[1] P. Nora in Pierre Nora (ed),Les heux de la memoire, vol I,La Répubhque (Paris, 1984), p. xix.
[2] G. Barraclough,An Introduction to Contemporary History (London, 1964), p. 1.
第一章 百年革命
[1] Finlay Peter Dunne,Mr Dooley Says (New York, 1910), pp. 46-7.
[2] M. Mulhall,Dictionary of Statistics (London, 1892 edn), p. 573.
[3] P. Bairoch, ‘Les grandes tendances des disparites economiques nationales depuis la Revolution Industnelle’ inSeventh International Economic History Congress, Edinburgh 1978 Four‘A’ Themes (Edinburgh, 1978), pp. 175-86.
[4] See V. G. Kiernan,European Empires from Conquest to Collapse (London, 1982), pp. 34-6, and D. R. Headrick,Tools of Empire (New York, 1981),passim.
[5] Peter Flora,State, Economy and Society in Western Europe 1815-1975: A Data Handbook, I (Frankfurt, London and Chicago, 1983), p. 78.
[6] W. W Rostow,The World Economy History and Prospect (London, 1978), p. 52.
[7] Hilaire Belloc,The Modern Traveller (London, 1898), p. vi.
[8] P. Bairochet al, The Working Population and Its Structure (Brussels, 1968) for such data.
[9] H. L. Webb,The Development of the Telephone in Europe (London, 1911).
[10] P. Bairoch,De Jéricho à Mexico Villes et économie dans l’histoire (Paris, 1985), partie C, passim for data.
[11] Historical Statistics of the United States, From Colonial Times to 1957 (Washington, 1960), census of 1890.
[12] Carlo Cipolla,Literacy and Development m the West (Harmondsworth, 1969), p. 76.
[13] Mulhall,op cit, p. 245.
[14] Calculated on the basisof ibid, p. 546,ibid, p. 549.
[15] Ibid, p. 100.
[16] Roderick Floud, ‘Wirtschaftliche und soziale Einflusse auf die Korpergrossen von Europaern seit 1750’,Jahrbuch fur Wirtschqftsgeschchte (East Berlin, 1985), 11, pp. 93-118.
[17] Georg v. Mayr,Statistik und Gesellschaftslehre, II:Bevolkerungsstatistik, 2(Tubingen, 1924), p. 427.
[18] Mulhall,op. cit. , ‘Post Office’, ‘Press’, ‘Science’.
[19] Cambridge Modern History (Cambridge, 1902), Ⅰ, p. 4.
[20] John Stuart Mill,Utilitarianism, On Liberty and Representative Government(Everyman, edn, 1910), p. 73.
[21] John Stuart Mill, ‘Civilisation’ inDissertations and Discussions (London, n. d. ), p. 130.
第二章 经济换挡
[1] A. V. Dicey,Law and Public Opinion in the Nineteenth Century (London, 1905), p. 245.
[2] Cited in E. Maschke, ‘German Cartels from 1873-1914’ in F. Crouzet, W. H. Chaloner and W. M. Stern (eds. ),Essays in European Economic History (London, 1969), p. 243.
[3] From ‘Die Handelskrisen und die Gewerkschaften’, reprinted inDie langen Wellen der Konjunktur. Beitrage zur Marxistischen Konjunktur-und Knsentheorie von Parvus, Karl Kautsky, Leo Trotski und Ernest Mandel (Berlin, 1972), p. 26.
[4] D. A. Wells,Recent Economic Changes (New York, 1889), pp. 1-2.
[5] Ibid. , p. vi.
[6] Alfred Marshall,Official Papers (London 1926), pp. 98-9.
[7] C. R. Fay,Cooperation at Home and Abroad (1908; London, 1948 edn), 1, pp. 49 and 114.
[8] Sidney Pollard,Peaceful Conquest: The Industrialization of Europe 1760-1970 (Oxford, 1981), p. 259.
[9] F. X. v. Neumann-Spallart,Ubersuhten der Weltwirthschaft, Jg. 1881-82 (Stuttgart, 1884), pp. 153 and 185 for the basis of these calculations.
[10] P. Bairoch,‘ Città/Campagna’ in Enaclopedia Einaudi, III(Turin, 1977), p 89.
[11] See D. Landes,Revolution in Time (Harvard, 1983), p. 289.
[12] Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups (Cambridge, Mass. , 1980), p. 750.
[13] Williams’ book was originally a series of alarmist articles published in the imperialist W. E. Henley’sMew Review. He was also active in the anti-aliens agitation.
[14] C. P. Kindleberger, ‘Group Behavior and International Trade’,Journal of Political Economy, 59 (Feb. 1951), p. 37.
[15] P. Bairoch, Commerce extirieur et développement économique de i’Europe au XIXe sicle(Paris-Hague, 1976), pp. 309-11.
[16] (Folke Hilgerdt),Industrialization and Foreign Trade (League of Nations, Geneva 1945), pp. 13, 132-4.
[17] H. W. Macrosty,The Trust Movement in British Industry (London, 1907), p. i.
[18] William Appleman Williams,The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (Cleveland and New York, 1959), p. 44.
[19] Bairoch, De Jéricho à Mexico, p. 288.
[20] W. Arthur Lewis,Growth and Fluctuations 1870-1913 (London, 1978), appen-dix IV.
[21] Ibid. , p. 275.
[22] John R. Hanson Ⅱ,Trade in Transition: Exports from the Third World 1840-1900 (New York, 1980), p. 55.
[23] Sidney Pollard, ‘Capital Exports 1870-1914: Harmful or Beneficial?’Economic History Review, xxxviii (1985), p. 492.
[24] They wereLloyd’s Weekly andLe Petit Parisien.
[25] P. Mathias,Retailing Revolution (London, 1967).
[26] According to the estimates of J. A. Lesourd and Cl. Gérard, Nouvelle Histoire Économique I: Le XIXe Siècle (Paris, 1976), p. 247.
第三章 帝国的年代
[1] Cited in Wolfgang J. Mommsen,Max Weber and German Politics 1890-1920(Chicago, 1984), p. 77.
[2] Finlay Peter Dunne,Mr Dooley’s Philosophy (New York, 1900), pp. 93-4.
[3] V. I. Lenin, ‘Imperialism, the Latest Stage of Capitalism’, originally published in mid-1917. The later (posthumous) editions of the work use the word ‘highest’ instead of‘latest’.
[4] J. A. Hobson,Imperialism (London, 1902), preface; (1938 edn), p. xxvii.
[5] Sir Harry Johnston,A History of the Colonization of Africa by Alien Races (Cambridge, 1930; first edn 1913), p. 445.
[6] Michael Barratt Brown,The Economics of Imperialism (Harmondsworth, 1974), p. 175; for the vast and, for our purposes, oversophisticated debate on this subject, see Pollard, ‘Capital Exports 1870-1914’,loc. cit.
[7] W. G. Hynes,The Economics of Empire. Britain, Africa and the Mew Imperialism, 1870-1895 (London, 1979),passim.
[8] Cited in D. C. M. Platt,Finance, Trade and Politics: British Foreign Policy,18151914 (Oxford, 1968), pp. 365-6.
[9] Max Beer, ‘Der neue englische Imperialismus’,Neue Zeit, xvi (1898), p. 304. More generally, B. Semmel,Imperialism and Social Reform: English Social-Imperial Thought 1895-1914 (London 1960).
[10] J. E. C. Bodley,The Coronation of Edward VII: A Chapter of European andImperial History (London, 1903), pp. 153 and 201.
[11] Burton Benedictet al. , The Anthropology of World’s Fairs. San Francisco’s Panama Pacific International Exposition of 1915(London and Berkeley, 1983), p. 23.
[12] Encyclopedia of Missions (2nd edn New York and London, 1904), appendix iv, pp. 838-9.
[13] Dictionnaire de spirituality (Paris, 1979), x, ‘Mission’, pp. 1398-9.
[14] Rudolf Hilferding,Das Finanzkapital (Vienna, 1909, 1923 edn), p. 470.
[15] P. Bairoch, ‘Geographical Structure and Trade Balance of European Foreign Trade from 1800 to 1970’,Journal of European Economic History, 3 (1974), pp. 557-608,Commerce extérieur et developpement économique de l’Europe au XlXe siècle, p. 81.
[16] P. J. Cam and A. G. Hopkins, ‘The Political Economy of British Expansion Overseas, 1750-1914’,Economic History Review, xxxiii (1980), pp. 463-90.
[17] J. E. Flint, ‘Britain and the Partition of West Africa’ in J. E. Flint and G. Williams (eds ),Perspectives of Empire (London, 1973), p. 111.
[18] C. Southworth,The French Colonial Venture (London, 1931), appendix table 7. However, the average dividend for companies operating in French colonies in that year was 4 6 per cent.
[19] M. K. Gandhi,Collected Works, Ⅰ 1884-96 (New Delhi, 1958).
[20] For the unusually successful, for a while, incursion of Buddhism into western milieux, see Jan Romein,The Watershed of Two Eras (Middletown, Conn. , 1978), pp. 501-3, and the export of Indian holy men abroad, largely via champions. drawn from among Theosophists Among them Vivekananda (1863-1902) of ‘Vedanta’ can claim to be the first of the commercial gurus of the modern West.
[21] R. H. Gretton,A Modern History of the English People, ii, 1899-1910 (London, 1913), p. 25.
[22] W. L. Langer,The Diplomacy of Imperialism, 1800-1902 (New York, 1968 edn), pp. 387 and 448. More generally, H. Gollwitzer,Die gelbe Gefahr Geschichte eines Schlagworts Studien zum imperiahstischen Denken (Gottingen, 1962).
[23] Rudyard Kipling, ‘Recessional’ inR Kipling’s Verse, Inclusive Edition 1885-1918 (London n d ), p. 377.
[24] Hobson,op cit (1938 edn), p. 314.
[25] See H. G. Wells,The Time Machine (London, 1895).
[26] H. G. v Schulze-Gaevernitz,Bntischer Imperialisms und enghscher Freihandel zu Beginn des 20 Jahrhunderts(Leipzig, 1906).
第四章 民主政治
[1] Gaetano Mosca,Elementi di scienza pohtica (1895), trs asThe Ruling Class (New York, 1939), pp. 333-4.
[2] Robert Skidelsky,John Maynard Keynes, I (London, 1983), p. 156.
[3] Edward A. Ross, ‘Social Control vii Assemblage’,American Journal of Sociology, ii (1896-7), p. 830.
[4] Among the works which then appeared, Gaetano Mosca (1858-1941),Elementi di scienza politica, Sidney and Beatrice Webb,Industrial Democracy (1897), M. Ostrogorski (18541919),Democracy and the Organization ofPolitical Parties (1902), Robert Michels (18761936),Zur Soziologie desParteiwesens in der modernen Demokratie (Political Parties)(1911), Georges Sorel (1847-1922),Reflexions on Violenc (1908).
[5] Hilaire Belloc,Sonnets and Verse (London 1954), p. 151, ‘On a General Election’, Epigram xx
[6] David Fitzpatnck, ‘The Geography of Irish Nationalism’,Past & Present, 78 (Feb 1978), pp. 127-9.
[7] H.-J. Puhle,Pohtische Agrarbewegungen in kapitahstischen Industriegesellschaften (Gottingen 1975), p. 64.
[8] G. Hohorst, J. Kocka and G. A. Ritter,Sozialgeschichtliches Arbeitsbuch Materiahen zur Statistik des Kaiserreichs 1870-1914(Munich, 1975), p. 177.
[9] Michels,op cit (Stuttgart, 1970 edn), part vi, ch 2.
[10] R. F. Foster,Lord Randolph Churchill, A Political Life (Oxford, 1981), p. 395.
[11] C. Benoist,L’Organisation du suffrage unwersel La crise de l’etat moderne(Paris, 1897).
[12] C. Headlam (ed ),The Milner Papers (London, 1931-3), 11, p. 291.
[13] T. H. S. Escott,Social Transformations of the Victorian Age (London, 1897), p. 166.
[14] Flora,op cit, ch. 5.
[15] Calculated from Hohorst, Kocka and Ritter,op cit, p. 179.
[16] Gary B. Cohen,The Politics of Ethnic Survival Germans in Prague 1861-1914(Princeton, 1981), pp. 92-3.
[17] Graham Wallas,Human Nature in Politics (London, 1908), p. 21.
[18] David Cannadine, ‘The Context, Performance and Meaning of Ritual: The British Monarchy and the “Invention of Tradition”c 1820-1977’ in E. J. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger (eds),The Invention of Tradition (Cambridge, 1983), pp. 101-64.
[19] The distinction comes from Walter Bagehot’sThe English Constitution, first published in theFortnightly Review (1865-67), as part of the debate on the Second Reform Bill, i e on whether to give workers the vote.
[20] Rosemonde Sanson,Les 14 Juillet fite et conscience nationale, 1789-1975(Paris, 1976), p. 42, on the motives of the Paris authorities in combining popular amusements and public ceremony.
[21] Hans-Georg John,Politik und Turnen die deutsche Turnerschaft als nationale Bewegung im deutschen Kaiserreuh von 1870-1914 (Ahrensberg bei Hamburg, 1976), pp. 36-9.
[22] ‘I believe it will be absolutely necessary that you should prevail on our future masters to learn their letters’ (Debate on the Third Reading of the Reform Bill, Parliamentary Debates, 15 July 1867, p. 1549, col I) This is the original version of the phrase which, shortened, became familiar.
[23] Cannadine,op cit, p. 130.
[24] Wallace Evan Davies,Patriotism Parade(Cambridge, Mass 1955), pp. 218-22.
[25] Maurice Dommanget, Eugène Pottier, membre de la Commune et chantre de l’Internationale (Paris, 1971), p. 138.
[26] V. I. Lenin,State and Revolution, part 1, section 3.
第五章 世界的工人
[1] The labourer Franz Rehbein, remembering in 1911 From Paul Gohre (ed ),Das Leben ernes Landarbeiters (Munich, 1911), cited in W Emmerich (ed ),Proletansche Lebenslaufe, 1 (Reinbek 1974), p 280
[2] Samuel Gompers,Labor in Europe and America (New York and London, 1910), pp. 238-9.
[3] Mit uns zieht die neue Zeit Arbeiterkultur in Osterreich 1918-1934 (Vienna, 1981).
[4] Sartonus v Waltershausen,Die italiemschen Wanderarbeiter (Leipzig, 1903), pp. 13, 20, 22 and 27. I owe this reference to Dirk Hoerder.
[5] Bairoch,De Jéricho àMexico, pp. 385-6.
[6] W. H. Schroder,Arbeitergeschichte und Arbeiterbewegung Industnearbeit und Organisationsverhalten im ig undfruhen 20 Jahrhundert (Frankfurt and New York, 1978), pp. 166-7 and 304.
[7] Jonathan Hughes,The Vital Few American Economic Progress and its Protagonists (London, Oxford and New York, 1973), p. 329.
[8] Bairoch, ‘Citta/Campagna’, p. 91.
[9] W. Woytinsky,Die Welt in Zahlen, Ⅱ,Die Arbeit (Berlin, 1926), p. 17.
[10] Warum gibt es in den Vereinigten Staaten ketnen Sozialismus? (Tubingen, 1906).
[11] Jean Touchard,La Gauche en France depuis 1900 (Paris, 1977), p. 62, Luigi Cortesi,Il Socialismo Itahano tra riforme e nvoluzione Dibatti congressuali del Psi18921921(Bari, 1969), p. 549.
[12] Ma xi me L ero y,La Cou tû me ouv ri ère (Pan s 1913), 1, p. 387.
[13] D. Crew,Bochum Sozialgeschwhte emer Industnestadt (Berlin and Vienna 1980), p. 200.
[14] Guy Chaumel,Histoire des chemmots et de leurs syndicats(Paris, 1948), p. 79, n 22.
[15] Crew,op cit, pp. 19, 70 and 25.
[16] Yves Lequin, Les Ouvriers de la région lyonnaise, I, La Formation de la classe ouvrière régionale (Lyon 1977), p. 202.
[17] The first recorded use of ‘big business’(OED Supplement 1976) occurs in 1912 in the USA,‘Grossindustrie’ appears earlier, but seems to become common during the Great Depression.
[18] Askwith’s memorandum is cited in H. Pelling,Popular Politics and Society in Late Victorian Britain (London, 1968), p. 147.
[19] Maurice Dommanget,Histoire du Premier Mai (Paris, 1953), p. 252.
[20] W. L. Guttsman,The German Social-Democratic Party 1875-1933(London, 1981), p. 96.
[21] Ibid, p. 160.
[22] Mit uns zieht du neue Zelt Arbeiterkultur in Osterreich 1918-1934 Eine Ausstellung der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Kulturpohtik und des MeidhngerKulturkreises, 23 Janner-30 August 1981 (Vienna), p. 240.
[23] Constitution of the British Labour Party.
[24] Robert Hunter,Socialists at Work (New York, 1908) p. 2.
[25] Georges Haupt,Programm und Wirkhchkeit Du Internationale Sozialdemokratievor 1914 (Neuwied, 1970), p. 141.
[26] And perhaps even more popular, the anti-clerical Corvin’sPfaffenspiegel [H-J Steinberg,Soziahsmus und deutsche Sozialdemokratie Zur Ideologie der Partei vor dem ersten Weltkneg [(Hanover, 1967), p 139] The SPD Congress (Parteitag) 1902 observes that only anti-clerical party literature really sells. Thus in 1898 the Manifesto is issued in an edition of 3000, Bebel’sChristenthum und Soziahsmus in 10, 000 copies, in 1901-4 the Manifesto was issued in 7000 copies, Bebel’sChristenthum in 57, 000 copies.
[27] K. Kautsky,La Questione Agrana (Milan, 1959 edn), p. 358. The quotation is at the start of Part ii, 1c.
第六章 挥舞国旗:民族与民族主义
[1] I owe this quotation from the Italian writer F. Jovine (1904-1950) to Martha Petrusewicz of Princeton University.
[2] H. G. Wells,Anticipations (London, 1902, 5th edn), pp. 225-6.
[3] Alfredo Rocco,What Is Nationalism and What Do the Nationalists Want? (Rome, 1914)
[4] See Georges Haupt, Michel Lowy and Claudie Weill,Les Marxistes et laquestion natwnale 1848-1914 études et textes (Paris, 1974).
[5] E. Brix,Die Umgangsprachen in Altosterreich zwischen Agitation und Assimilation Die Sprachenstatistik in den zisleithanischen Volkszahlungen 1880-1910 (Vienna, Cologne and Graz, 1982), p. 97.
[6] H. Roos,A History of Modern Poland (London 1966), p. 48.
[7] Lluis Garcia i Sevilla, ‘Llengua, nacio i estat al diccionano de la reial academia espanyola’,L’Avenf, Barcelona (16 May 1979), pp. 50-5.
[8] Hugh Seton-Watson,Nations and States (London, 1977), p. 85.
[9] I owe this information to Dirk Hoerder.
[10] Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups, ‘Naturalization and Citizenship’, p. 747.
[11] Benedict Anderson,Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism (London 1983), pp. 107-8.
[12] C. Bobinska and Andrzej Pilch (eds ),Employment-seeking Emigrations of the Poles World-Wide XIXand XX C. (Cracow, 1975) pp. 124-6.
[13] Wolfgang J. Mommsen,Max Weber and German Politics 189-1920 (Chicago, 1984), pp. 54 ff.
[14] Lonn Taylor and Ingrid Maar,The American Cowboy(Washington DC, 1983), PP. 96-8.
[15] Hans Mommsen,Nationalitdtenfrage und Arbeiterbewegung (Schriften aus dem KarlMarx-Haus, Trier 1971), pp. 18-19.
[16] History of the Hungarian Labour Movement. Guide to the Permanent Exhibition of the Museum of the Hungarian Labour Movement (Budapest, 1983), pp. 31 ff.
[17] Marianne Heiberg, ‘Insiders/Outsiders; Basque Nationalism’,Archives Europknnes de Sociologie, xvi (1975), pp. 169-93.
[18] A. Zolberg, ‘The Making of Flemings and Walloons: Belgium 1830-1914’,Journal of Interdisciplinary History, v (1974), pp. 179-235; H.-J. Puhle, ‘Baskischer Nationalisms im spanischen Kontext’ in H. A. Winkler (ed. ),Nationalisms in der Welt von Heute (Gottingen, 1982), especially pp. 60-5.
[19] Enciclopedia Italiana, ‘Nazionalismo’.
[20] Peter Hanak, ‘Die Volksmeinung wahrend den letzten Kriegsjahren in OsterreichUngarn’ in R. G. Plaschka and K. H. Mack (eds. ),Die Auflosung des Habsburgerreiches: Zusammenbruch und Neuorientierung im Donauraum (Vienna, 1970), pp. 58-67.
第七章 资产阶级的不确定性
[1] William James,The Principles of Psychology (New York 1950), p. 291. I owe this reference to Sanford Elwitt.
[2] H. G. Wells,Tono-Bungay (1909; Modern Library edn), p. 249.
[3] Lewis Mumford,The City in History (New York 1961), p. 495.
[4] Mark Girouard,The Victorian Country House (New Haven and London, 1979), pp. 208-12.
[5] W. S. Adams,Edwardian Portraits (London 1957), pp. 3-4.
[6] This is a basic theme of Carl E. Schorske,Fin-de-Siècle Vienna (London, 1980).
[7] Thorstein Veblen,The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study ofInstitutions (1899). Revised edition New York 1959.
[8] W. D. Rubinstein, ‘Wealth, Elites and the Class Structure of Modern Britain’,Past & Present, 76 (Aug. 1977), p. 102.
[9] Adolf v. Wilke,Alt-Berliner Erinnerungen (Berlin, 1930), pp. 232 f.
[10] W. L. Guttsman,The British Political Elite (London, 1963), pp. 122-7.
[11] Touchard,op. cit. , p. 128.
[12] Theodore Zeldin, France, 1848-1945 (Oxford, 1973), i, p. 37; D. C. Marsh, The Changing Social Structure of England and Wales 1871-1961(London, 1958), p. 122.
[13] G. A. Ritter and J. Kocka,Deutsche Sozialgeschichte. Dokumente und Skizzen. Band ii 1870-1914 (Munich, 1977), pp. 169-70.
[14] Paul Descamps,L’Éducation dans les écoles Anglaises (Paris, 1911), p. 67.
[15] Zeldin,op. cit. , I, pp. 612-13.
[16] Ibid. , II, p. 250; H.-U. Wehler,Das deutsche Kaiserreich 1871-1918 (Gottingen, 1973), p. 126; Ritter and Kocka,op. cit. , pp. 341-3.
[17] Ritter and Kocka,op. cit. , pp. 327-8 and 352; Arno Mayer,The Persistence of the Old Regime: Europe to the Great War (New York, 1981), p. 264.
[18] Hohorst, Kocka and Ritter,op. cit. , p. 161; J. J. Mayeur,Les Débuts de laIIIe République 1871-1898 (Paris, 1973), p. 150; Zeldin,op. cit. , 11, p. 330. Mayer,op. cit. , p. 262.
[19] Ritter and Kocka, op. cit. , p. 224.
[20] Y. Cassis, Les Banquiers de la City à l’époque Edouardienne 1890-1914 (Geneva, 1984).
[21] Skidelsky,op. cit. , 1 p. 84.
[22] Crew,op. cit. , p. 26.
[23] G. v. Schmoller,Was verstehen wir unter dem Mittelstande? Hat er im 19. Jahrhundert zu-oder abgenommen? (Göttingen, 1907).
[24] W. Sombart,Die deutsche Volkswirthschaft im 19. Jahrhundert und im Anfangdes 20.Jahrhunderts (Berlin, 1903), pp. 534 and 531.
[25] Pollard, ‘Capital Exports 1870-1914’, pp. 498-9.
[26] W. R. Lawson,John Bull and His Schools: A Book for Parents, Ratepayers andMen of Business (Edinburgh and London, 1908), p. 39. He estimated the ‘middle class proper’ atc. half a million.
[27] John R. de S. Honey,Tom Brown’s Universe: The Development of the Victorian Public School(London, 1977).
[28] W. Raimond Baird,American College Fraternities: A Descriptive Analysis of the Society System of the Colleges of the United States with a detailed account of each fraternity (New York 1890), p. 20.
[29] Mayeur,op. cit. , p. 81.
[30] Escott,op. cit. , pp. 202-3.
[31] The Englishwoman’s Tear-Book (1905), p. 171.
[32] Escott,op. cit. , p. 196.
[33] As can be verified from the Victoria County History for that county.
[34] Principles of Economics (London 8th edn 1920), p. 59.
[35] Skidelsky,op. cit. , pp. 55-6.
[36] P. Wilsher,The Pound in Tour Pocket 1870-1970 (London, 1970), pp. 81, 96 and 98.
[37] Hughes,op. cit. , p. 252.
[38] Cited in W. Rosenberg,Liberals in the Russian Revolution (Princeton, 1974), pp. 205-12.
[39] A. Sartorius v. Waltershausen,Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte 1815-1914 (2nd edn Jena 1923), p. 521.
[40] E. g. inMan and Superman, Misalliance.
[41] Robert Wohl,The Generation 0/1914 (London, 1980), pp. 89, 169 and 16.
第八章 新女性
[1] H. Nunberg and E. Federn (eds. ),Minutes of the Vienna PsychoanalyticalSociety, 1:1906-1908 (New York, 1962), pp. 199-200.
[2] Cited in W. Ruppert (ed. ),Die Arbeiter: Lebensformen, Alltag und Kultur (Munich, 1986), p. 69.
[3] K. Anthony,Feminism in Germany and Scandinavia (New York, 1915), p. 231.
[4] Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften (Jena 1902 edn), ‘Beruf, p. 626, and ‘Frauenarbeit’, p. 1202.
[5] Ibid. , ‘Hausindustrie’, pp. 1148 and 1150.
[6] Louise Tilly and Joan W. Scott,Women, Work and Family (New York, 1978), p. 124.
[7] Handworterbuch, ‘Frauenarbeit’, pp. 1205-6.
[8] For Germany: Hohorst, Kocka and Ritter,op. cit. , p 68, n. 8; for Britain, Mark Abrams,The Condition of the British People 1911-1945 (London, 1946), pp. 60-1; Marsh,op. cit. , p. 127.
[9] Zeldin,op. cit. , II, p. 169.
[10] E. Cadbury, M. C. Matheson and G. Shann,Women’s Work and Wages (London 1906), pp. 49 and 129. The book describes conditions in Birmingham.
[11] Margaret Bryant,The Unexpected Revolution (London 1979), p. 108.
[12] Edmée Charnier, L’Évolution intellectuelle féminine (Paris, 1937), pp. 140 and 189. See also H.-J. Puhle, ‘Warum gibt es so wenige Historikerinnen?’Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 7 Jg. (1981), especially p. 373.
[13] Rosa Leviné-Meyer,Leviné (London, 1973), p. 2.
[14] First translated into English in 1891.
[15] Caroline Kohn,Karl Kraus (Stuttgart, 1966), p. 259, n. 40; J. Romein,TheWatershed of Two Eras, p. 604.
[16] Donald R. Knight,Great White City, Shepherds Bush, London: 70th Anniversary, 1908-1978 (New Barnet, 1978), p. 26.
[17] I owe this point to a student of Dr S. N. Mukherjee of Sydney University.
[18] Claude Willard,Les Guesdistes (Paris, 1965), p. 362.
[19] G. D. H. Cole,A History of the Labour Party from 1914 (London, 1948), p. 480; Richard J. Evans,The Feminists (London, 1977), p. 162.
[20] Woytinsky,op. cit. , n, provides the basis for these data.
[21] Calculated fromMen and Women of the Time (1895).
[22] For conservative feminism, see also E. Halevy,A History of the EnglishPeople in the Nineteenth Century (1961 edn), vi, p. 509.
[23] For these developments see S. Giedion,Mechanisation Takes Command (New York, 1948),passim; for the quotation, pp. 520-1.
[24] Rodelle Weintraub (ed. ),Bernard Shaw and Women (Pennsylvania State University, 1977), pp. 3-4.
[25] Jean Maitron and Georges Haupt (eds. ),Dictionnaire biographique dumouvement ouvrier international: L’Autriche (Paris, 1971), p. 285.
[26] T. E. B. Howarth,Cambridge Between Two Wars (London, 1978), p. 45.
[27] J. P. Nettl,Rosa Luxemburg (London, 1966), 1, p. 144.
第九章 文艺转型
[1] Romain Rolland,Jean Christophe in Paris (trs. New York, 1915), pp. 120-1.
[2] S. Laing,Modern Science and Modem Thought (London, 1896), pp. 230-1, originally published 1885.
[3] F. T. Marinetti,Selected Writings, ed. R. W. Flint (New York, 1971), p. 67.
[4] Peter Jelavich,Munich and Theatrical Modernism: Politics, Playwriting and Performance 1890-1914 (Cambridge, Mass. , 1985), p. 102.
[5] The word was coined by M. Agulhon, ‘La statuomanie et l’histoire’,Ethnologic Frangaise 3-4 (1978).
[6] John Willett, ‘Breaking Away’,New York Review of Books, 28 May 1981, pp. 47-9.
[7] The Englishwoman’s Year-Book (1905), ‘Colonial journalism for women’, p. 138.
[8] Among the other series which cashed in on the thirst for self-education and culture in Britain, we may mention the Camelot Classics (1886-91), the 300-odd volumes of Cassell’s National Library (1886-90 and 1903-7), Cassell’s Red Library (1884-90) Sir John Lubbock’s Hundred Books, published by Routledge (also publisher of Modern Classics from 1897) from 1891, Nelson’s Classics (1907-)-the ‘’Sixpenny Classics only lasted 1905-7 and Oxford’s World’s Classics. Everyman (1906-) deserves credit for publishing a major modern classics, Joseph Conrad’sNostromo, in its first fifty titles, between Macaulay’sHistory of England and Lockhart’sLife of Sir Walter Scott.
[9] Georg Gottfried Gervinus, Geschichte der poetischen Mationalliteratur der Deutschen, 5 vols. (1836-42).
[10] F. Nietzsche,Der Wille zur Macht in Sdmtliche Werke (Stuttgart 1965), ix, pp. 65 and 587.
[11] R. Hinton Thomas,Nietzsche in German Politics and Society 1890-1918 (Manchester, 1984), stresses-one might say overstresses-his appeal for libertarians. Nevertheless, and in spite of Nietzsche’s dislike of anarchists (cf.Jenseits von Gut und Böse in Sämtliche Werke, VII, pp. 114, 125), in French anarchist circles of the 1900s ‘on discute avec fougue Stirner, Nietzsche et surtout Le Dantec’ [Jean Maitron,Le Mouvement anarchiste en France (Paris, 1975) i, p. 421].
[12] Eugenia W. Herbert,Artists and Social Reform France and Belgium 1885-1898 (New Haven, 1961), p. 21.
[13] Patrizia Doghani,La ‘Scuola delle Reclute’ L’Internazionale Giovanile Socialista dallafine dell’ottocento, alia prima guerra mondiale (Turin, 1983), p. 147.
[14] G. W. Plechanow,Kunst und Literatur (East Berlin, 1955), p. 295.
[15] J. C. HoIl,La jeune Peinture contemporaine (Paris, 1912), pp. 14-15.
[16] ‘On the spiritual in art’, cited in New York Review of Books, 16 Feb 1984, p. 28.
[17] Cited in Romein,Watershed of Two Eras, p. 572.
[18] Karl Marx,The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.
[19] Max Raphael,Von Monet zu Picasso Grundzuge einer Aesthehk und Enlwicklung der modernen Malerei (Munich, 1913).
[20] The role of countries with a strong democratic and populist press, and lacking a large middle-class public, in the evolution of the modern political cartoon is to be noted. For the importance of pre-1914 Australia in this connection, see E. J. Hobsbawm, Introduction to Communist Cartoons by ‘Espoir’ and others (London, 1982), p. 3.
[21] Peter Bachlin,Der Film als Ware (Basel 1945), p. 214, n. 14.
[22] T. Baho (ed ),The American Film Industry (Madison, Wis 1985), p. 86.
[23] G. P. Brunetta,Storm del cinema itahano1895-1945(Rome, 1979), p. 44.
[24] Bahio,op cit, p. 98.
[25] Ibid, p. 87, Mil uns zieht die Neue Zeil, p. 185.
[26] Brunetta,op cit, p. 56.
[27] Luigi Chianni, ‘Cinematography’ inEncyclopedia of World Art (New York, London and Toronto, 1960), iii, p. 626.
第十章 确定性的基石:科学
[1] Laing,op cit, p. 51.
[2] Raymond Pearl,Modes of Research in Genetics (New York, 1915), p. 159. The passage is reprinted from a 1913 lecture.
[3] Bertrand Russell,Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for ScientificMethod in Philosophy (London, 1952 edn), p. 109.
[4] Carl Boyer,A History of Mathematics (New York, 1968), p. 82.
[5] Bourbaki,Éléments d’histoire des mathématiques (Pans, 1960), p. 27. The group of mathematicians publishing under this name were interested in the history of their subject primarily in relation to their own work.
[6] Boyer,op cit, p. 649.
[7] Bourbaki, p. 43.
[8] F. Dannemann,Die Maturwissenschqften in ihrer Entwicklungund ihremZusammenhange (Leipzig and Berlin, 1913), iv, p. 433.
[9] Henry Smith Williams,The Story of Nineteenth-Century Science (London and New York 1900), p. 231.
[10] Ibid, pp. 230-1.
[11] Ibid, p. 236.
[12] C. C. Gilhspie,The Edge of Objectivity (Princeton, 1960), p. 507.
[13] Cf. Max Planck,Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers (New York, 1949)
[14] J. D. Bernal,Science in History (London, 1965), p. 630.
[15] Ludwig Fleck,Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (Chicago, 1979, orig. Basel, 1935), pp. 68-9.
[16] W. Treue and K. Mauel (eds ),Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Wirtschaftim 19 Jahrhundert, 2 vols (Gottingen, 1976), 1, pp. 271-4 and 348-56.
[17] Nietzsche,Der Wille zur Macht, book iv, e g pp. 607-9.
[18] C. Webster (ed), Biology, Medicine and Society 1840-1940 (Cambridge, 1981), p. 225.
[19] Ibid, p. 221.
[20] As is suggested by the titles of A. Ploetz and F. Lentz,Deutsche Gesellschaftfur Rassenhygiene (1905 ‘German Society for Racial Hygiene’), and the Society’s journalArchiv fur Rassen-und Gesellschaftsbiologie (‘Archives of Racial and Social Biology’), or G. F. Schwalbe’sZeitschrift fur Morphologie und Anthropologic, Erb-und Rassenbiologie (1899 ‘Journal for Morphology, Anthropology, Genetic and Racial Biology’) Cf J. Sutter,L’Euginique Problèmes-Méthodes-Résultats (Paris, 1950), pp. 24-5.
[21] Kenneth M. Ludmerer,Genetics and American Society: A Historical Appraisal (Baltimore, 1972), p. 37.
[22] Cited in Romein,op cit, p. 343.
[23] Webster,op cit, p. 266.
[24] Ernst Mach inNeue Osterreichische Biographic, I (Vienna, 1923)
[25] J. J. Salomon,Science and Politics (London, 1973), p. xiv.
[26] Gillispie,op cit, p. 499.
[27] Nietzsche,Wille zur Macht, Vorrede, p. 4.
[28] Ibid, aphorisms, p. 8.
[29] Bernal(op cit, p. 503) estimates that in 1896 there were perhaps 50, 000 persons in the world carrying on ‘the whole tradition of science’, of whom 15, 000 did research. The number grew from 1901 to 1915 there were in the USA alonec 74, 000 first degrees or bachelors in the natural sciences and 2577 doctoral degrees in natural sciences and engineering [D. M. Blank and George J. Stigler,The Demand and Supply of Scientific Personnel (New York 1957), pp. 5-6]
[30] G. W. Roderick,The Emergence of a Scientific Society (London and New York, 1967), p. 48.
[31] Frank R. Pfetsch,Zur Entwicklung der Wissenschaftspohtik in Deutschland 1750-1914 (Berlin, 1974), pp. 340 ff.
[32] The prizes have been taken to 1925 so as to allow for some lag in recognizing achievements of the brilliant young in the last pre-1914 years.
[33] Joseph Ben-David, ‘Professions in the Class Systems of Present-Day Societies’,Current Sociology, 12 (1963-4), pp. 262-. 9
[34] Paul Levy,Moore G. E. Moore and the Cambridge Apostles(Oxford, 1981) pp. 309-11.
第十一章 理性与基石
[1] Rolland,op cit, p. 222.
[2] Nunberg and Federn,op cit, 11, p. 178.
[3] Max Weber,Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Wissenschaftslehre (Tubingen, 1968), p. 166.
[4] Guy Vincent,L’Ecole pnmaire frangaise Etude soaologique (Lyon, 1980), p. 332, n. 779.
[5] Vivekananda,Works, part iv, cited inSedition Committee 1918Report (Calcutta, 1918), p. 17 n.
[6] Anil Seal,The Emergence of Indian Nationalism (Cambridge, 1971), p. 249.
[7] R. M. Goodridge, ‘Nineteenth Century Urbanisation and Religion Bristol and Marseille, 1830-1880’,Sociological Yearbook of Religion in Britain, I (London, 1969) p. 131.
[8] ‘La bourgeoisie adhere au rationnahsme, l’instituteur au socialisme’ Gabriel Le Bras, Etudes de sociologie réligieuse, 2 vols (Paris, 1955-6), i, p. 151.
[9] A. Fliche and V Martin,Histoire de l’Église Le pontificat de Pie IX (2nd edn Paris, 1964), p. 130.
[10] S. Bonnet, C. Santini and H. Barthelemy, ‘Appartenance politique et attitude religieuse dans I’immigration italienne en Lorraine siderurgique’,Archives de Sociologie des Réligions 13 (1962), pp. 63-6.
[11] R. Duocastella, ‘Geographie de la pratique religieuse en Espagne’,Social Compass, xii (1965), p. 256, A. Leoni,Sociologia e geografia religiosa di una Diocesi saggio sulla pratica rehgiosa nella Diocesi di Mantova (Rome, 1952), p. 117.
[12] Halevy,op cit, V, p. 171.
[13] Massimo Salvadon,Karl Kautsky and the Socialist Revolution (London, 1979), pp. 23-4.
[14] Not to mention the sister of the socialist leader Otto Bauer who, under another name, figures prominently in Freud’s case-book See Ernst Glaser,Im Umfeld des Austromarxismus (Vienna, 1981),passim.
[15] For this episode seeMarx-Engels Arckv, ed D Rjazanov (reprint Erlangen, 1971), ii p. 140.
[16] The fullest discussions of the expansion of Marxism are not available in English , cf E. J. Hobsbawm, ‘La diffusione del Marxismo, 1890-1905’,Studi Stonci, xv (1974), pp. 241-69,Storia del Marxismo, 11 Ilmarxismo nell’età della seconda Internazionale (Turin, 1979), pp. 6-110, articles by F. Andreucci and E. J. Hobsbawm.
[17] E. v Bohm-Bawerk,Zum Abschluss des Marxschen Systems (Berlin, 1896), long remained the most powerful orthodox critique of Marx. Bohm Bawerk held cabinet office in Austria three times during this period.
[18] Walter Bagehot,Physics and Politics, originally published in 1872. The 1887 series was edited by Kegan Paul.
[19] Otto Hmtze, ‘Über individualistische und kollektivistische Geschichts auffassung’,Histonsche Zeitschrift, 78 (1897), p. 62.
[20] See in particular the long polemic of G. v Below, ‘Die neue histonsche Methode’,Histonsche Zeitschrift, 81 (1898), pp. 193-273.
[21] Schorske,op cit, p. 203.
[22] William MacDougall (1871-1938),An Introduction to Social Psychology(London, 1908).
[23] William James, Varieties of Religious Belief (New York, 1963 edn) p. 388.
[24] E. Gothein, ‘Gesellschaft und Gesellschaftswissenschaft’, inHandworterbuchder Staatswissenschaften (Jena, 1900), iv, p. 212.
第十二章 走向革命
[1] D. Norman (ed ), Nehru, The First Sixty Years,1 (New York, 1965), p. 12.
[2] Mary Clabaugh Wright (ed )China in Revolution, The First Phase 1900-1915(New Haven, 1968), p. 118.
[3] Collected Works,ix, p. 434.
[4] Selected Works (London, 1936), iv, pp. 297-304.
[5] For a comparison of the two Iranian revolutions, see Nikki R Keddie, ‘Iranian Revolutions in Comparative Perspective’, American Historical Review,88 (1983), pp. 579-98.
[6] John Lust, ‘Les societes secretes, les mouvements populaires et la revolution de 1911’ in J. Chesneaux et al (eds), Mouvements populaires et societés secrètes en Chine aux XIXe et XXe siècles (Paris, 1970), p. 370.
[7] Edwin Lieuwen, Arms and Politics in Latin America, (London and New York, 1961 edn), p. 21.
[8] For the transition, see chapter 3 of M. N.Roy’s Memoirs (Bombay, New Delhi, Calcutta, Madras, London and New York 1964)
[9] Friednch Katz, The Secret War in Mexico Europe, The United States and theMexican Revolution (Chicago and London, 1981), p. 22.
[10] Hugh Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801-1917 (Oxford, 1967), p. 507.
[11] P. I. Lyashchenko, History of the Russian National Economy (New York, 1949), pp. 453, 468 and 520.
[12] Ibid,pp. 528-9.
[13] Michael Futrell, Northern Underground Episodes of Russian Revolutionary Transport and Communication Through Scandinavia and Finland (London, 1963), passim.
[14] M. S. Anderson, The Ascendancy of Europe 1815-1914.(London, 1972), p. 266.
[15] T. Shanin, The Awkward Class (Oxford, 1972), p. 38 n.
[16] I follow the arguments of L. Haimson’s pathbreaking articles inSlavic Review,23 (1964), pp. 619-42 and 24 (1965), pp. 1-22, ‘Problem of Social Stability in Urban Russia 1905-17’.
第十三章 由和平到战争
[1] Fürst von Bülow, Denkwürdigkeiten,I (Berlin 1930), pp. 415-16.
[2] Bernard Shaw to Clement Scott, 1902: G. Bernard Shaw, Collected Letters, 18981910 (London 1972), p. 260.
[3] Marinetti, op. cit. ,p. 42.
[4] Leviathan,part 1, ch. 13.
[5] Wille Zur Macht, loc. cit. ,p. 92.
[6] Georges Haupt, Socialism and the Great War: The Collapse of the SecondInternational (Oxford, 1972), pp. 220 and 258.
[7] Gaston Bodart, Losses of Life in Modern Wars (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Oxford 1916), pp. 153 ff.
[8] H. Stanley Jevons, The British Coal Trade (London, 1915), pp. 367-8 and 374
[9] W. Ashworth, ‘Economic Aspects of Late Victorian Naval Administration’, Economic History Review,xxii (1969), p. 491.
[10] Engels to Danielson, 22 Sept. 1892: Marx-EngelsWerke,xxxviii(Berlin 1968), p. 467.
[11] Clive Trebilcock, ‘“Spin-off” in British Economic History: Armaments and Industry, 1760-1914’, Economic History Review,xxii (1969), p. 480. 12 Romein, op. cit. ,p. 124.
[12] Admiral Raeder, Struggle for the Sea (London, 1959), pp. 135 and 260.
[13] David Landes, The Unbound Prometheus (Cambridge, 1969), pp. 240-1.
[14] D. C. Watt, A History of the World in the Twentieth Century (London, 1967), i, p. 220.
[15] L. A. G. Lennox (ed. ), The Diary of Lord Bertie of Thame 1914-1918 (London, 1924). pp. 352 and 355.
[16] Chris Cook and John Paxon, European Political Facts 1848-1918 (London, 1978), p. 188.
[17] Norman Stone, Europe Transformed 1878-1918 (London, 1983), p. 331.
[18] A. Offner, ‘The Working Classes, British Naval Plans and the Coming of the Great War’, Past & Present,107 (May 1985), pp. 204-26, discusses this at length.
[19] Haupt, op. cit. ,p. 175.
[20] Marc Ferro, La Grande Guerre 1914-1918 (Paris, 1969), p. 23.
[21] W. Emmerich (ed. ), Proletarische Lebensldufe (Reinbek, 1975), ii, p. 104.
[22] Haupt, op. cit. ,p. 253 n.
[23] Wille zur Macht,p. 92.
[24] Rupert Brooke, ‘Peace’ inCollected Poems of Rupert Brooke (London 1915).
[25] Wille zur Macht,p. 94.
[1] Bertolt Brecht, ‘An die Nachgeborenen’ inHundert Gedichte 1918-1950(East Berlin, 1955), p. 314.
[2] Albert O. Hirschman, The Political Economy of Latin American Development: Seven Exercises in Retrospection (Center for US-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego, December 1986), p. 4.