1 Stuart Wolpert,“Brain Reacts to Fairness as It Does to Money and Chocolate,Study Shows,”UCLA Newsroom,April 21,2008,http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/brain-reacts-to-fairness-as-it-49042.aspx?link_page_rss=49042.
2 Frans de Waal,The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates,W. W. Norton & Company,Inc,2013.
3 陈少峰:《实现社会正义的新方法》,http://theory.people.com.cn/GB/148980/17409555.html。
4 John Rawls,A Theory of Justice,Oxford: Oxford University Press,1999,p. 3.
5 John Rawls,“Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical,”Philosophy and Public Affairs,Vol. 14,No. 3,Summer 1985,pp. 223251.
6 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola,On the Dignity of Man:On Being and the One: Heptaplus,trans. by Charles Glenn Wallis,Indianapolis: Hackett,1998,pp. 47.
7 Avishai Margalit,“Hunan Dignity between Kitsch and Deification,”The Hedgehog Review,9. 3 Fall 2007,p. 7.
8 Michael Zuckert,“Human Dignity and the Basis of Justice: Freedom,Rights,and the Self,”The Hedgehog Review,9. 3 Fall 2007,pp. 3233.
9 Micheline R. Ishay,The History of Human Rights,Berkeley,C.A.: University of California Press,2004,p. 5.
10 “Human Rights and International Justice,”http://www.hrw.org/topic/international-justice.
11 Immanuel Kant,Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals,trans. by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott,New York: Liberal Arts Press,1949 (Second Section:“Transition from Popular Moral Philosophy to the Metaphysic Of Morals”).
1 Hannah Arendt,The Human Condition. Garden City,N.Y.: Doubleday Anchor Books,1959,p. 45.
2 Hannah Arendt,Men in Dark Times,London: Jonathan Cape,1970,p. viii.
3 Chantal Mouffe,“Democratic Citizenship and the Political Community,”in Community at Loose Ends,ed.,The Miami Theory Collective. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1991,p. 79.
4 John Reynolds,“The Normative Regulation of Citizenship Participation,”in Morris Janowitz,The Reconstruction of Patriotism: Education for Civic Consciousness,The University of Chicago Press,1983,pp. 159162.
5 Michael Ignatieff,The Needs of Strangers,New York: Elisabeth Sifton Books,1984.
6 Jean-Luc Nancy,The Inoperative Community,ed. by Peter Connor,trans. by Peter Connor,Lisa Garbus,Michael Holland,and Simona Sawhney,Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1991,p. 1.
7 Georges Van Den Abbeele,“Introdcution,”in Community at Loose Ends,p. ix.
8 Jeremy Bentham,“Anarchical Fallacies,”in A. I. Melden,ed.,Human Rights,Belmont,C.A.: Wadsworth,1970,pp. 3031.
9 Jean Cohen,“Strategy or Identity: New Theoretical Paradigms and Contemporary Social Movements,”Social Research,52: 4 (1985): 663716,p. 700.
10 Thomas W. Pogge,“Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty,”Ethics 103,October 1992: 4875,pp. 4849.
11 Stefan Gosepath,“The Global Scope of Justice,” in Thomas W. Pogge,ed.,Global Justice,Malden,M. A.: Blackwell,2001,p. 162. Thomas W. Pogge,“Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty,”p. 49.
12 Thomas W. Pogge,“Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty,”p. 52.
13 T. 波吉:《何谓全球正义》,李小科译,载《世界哲学》2004年第2期,www.cc.org.cn,访问时间2004年7月15日。
14 Jurgen Habermas,“On Legitimation through Human Rights,” in Pablo De Greiff and Giaran Cronin,eds.,Global Justice and Transnational Politics,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,2002,p. 199.
15 Ibid.,p. 206.
16 Albrecht Wellmer,“Demokratie und Menschenrechte,”in Stefan Gosepath and Georg Lohmann,eds.,Philosophie der Menschenrechte,Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp,1998,pp. 265292.
17 Stefan Gosepath,“The Global Scope of Justice,”in Thomas W. Pogge,ed.,Global Justice,Malden,M. A.: Blackwell,2001,p. 161.
18 John Tomlinson,Cultural Imperialism,The Johns Hopkins University Press,1991,p. 69.
19 Hannah Arendt,The Origins of Totalitarianism,New York: Harcourt,Brace Jovanovich,1973,pp. 296297.
20 Jurgen Habermas,The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and the Historians’Debate,ed. and trans. by Shierry Weber Nicholsen,Cambridge,M. A.: MIT Press,1989,pp. 255 ff.
21 Ibid.,pp. 255 ff.
22 Nancy Fraser,“Toward a Discourse Ethic of Solidarity,”Praxis International,vol. 5,no. 4,January 1986: 425429,p. 428.
23 Adam B. Seligman,The Idea of Civil Society,New York: The Free Press,1992,p. 42.
24 John Bendix,“The Reemergence of Civil Society in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union,”ed. by Zbigniew Rau,(book review),American Political Science Review,87:1,March 1993,p. 248.
25 Immanuel Kant,Critique of Practical Reason,trans. by L. W. Beck,New York: Macmillan,1985,p. 90.
26 Hannah Arendt,Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1982,p.60.
27 Immanuel Kant,“What is Enlightenment,”(1784),trans. by L.W.Beck.in L.W.Beck,ed.,Immanuel Kant on History,New York: Bobbs-Merrill,1963,pp.310.
28 Zbigniew Rau,ed.,The Reemergence of Civil Society in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union,Boulder,C. O.: Westview,1991.
29 John Bendix,“The Reemergence of Civil Society in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union,”ed. by Zbigniew Rau,p. 248.
30 Avishai Margalit,“Decent Equality and Freedom: Postscript,”Social Research,64:1,Spring 1997: 147161,p. 147.
31 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,trans. by Naomi Goldblum,Cambridge,C. A.: Harvard University Press,1995. Axel Honneth,The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,1996.
32 Maria Renata Markus,“Decent Society and/or Civil Society,”Social Research,68: 4,Winter 2001: 10111030,p. 1023.
33 Ibid.,p. 1027.
34 Michael Jackson,“Civil Society: Old Images,New Visions,”(book review),Australian Journal of Political Science,34: 2,July 1999,p. 295.
第一章 全球化、现代性和民族国家
1 Paul Hirst and G. Thompson,“Globalisation:Ten Frequently Asked Questions and Some Surprising Answers,”Soundings,vol. 4,Autumn 1996: 4766,p. 48.
2 H. Sander,“Multilateralism,Regionalism and Globalisation: The Challenges to the World Trading System,”in H. Sander and A. Inotai,eds.,World Trade after the Uruguay Round: Prospects and Policy Options for the Twenty-First Century,London:Routledge,1996,p. 27.
3 T. Spybey,Globalization and World Society,Cambridge:Polity Press,1996. P. J. Taylor,“Nations of the World:Americanization,Modernization and Globalization,”in C. Hay and D. Marsh,eds.,Demystifying Globalization,Basingstoke:Macmillan,2000,pp. 4970.
4 H. I. Schiller,“Not Yet Post-Imperialist Era,”Critical Studies in Mass Communication,8: 1,March 1991,pp. 1328.
5 D. Held. et al.,Global Transformations:Politics,Economics and Culture,Cambridge:Polity Press,1999,p. 16.
6 A. Giddens,The Consequences of Modernity,Cambridge:Polity Press,1990,p. 63.
7 A. Giddens,The Consequences of Modernity,A. Giddens,Modernity and Self-Identity:Self and Society in Late Modern Age,Cambridge:Polity Press,1991. T. Spybey,Globalization and World Society,Cambridge:Polity Press,1996.
8 U. Beck,The Reinvention of Politics:Rethinking Modernity in the Global Social Order,Cambridge:Polity Press,1997.
9 B. Smart,Postmodernity,London:Routledge,1995,p. 126.
10 D. Harvey,Condition of Postmodernity:An Enquiry into the Conditions of Cultural Change,Oxford:Blackwell,1989. M. Albrow,The Global Age:State and Society beyond Modernity,Cambridge:Polity Press,1996. B. Axford,The Global System:Economics,Politics and Culture,Cambridge:Polity Press,1995. T. W. Luke,“New World Order or Neo-World Orders:Power,Politics and Ideology in Informationalizing Globalities,”in M. Featherstone et al.,Global Modernities,London:Sage,1995,pp. 91107. G. O Tuathail,Critical Geopolitics:The Politics of Writing Global Space,London:Routledge,1996,Ch 7.
11 刘康:《全球化与中国现代化的不同选择》,见汪晖、余国良编:《90年代的“后学”争论》,香港:中文大学出版社1998年版,第32—33页。
12 同上书,第36页。
13 张颐武:《面对全球化的挑战》,见汪晖、余国良编:《90年代的“后学”争论》,香港:中文大学出版社1998年版,第68页。
14 同上书,第68页。
15 A. Appadura,“Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy,”Public Culture,2: 3,Spring 1990: 124. U. Hannez,Cultural Complexity:Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning,New York: Columbia University Press,1992. V. Cable,The World’s New Fissures:Identities in Crisis,London: Demos,1994.
16 R. Robertson,“Globalization:Time-Space and Homogeneity-Heterogeneity,”in M. Featherstone et al.,eds.,Global Modernities,London:Sage,1995,pp. 2544. K. R. Cox,ed.,Spaces of Globalization:Reasserting the Power of the Local,New York:Guilford,1997.
17 A. D. Smith,“The Suppression of Nationalism?”International Journal of Comparative Sociology,31: 12 (1990): pp. 132.R. J. Foster,“Making National Culture in the Global Ecumene,”Annual Review of Anthropology,vol. 20 (1991): 235260. F. Buell,National Culture and the New Global System. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,199.
18 S. P. Huntington,“The Clash of Civilizations?”Foreign Affairs,72: 3 (Summer 1993): 2249.S. P. Huntington,The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order.New York:Simon & Schuster,1996.
19 M. Waters,Globalization,London: Routledge,1995,p. 136.
20 J. C. Goldfarb,The Cynical Society,Chicago,I. L.: The University of Chicago Press,1991,p. 80.
21 R. Robertson,Globalization,London:Sage,1992,pp. 5860.
22 Ibid.,p. 8.
23 Ibid.,pp. 2531.
24 Ibid.,p. 58.
25 A. P. Jarvis and A. J. Paolini,“Locating the State,”in J. A. Camilleri,et al. eds.,The State in Transition:Reimagining Political Space,Boulder,C. O.:Rienner,1995,pp. 56.
26 R. Robertson and W. Garrett,eds.,Religion and Global Order,New York:Paragon,1991,p. xx.
27 M. Waters,Globalization,London:Routledge,1995.
28 A. Giddens,The Nation-State and Violence,Cambridge:Polity Press,1985,pp. 255257.
29 A. Giddens,The Consequences of Modernity,pp. 5563.
30 Ibid.,pp.1721.
31 Ibid.,p. 64.
32 M. Levy,Modernization and the Structure of Societies,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1966,pp. 11,125126,136.
33 S. Amin,Class and Nation,New York: Monthly Review,1980. I. Wallerstein,The Modern World-System,New York: Academic,1974. S. Amin,The Modern World-System II,New York:Academic,1980.
34 J. Burton,World Society,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1972.
35 M. McLuhan,Understanding Media,London:Routledge,1964.
36 丁东:《世界公民的人文底线》,载《东方》,2002年第9期。
第二章 从三种公民观看两种全球化
1 Maria Renata Markus,“Decent Society and/or Civil Society,”Social Research,68: 4 (2001): 10111030,p. 1013.
2 Jurgen Habermas,Between Facts and Norms,trans. by William Gehg,Cambridge: Polity Press,1996,p. 367.
3 Martin Krygier,“The Quality of Civility: Post-Anti-Communist Thoughts on Civil Society and the Rule of Law,”in A. Sajo,ed.,From and To Authoritarianism,Dordrecht,N. L.:Kluwer Academic Publishers,2001,pp. 9,14.
4 Philip Selznick,The Moral Commonwealth: Social Theory and the Promise of Community,Berkeley,C. A.: University of California Press,1992,p. 391.
5 Ronald Beiner,“Introduction: Why Citizenship Constitutes a Theoretical Problem in the Last Decade of the Twentieth Century,”In Ronald Beiner,ed.,Theorizing Citizenship,Albany,N. Y.: State University of New York Press,1995,p. 3.
6 早期的共和思想以亚里士多德为代表,主要表现在希腊城邦和罗马共和国的政治实践中。它着重在公民参与政治和保卫国家、公民有责的理想。16世纪,意大利的马基雅维里提出了以“美德”和“腐败”为核心概念的共和观。马基雅维里认为,在共和这个公共政治游戏中,游戏人比游戏规则更为重要。缺乏强健公民精神的国民是无法支撑共和体制,无法实现共和政治的。强健的公民精神就是马基雅维里所说的“美德”:独立的政治判断、炽热的爱国情怀、公民间的相互尊重和关怀、守纪律、讲信用和爱荣誉。共和必须由公民美德来支撑,因为共和是所有体制中最脆弱的一种。
7 潘恩关于人的权利和世界公民的思想对公民社会的长期研究者John Deane设想超越狭隘的东欧民族主义,构建新的欧洲公民身份有相当的启发作用。John Keane,Tom Paine: A Political Life,London: Bloomsbury,1995. See esp. Prologue:“A Citizen Extraordinary,”pp. ixxiv.
8 Karl Jaspers,“Philosophical Memoir,”in Philosophy and the World,trans. by E. B. Ashton,Chicago: Henry Regnery,1963,pp. 84,274.
9 Hannah Arendt,“Karl Jaspers: Citizen of the World?”in Men in Dark Times,New York: Harcourt Brace and World Inc,1968,pp. 8384.
10 Ibid.,p. 81.
11 Hannah Arendt,“Civil Disobedience,”“Thoughts on Politics and Revolution,”in Crises of the Republic,New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1972.
12 David Miller,“Bounded Citizenship,”in Kimberly Hutchings and Roland Dannreuther,eds.,Cosmopolitan Citizenship,New York: Saint Martin’s Press,1999,pp. 6869.
13 Hannah Arendt,Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil,Revised and enlarged edition,Harmondsworth: Penguin,1994,pp. 232233.
14 David Miller,“The Ethical Significance of Nationality,”Ethics 98: 4,July 1988,pp. 647648,“Bounded Citizenship,”p. 60.
15 John Locke,The Treatises of Civil Government,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,[1690] 1988. See also Locke,“A Letter Concerning Toleration,”in M. Cranston,ed.,Locke on Politics,Religion and Education,New York: Collier Books,1965,pp. 104146.
16 See F. E. Hayek,The Constitution of Liberty,London: Routledge and Kegan Paul[1960] 1976.
17 Herman R. van Gunsteren,“Admission to Citizenship,”Ethics 98: 4,July 1988,p. 741.
18 J. S. Mill,Considerations on Representative Government,Chicago: Henry Regnery,[1861]1962.
19 John Rawls,The Law of Peoples,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1999,pp. 37,119137,120.
20 For an interesting critique of Rawls,see Thomas McCarthy,“On the Idea of a Reasonable Law of Peoples,”in James Bohman and Matthias Lutz-Bachmann,ed.,Perpetual Peace:Essays on Kant’s Cosmopolitan Ideal,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,1997,pp. 201218.
21 John Rawls,The Law of Peoples,p. 36.
22 See Michael Walzer,ed.,Toward a Global Civil Society,Providence,Rhode Island,Berghahn Books,1995;Paul Hirst,Associative Democracy,Amherst,M. A.: University of Massachusetts Press,1994.
23 Amy Chua,World on Fire:How Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability,New York: Doubleday,2003. Richard A. Falk,Human Rights Horizons: The Pursuit of Justice in a Globalizing World,New York: Routledge,2000,p. 27.
24 Richard A. Falk,“Global Civil Society and the Democratic Prospect,”in Barry Holden,ed.,Global Democracy: Key Debates. London: Routledge,2000,p. 163.
25 Richard A. Falk,Human Rights Horizons: The Pursuit of Justice in a Globalizing World,New York: Routledge,2000,p. 28.
26 Richard A. Falk,“The Making of Global Citizenship,”in Bart von Steenbergen,ed.,The Condition of Citizenship,London: Sage,1994,p. 139.
27 Jonathan Freedland,“The Future is Kiwi,”Guardian,3 May,2000,p. 19. Jane Kelsey,Reclaiming the Future: New Zealand and the Global Economy,Wellington,N.Z.: Bridget Williams Books,1999.
28 Manfred Bienefeld,“Capitalism and the Nation State in the Dog Days of the Twentieth Century,”in Ralph Miliband and Leo Panich,eds.,The Socialist Register 1994,London: Merlin Press,1994,pp. 94129.
29 Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson,Globalization in Question,2nd revised edition,Cambridge,M. A.: Polity Press,1999.
30 Robert Cox,“Democracy in Hard Times: Economic Globalization and the Limits of Liberal Democracy,”in Anthony McGrew,ed.,The Transformation of Democracy?Cambridge,M. A.: Polity Press,1997,p. 70.
31 Robert Cox,“Globalization,Multilateralism and Democracy,”in Robert W. Cox with Timothy J. Sinclair,Approaches to World Order,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996,p. 535.
32 Vaclav Havel,Vaclav Havel or Living in Truth,ed.,by Jan Vladislav,London: Faber and Faver,1986.
33 杨雪冬:《全球化:西方理论前沿》,社会科学文献出版社2002年版,第209页。
34 See for instance,Danilo Zolo,Cosmopolis: Prospects for World Government,Cambridge,M. A.: Polity Press,1997,pp. 127135.
35 MKaldor Mars,“‘Civilizing’Globalisation?: The Implication of the‘Battle in Seatle’,”Millennium:Journal of International Studies,29: 1(2000),pp. 105114.
36 星野昭吉:《全球化时代的世界政治》,刘小林译,社会科学文献出版社2004年版,第305页。
37 同上书,第306页。
第三章 全球化中的市场和民主
1 Amy Chua,World on Fire: How Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability,New York: Doubleday,2003,p. 263.
2 斯蒂格里兹曾在克林顿政府任职,也在世界银行担任过重要职务,他是原教旨自由市场论的强烈批评者。
3 转引自Greg Grandin,“What’s a Neoliberal to Do?”Nation,March 10,2003,v276,i9,p.25.
4 Amy Chua,World on Fire,pp. 67.
5 Ibid.,p. 147.
6 刘海英、杨静:《十年不变:市场经济、精英联盟、权威政治——中国科学院国情研究中心研究员康晓光访谈录》,http://www.cc.org.cn/newscc/browwenzhang.php(2004/2/13)。秦亚青在评论《燃烧的世界》的时候指出,“民主政体和自由放任式市场经济从来就有着内在的矛盾。柏拉图、亚里士多德都意识到所谓的‘多数人暴政’问题。亚当·斯密关于愤怒的穷人的论述、麦迪逊关于普选对财产权构成的威胁的担心、李嘉图对于不完全选举权的赞同等都在不同程度上表述了这一内在矛盾。所以,西方国家在多年的民主与市场实践中采取了一系列措施,防止这一矛盾造成大幅度的社会性动荡。在美国,全民选举权经过一个半世纪才得以比较充分的实行,其他西方国家也是经历了几代人的时间”。秦亚青:《市场经济、民主体制和种族仇视——读〈燃烧的世界〉》,载《美国研究》,2003年第2期。
7 马修:《中国已进入恐怖时代》,http://www.cc.org.cn/luntan/China,访问时间:2004年2月7日。
8 Steve Lee,“Poverty and Violence,”Social Theory and Practice,Vol. 22,No.1,Spring 1991: 6781,p. 69.
9 Amy Chua,World on Fire,pp. 45.
10 2003年1月22日,山西海鑫钢铁集团董事长李海仓在其办公室里被枪杀;紧接着第二天,南方的福建轮船总公司总经理刘启闽被员工连刺四刀身亡;半个月后,北京的富豪周祖豹返乡过年,在自家门口遭歹徒连刺14刀,当场死亡。8月,兰州富豪刘恩谦意外地遭枪杀;9月,10亿富豪乔金岭莫名地自杀。
11 蜀帖龙:《“双抢”分子应向李小平学习》,http://www.wforum. com/wef/posts/58916.sht,访问时间:2004年1月31日。
12 Johan Galtung,“Peace Problem: Some Case Studies,”Essays in Peace Research,Vol. V. Copenhagen: Christian Ejlers,1980,p. 407;“Cultural Violence,”Journal of Peace Research,Vol. 2,No.3 (1990),pp. 291292.
13 Ibid.
14 James C. Scott,Domination and Arts of Resistance,New Haven,C. T.: Yale University Press,1990;《贫富悬殊两极分化可能导致社会断裂》,http://www.lctz.com,访问时间:2004年2月29日。
15 United Nations Development Program,Human Development Report 1994,p.4.
16 Hannah Arendt,On Revolution,New York: Penguin,1977,p. 19.
17 Douglas Lummis,Radical Democracy,Ithaca,New York: Cornell University Press,1996,p. 2.
第四章 全球化中的国家合法性和公民权利
1 Anthony Giddens,The Nation-State and Violence,Berkeley,C. A.: University of California Press,1987,p. 13.
2 福井宪彦:《公民国家的形成》,见井上俊等编:《民族 国家 种族》,岩波书店1996年版,第88页。
3 Brian Hocking and Michael Smith,World Politics:An Introduction to International Relations,2nd ed.,London: Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf,1995,p. 84.
4 Frederick Engles,“Origins of the Family,Private Property,and the State,”eds. by K. Marx and F. Engles,Selected Works. Lawrence and Wishart. 1968,p. 577.
5 Max Weber,“Politics as a Vocation,”in Hans H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills,eds.,From Max Weber:Essays in Sociology,New York: Oxford University Press,1946,p. 78.
6 Joseph Raz,The Authority of Law,Oxford: Clarendon,1979.
7 David O. Friedrichs,“The Concept of Legitimation of the Legal Order: A Response to Hyde’s Critique,”Justice Quarterly 3 (1986): 3350,p. 36.
8 Tony Ward and Penny Green,“Legitimacy,Civil Society,and State Crime,”Social Justice,27: 4,Winter 2000: 7689,p. 76.
9 Walter L. Adamson,“Gramsci and the Politics of Civil Society,”Praxis International,7,19871988: 320329,p. 320.
10 Ibid.,pp. 320321.
11 Joseph V. Femia,Gramsci’s Political Thought,Oxford:Clarendon,1981,p. 24.
12 Barry Schutz,“The Heritage of Revolution and the Struggle for Governmental Legitimacy in Mozambique,”in I. Willam Zartman,ed.,Collapsed States:The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority,Boulder,C. O.: L. Rienner Publishers,1995,p. 110
13 Ibid.,p. 111.
14 Ibid.,p. 110.
15 James W. Nickel,Making Sense of Human Rights:Philosophical Reflections on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,Berkeley,C. A.: University of California Press,1987,pp. 2833.
16 H. J. McCloskey,“Rights: Some Conceptual Issues,”Australesian Journal of Philosophy,54 (1976): 99115,p. 99.
17 Joel Feinberg,“The Nature and Value of Rights,”in Joel Feinberg,ed.,Rights,Justice and the Bounds of Liberty:Essays in Social Philosophy,Princeton,N. J.: Princeton University Press,1980.
18 David Lyons,“The Correlativity of Rights and Duties,”Nous,4 (1970): 4555.
19 Jeremy Bentham,“Anarchical Fallacies,”in A. I. Melden,ed.,Human Rights,Belmont,C. A.: Wadsworth,1970,pp. 3031.
20 Jurgen Habermas,“On Legitimation through Human Rights,”in Pablo De Greiff and Giaran Cronin,eds.,Global Justice and Transnational Politics:Essays on the Moral and Political Challenges of Globalization,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,2002.
21 John Rawls,Political Liberalism,New York: Columbia University Press,1993,p. 137. John Rawls,The Law of peoples,Cambridge,M. A.:Harvard university press,1999.
22 John Rawls,The Law of Peoples,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1999,pp. 6567.
23 Leif Wenar,“The Legitimacy of Peoples,”in Pablo De Greiff and Giaran Cronin,ed.,Global Justice and Transnational Politics,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,2002,p. 64.
24 Ibid.
25 Ibid.,p. 65.
26 T. 波吉:《何谓全球正义》,李小科译,载《世界哲学》,2004年第2期,www.cc.org.cn,访问时间:2004年7月15日。
27 同上。
28 同上。
29 Leif Wenar,“The Legitimacy of Peoples,”p. 68.
30 Andreas Follesdal,“The Standing of Illiberal States and Toleration in John Rawls’‘Law of Peoples’,”Acta Analytica 18 (1997),pp. 151153. Charles Beitz,“Cosmopolitan Ideas and National Sentiment,”Journal of Philosophy,80: 10 (1983),p. 596. Thomas Pogge,Realizing Rawls,Ithaca,N. Y.: Cornell University Press,1994,p. 270.
31 Jurgen Habermas,“Citizenship and National Identity: Some Reflections on the Future of Europe,”Praxis International,12: 1,April 1992,p. 18.
32 Immanuel Kant,“Perpetual Peace,”in Hans Reiss,ed.,Kant:Political Writings,2nd enlarged ed.,trans. by H. B. Nisbet,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1991,pp. 9899.
33 Catherine Lu,“The One and Many Faces of Cosmopolitanism,”Journal of Political Philosophy 8: 2,June 2000,pp. 244267.
34 Guardian Weekly,3 July 1998,p. 3.
35 See,for example,Andrew Hurrell,“Kant and the Kantian Paradigm in International Relations,”Review of International Studies,vol. 16,pp. 183205;Mark N. Franke,“Immanuel Kant and (Im)possibility of International Relations Theory,”Alternatives,vol. 20,1995,pp. 279322;Wade L. Huntley,“Kant’s Third Image: Systemic Sources of the Liberal Peace,”International Studies Quarterly,vol. 40,1996,pp. 4576.
36 Immanuel Kant,“Perpetual Peace,”p. 114.
37 Jurgen Habermas,“Three Normative Models of Democracy,”in Seyla Benhabib,ed.,Democracy and Difference,Princeton,N. J.: Princeton University Press,1996,pp. 2130.
38 Ibid.,p.29.
39 Jurgen Habermas,“Remarks on Dieter Crimm’s ‘Does Europe Need a Constitution?’”European Law Journal,1:3,November 1995,p. 306.
40 Jurgen Havermas,“The European Nation State. Its Achievements and Limitations. On the Past and Future of Sovereignty and Citizenship,”Ratio Juris,9: 2,June 1996,p. 131.
41 Jurgen Habermas,“Citizenship and National Identity,”p. 8.
42 Ibid.,p. 12.
43 Max Rheinstein,ed.,Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1954.
44 Thomas W. Pogge,“Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty,”Ethics 103,October 1992,p. 9. Stefan Gosepath,“The Global Scope of Justice,”in Thomas W. Poggy,ed.,Global Justice,Malden,M. A.: Blackwell,2001,p. 162.
45 Bruce A. Ackerman,Social Justice in the Liberal State,New Haven,C. T.: Yale University Press,1980,p. 75.
46 Ronald Beiner,What’s the Matter with Liberalism,Berkeley,C. A.: University of California Press,1995,p. 100.
47 Bruce A. Ackerman,Social Justice in the Liberal State,p. 115.
48 Terence Bull and Richard Dagger,Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal,3rd ed,New York: Longman,1999,p. 30.
49 星野昭吉:《全球化时代的世界政治》,刘小林译,社会科学文献出版社2004年版,第305—306页。
50 Alastair Davidson,“Citizenship,Sovereignty and the Identity of the Nation-State,”in Nancy Fraser,Anna Yatman and Alastair Davidson,eds.,Critical Politics:From the Personal to the Global,Melbourne: Arena Publications,1994,pp. 111123.
51 例如英国撤销了前“英帝国”许多居民的公民国籍,当1997年香港回归中国的时候就是这样。
52 Bryan S. Turner,“Outline of a Theory of Human Rights,”in B. S. Turner,ed.,Citizenship and Social Theory,Thousand Oaks,C. A.: Sage,1993,p. 178.
53 Bruce Ackerman,“Rooted Cosmopolitanism,”Ethics,Vol. 104,April 1994,pp. 516535. Kwame Appiah,“Cosmopolitan Patriots,”in Nussbaum et al.,For Love of Country,ed. by Joshua Cohen,Boston: Beacon Press,1996,pp. 2129.
54 See Gareth Evans,Cooperating for Peace:The Global Agenda for the 1990s and Beyond,Sydney: Allen and Unwin,1993;Andrew Linklater,“What is Good International Citizenship?”in P. Keal,ed.,Ethics and Foreign Policy,Sydney:Allen and Urwin,1992,pp. 2143.
55 Stefan Gosepath,“The Global Scope of Justice,”in Thomas W. Pogge,ed.,Global Justice,Malden,M. A.: Blackwell,2001,p. 161.
56 Anthony H. Birch,The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy,London: Routledge,1993,p. 113.
57 坂本义和:《相对化时代》,岩波书店1997年版,第43页。
58 星野昭吉:《全球化时代的世界政治》,刘小林译,社会科学文献出版社2004年版,第305页。
第五章 正义和社会之善
1 Chaim Perelman,Justice,New York:Random House,1967,p. 3.
2 Aristotle,Nichmachean Ethics,5,15: 1129a 3234.
3 John Stuart Mill,Utilitarianism(1861),ed. by George Sher,Indianapolis:Hackett,1979,Chap,5,pp. 4243.
4 Ibid.,p.43.
5 Giovanni Sartori,The Theory of Democracy Revised,Part Two:“The Classical Issues,”Chatham,N. J.: Chatham House Publishers,1987,p. 323.
6 Robert C. Soloman and Mark C. Murry,eds.,What is Justice:Classic and Contemporary Readings,New York:Oxford University Press,1990,p. 241.
7 Elazar Barkan,Guilt of Nations:Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2000,p. ix.
8 Thomas Hobbers,The Leviathan,New York:Hafner,1926,Chaps. 13,14.
9 John Locke,The Second Treatise on Government,Indianapolis: Hackett,1983.
10 Jean-Jacques Rousseau,The Discourse on the Origins of Inequality and the Social Contract,Indianapolis: Hackett,1987.
11 John Rawls,“The Obligation to Obey the Law,”in Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum,eds.,Morality and the Law,Buffalo,N. Y.:Prometheus Books,1988,p. 127.
12 John Rawls,A Theory of Justice,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1971,p. 15.
13 Ibid.,p. 61.
14 Ibid.,p. 60.
15 Robert N. Van Wyk,Introduction to Ethics,New York: St Martin’s Press,1990,pp. 196197.
16 Robert Nozick,Anarchy,State,and Utopia,New York:Basic Books,1974,p. 163.
17 Ibid.
18 Michael Walzer,“Justice Here and Now,”in Frank S. Lucash,ed.,Justice and Equality Here and Now,Ithaca,N. Y.: Cornell University Press,1986,pp. 137138.
19 Michael Walzer,Spheres of Justice:A Defense of Pluralism and Equality,New York:Basic Books,1983,p. 67n.
20 Ibid.,p. 9.
21 Michael Walzer,Spheres of Justice:A Defense of Pluralism and Equality,New York:Basic Books,1983,p. 85.
第六章 分配正义和群体认可
1 讨论正义的一些文章请参见罗岗、倪文尖编:《90年代思想文选》(第三卷),广西人民出版社2000年版。讨论者使用的“公正”概念也就是我在这里所说的“正义”。
2 Agnes Heller,General Ethics,New York:Basil Blackwell,1988,p. 148.
3 Michael Walzer,“Liberalism and the Art of Separation,”Political Theory,12: 3,August 1984:315330,p. 315.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.,p.316.
6 Ibid.,p.321.
7 David Miller,“Complex Equality,”in David Miller and Michael Walzer,eds.,Pluralism,Justice,and Equality,New York: Oxford University Press,1995,p. 198.
8 Ibid.,p. 199.
9 Ibid.
10 Michael Walzer,“Liberalism and the Art of Separation,”p.326.
11 Ibid.,p.327.
12 Michael Walzer,“Response,”in David Miller and Michael Walzer,eds.,Pluralism,Justice,and Equality,p. 287.
13 Michael Walzer,“Liberalism and the Art of Separation,”p.321.
14 Ibid.,p.322.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Michacel Walzer,“Response,”pp. 285286.
18 Michael Walzer,Spheres of Justice:A Defense of Pluralism and Equality,New York:Basic Books,1983,p. 85.
19 Ibid.,p. 89.
20 Michael Walzer,Radical Principles:Reflections of an Unreconstructed Democrat,New York:Basic Books,1980,p. 13.
21 Michael Walzer,“Philosophy and Democracy,”Political Theory,9: 3,August 1981: 379399,p. 383.
22 Michael Walzer,Spheres of Justice,pp. 303304.
23 Ibid.,p. 283.
24 Ibid.,p. 64.
25 Michael Walzer,“Justice Here and Now,”in Frank S. Lucash,ed.,Justice and Equality Here and Now,Ithaca,N. Y.: Cornell University Press,1986,p. 139.
26 Ibid.,pp. 142143.
27 Michael Walzer,Spheres of Justice,pp. 6667.
28 Michael Walzer,“Justice Here and Now,”p. 142.
29 Michael Walzer,Spheres of Justice,p. 84.
30 John Rawls,“The Obligation to Obey the Law,”in Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum,eds.,Morality and the Law,Buffalo,N. Y.:Prometheus Books,1988,p. 127.
31 Michael Walzer,“Response,”p. 288.
32 William Galston,“Equality of Opportunities in Liberal Theory,”in Frank S. Lucash,ed.,Justice and Equality Here and Now,p. 94.
33 Serge-Christophe Kolm,Modern Theories of Justice,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,1996,p. 8.
第七章 从惩罚到权利的法律正义
1 Agnes Heller,Beyond Justice,New York:Basil Blackwell,1989,p. 153.
2 Ibid.,p. 169.
3 Ibid.,pp.169170.
4 Ibid.,pp. 165166.
5 Ibid.,p.176.
6 Ibid.,p.177.
7 Ibid.,p.179.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.,p.178.
10 Ibid.,p.179.
11 Ibid.
12 Giovanni Sartori,The Theory of Democracy Revised,Part Two:“The Classical Issues,”Chatham,N. J.: Chatham House Publishers,1987,p. 327.
13 Ibid.,p. 323.
14 Charles Louis de Secondat Montesquieu,L’Espri des Lois,bk xxvi,Chap. 20.
15 Giovanni Sartori,The Theory of Democracy Revised. p.322.
16 See C. J. Friedrich,The Philosophy of Law in Historical Perspective,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1958. F. A. Hayek,The Constitution of Liberty,London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1960,esp. Chap. 11.
17 Giovanni Sartori,The Theory of Democracy Revised,p. 323.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.,p. 328.
20 Jurgen Habermas,“On Legitimation through Human Rights,”in Pablo De Greiff and Giaran Cronin,eds.,Global Justice and Transnational Politics,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,2002,p. 197.
21 Ibid.,p. 198.
22 Ibid.,p. 199.
23 Derek L. Phillips,Toward a Just Social Order,Princeton N. J.: Princeton University Press,1986,p. 77.
24 Jurgen Habermas,“On Legitimation through Human Rights,”p. 199.
25 Ibid.,p. 201.
26 Ibid.,p. 206.
27 Ibid.,pp. 207210.
28 Ibid.,p. 207.
29 Ibid.,p. 210.
30 John Rawls,“The Obligation to Obey the Law,”in Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum,eds.,Morality and the Law,Buffalo,N. Y.:Prometheus Books,1988,pp. 129130.
第八章 正义、非正义战争和群体认同分歧
1 Michael Walzer,Just and Unjust War:A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations,2d ed.,New York:Basic Books,1992,p. 18.
2 Germain Grisez,Joseph Boyle,and John Finnis,“Practical Principles,Moral Truth,and Ultimate Ends,”American Journal of Jurisprudence,32 (1987),pp. 103108.
3 Joseph Boyle,“Just War Thinking in Catholic Natural Law,”in Terry Nardin,ed.,The Ethics of War and Peace,p. 40.
4 Thomas Hobbes,Leviathan,Chap. 13.
5 Hedley Bull,The Anarchical Society,New York:Columbia University Press,1977,p. 105.
6 Machiavelli,The Prince,Chap. 15.
7 Sohail H. Hashmi,“Interpreting the Islamic Ethics of War and Peace,”in Terry Nardin,ed.,The Ethics of War and Peace,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1996,p. 147.
8 曲洪:《当代中东政治伊斯兰:观察与思考》,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第55页。
9 Ayatollah Murtaza Mutahhari,“Defense:The Essence of Jihad,”in Mehdi Abedi and Gary Legenhausen,eds.,Jihad and Shahadat:Struggle and Martyrdom in Islam,Houston:Institute for Research and Islamic Studies,1986,p. 105.
10 转引自Sohail H. Hashmi,“Interpreting the Islamic Ethics of War and Peace,”p. 161。
11 Machiavelli,The Prince,Chap. 8.
12 Joel H. Rosenthal,Righteous Rights:Political Realism,Responsible Power,and the American Culture in the Nuclear Age,Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press,1991,pp. 4246.
13 “The Profession and Vocation of Politics,”in Max Weber,Political Writings,ed. by Peter Lassman and Ronald Speirs,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,199),pp. 309369.
14 曲洪:《当代中东政治伊斯兰:观察与思考》,第56页。
15 同上书,第5859页。
16 Michael Walzer,Interpretation and Social Criticism,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987;Thick and Thin:Moral Argument at Home and Abroad,Notre Dame,I. N.:University of Notre Dame Press,1994.
第九章 传媒公众和公共事件参与
1 G. Gerbner,“Mass Media and Human Communication Theory,”in F. Dance,ed.,Human Communication Theory,New York:Holt,Rinehart and Winston,1967,pp. 4057.
2 C. Wright,Mass Communication: A Sociological Perspective,New York: Random House,1959.
3 R. Collins,et al.,eds.,Media,Culture and Society:A Critical Reader,Newbury Park,C. A.: Sage,1986,p. 3.
4 Marshall McLuhan,Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man,New York: McGraw-Hill,1964. Michael R. Real,Super Media:A Cultural Studies Approach,Newbury Park,C. A.: Sage,1989,p. 19.
5 Kenneth L. Hacker,“Missing Links in Evolution of Electronic Democratization,”Media,Culture and Society,Vol. 18 (1996): 213232,pp. 215,213.
6 John Thompson,“Social Theory,Mass Communication and Public Life,”in The Polity Reader in Cultural Theory,Cambridge,U. K.: Polity Press,1994,p. 30.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.,p. 31.
9 Ibid.,pp. 3233.
10 Ibid.,p. 33.
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.,pp. 3536.
13 Ibid.,p. 36.
14 Ibid.
15 Daniel Dayan,“The Peculiar Public of Television,”Hermes,1112 (1997): 120,p. 3.
16 Ibid.,p. 7.
17 John Thompson,“Social Theory,Mass Communication and Public Life,”p. 34.
18 Daniel Dayan,“Public as Medium,”Manuscript,Bellagio Lecture of Rockefeller Foundation,July 17,2000. 哈贝马斯所强调的“对话”,它对理解现代传媒的意义,参见Philip Schlesinger,Media,State and Nation: Political Violence and Collective Identities,London: Sage,1991,pp. 156157.
19 Daniel Dayan,“The Peculiar Public of Television,”p. 11.
20 Ibid.,p. 4.
21 Ibid.,p. 11.
22 Ibid.,p. 3.
23 Ibid.,pp. 78.
24 丹尼尔·戴扬、伊莱休·卡茨:《媒介事件》,麻争旗译,北京广播学院出版社1992年版,第67页。
25 同上书,第68页。
26 Todd Gitlin,“Illusions of Transparency,Ambiguities of Information. Notes on the Globalization of Fugitive Communities,”in Tore Statta,ed.,Media and the Transition of Collective Identities,Oslo IMK Reports Series,Oslo University Press,1996.
27 Charles Taylor,“Modes of Civil Society,”Public Culture,3: 1 (1990),p. 98.
28 Michael Keane,“Broadcasting Policy,Creative Compliance and the Myth of Civil Society in China,”Media,Culture and Society,23: 6,November 2001,p. 783.
29 Ibid.,p. 785.
30 萧功秦:《一个并不奢侈的心愿:对孙志刚案件的反思》,载《世纪中国》,http:www.cc.org.cn/,访问时间:2003年6月18日。
31 转引自萧功秦:《一个并不奢侈的心愿》,载《检察风云》,2003年第11期。
32 Nicholas Garnham,“The Media and Narratives of the Intellectual,”Media,Culture and Society,17:3,July 1996: 359384,p. 378.
第十章 公民新闻、公众和公共政治
1 《〈南京零距离〉对公众话语空间的建构》,www.xinhuanet.com,访问时间:2004年7月12日。
2 James Carey,“The Press and the Public Discourse,”Center Magazine,21,March/April 1987: 416,p. 10.
3 也正是因为这个原因,将“public journalism”译成“公共新闻”是不甚妥当的。
4 James Carey,“The Press and the Public Discourse,”p. 11.
5 Ibid.
6 Jay Rosen,What Are Journalists?New Haven,C. N.: Yale University Press,1999,p. 187.
7 Ibid.,p. 186.
8 Ibid.
9 Sidney Blumenthal,Pledging Allegiance,New York: Harper Collins,1990.
10 Quoted in Paul Taylor,See How They Run,New York: Knopf,1990,p. 20.
11 David S. Broder,“Democracy and the Press,”Washington Post,January 3,1990: A15.
12 Jay Rosen,What Are Journalists?p. 62.
13 Ibid.,p. 62.
14 See for example,Craig Calhoun,ed.,Habermas and the Public Sphere,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,1992. Bruce Robbins,ed.,The Phantom Public Sphere,Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1993.
15 Jay Rosen,What Are Journalists?p. 62.
16 Ibid.,p. 201.
17 方汉奇:《新闻史的奇情异彩》,华文出版社2000年版,第104页。
18 Jay Rosen,What Are Journalists?,p. 202.
19 Ibid.,p. 75.
20 Ibid.,pp. 202203.
21 Ibid.,pp. 204205.
22 Ibid.,p. 72.
23 Walter Lippmann,Public Opinion,1922,reprint,New York: Free Press,1965,pp. 239249. The Phantom Public,New York:Harcourt Brace,1925,p. 155.
24 John Dewey,“Public Opinion,”New Republic,May 3,1922,p. 286.
25 John Dewey,The Later Works of John Dewey,19251953,Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press,19811991,17,Vols. 2,pp.245246.
26 Jay Rosen,What Are Journalists,p. 67.
27 Ibid.,p. 75.
28 Tom Deluca,The Two Faces of Political Apathy,Philadelphia,P. A.: Temple University Press,1995,p. 135.
29 C. Wright Mills,The Power Elite,London: Oxford University Press,1956,p. 307.
30 Ibid.,p. 311.
31 Ibid.,p. 319.
32 Tom Deluca,The Two Faces of Political Apathy,p. 136.
33 Irving Louis Horowitz,ed.,Power,Politics and People,New York: Balantine Books,1963,pp. 19,20.
34 C. Wright Mills,“Culture and Politics,”in Irving Louis Horowitz,ed.,Power,Politics and People,1963,p. 245.
35 Jay Rosen,What Are Journalists?pp. 7576.
36 Ibid.,p. 76.
37 Jay Rosen,“Making Things More Public: On the Political Responsibility of the Media Intellectual.”Critical Studies in Mass Communication,December 1994: 363388,p. 368.
38 Nicholas Garnham,“The Media and Narratives of the Intellectual,”Media,Culture and Society 17:3,July 1996: 359384,p. 376.
39 Ibid.,p. 376.
40 C. Wright Mills,Power,Politics and the People:The Collected Essays of C. Wright-Mills,ed. by I. Horowitz,New York: Oxford University Press,1963,p. 299.
41 Edward W. Said,Representations of the Intellectual,New York: Pantheon,1994,p. 22.
42 Nicholas Garnham,“The Media and Narratives of the Intellectual,”p. 377.
43 Jay Rosen,“Making Things More Public,”p. 368.
44 Ibid.
45 Ibid.,p. 369.
46 Quoted in Jay Rosen,“Making Things More Public,”p. 364;Richard Rorty,“Intellectuals in Politics: Too Far in?Too Far out?”Dissent,Fall 1991: 483490,p. 486. Michael Walzer,The Company of Critics,New York: Basic Books,1988,p. x.
47 James Carey,“The Press and the Public Discourse,”p. 5.
第十一章 承诺、信任和制度秩序
1 C. Douglas Lummis,Radical Democracy,Ithaca,New York: Cornell University Press,1996,p. 146.
2 Elisabeth Young-Bruehl,“Reflection on Hannah Arendt’s The Life of the Mind.”in Lewis P. Hinchman and Sandra K. Hinchman,eds.,Hannah Arendt:Critical Essays,Albany,N. Y.:State University of New York Press,1994,p. 361.
3 Adam B. Seligman,The Idea of Civil Society,New York: The Free Press,1992,p. 169.
4 Anthony Giddens,The Consequences of Modernity,Stanford,C. A.: Stanford University Press,1990,p. 97.
5 Adam B. Seligman,The Idea of Civil Society,p. 170.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.,p. 173.
8 Ibid.,p. 145.
9 Douglas Lummis,Radical Democracy,p. 143.
10 Ibid.,p. 144.
11 Ibid.,p. 146.
12 Ibid.
13 Douglas Lummis,Radical Democracy,p. 147.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Ludwig Feuerbach,The Fiery Book: Selected Writing of Ludwig Feuerbach,trans. and introd. by Zawar Hanfi,New York: Anchor,1972,p.258.
18 Ibid.,p. 115.
19 Douglas Lummis,Radical Democracy,p. 151.
20 Ibid.,p. 153.
21 Ibid.
22 John Dewey,“Creative Democracy-The Task before Us,”reprinted in M. Fisch,ed.,Classical American Philosophers,New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,1951,p. 394.
23 Ibid.
24 Douglas Lummis,Radical Democracy,p. 153.
25 Friedrich Nietzsche,The Birth of Tragedy and The Genealogy of Morals,trans. by Francis Golffing,New York: Anchor,1956,p. 189.
26 可参见郑也夫:《中国的信任危机》,www.newyouth.beidaonline.com,访问时间:2002年9月18日;张静:《信任问题》,载《社会学研究》,1997年第2期;《公务员应珍惜公众信任》,载《南方日报》,2004年7月23日。
27 关于中国社会问题和社会建设的讨论,参见刘智峰主编:《道德中国:当代中国道德伦理的深重忧思》,中国社会科学出版社2001年版。
28 J. S. Goleman,Foundation of Social Theory,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1990,p. 91.
29 Roy J. Lewicki and Barbara Benedict Bunker,“Developing and Maintaining Trust in Work Relationships,”in Roderick M. Dramer and Tom R. Tyler,eds.,Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research,Thousand Oaks,C. A.: Sage Publications,1996,pp. 119124.
30 A. O. Hirschman,“Against Parsimony: Three Easy Ways of Complicating Some Categories of Economic Discourse,”American Economic Review,74 (1984): pp. 8896.
31 Tom R. Tyler and Roderick M. Dramer,“Whither Trust?”in Roderick M. Dramer and Tom R. Tyler,eds.,Trust in Organizations,p. 7.
32 Rober J Bies and Thomas M Tripp,“Beyond Distrust:‘Getting Even’and the Need for Revenge,”in Roderick M. Dramer and Tom R. Tyler,eds.,Trust in Organizations,pp. 246260.
33 Aneil K. Mishra,“Organizational Responses to Crisis: The Centrality of Trust,”in Roderick M. Dramer and Tom R. Tyler,eds.,Trust in Organizations,pp. 264269.
34 Tom R. Tyler and Roderick M. Dramer,“Whither Trust?”p. 7.
35 Ibid.
36 Magali Sarfatti Sarson,The Rise of Professionalism: A Sociological Analysis,Berkeley,C. A.: University of California Press,1977,p. 3.
37 Ibid.,p. 42.
38 Emile Durkheim,Socialism,New York: Collier Books,1962,pp. 245246.
39 Daryl Koehn,Rethinking Feminist Ethics,London: Routledge,1998,pp. 8283.
第十二章 保护弱者、道德习俗和公共生活
1 David Hume,“An Enquiry Concerning the Principle of Morals,”II,i,in L. A. Selby-Bigge,ed.,Enquiries,London:Oxford University Press,1966,p. 187.
2 Sissela Bok,Lying,New York: Pantheon,1978,p. 149.
3 Michael Ignatieff,The Needs of Strangers,New York: Elisabeth Sifton Books,Viking,1985,p. 140.
4 Michael Walzer,The Spheres of Justice,New York: Basic Books,1983,p. 39.
5 Bobert N. Van Wyk,Introduction to Ethics,New York: St. Martin’s Press,1989,p.129.
6 Philip Hallie,“From Cruelty to Goodness,”Hasting Center Report,11,June 1981,p. 25.
7 Bobert N. Van Wyk,Introduction to Ethics,p. 130.
8 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,trans. by Naomi Goldblum. Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1996,p. 88.
9 Ibid.,p. 1.
10 John Kekes,“Moral Conventionalism,”American Philosophical Quarterly,22: 1,January 1985: 346,p. 43.
11 Ibid.,p. 38.
12 Ibid.
13 John Kekes,“Moral Conventionalism,”American Philosophical Quarterly,22: 1,January 1985:p. 3738.
14 John Kekes,“Moral Conventionalism,”American Philosophical Quarterly,22: 1,January 1985:p. 38.
15 Ibid.,p. 44.
16 Robert E. Goodin,Protecting the Vulnerable:A Reanalysis of Our Social Responsibilities,Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,1985,p. 44.
17 Ibid.
18 J. S. Mill,“Utilitarianism,”in J. S. Mill,Utilitarianism and Other Writings,ed.,M. Warnock,Glasgow:Collins,1962,Ch. 5.
19 Roscoe Pound,“Individual Interests of Substance-Promised Advantages,”Harvard Law Review,59 (1945): 142,pp. 18,20.
20 Robert E. Goodin,Protecting the Vulnerable,p. 53.
21 Ibid.,p. 56.
22 M. D. Bayles,Professional Ethics,Belmont,C. A.: Wadsworth,1981,p. 64.
23 R. Wasserstrom,“Lawyers as Professionals: Some Moral Issues,”Human Rights,5 (1975): 124,p. 16.
24 M. D. Bayles,Professional Ethics,p. 69.
25 Bernard Williams,Moral Luck,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1981,p. 55.
26 Fred R. Dallmayr,Polis and Praxis,Cambridge,M. A.: The MIT Press,1984,p. 43.
27 Michael Oakeshott,Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays,London: Methuen,1974,p. 177.
28 Fred R. Dallmayr,Polis and Praxis,p. 43.
29 Sheldon S. Wolin,“Hannah Arendt: Democracy and the Political,”in Lewis P. Hinchman and Sandra K. Hinchman,eds.,Hannah Arendt:Critical Essays,Albany,N. Y.: State University of New York Press,1994,p. 290.
30 Fred R. Dallmayr,Polis and Praxis,p. 10.
31 K. D. Naegele,“Friendship and Acquaintances: An Exploration of Some Social Distinctions,”Harvard Educational Review,28 (1958):232252,p. 243.
32 H. Hutter,Politics as Friendship,Waterloo,Ontario:Laurier University Press,1978,p. 12.
33 D. W. Brock,“Utilitarianism and Aiding Others,”in H. B. Miller and W. H. Williams,eds. The Limits of Utilitarianism,Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1982,p. 227.
34 J. S. Mill,Utilitarianism,Ch. 5.
35 John Kekes,“Moral Conventionalism,”p. 42.
36 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,pp. 180181.
37 Robert E. Goodin,Protecting the Vulnerable,p. 186.
38 Ibid.,p. 163.
第十三章 正派社会和学习认同
1 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,Trans. Naomi Goldblum,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1996,p. 2.
2 Jonathan Allen,“Decency and the Struggle for Recognition,”Social Theory and Practice,24: 3,Fall 1998,p. 449.
3 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,p. 1.
4 Ibid.,p. 9.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.,p. 22.
7 Ibid.,p. 229.
8 Ibid.,p. 3.
9 Ibid,p. 44.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.,p. 52.
13 Ibid.,p. 4.
14 Ibid.,p. 5.
15 Ibid.,p. 87.
16 Ibid.,p. 88 .
17 Ibid.,p. 89.
18 Ibid.,p. 189.
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid.,p. 151.
21 Ibid.,p. 152.
22 Ibid.,p. 155.
23 Ibid.,p. 112.
24 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,p. 26.
25 Ibid.,p. 177.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.,p. 178.
28 Ibid.,p. 179.
29 Ibid.
30 Ibid.,pp. 179180.
31 Ibid.,p. 191.
32 Ibid.,p. 203.
33 Ibid.,p. 209.
34 Ibid.,p. 265.
35 Ibid.,p. 263.
36 Ibid.,p. 226.
37 Ibid.,p. 227.
38 Ibid.,p. 229.
39 Ibid.,p. 230.
40 Ibid.,p. 231.
41 Ibid.,p. 234.
42 Ibid.,p. 240.
43 Ibid.,p. 246.
44 Ibid.,pp. 247248.
45 Ibid.,pp. 248249.
46 Ibid.,p. 253.
47 转引自C. Douglas Lummis,Radical Democracy,Ithaca,N. Y.: Cornell University Press,1996,p. 32。
48 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,p. 180.
49 Chantal Mouffe,“Democratic Citizenship and the Political Community,”in Miami Theory Collective,ed.,Community at Loose Ends,Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1991,p. 79.
50 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,p. 180.
51 Ibid.,pp. 184185.
52 例如,《中国可以说不》的作者之一宋强在一次接受外国记者的访谈时说,世界各国人民都要求自由和民主。记者问道,这不就是美国人在批评中国人权记录时所说的吗?宋强说,“不错”,但是“就算我们有缺点,我们也用不着美国人给我们指出来”。“Interview with Song Qiang in ‘Saying No: China’”,Economist,340,no. 7975,20,July 1996,p. 30.
53 Charles Leadbeater and Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,Dust Jacket Comment.
54 Avishai Margalit,The Decent Society,pp. 148149.
第十四章 博物馆和民族国家
1 Martin Prosler,“Museum and Globalization,”in Sharon Macdonald and Gordon Fyfe,eds.,Theorizing Museums,Oxford:Blackwell,1996,p. 22.他运用的是I. Wallerstein在The Modern World System( New York: Academic Press,1974)一书中提出的全球化理论。
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.,p. 24.
5 Ibid.,p. 25.
6 参见文化部文物局主编:《中国博物馆学概论》,文物出版社1985年版,第67页;王宏钧主编:《中国博物馆学基础》,上海古籍出版社1990年版,第7582页;《中国大百科全书——文物、博物馆》,中国大百科全书出版社1993年版,第748749页。
7 R. Robertson,Globalization,Social Theory and Global Culture,London:Sage,1992,pp. 4ff,50ff.
8 Gerrit W. Gong,“China’s Entry into International Society.”in Hedley Bull and Adam Watson,eds.,The Expansion of International Society,Oxford,U. K.:Clarendon Press,1984,p. 179.
9 Masataka Banno,China and the West: 18581861.Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1964,p.1.
10 Ibid.,p. 243.
11 Gerrit W. Gong,“China’s Entry into International Society,”p. 181.
12 Ibid.
13 R. Robertson,Globalization,Social Theory and Global Culture,p. 56.
14 R. Robertson,Globalization,Social Theory and Global Culture,p. 58.
15 杨志刚:《中心与边缘:中国博物馆文化一瞥》,载《粤海风》,2002年第6期,www.anewfocus.com/yhf/yhf200268.htm。
16 冯天瑜、何晓明、周秋明:《中华文化史》,上海人民出版社1990年版,第993994页。
17 《中国大百科全书——文物、博物馆》,第749页。
18 同上书,第75页。
19 E. Scheicher,Die Kunst und Wunderkammer der Habsburger,Vienna:Mot den Edition,1979,pp. 36ff.
20 F. Yeats,The Art of Memory,Chicago:Chicago University Press,1966,pp. 166171.
21 M. Foucault,The Archaeology of Knowledge,New York: Pantheon Books,1972,pp. 21,44,180.
22 M. Foucault,The Order of Things,London:Routlege,1970,p. 52.
23 M. Hunter,“The Cabinet Institutionalized:The Royal Society’s ‘Repository’ and Its Background,”in O. Impey and A. MacGregor,eds.,The Origin of Mus eums,Oxford,U. K.:Clarendon Press,1985,p. 166.
24 Martin Prosler,“Museum and Globalization,”p. 31.
25 K. Hudson,A Social History of Museums,London:Macmillan,1975,pp. 31ff.
26 Ibid.,p. 35.
27 G. D. Lewis,“Museums and Their Precursors:A Brief World Survey,”in J. M. A. Thompson,ed.,Manuel of Curatorship:A Guide to Museum Practice,London:Butterworth-Heinemann,1992.
28 B. Anderson,Imagined Communities:Reflections of the Origin and Spread of Nationalism,London:Verso,1983,p. 19.
29 H. Bansinger,Volkskunde,Tubingen:Tubinger Vereinigung fur Volkskunde,1987,pp. 40ff.
30 G. Bott,“Das germanische Nationalmuseum in Nurnbery-ein naionales Museum?”in M. L. von Plessen,ed.,Die nation und ihre Museum,Frankfurt:Campus,1992.
31 C. Stolzl,“Statt eines Vorwortes: Museumsgedanken,”in M.-L. von Plessen,ed.,Die nation und ihre Museum,Frankfurt:Campus,1992,p. 15.
32 《中国大百科全书——文物、博物馆》,第565页。
33 Andrew Hoskins,“Signs of the Holocaust:Exhibiting Memory in a Mediated Age,”Media,Culture and Society,25: 1 (2003),pp. 722. Rachel Hughes,“The Abject Aetefacts of Memory:Photographs from Cambodia’s Genocide,”Media,Culture and Society,25: 1 (2003),pp. 2344.
34 Tamara Hamlish,“Global Culture,Modern Heritage:Re-membering the Chinese Imperial Collections,”in Susan A. Crane,ed.,Museums and Memory,Stanford,C. A.:Stanford University Press,2000,pp. 137158.
35 R. P. Assogba,“Revolution and the Conservation of a National Heritage,”Museum,4 (1976),p. 218.
36 B. Anderson,Imagined Communities,p. 19.
第十五章 物品文化和日常生活秩序
1 Mary Douglas and Baron Isherwood,The World of Goods:Towards an Anthropology of Consumption,New York: Basic Books,1979. Marshall Sahlins,Culture and Political Reason,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1976.
2 J. L. Austin,How to Do Things with Words,New York:Oxford University Press,1965. S. J. Tambiah,“The Cosmological and Performative Significance of a Thai Cult of Healing through Mediation,”Culture,Medicine,and Psychiatry,1 (1977): 97132.
3 Roland Barthes,Elements of Semiology,New York: Hill and Wang,1977. Umberto Eco,A Theory of Semiotics,Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1979. Jean Baudrillard,Le systeme des objets:la consommation des signes,Paris:Denoel/Gonthier,1968;For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign,St. Louis: M. O.:Telos,1981.
4 将物品的“需要”、“用途”、“作用”去自然化,可以揭示物品在任何社会秩序中所起的等级区分作用,这是20世纪80年代以西方资产阶级文化为对象的文化批评所作出的一个主要贡献。在批判资产阶级文化这一点上,文化革命和西方文化批评有一些共同之处。但这二者间的区别似乎更为重要。“文革”期间的批判资产阶级是为政治服务的,而西方文化批评则不是。“文革”的“批资”形成了一个以“革命暴力”为价值中心的社会秩序。这个暴力社会秩序是“文革”物品意义的文化背景。认识“文革”的物品文化,需要的不只是了解一个单纯的、文本性的符号系统,而更是那个使它为暴力专制服务的政治社会秩序。
5 程文超:《波鞋与流行文化中的权力关系》,载《文化研究》,2002年第3期,第240页。
6 Grant D. McCracken,Culture and Consumption,Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1988,p.81.
7 Roland Barthes,Elements of Semiology,New York: Hill & Wang,1964. Grant McCracken,Culture and Consumption,Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1988,pp. 8081.
8 Dan Slater,Consumer Culture and Modernity,Cambridge,U. K.:Polity Press,1997. p. 150.
9 在封建王朝时代,君王官权等级与物品使用等级有着直接的关联。皇帝使用的物品,从颜色、品质到数量都是直接成为至高无上权力的象征,公卿百官无不在物品使用上与普通百姓有尊卑上下之分。但即使他们也都必须占有物品方能享有物品。为了尽量享有物品,就必须有尽量大的占有能力,那就是钱,贪污受贿由此而起。与“文革”时相比,今天除非官位特高,不占有便能享有的拥有(“公家分配”)已经十分有限,钱又重新成为为享有而占有的主要途径。官员的贪污受贿重新又成为一个令人注目的焦点。
10 Ignatieff以莎士比亚的《李尔王》一剧说明需要和身份等级的关系。李尔王被废黜以后,在旷野上与野兽为伍,方才明白,当年他贵为帝王时的那些“正当需要”其实是多么荒唐。“文革”中,许多养尊处优惯了的“高层人士”在牛棚、干校和下放处境中的体验,想来有相似的“需要教育”效果。Michael Ignatieff,The Needs of Strangers,New York: Elisabeth Sifton Books,1984,pp. 2553.
11 Agnes Heller,Beyond Justice,New York:Blackwell,1987,p. 186.
12 Michael Ignatieff,The Needs of Strangers,p. 14.
13 Ibid.,p. 11.
14 Kate Soper,On Human Needs:Open and Closed Theories in a Marxist Perspective. Sussex,U. K.:The Harvester Press,1981,p. 2.
15 Len Doyal and Ian Gough,A Theory of Human Need,New York:The Guilford Press,1991,p. 4.
16 Robert Nozick,Anarchy,State,and Utopia,New York:Basic Books,1974,pp. 15,61.
17 John Rawls,A Theory of Justice,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1971,pp.15,6061.
18 例如“男”和“女”这两种文化范畴和价值(姑且称之为“性别主义”)几乎是所有社会秩序的一部分。女着男装似乎是对性别主义的故意挑战和颠覆。但是每一次这样的挑战都可以被原有的性别主义秩序所化解,女着男装本身变成了一种“女性”时尚。又例如,香烟可以以变异的形式成为同样性别秩序的记号。舒德森在研究中指出,上个世纪初,吸烟不吸烟是男女区别的一种标志,随着女性吸烟者的增多,香烟的象征符号意义被动摇,但是又很快调整了自己。于是又出现了男性吸非过滤嘴的,女性吸有过滤嘴的区别。普遍的健康意识渐渐使男性也吸上了有过滤嘴的,于是区别又改变为男性吸烟味浓的,女性吸烟味淡的,变来变去,并没有动摇原来性别主义的秩序,变化都能被原有秩序化解和吸纳。Michael Schudson,Advertising,the Uneasy Persuasion: Its Dubious Impact on American Society,New York:Basic Books,1984. 参见Grant McCracken,Culture and Consumption: New Approaches to the Symbolic Character of Consumer Goods and Activities,Bloomington : Indiana University Press,1988.
第十六章 文物收藏和怀旧的大众文化
1 《中国大百科全书——文物、博物馆》中国大百科全书出版社1993年版,第1—2页。
2 Jurgen Habermas,The New Conservatism,Cambridge,M. A.:The MIT Press,1990,p. 298.
3 Martin Prosler,“Museum and Globalization,”in Sharon Macdonald and Gordon Fyfe,eds.,Theorizing Museums,Oxford:Blackwell,1996.
4 David Murry,Museums:Their History and Their Use,Glasgow,U. K.:James MacLehose & Sons,1904,p. 231.
5 Neil Harris,Museums,Merchandising and Popular Taste,“The Struggle for Influence,”in I. M. G. Quimby,ed.,Material Culture and the Study of American Life.New York:W. W. Norton,1978. Michael B. Miller,The Bon Marche:Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store,18691920,London: George Allen & Unwin,1981.
6 Michel Foucault,“Of Other Spaces,”Diacritics,Spring 1986,p. 26.
7 Tony Bennett,The Birth of the Museum:History,Theory,Politics,London:Routledge,1995,p. 28.
8 Ibid.,p. 100.
9 Ibid.,p. 6.
10 Tony Bennett也很重视这种折衷性的场所,他所举的例子是有固定地点的游乐园。Tony Bennett,The Birth of the Museum,p. 4.
11 P. Bourdieu,Outline of a Theory in Practice,Cambridge,U. K.:Cambridge University Press,1977. J. Baudrillard,Le systeme des objets,Paris:Gallimard,1968.
12 沈泓:《“文革”瓷》,节录于《中国文物报》,http://www.chinaculture.com.cn/ww/js/10.htm,访问时间:2004年6月18日。沈泓在《“文革”文物》(北京:新世界出版社2003年版)一书中对“文革瓷”和其他各种“文革”藏品都有详细介绍。
13 廖国柱:《革命宣传画升值空间有多大》,www.homewat.com.cn,访问时间:2004年5月13日。
14 报道者就此写道,“文革”宣传画当年数不胜数,但保存下来的却不多,据业内人士介绍,这些当年售价不超过2角钱的宣传画现叫价高达七八百元,20多年间升值4000多倍。一张一开、半开带毛泽东头像的宣传画价格分别为200元、100元左右。“文革”时期的宣传画,有如此高的升值潜力,被许多收藏家看重。见廖国柱:《革命宣传画升值空间有多大》。
15 J. Alsop,The Rare Art Traditions:A History of Collecting and Its Linked Phenomena,New York:Harper & Row,1982,p. 6.
16 《“文字”邮票资料》,出版者不详。
17 见网址:www.taobao.com。
18 《“文革”文物,火爆收藏界》,www.chinashaoshan.com/shop/wgww.htm,原载《四川经济日报》,2003年7月20日。
19 Gerard Turner,“The Cabinet of Experimental Philosophy,”in Olive Impey and Arthur MacGregor,eds.,The Origins of Museums:The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Europe,Oxford,U. K.:Clarendon Press,1985,p. 214.
20 姜丰:《艺术品的收藏与经营》(上、下),见姜丰主编:《凝视:走进〈文化视角〉》,沈阳出版社2001年版,第255页。
21 同上书,第257页。
22 同上书,第260页。
23 例如,据《四川经济日报》介绍,“新加坡著名心理医生杨新发,数年来珍藏过千,卓然成为中国‘文革’瓷器专家。……杨医生举办了一个‘火红的年代’展览,他将展出的200件收藏品,归纳为13个主题。杨医生的收藏说明了‘文革’瓷器的增值之快。1994年,他以9000元购得毛泽东笔筒,4年后市场价值9万元。这是因为‘文革’艺术品不仅有历史价值,而且水平很高,因此很多陶瓷的价格在短短的三四年内就上涨10倍。1995年,他在本地的一个拍卖会上,又以5000元买了个特制给毛泽东欣赏的芙蓉碗,三年后,这个碗的身价高达5万元”。《“文革”文物,火爆收藏界》,载《四川经济日报》,2003年7月20日。
24 姜丰:《艺术品的收藏与经营》,第267—268页。
25 我这里所说的复旧和怀旧的区别大致可以用波茵姆(Svelata Boym)所说的“恢复型怀旧”和“回顾型怀旧”的区别来加以说明,因为复旧其实也是一种怀旧。恢复型怀旧是一种表演和表现型的怀旧,它追寻和演示的不仅是原初,而且是完美的原初,这样怀念过去才有纯洁感,才能给人带来骄傲。它本能地排斥一切不完美、不美好的东西,诸如历史的荒诞和失误、失败和挫折、破坏和自我作贱等等。“文革”就是恢复型怀旧很想从历史这本大书里撕去的一页。恢复型怀旧要把“文革”中破坏掉的许多毁坏的古迹“恢复如初”,好像什么事也没有发生过一样。不仅如此,它还要营造各种分明是假古迹的“主题公园”。在它那里,只要有演示传统的符号价值,文物的真伪是不重要的。回顾型怀旧则明白一个道理,即修复的过去已经不再是真的东西。它知道“似真”和“真”的区别,所以它往往对记载过去遗址和往事的旧影集会情有独钟,这些影集向人们展示的断垣残壁和生活痕迹早已经从人们眼前消逝,它们的遥远和陌生留给每个读者的是他个人的或与他有共同生活经历者独自回味的空间。这个空间和热烈亢奋的恢复型怀旧表演戏台是完全不同的。从20世纪90年代以来,中国最具代表性的恢复型怀旧表现为各种民族主义、文化民族主义和本土主义。这种怀旧的基础是某种虽失落但仍可复元的具有本质特征或群体凝聚力的传统、文化或文明。恢复型怀旧会形成文化主张(如“新儒学”)、政治或经济理论(如“亚洲价值”)或者知识话语立场(如“后殖民”、“本土主义”等)。见Svelata Boym,The Future of Nostalgia,New York: Basic Books,2001,pp. 4148;4956。
26 Svelata Boym,The Future of Nostalgia,pp. 4950.
27 Vladimir Yankelevitch,L’Irreversible et la nostalgie,Paris:Glammarion,1974,p.302.
28 Sigrid Nunez,A Feather on the Breath of God,New York:Harper Collins Publishers,1995,p. 55.
29 Ibid.,p. 56.
30 Ibid.,p. 57.
31 Svelata Boym,The Future of Nostalgia,p. 32.
32 Susan Pearce,“Collecting as Medium and Message,”in Eilean Hooper-Greenhill,ed.,Museum,Media,Message,London:Routledge,1995,p. 21.
33 Lev Vygotsky,Mind in Society,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1978.
34 Conrad Phillip Kottak,Cultural Anthropology,4th edition,New York: Random House,1987,p. 35.
35 Jack D. Douglas,et al.,Introduction to the Sociology of Everyday Life,Boston:Allyn & Bacon,1980,p. 1.
36 Jurgen Habermas,The New Conservatism,p. 230.
37 Karl Jaspers,The Question of German Guilt,New York: Capricorn Book,1947. 雅斯贝斯在《德国罪过问题》中提出反思纳粹统治下不同个人责任的问题,详细讨论见徐贲:《国人之过和公民责任:也谈“文革”忏悔》,载《二十一世纪》网络版,第9期,2002年12月号。
38 Jurgen Habermas,The New Conservatism,p. 237.
39 Hannah Arendt,Origins of Totalitarianism,London: Allen and Unwin,1967,p.455.
第十七章 公民社会和新全球伦理秩序
1 有论者认为,1989年以后东欧国家公民社会发展并不顺利,甚至已经“遭到危险”。这是相对于80年代人们对公民社会所寄予的很高希望而言的。说公民社会遭到危险,不是指在东欧正在形成新的专制制度,而是指那里的许多国家中并未出现人们以前所预期的广泛而积极的公民参与。人们对政治的厌倦,对民主发展因无信心而漠不关心,是公民社会的主要病兆。1989年后的东欧是否有公民社会,公民社会是否健康,这些都不能只看“私域”能否独立于“公域”,社会能否独立于国家权力,而要看公民对公共生活的实际参与情况。关于影响公民社会在东欧国家发展的因素,如缺乏公民文化传统、对国家的依赖心理、新精英集团利益与民众利益的脱离、由贫富悬殊造成的弱势群体无安全感等,参见Danial N. Nelson,“Civil Society Endangered. Central and Eastern Europe: Gains and Losses in the Transition to Democracy,”Social Research,63: 2 (1996): 345368。
2 Vladimir Tismaneanu,“Civil Society,Pluralism,and the Future of East and Central Europe,”Social Research,68: 4,Winter 2001: 977991,p. 988.
3 Ibid.
4 From an interview with Mathias Greffrath and others,“Den Planeten Verwestlichen!”Suddeutsche Zeitung(Munchen),20 November,2001. Quoted by John Keane,Global Civil Society?Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2003,p. 184.
5 邓正来、景跃进:《建构中国的市民社会》,见罗岗、倪文尖:《90年代思想文选》,第2卷,广西人民出版社2000年版,第3页,原载《中国社会科学季刊》,1992年11月创刊号。
6 同上书,第9页。
7 Marcel Mauss,“A Category of Human Mind: The Notion of Person,the Notion of‘Self’,”in Marcel Mauss,Sociology and Philosophy,London: Routledge,1979,pp. 8589.
8 John Keane,Global Civil Society?Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2003,p. 177.
9 Adam B. Seligman,The Idea of Civil Society,New York: The Free Press,1992,pp. 2536.
10 Ibid.,pp. 103104.
11 Ibid.,p. 4.
12 Geremie R. Barme,In the Red:On Contemporary Chinese Culture,New York: Columbia University Press,1999,p. 4.
13 邓正来、景跃进:《建构中国的市民社会》,第8页。
14 同上书,第9页。
15 同上书,第8页。
16 石元康:《市民社会与重本抑末》,见罗岗、倪文尖:《90年代思想文选》,第2卷,广西人民出版社2000年版,第74页,原载《二十一世纪》,1991年8月号。
17 邓正来和景跃进:《建构中国的市民社会》,第8页。
18 Adam B. Seligman,The Idea of Civil Society,p. 104.
19 S. M. Lipset,“Radicalism or Reformism: The Sources of Working Class Politics,”The American Political Science Review,v. 77 (1983),p. 6.
20 邓正来、景跃进:《建构中国的市民社会》,第18页。
21 同上书,第9页。
22 引自许纪霖给笔者的来信。
23 C. Douglas Lummis,Radical Democracy,Ithaca,New York: Cornell University Press,1996.
24 Robert E. Gooding,Protecting the Vulnerable,Chicago: University of Chicago,1985,pp. 42ff.
25 Jacques Rupnik,The Other Europe,New York: Pantheon Books,1988,p.245.
26 Jacques Rupnik,The Other Europe,New York: Pantheon Books,1988,p.245.
27 Ibid.,p. 246.
28 J. M. Kovacs,“Reform Economists: The Classification Gap,”Daedalus,119: 1 (1990): 215248. Agnes Harvath and Arpad Szakolczai,The Dissolution of Communist Power:The Case of Hungary,London: Routledge,1992,p. 225,note 16.
29 Vaclav Havel,Living in Truth:Twenty-two Essays Published on the Occasion of the Award of Erasmus Prize to Vaclav Havel,ed. By Jan Vladislav,London: Faber,1989.
30 对1989年以前东欧公民社会运动“现实政治”的局限性,东欧人士自己是有所认识的。例如,Horvath和Szakolczai早在1989年就指出,东欧的公民社会理论往往以“反政治”为口号,表现了“对政治的彻底失望和一种不涉入公共生活的享乐人生的理想”。那种被简单地定义为“私域”和“日常生活领域”的“公民社会”只是躲避国家权力控制的消极应对策略,并非是一种构建社会新秩序的有效方案。消极的“现实政治”对于反抗统治只有战术价值,没有战略价值。参见Agnes Horvath and Arpad Szakolczai,The Dissolution of Communist Power:The Case of Hungary,London: Routledge,1992,pp. 78。
而且,80年代东欧的公民社会还经常带有民族主义或文化民族主义的群体观。公民社会变成一种“我族”对外族强加秩序的反抗。例如,匈牙利历史学家詹诺·舒茨(Jeno Szucz)在他的《欧洲三区域》中强调,匈牙利、波兰和捷克斯洛伐克虽不符合西方模式,但与东方模式的俄国差别更大。昆德拉认为,中欧国家文化与西方亲缘,但政治却遭俄国东方式专制绑架,俄国沙皇制度下传统的奴性,是俄国根本不存在中欧公民社会的原因,也是中欧国家与俄国最终走不到一起的历史原因。还有一种看法是,俄国只有“人民”(顺民),而波兰却特别强调“社会”,其他中东欧国家则处在这二极之间。捷克斯洛伐克埃利默·汉契斯(Elemer Hankiss)所说的“第二社会”就是以波兰模式的社会来考量公民社会反抗苏联式统治的。但是,俄国政治异见人士并不愿意接受这种看死俄国的文化决定论。例如,俄国作家亚力山大·季诺维耶夫(Alexander Zinoviev)认为,自下而上的前述苏联社会其实只是一种“人群”形式,根本不是什么“社会”。索尔仁尼琴则认为,苏联制度义是一种“窒息俄罗斯”的外来力量。它是国家世俗化、失去宗教信仰的结果,它宰制了信仰上帝的俄罗斯人。不信神的世俗国家主义,它的祸源在西方,西方社会在日益腐败堕落,这是它在自食其果。俄罗斯不应该如此。参见Jacques Rupnik,The Other Europe,p. 247。
31 See Jiri Pehe,“Civil Society at Issue in the Czech Republic,”RFE/RL East European Report,3: 32,19 August 1994. Daniel N. Nelson,“Civil Society Endangered.”
32 Peter Raina,Poland 1981:Towards Social Renewal,London: Allen and Unwin,1985,p. 175. See discussion in John K. Glenn,III.,Framing Democracy:Civil Society and Civil Movement in Eastern Europe. Stanford C. A.: Stanford University Press,2001,pp. 5257.
33 Marcin Krol,“Poland’s Longing for Paternalism,”Journal of Democracy,5: 1 (1994): 8595,p. 87.
34 John K. Glenn,III.,Framing Democracy,p. 55.
35 Timothy Garton Ash,The Polish Revolution:Solidarity 19801982,New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,1983,p. 56.
36 Quoted in Gale Stokes,The Walls Came Tumbling Down:The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe,Oxford: Oxford University Press,1993,p. 106.
37 Jean Cohen,“Strategy or Identity: New Theoretical Paradigms and Contemporary Social Movements,”Social Research,52: 4 (1985): 663716,p. 700.
38 Seymour Martin Lipset,“American Exceptionalism in North American Perspective: Why the United States Has Withstood the World Socialist Movement,”in G. Adams,ed.,The Idea of America,Cambridge,M. A.: Harvard University Press,1977.
39 Mary Kaldor,“Transnational Civil Society,”in Tim Dunne and Nicholas J. Wheeler,eds.,Human Rights in Global Politics,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1999,pp. 198202.
40 Ibid.,p. 200.
41 “自下而上的缓和”一语最早由“荷兰教会间和平会议”秘书长密特·简·费伯(Mient Jan Faber)提出。
42 Adam Michnik,“On Detent,”in M. Kaldor,G. Holden and R. Falk,eds.,The New Detent:Rethinking East-West Relations,London: Verso,1989,p. 128.
43 Mary Kaldor,“Transnational Civil Society,”p. 202.
44 Jurgen Habermas,Between Facts and Norms,Cambridge: Polity Press,1996,p. 367.
45 Renata Markus,“Decent Society and/or Civil Society,”Social Research,68: 4 (2001): 10111030,p. 1028.
第十八章 全球化、公民国家和全球治理
1 Jan Aart Scholte,Globalization:A Critical Introduction,New York:St. Martin’s Press,2000,p.46.
2 在疆域地理的世界里,人与人之间的社会关系是可以在地球表面上丈量的,地球上的任何一个“地方”都可以在地图上标示,“距离”是指联系两个地方点的那一条线,“疆界”是指把一小块地球与另一小块划分开来的那一条线。疆域地理把社会空间划分成国家或区域,然后再划分成行政区、市、县、镇、乡等等。疆域地理又可称为国家疆域地理,因为国家这个单位拥有无与伦比的尊贵地位。在疆域地理的世界里,人们按自己的疆域所在认同自己的家园。在民族主义的时代,这个有疆界的家园十之八九就是民族国家。民族国家间的疆界障碍限制了不同人民间的相互往来和往来的方式。因此,同一疆界空间中的人们一般总要比与其他的人们更能频繁往来,结成亲近关系。疆域地理至今仍是许多人理解社会地理的唯一方式,它也一直在支配着中国20世纪90年代至今的民族主义思考。在这种思考中,“中国”只能是疆界性的,不可能脱去这个疆域地理特征。
3 Ian Clark,Globalization and International Relations Theory,Oxford: Oxford University Press,1999,p.72.
4 J. D. B. Miller,“The Sovereign State and Its Future,”International Journal,39 (1984),p. 291.
5 程亚文:《90年代以来民族主义与全球化的争论》。
6 J.A.Scholte,Globalization: A Critical Introduction,p.49.
7 “民族文化凝聚力”已成为官方和知识界表述国家民族主义的最常用说法之一,见钱其琛:《增强中华民族的文化凝聚力》,载《人民日报》,1999年5月31日,第三版。另见刘登翰:《发挥民族文化的凝聚力,促进两岸关系的发展》,载《台声》,1999年第5期,第10—11页;周绍斌:《论民族凝聚力与传统文化》,载《船山学刊》,1999年第1期,第61—64页;李振连、左伟清:《当代中华民族凝聚力的发展趋势》,载《新华文摘》,1999年第10期,第50—52页。
8 萧功秦:《走向成熟:当代中国改革的回顾与展望》,载《北京青年报》,1993年5月13日,第三版。
9 萧功秦:《民族主义与中国转型时期的意识形态》,载《战略与管理》,1994年第4期,第24页。
10 转引自Jan-Werner Muller,A Dangerous Mind:Carl Schmitt in Post-War European Thought,New Haven: Yale University Press,2003,p. 100。
11 孙景尧:《全球主义、本土主义和民族主义》,载《中国比较文学》,1997年第3期,第1页。
12 盛洪:《什么是文明》,载《战略与管理》,1995年第5期。
13 石中:《从“逆反种族主义”到“中国的民族主义”》,载《明报月刊》,1996年9月号,第38、42页。
14 张汝伦:《哈贝马斯和帝国主义》,载《读书》,1999年第9期,第34—42页。
15 张伟国:《朱成虎核武言论事件后续和反应》,www.ncn.org/asp/zwgInfo/da.asp?ID=64839&ad=7/16/2005,访问时间:2006年2月28日。
16 Xudong Zhang,“Nationalism,Mass Culture,and Intellectual Strategies in Post-Tiananmen China,”Social Text,16:2,Summer 1998,p.110.
17 Ibid.
18 Ibid.,p.131.
19 Ibid.,p.129.
20 邵建:《纪末的文化偏航》,载《文艺争鸣》,1995年第1期,第25页。
21 张法、张颐武、王一川:《从现代性到中华性》,载《文艺争鸣》,1994年第2期,第18、19页。
22 参见:《我们现在怎样做中国人?—— 张旭东教授访谈录》,www.cc.org.cn/newcc/browwenzhang.php?articleid=5583,访问时间:2006年2月28日。毛燕:《从“文化拿来”到“文化输出”—— 北京大学教授王岳川谈当代中国文化问题》,booker.com.cn/gb/paper16/ 39/class001600006/hwz198796.htm,访问时间:2006年2月28日。甘阳:《独立自主还是附庸藩属?—— 华人大学理念与北大改革》,www.philo.ruc.edu.cn/pol04/ edu/p_edu/popular/200407/473.html,访问时间:2006年2月28日。《张国立痛斥韩剧〈大长今〉》,www.,访问时间:2006年2月28日。
23 曾军:《思想于学术在当代文化种合流:2005年人文学术热扫描》,www.cc.org.cn/newcc/browwenzhang.php?articleid=5,访问时间:2006年2月28日。
24 Xudong Zhang,“Nationalism,Mass Culture,and Intellectual Strategies in Post-Tiananmen China,”p. 110.
25 Yael Tamir,Liberal Nationalism. Princeton,N. J.: Princeton University Press,1993. David Miller,On Nationality,New York: Oxford University Press,1995.Will Kymlicka,Literalism,Community and Culture,New York: Oxford University Press,1989. Robert McKim and Jeff McMahan,The Morality of Nationalism,New York: Oxford University Press,1997.《自由主义的民族主义》,陶东风译,上海世纪出版集团2005年版。
26 Yael Tamir,Liberal Nationalism,p. 79. 有关评价见徐贲:《自由主义和民族主义》,载《读书》,2000年第11期,第140—145页。
27 秦晖:《自由主义与民族主义的契合点在哪里》,http://www.yannan.cn/data/detail.php?id=3516,访问时间:2005年9月3日。
28 同上。
29 同上。
30 同上。
31 徐迅:《解构民族主义:权力、社会运动、意识形态和价值观念》,见李世涛主编:《知识分子立场:民族主义与转型期中国的命运》,时代文艺出版社2000年版,第39页。
32 同上书,第33页。
33 同上书,第43页。
34 刘军宁:《民族主义面面观》,见李世涛主编:《知识分子立场:民族主义与转型期中国的命运》,第16页。
35 许纪霖:《反西方主义与民族主义》,见李世涛主编:《知识分子立场:民族主义与转型期中国的命运》,第427页。
36 徐迅:《解构民族主义:权力、社会运动、意识形态和价值观念》,第47页。
37 徐贲:《“我们”是谁?》,见李世涛主编:《知识分子立场:民族主义与转型期中国的命运》,第483485页。
38 徐迅:《解构民族主义:权力、社会运动、意识形态和价值观念》,第44页。
39 Anthony Giddens,The Nation-State and Violence,Berkeley,C. A.: University of California Press,1987,p. 13.
40 Michael Mann,“Neither Nation-State Nor Globalism,”Environment and Planning,28 (1996),p. 1960.
41 福井宪彦:《公民国家的形成》,见井上俊等编:《民族国家种族》,东京:岩波书店1998年版,第88页。
42 中西治:《新国际关系论》,江鸿祥译,学林出版社2000年版,第186页。
43 杨雪冬:《全球化:西方理论前沿》,社会科学文献出版社2002年版,第207页。
44 同上书,第199页。
45 同上。
46 同上。
47 星野昭吉:《全球化时代的世界政治——世界政治的行为主体与结构》,刘小林译,社会科学文献出版社2004年版,第4页。
48 Jan Aart Scholte,“The Globalization of World Politics,”in John Baylis and Steve Smith,eds.,The Globalization of World Politics:An Introduction to International Relations,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1999,p. 14.
49 Peter Willetts,“Transnational Actors and International Organization in Global Politics,”in Baylis and Smith,eds.,The Globalization of World Politics,p. 288.
50 Ian Clark,Globalization and International Relations Theory,p. 19. 星野昭吉:《全球化时代的世界政治》,第45页。
51 David Williams and Tom Young,Governance,The World Band and Liberal Theory,XLII,1994,转引自杨雪冬:《全球化:西方理论前沿》,第201页。
52 杨雪冬:《全球化:西方理论前沿》,第201页。
53 Richard Falk,“The Pursuit of International Justice:Present Dilemmas and An Imagined Future,”Journal of International Affairs,52: 2,Spring 1999,p. 409.
54 杨雪冬:《全球化:西方理论前沿》,第204—205页。
第十八章 全球化、公民国家和全球治理这是最后一篇