in W. Armytage, A Social History of Engineering. (1961), p. 126.
[2] Quoted in R. Picard, Le Romantisme Social, (1944), pt. 2, cap. 6.
[3] J. Morley, Life of Richard Cobden (1903 ed ), p. 108.
[4] R. Baron Castro, La poblacion hispano-americana, Journal of World History, V, 1959—60, pp. 339—40.
[5] J. Blum, Transportation and Industry in Austria 1815—48, Journal of Modern History XV (1943), p. 27.
[6] Mulhall, op. cit., Post Office.
[7] Mulhall, ibid.
[8] P. A. Khromov, Ekonomicheskoe Razvilie Rossii v XlX-XX Vekakh (1950), Table 19, p. 482—3. But the amount of sales increased much faster. cf. also J. Blum, Lord and Peasant in Russia, p. 287.
[9] R. E. Cameron, op. cit., p. 347.
[10] Quoted in S. Giedion, Mechanisation Takes Command (1948), p. 152.
[11] R. E. Cameron, op. cit., p. 115 ff.
[12] R. E. Cameron, op. cit., p. 347; W. Hoffmann, The Growth of Industrial Economies (1958), p. 71.
[13] W. Hoffmann, op. cit., p. 48; Mulhall, op. cit., p. 377.
[14] J. Purs, The Industrial Revolution in the Czech Lands(Historica, II (1960), pp. 199—200).
[15] R. E. Cameron, op. cit., p. 347; Mulhall, op. cit., p. 377.
[16] H. Kisch, The Textile Industries in Silesia and the Rhineland, Journal of Economic History, XIX, December 1959.
[17] O. Fischel and M. V. Boehn, Die Mode, 1818—1842 (Munich 1924), p. 136.
[18] R. E. Cameron, op. cit., pp. 79, 85.
[19] The locus classicus of this discussion is G. Lefebvre, La révolution francaise et les paysans (1932), reprinted in Etudes sur la révolution francaise (1954).
[20] G. Mori, Osservazioni sul liberoscambismo dei moderati nel Risorgimento, Riv. Storic del Socialismo, III, 1960, p. 8.
[21] C. Issawi, Egypt since 1800, Journal of Economic History. March 1961, XXI, p. 1.
第十章 向才干之士敞开进身之路
[1] F. Engels, Condition of the Working Class in England, Chapter XII.
[2] M. Capefigue, Histoires des Grandes Operations Financières, IV (1860), p.255.
[3] M. Capefigue, loc. cit.,pp. 254,248—9.
[4] A. Beauvilliers, L’Art da Cuisinier, (Paris 1814).
[6] A. Briggs, Middle Class Consciousness in English Politics 1780—1846, Past and Present, 9, April 1956, p. 68.
[7] Donald Read, Press and People 1790—1850 (1961), p. 26.
[8] S. Smiles, Life of George Stephenson (1881 ed.), p. 183.
[9] Charles Dickens, Hard Times.
[10] Léon Faucher, Etudes sur l’Angleterre, I (1842), p. 322.
[11] M. J. Lambert-Dansette, Quelgues families du patronat textile de Lille-Armentières (Lille 1954), p. 659.
[12] Oppermann, Geschichte d. Königreichs Hannover, quoted in T. Klein, 1848, Der Vorkampf (1914), p. 71.
[13] G. Schilfert, Sieg u. Niederlage d. demokratischen Wahlrechts in d. deutschen Revolution 1848—9 (1952), pp. 404—5.
[14] Mulhall, op. cit. p. 259.
[15] W. R. Sharp, The French Civil Service (New York 1931), pp. 15—16.
[16] The Census of Great Britain in 1851 (London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans 1854), p. 57.
[17] R. Portal, La naissance d’une bourgeoisie industrielle en Russie dans la première moitié du XIX siècle. Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire Moderne, Douzième série, II,1959.
[18] Vienna, Verwaltungsarchiv, Polizeihofstelle, H 136/1834.
[19] A. Girault et L. Milliot, Principes de Colonisation et de Législation Coloniale (1938),p. 359.
[20] Louis Chevalier, Classes Laborieuses et Classes Dangereuses (Paris 1958) III, pt.2 discusses the use of the term ‘barbarians’, both by those hostile and by those friendly to the labouring poor in the 1840s.
[21] D. Simon, Master and Servant in J. Saville ed., Democracy and the Labour Movement(1954).
[22] P. Jaccard, Histoire Sociale du Travail (i960), p. 248.
[23] P. Jaccard, Op. cit., p. 249.
第十一章 劳动贫民
[1] The weaver Hauffe, born 1807, quoted in Alexander Schneer, Ueber die Moth der Leinen-Arbeiter in Schle-lesien . . . (Berlin 1844), p. 16.
[2] The theologian P. D. Michele Augusti, Della libertà ed eguaglianza degli uomini nell’ordine naturale e civile (1790), quoted in A. Cherubini, Dottrine e Metodi Assistenziali dal 1789 al 1848 (Milan 1958), p. 17.
[3] E. J. Hobsbawn, The Machine Breakers, Past and Present, I, 1952.
[4] ‘About some Lancashire Lads’ in The Leisure Hour (1881). I owe this reference to Mr A. Jenkin.
[5] ‘die Schnapspest im ersten Drittel des Jahrhunderts’, Handwoerterbuch d Staatswissenschaften (Seconded.) art.‘ Trunksucht’.
[6] L. Chevalier, Classes Laborieuses et Classes Dangereuses, passim.
[7] J. B. Russell, Public Health Administration in Glasgow (1903), p. 3.
[9] E. Neuss, Entstehung u. Entwicklung d.Klasse d. besitzlosen Lohnarbeiter in Halle (Berlin 1958), p. 283.
[10] J. Kuczynski, Geschichte der Lage der Arbeiter (Berlin 1960), Vol. 9, p. 264 ff; Vol. 8 (1960), p. 109 ff.
[11] R. J. Rath, The Habsburgs and the Great Depression in Lombardo-Venetia 1814—18. Journal of Modern History, XIII, p. 311.
[12] M. C. Muehlemann, Les prix des vivres et Ie mouvement de la population dans Ie canton de Berne 1782—1881. IV Congrès International d’Hygiène (1883).
[13] F. J. Neumann, Zur Lehre von d Lohngesetzen, Jb.f.Nat.Oek. 3d ser. IV 1892, p. 374 ff.
[14] R. Scheer, Entwicklung d Annaberger Posamentierindustrie im 19. Jahrhundert.(Leipzig 1909), pp. 27—8, 33.
[15] N. McCord, The Anti-Corn Law League (1958), p. 127.
[16] ‘Par contre, il est sur que la situation alimentaire, à Paris, s’est deteriorée peu à peu avec le XIX siècle, sans doute jusqu’au voisinage des années 50 ou 60.’ R. Philippe in Annales 16, 3, 1961, 567, For analogous calculations for London, cf. E. J. Hobsbawm, The British Standard of Living, Economic History Review, X, 1, 1957. The total per capita meat consumption of France appears to have remained virtually unchanged from 1812 to 1840(Congrés Internationale d’Hygiène Paris 1878 (1880), vol. I, p. 432).
[17] S. Pollard, A History of Labour in Sheffield (i960), pp. 62—3.
[18] H. Ashworth in Journal Stat. Soc. V (1842), p. 74; E. Labrousse, ed. Aspects de la Crise . . . 1846—51 (1956),p. 107.
[19] Statistical Committee appointed by the Anti-Corn Law Conference . . . March 1842 (n.d.), p. 45.
[20] Quoted in A. E. Musson, The Ideology of Early Co-operation in Lancashire and Cheshire; Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, LXVIII, 1958, p. 120.
[21] A. Williams, Folksongs of the Upper Thames (1923), p. 105 prints a similar version rather more class conscious.
[22] A. Briggs, The Language of ‘class’in early nineteenth century England, in A. Briggs and J. Saville ed., Essays in Labour History (1960);E. Labrousse, Le mouvement ouvrier et les Idées sociales, III (Cours de la Sorbonne), pp. 168—9; E. Coornaert, La pensée ouvrière et la conscience de classe en France 1830—48, in Studi in Onore di Gino Luzzato, III (Milan 1950), p. 28; G. D. H. Cole, Attempts at General Union (1953), p. 161.
[23] A. Soboul, Les Sansculottes de Paris en l’an II (1958), p. 660.
[24] S. Pollard, op. cit. pp. 48—9.
[25] Th. Mundt, Der dritte Stand in Deutschland und Preussen . . . (Berlin 1847), p. 4, quoted by J. Kuczynski, Gesch.d.Lage d. Arbeiter 9, p. 169.
[26] Karl Biedermann, Vorlesungcn ueber Socialismus und sociale Fragen (Leipzig 1847), quoted Kuczynski, op. cit., p. 71
[27] M. Tylecote, The Mechanics’ Institutes of Lancashire before 1857(1957), VIII.
[28] Quoted in Revue Historique CCXXI (1959), p. 138.
[30] W. E. Adams, Memoirs of a Social Atom, I, pp. 163—5, (London 1903).
第十二章 意识形态:宗教
[1] Civiltà Cattolica II, 122, quoted in L. Dal Pane, il socialismo e le questione sociale nella prima annata della Civiltà Cattolica(Studi Onore di Gino Luzzato), Milan, 1950,p.144
[2] Haxthausen, Studien ueber . . . Russland (1847), I, p. 388.
[3] cf. Antonio Machado’s portrait of the Andalusian gentleman in Poesias Completas (Austral ed.), pp. 152—4:‘ Gran pagano, Se hizo hermano De una santa cofradia’etc.
[4] G. Duveau, Les Instituteurs (1957), pp. 3—4.
[4a] J. S. Trimingham, Islam in West Africa (Oxford 1959), p. 30.
[5] A. Ramos, Las Culturas negras en el mundo nuevo (Mexico 1943), p. 277 ff.
[6] W. F. Wertheim, Indonesian Society in Transition (1956), p. 204.
[7] Census of Great Britain 1851: Religious Worship in England and Wales (London 1854).
[8] Mulhall, Dictionary of Statistics:‘Religion’.
[9] Mary Merryweather, Experience of Factory Life (Third ed. London 1862), p. 18. The reference is to the 1840s.
[10] T. Rees, History of Protestant Nonconformity in Wales (1861).
[11] Marx-Engels, Werke (Berlin 1956), I, p. 378.
[12] Briefwechsel zwischen Fr. Gentz und Adam Müller, Gentz to Müller, 7 October, 1819.
[13] Gentz to Müller, 19 April, 1819.
第十三章 意识形态:世俗界
[1] Archives Parlementaires 1787—1860 t. VIII, p. 429. This was the first draft of paragraph 4 of the Declaration of Man and Citizen.
[2] Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen 1798, paragraph 4.
[3] E. Roll, A History of Economic Thought (1948 ed.), p.155
[4] Oeuvres de Condorcet (1804 ed.) XVIII p. 412; (Ce que les citoyens ont le droit d’attendre de leur représentants.) R. R. Palmer, The Age of Democratic Revolution, I, (1959), pp.13—20, argues-unconvincingly-that liberalism was more clearly‘ democratic’ than is here suggested.
[5] cf. C. B. Macpherson, Edmund Burke (Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada,LIII, Sect. II, 1959, pp. 19—26).
[6] Quoted in J. L. Talmon, Political Messianism (1960), p. 323.
[7] Rapport sur le mode d’exécution du décrét du 8 ventôse, an II (Oeuvres Complètes, II,1908, p. 248).
[8] The Book of the New Moral World, pt. IV, p. 54.
[9] R. Owen, A New View of Society: or Essays on the Principle of the Formation of the Human Character.
[10] Quoted in Talmon, op. cit., p. 127.
[11] K. Marx, Preface to the Critique of Political Economy.
[12] Letter to the Chevalier de Rivarol, June 1, 1791.
[13] For his ‘declaration of political faith’ see Eckermann, Gespraeche mit Goethe, 4.I.1824.
[14] G. Lukacs, Derjunge Hegel, p. 409 for Kant, passim-esp. II, 5 for Hegel.
[15] Lukacs, op. cit., pp. 411—12.
第十四章 艺术
[1] S. Laing, Notes of a Traveller on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy and other parts of Europe, 1842 (1854 ed.), p.275.
[2] Oeuvres Complètes, XIV, p. 17.
[3] H. E. Hugo, The Portable Romantic Reader (1957), p. 58.
[4] Fragmente Vermischten Inhalts. (Novalis, Schriften (Jena 1923), III, pp. 45—6.
[5] From The Philosophy of Fine Art (London 1920), V.I., p. 106 f.
[6] E. C. Batho, The Later Wordsworth (1933), p.227, see also pp. 46—7, 197—9
[7] Mario Praz, The Romantic Agony (Oxford 1933).
[8] L. Chevalier, Classes Laborieuses et Classes Dangereuses à Paris dans la première moitié du XIX siecle. (Paris 1958.)
[9] Ricarda Huch, Die Romantik, I, p. 70.
[11] V. Hugo, Oeuvres Complètes, XV, p. 2.
[12] Oeuvres Complétes, IX (Paris 1879),p. 212.
[13] cf. M. Thibert, Le rôle social de l’art d’après les Saint-Simoniens (Paris n.d.).
[14] P. Jourda, op. cit., pp. 55—6.
[15] M. Capefigue, Histoire des Grandes Opérations Financières, IV, pp. 252—3.
[16] James Nasmyth, Engineer, An Autobiography, ed. Samuel Smiles (1897 end.), p.177.
[17] Ibid. pp. 243, 246, 251.
[18] E. Halévy, History of the English People in the Nineteenth Century (paper-back ed), I. 509
[19] D.S Landes Vieille Banque et Banque Nouvelle, Revue d’Histoire Modeme et Contemporaine, III,(1956), p. 205.
[20] cf. the long-playing records‘Shuttle and Cage’ Industrial Folk Ballads, (10T 13), Row, Bullies, Row (T7) and The Blackball Line, (T8) all on Topic, London.
[22] Select Committee on Drunkenness (Pari. Papers VIII, 1834) Q 571. In 1852, 28 pubs and 21 beershops in Manchester (out of 481 pubs and 1,298 beershops for a population of 303,000 in the borough)provided musical entertainment.(John T.Baylee; Statistics and Facts in reference to the Lord’s Day (London 1852), p. 20.)
第十五章 科学
[1] Quoted in S. Solomon, Commune, August 1939, p 964.
[2] G. C. C. Gillispie, Genesis and Geology (1951), p 116.
[3] Quoted in Encyclopédie de la Pléiade, Histoire de la Science (1957), p.1465.
[4] Essai sur I’éducation intellectuelle avec Le projet d’une Science nouvelle (Lausanne August 1939, p. 964. 1787).
[5] cf. Guerlac, Science and National, Strength, in E. M. Earle ed. Modern France (1951).
[6] Quoted in S. Mason, A History of the Sciences (1953), p. 286.
第十六章 结语:迈向1848
[1] Haxthausen, Studien ueber...Russland (1847), I, pp. 156—7.
[2] Hansard, 16 Feb. 1842, quoted in Robinson and Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians(1961), p.2.
[3] R.B.Morris, Encyclopedia of American History (1953), pp.515—516.
[5] Lyashchenko, op. cit., p. 370.
[6] J. Stamp, British Incomes and Property (1920), pp. 515, 431.
[7] M. L. Hansen, The Atlantic Migration 1607—1860, (Harvard 1945), p. 252.
[8] N. McCord,The Anti-Corn Law League 1838—46 (London 1958), chapter V.
[9] T. Kolokotrones, quoted in L. S. Stavrianos, Antecedents to Balkan Revolutions, Journal of Modern History, XXIX, 1957, p. 344.
革命的年代:1789—1848 /(英)艾瑞克·霍布斯鲍姆著;王章辉等译. -- 2版. -- 北京:中信出版社,2017.8
书名原文: The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848
ISBN 978-7-5086-7461-2
Ⅰ. ①革… Ⅱ. ①艾… ②王… Ⅲ. ①世界史-1789-1848 Ⅳ. ①K141
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