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William Yale Collection. Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University. William Yale Collection. Milne Special Collections, University of New Hampshire, Durham. William Yale Papers. House Collection (M658)t Yale University Library, New Haven, CT.
Aaronsohn, Aaron, 16, 287, 379,434
as agronomist, 15,50, 51-53, 86, 110, 216, 217,431,443-44 at Arab Bureau, 252-56, 260,348-50, 357. 444
“arrest” of, 216-17 background and role of,15, 50-51 and Balfour Declaration, 388 British inertia as frustrating to, 228-29,
character and personality of, 49-50 death of, 496
Djemal Pasha and, 91, 110—11, 133-34, 156,
160, 180-81, 522« on expulsions from Jaffa,298-305 family of, 359-60 Lawrence and, 357-60,363-64 locust plague and, 110-11, 131, 133-36,
159 - 60,180 NILI spy network of, 347-50,359-60 pariah status with Zionist Commission, 443-44
at Paris Peace Conference, 482,496 and ruination caused by Ottoman entry into the war, 83-86 spy network of9 135-36,143-44, 158-60, 180-81,216-20, 228-29, 232, 251-56, 277-80, 326—27, 347-50, 370,443,S22n Sykes and, 220, 229-32, 294-96, 300-304, 348,371-72 U.S. missions of, 51-52, 394-98,410-11,
458,482 Weizmann and,394-98,411,458 Yale and, 366,370-72
Aaronsohn, Alex, 85,134,136,143-44, 219, 256, 360, 371,372, 379-80,443 Aaronsohn, Ephraim, 86, 378, 397, 536» Aaronsohn, Rivka, 134~35,136,144, 219, 298 Aaronsohn, Sam, 397,443 Aaronsohn, Sarah, 159, 298
character and personality of, 298 death of, 379, 397,443, 535»》536» as head of NILI spy network, 256, 298-99, 326-27, 376-79 Aaronsohn, Zvi, 378 Aaronsohn family, 75-77 Aba el Lissan, massacre ofTurkish battalion at, 333-35 Aba el Naam, 280-83, 287 attack on Turkish garrison at9 328 Abbas Hilmi II, khedive of Egypt, 38-39, 58, 382-83,430-31,455-56,458-59,482, 500 Abd el Kader, 38if 383-85,389,400-40if
475-76 Abd el Karim, 256
Abdullah ibn-Hussein, 112, 115-16,123, 188—89,194-96, 199一202, 205, 209, 236, 261,491-92,520” attempt to reach accommodation with Israel by, 490 British waffling criticized by, 194-95 character and personality of, 195-96 Jordan ruled by, 492,493 Lawrence s mission to camp of9 275-77, 280-81,286,289-90 aerial reconnaissance, 100, 243 Afghanistan, 79,493 Africa, 239
European imperialism in, 29, 69
Afuleh, 278
Ageyl tribe, 276-77, 312—13, 347 Agriculture Department, U.S.f 51-52 Aigues-Morrest 22
Ain cl Essad,Lawrences refuge in,461 -63 airplanes, 199, 208f 222t 238-41,111、463 al-Ahd (the Awakening), 140-42f 145, 520w Aleppo, 26,44,45f 82, I32t 133,482, 522w Alexandretta, 93f 96, 253,481 Dons incident and, 98-99t 102 Faroki’s support of British landing at, 140-41
French scuttling of attack against, 95f
i04-6f 146-47f 150,225. 269 Lawrence's advocacy of landing at, 95-99, 103-5, 119, 120, !24f 141-42, 145-47 as vulnerable to British attack, 96-I00f 102HS, 123 Alexandretta, Gulf of, 93,96t 253f 269 Alexandretta Basinf 97f 98,1029 145 Alexandria, Egypt, 64,77,79, 88, 89,128,143t 144,252f 254f 291,432,452 al-Fatat, 12卜23, 141-42, 520»
Algeria, i97t 198f 383,475 Ali ibn-Husseinf 112,113f 123, 200-201, 205, 207, 214,236-37,246f 261,289 character and personality of, 202 panicking troops of, 215 Allenby, Edmund, 351, 363, 372, 421,423-25,
440-42,450,486,497 at Damascus Victoria Hotel meeting,
479 - 81,483 entry into Jerusalem of, 406-8,418 Jerusalem occupied byf 412f 414 Palestine offensive of, 361 v 373-75, 389,
395,404-7,455 Syrian offensive of, 427,435,437,441—2, 453,459-60,464-68t 473,475-76,479 transfer to EEF of, 342-45 war record of, 344 Yale and、452 Zionists and, 444,445 Allies:
in World War Iv Triple Entente in World War 丨丨,501 a/-A1oJtaftam, 451
Amanus Mountains, 66,98, 145, 332 Amateurs:
Lloyd asf 380 Ormsby-Gore as, 254 Sykes as. 153, 155-56 American Colony in Jerusalem,248 American Committee to Negoriatc Peace, 483
American Expeditionary Force, 451,456 American Red Cross Commission, 449 American University of Beirut, 249 Amman, 328, 392,435,436, 437t 442,447,460, 464,492f 493 Anatolia, 16,46,48,91,93,96,97,98,123,
130, 199,273,332,410,481,492 Armenians massacred in, I32t 135,136-37, 145,150,156t 1S9,296 anti-Semitism, 358t 366 British, 229 Aqaba, 61-62,66, 285t 352,389
Arab rebel base in, 367, 369f 37—75, 381,
384- 85,405, 406, 410,412,435f 445-46, 448f 449f 454,463 Bremonds proposal for landing at, 261-65, 268-72, 285t 529n British military buildup in, 427 Lawrence opposed to Allied strategy for,
268- 72, 289-91, S29n Lawrence's scheme to capture, 305-7,310, 320-24, 327-30, 335-38, 342, 345, 353-54, 375
Aqaba, Gulf oft 56.61
Arab BulUttn. 238, 254, 357, 387-88,419-21,
Arab Bureau, 220-21,223, 225, 234f 241,247,
259, 263, 291, 347, 361, 520n Aaronsohn and, 252-56, 260, 348-50. 357f 444
Hogarth at, 372, 380t 389,400,428.454 propaganda department of. 232-33 Yale and, 418 Arabia, 61, 70, 100,i65t 193, 206,210,213, 247, 258f 320, 347, 352, 383’ 440,453,491,
British-brokered division between Hussein and ibn-Saud, 492 British military presence in, 351 deserts of, 367
ibn-Saud’s rule of interior, 492 potential British military intervention in9 220-28,233-H 237-38, 242 Arabian Peninsula, 16, 114, 141,165-66,168, 180,188,190 Indiafs sphere of influence and, 161 Arabic, 424
Lawrence’s fluency in, 33, 232,425 Priifers fluency in, 13f 30-32, 38 Arab Legion, 412t 414
Arab nationalism, Arab nationalists, 121, 215, 289t 312, 325,363,426,428f 490,493f 520#i in Beirut, 402
Lawrences peacetime advocacy for, 483
Lebanon show trial of, 179-80,248,403 in Syria, 404 Arab National Party, 293 Arab Northern Army, 460 Arab Revolt, 4,115-17,145,179, 183-84, 187-21 lf 248, 250f 261-62f 283, 288f 318-19, 358, 381,40Sf 413,421t 427, 432, 440,442 Allenby won to idea off 344-45 Aqaba as new headquarters o(} 360-61 Arab tribal forces in, 256 Bremond on, 197-99, 214-15, 224, 233, 385 British and French distrusted by leaders oft 426,430 British invasion of Palestine and,
British support oft 150t 190, 197, 205,
215, 22卜28, 233-34,245,246, 262, 268f 275,283—84, 316, 323f 342—5,427,429, 431-32,447,453-55, 528» difficulty of recruitment for, 384 economics of,380
French advisors in, 212, 222, 225-26, 227, 407
Gallipoli and missed opportunitv for, 121-23, 130-31 guerrilla warfare cacrics of, 237-38,
283-84, 374 Husseins signalingoft 184 Lawrence and, 184,191-96, 198-206, 320-24, 366-67 loss of soldiers in, 416 mythology of, 366-67 northern tribes in, 237 Ottoman rapprochement efforts wirht
409-10 Palestinianjews and, 358 passion as animating force of, 269 senior leadership of, 461 Storrs and, 187-96,198-201 Syria and, 190, 198, 212, 307f 314, 318, 322, 343, 374, 385, 393 tribal squabbling as impediment to, 345 Turkish counteroffensive againsr, 190-91 Zionists and, 430,444,445-49 Arab Spring, 494 Arab warriors
at Aba el Lissan, 333-36 in Allenby’s Palestine plan, 373-75 fighting abilities of, 237-38, 240, 246, 283, 316,463 morale of, 461-63 notions of war as held by, 472-73 in Tafas, 470-73
Arabs, 54,131,396,499 Britain’s promises to, 503 Christian minority of, 35, 143f 157, 171, 231,450
gulf between Allies and, 319f 440 independent territory claimed by, 152, 161-65 Iraqi, 168
Jews and, 133, 301,490 Lawrence's relationship with, 34,40,
and locust plague, 133, 134 Muslim, 35f 157
in Ottoman empire, 35,40,74f 97 in Palestine, 74,295,357,358-59,426,431t 432,434,444,445^46,448-49,486-87,
490,491 political gamesmanship by, 318 pro-German, 500
self-determination denied tot 485-87 Syrian, 40, 234,428
tension between Turks and, 102,111-14, 117, 122-23 wars between Israelis and,494 archaeologists:
German, 30
Oppenheim as,37, 38、39 Aretbusa, SSt 448
Armenia, Armenians, 396, 399,438 Djemal’s efforts to protect, 132-33,145, 296-97, 301,403 in Jerusalem, 74 in Orroman Empire,35f 74, 301 Ottoman persecution of, 97、121 -23,
131-33,135,137-38,145-46, 150, 156,
159, 228, 230, 296, 299. 301, 302, 304,4Q7f 519w
Armistice of Mudros, 481 Armstrong, H. CM 485 Armyf British, 225,355,375,441,452,457 in Arabian theater, 198, 270,351-52 Palestine campaigns of, 219, 374,414, 435, 436,441
and 1918 Syrian offensive, 460, 461,471 Army,French, 225, 343, 375 and 1918 Syrian offensive, 461 Army, German, 344 in Syria. 436 Army, U.S., Intelligence Department of,
artillery bombardment, 166_67, 208 Arab and Turkish fear of, 243 long-range shells in, 69 Ashmolean Museum, 21-22, 71, 87,149, 369
Asquith, Herbert, 66, 142,243,293 Aratirf 435-36t 437, 440 Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal, 121,410,481, 492» 537”
Athlit, 15, 53f 135, 143-44, 158t 181f 218,228,
252- 54,256, 295f 299、326-27, 348, 360, 376-80, 398 Atlantic Monthly, 360, 498 Auda Abu Tayi, 288-91,306, 312, 314, 320-21,323,327f 334,461,470 plunder as focus of, 321,335 secret negotiations with Turks by. 353 Australia. Australians, 89,475,476,478 Territorial troops from. 56, 87 Austria-Hungary, 69, 217,430,447 Bosnia-Herzegovina annexed by, 35 in Central Powers, 71. 83, 84 on Eastern From, 151 fall of, 482
Franz Ferdinand’s assassination and, 66 Jewish emigres with passports from, 75 on Southern Front, 375, 457 Aylmer, Fenton, 13th Baronet of Donadea,
166- 68, 170 Ayoubf Selim, 250 Avyubid empire, 395
Azraq, 389f 391,392-94. 398, 399-402,442 citadel atf 436t 460-65,467-68
Baghdad. 66, 150,162,493
British Indian army at gates of, 164, 167, 248
British occupation of, M5-17 Baghdad Convention, 105-6 Baghdad Railway, 39,40-41, 66 Bair, 327-29 Bakrif Fawzi al-f 121 Bakri family, 122, 179 Baku, 47,438
Balfour, Arthur, 278,293f 294, 554, 359, 363, 388,392
Balfour Declaration, 388,395-97, 398, 406, 408,411,419-21, 426f 428-31, 438-40. 446, 462,482, 490.4Q9 Balkans, 66-67, 182,244, 457 Balkan Wars of 1912-13.40, 296 Ballobar, Antonio de la Ciervaf Conde de, 109-10,172-73 Bar Giora, 85 Barrow, Georgef 471-73 Bartholomew, William, 453 Basra, 16, 162, 169-70, 317 Beach, Edward, 171, 178
Bedouins, 156, 361, 369,403,421,425,428 in Arab strike force, 345-46 British garrisons attacked by, 78 hospitality off 320 in Iraq,347
with Lawrencc in Tahleh, 412,415 as Priifer s spies, 126 raids imo Sinai byf 62f 63 raids on roadhuilding crews by, 65 in Suez invasion, 102 as trackers, 256 traditions of, 312 and Zin Desert, 57 Beersheva, 19t 54. 56-57. 83-84,174,239-40. 332,376, 387,426, S22n Allenby、attack on, 373, 395 meeting between Lawrence and Yale ac, 10-13,49, 57,63HS4,90f 421t5!2» Turkish forces in, 389 Beha-ed-din, 516w Beidawi tribe, 256
Beirut, 27,66, 88%92f 109, 134-35, 136, 158, 228, 402,405, 522»
French consulate in, 157 Belgium, 72f 82, 304
Belkind. Namaan, 376-78, 397, 535w. 536w
Below, Richard von, 14t 58,60,66
Bemis, William, 43t 47, 138-39
Berlin, 181,217, 24If242t J59t 501
Berlin, University of, 30
Berlin-Baghdad Express. 7如(McMeekin), 37
Bernhardt, Olga, 216-17
Bernstorff. German ambassador, 535«
Bir Abbas, 204,237 Bir el Shedia、337 Bir-es-Salem, 452,459 Bir Ibn Hassani, 237 Bir Said, 246
Bismarck, Otto von, 28-29 Black Sea, 48, 481 Bliss, Howard, 92, 109, 248-49 Boer War, 54, 56, 70,153 Bolsheviks, 375,425 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 35 Boston University, 499 Bovington Camp, Dorset, 504, 505 Boyle, William “Ginger,” 211 Brandeis,Louis, 304, 395,396,411, 431 Brayf Norman, 257 Brazil, 386, 501
Bremond, Edouard, 196-99, 289, 310, 363, 493, 524»
Allied Aqaba landing supported by, 261-65, 268-72,285, 529”
character and personality of, 260-61 departure from Middle East of, 406-7 desire to send troops to Rabegh by, 213-14, 222, 224f 227、243, 261, 270, 528»
Lawrence and, 211-12, 214-15, 242—3, 264-65
obstructionist agenda of, 211-16, 222f 224, 227,233, 244 Ottoman French bank supported byt 261, 380 warning about Abd el Kader from, 384-85 Brest-Litovsk, German-Russian negotiations at, 419,424-25 Brewster, William, 451 Britain, British, w Great Britain British Colonial Office, 492,502 British Empire, 272,454 global conflicts off 70 British worldview instilled by, 18 British India, i52f 161-66f 301 army of, 56, 87,96,441-42,453,469,474 Hussein undermined by, 164-65 Indian soldiers in army of, 177-78, 390, 522”
Iraq invaded by, 96, 150,164, 167-71, 182, 248, 273,495 rivalry between British Egypt and, 154f
161, 163-66 troops from assisting Arab Revolt, 461 British military intelligence, Cairo, 83, 86-88,90f 114,119,125,144-46,183#
192,210, 220, 233, 235, 247,290,337, 380, 385-88
and Aaronsohn spy ring, 136,143-44, 376 and Faroki revelations, 140-41 and Sykes-Picot Agreement, 163, 271, 307 and Yale, 333t 385-88 British Museum, 28,46 Brode, Heinrich, 530«
Buchanan, George, 231 Bulgaria, 104,109, 356
alliance with Central Powers of, 145, 457 fall oft 482 neutrality of, 96, 107 Bulgars, 296 Byzantine period, 57
Cairo, 32f 39,49, 58,139f 156,188, 190, 194, 207, 222, 223, 232,243,251,252, 258,262. 264. 265, 300, 308,315, 326, 337, 342—4,
346, 348, 353, 359, 360, 372, 376,408-9, 427,431,432,443,448,482,492, 502 Aaronsohn inf 254, 359, 363-64 Abdullah ibn Hussein in, 115
British high command in, 128f 314, 342f 354, 387
British military intelligence office in, 83, 86-88,114f 119,125,136,140-411143-46, 163,183, 192, 210,220, 233. 235f 247, 271, 290, 307, 376,380, 385-89 British Residency in, }86 French legation in, 169 Lawrence in, 85, 86-86,90, 99, 114, 116,
119, 125,154, 361,374 Priifer as embassy dragoman in, 36-38 red light district of, 87f 88-89,106 Socony office in, 49
Syrian exiles in, 292-93,308-9,420,451 unruly oilworkers in, 73 Yale in, 89-90, 356, 366, 385-88,417-21,
449-53,478,498 Cairo Conference, 492,493, 503 Cambridge University, 114,153 camels, 100, 235-36, 276, 313-14, 327, 334-35, 347,438 discomfort in riding of, 202 Canberra, SS, 431-32 Cape Heiles, 119 Capitulations, 32-33,85, 134 end to, 74-76 Caporeao, battle of, 375 Carchemish,28,32, 33,34, 39-40,45-46,
65-66, 67, 143, 148, 187, 208, 383,462 Caspian Sea, 15,47,438 Caucasus, 38,398,419,493 Cecil, Robert, 349
Central Powers, 71f 74f 77f 145f 151f 180, 216t 230,242, 265-66,304,349f 355, 382,439, 455,458,496, 500 breaking point of, 482 imperial wish list of, 152 Ottoman Empire in, 83,84 Chapman, Thomas Robert Tighe,see Lawrence, Thomas (father)
Chauvel, Henry, 475-76
at Victoria Hotel meeting, 479-81, 483 Christians:
Arab, 35t 143, 157,171,231,450 expulsion from Jaffa of, 297-98 Holy Land and, 152.406 in Jerusalem, 74 jihad against,131 Lebanese, 134,151,156 in Ottoman Empire, 33, 35,76, 84. 85, 97t 121-22,230 in Palestine, 357, 397,420,431 in Syria, 438,451 Christian Science Monitor. 498
Churchill, Winston, 491-92, 502, 505 Dardanelles strategy advocated by,
Circassians, 156, 199, 328-29, 398 Citadel,Dujaila, 166-68 Clayton, Gilbert, 22卜23,322, 372,406,420, 421-23,432,449,478, 520»
Aaronsohn and,252,279-80,444 on Aqaba, 268, 290, 305-6,35卜52 Cairo intelligence unit led by, 140f 220 on Hejaz, 337, 341-42 on Lawrence, 341-42, 352, 361,375,
380-84, 389,423, 524i» on Lawrence and Faisal, 236-38f 246-47, 258,260, 290 Lawrence selected for propaganda department by, 232-34 LawrencesTafileh report tof 412—15 on Medina, 274-75f 506, 351 Sykes and, 315-16, 318-19, 348,352-53, 362-65,409,428,495 on Weizmann and Faisal, 445-47 Wingate and, 225-26 Clemenceau, Georges, Lloyd George's agreement with, 485-86 Clouds Hill, 504-5 Cohn, Isaac, 127 - 28
Committee of Union and Progress (CUP)f see Young Turks communications. Lawrence’s use oft 210 communism, 71
Constantinople, 32, 35, 39,43,64, 66,91,93,
96, 98, 113, 122, 131, 150, 153, 159’ 176, 178’ 179, 181, 217f 239, 249f 268, 298, 332, 359,439,497 British Dardanelles strategy andv 103-6 expatriates in, 92 German ambassador in, 157 German intelligence headquarters in, 324-25
Germany military high command in, 273
Haidar Pasha train station, 122, 159, 325
Prufer in, 77-78,94
Russia's desire to annex, 152
Sirkeci station in, 382
Socony office in, 47-48,106-8, 138-39,
Continental Hotel, Cairo, 254-55, 298, 326 Copenhagen, 217 Cornwallis, Kincaid, 432-33 Cox, Sir Percy, 168 Croix de Guerre avec palme9 169 Crusaders, Near Eastern castles of, 23, 26, 465
Crusades, 15t 23, 76, 152, 237 Turkish propaganda and, 209 cryptography, 188 Cuba, 25
Curzon, George, 362 Cyprus, 140f 377,493
Dahoum (Salim Ali), 33-34, 55, 62-63,
462-63 Daily Telrgrapb(\ndh)% 501 Damascus, 24,41,93,94, 121-22,131,141, 158, 165,174, 179,248, 266,269f 289,295, 322. 325, 328, 344,345, 376,405,441,467—68, 473-81,483,491,495, S22tt, 532»# 535» Allenby^ proposed march on, 435 Turkish hospital in, 476-79 Damascus Protocol, 122-23 Dana, A. G.f 89
Dardanelles strait, 96,103-6, 117-19 Daud (Ali), 313-14,413,436-38,455 Dawnay, Alan, 453,467 Dead Sea, 11-12,48,107,412,414,422,435 de Bunsen Committee, 153,155 Decree on Peace, Bolshevik, 404 Dcedcsf Windham, 254-56, 444 Defense Ministry, French, 197 Deir al-Zour, 132 Denmark, 217 neutrality of, 216 Deraa, 373_74, 394,442,455, 460, 467-69, 471-73,479 ambulance train story, 472-73 Lawrence raped and tortured in, 398-402,
406,413,423,455,473 de Sambouyf Major, 465,469,474,477 Des Moiws, USSf 143 Diplomatic Agency, U.S., 385 Djemal Pasha, Ahmed, 9f 85-86, 122,14*0,
150, 157, 162,215,239,248-50, 289, 296, 350, 410,438-39,481,493, 527wf 532», 537i»
Aaronsohn and、91, 110-11,133-34, 156,
160, 180-81, 522» in Afghanistan, 493 Americans and, 249
Armenians aided by, 132-33, 145,2%-97, 403 .
Beirut speech oft 402-5,408-9 death of, 497
foreigners in Jerusalem and, 172-73 on Gallipoli landing, 130-31 German commanders and, 297. 527n as governor of Syria,91-94
Husseins approach to, 111 一13, 117, 142,
Jaffa evacuated by, 296-98f 299-305, 347t 362,377, 530« in Jerusalem, 108-11,248 Jews and, 404, 516w managerial style of,108-10 Morgenrhau's description of, 91-92 narrowing options of, 272-74 Ottoman dccline denied by, 248 Prefer and, 91,108, 113,114,127, 156-58, 173
and Suez invasion, 93-94, 99—103,108 Yale、meetings with, 91, 137-38,I74-76f 249-50
Djemal Pasha, Mehmet,429,446-48,454, 459, 537»
Djibouti, 264 Dobell, Charles, 286 Dolmabah(;e Palace, 138 Doris. HMS, 98-99, 102 Don Yol, 93
Doughty, Charles Montagu, 23-24 Druze, 151
Dufferin, HMS, 350-51 Dujaila, 166-68,170
Eastern Mediterranean Special Intelligence Bureau (EMSIB), 252,326, 347-48 Edelman, Samuel,174, 249 Edmonds, William, 252-53,255, 278-79,
Egypt, 32, 73, 79,89,96, 136, 140,159,206, 212,213,219, 239,338, 355,433 British rule over, 14,34-39, 54-56, 58, 68, 77, 78,80,91, 100, 102,113-17,122, 125, 127,145, 147,164, 216. 220, 266, 301, 354, 439-40,493, 500 British supply line to Arab rebels from, 189, 262, 268, 374, 383—84,421-22 civic unrest inf 439—40 French 1798 invasion of, 15 Germany and, 58
hope for anti-British uprising in, 56, 59, 102
Israelites' biblical flight from, 56 khedive of, 38-39, 58 Med-Ex soldiers in, 119 mujahideen in, 14 Muslim pilgrims from, 113,198 Muslim recruits ro Arab Revolution from, 361
Nasser’s takeover of, 493
nationalists in, 499 NILI headquartered in, 348 Ottoman rule over,36-37 power structure in, 59 Prufer int 13
rivalry between British India and, 154, 161, 163-66
sabotage and subversion campaigns of Central Powers in, 79 sccret police of, 60 Socony offices in, 49,64 Egyptian Army, British,221 Egyptian Expeditionary Force, British (EEF), 86t 146,190,192, 213, 220-21,
226, 233,441,453,459-60,473 Allenby given command of, 342-45, 350 Desert Mounted Corps of, 475 Lawrence under command of, 192-93, 342-43, 350 Murray removed from command of,
Yale as U.S. military attache to, 453, 459-60,463,465- 67,469 -70,474,
476-79, 482-83 El Arish, 272-73, 372, 374-75, 381, 383, 389 El Houl, 3U-14, 320 El Ula region, )36f 351 English Zionist Federation, 294, 301-2, 348, 359, 371, 379,396,398 Entente Cordiale, 197
Enver Pasha, 77-79,83,122,131, 179, 273,403, 419,481,493,497, 515»
Erlangen, University oft 31 Erman, Adolf, 30 Eskisehir, 136 ethnic cleansing, 296 Euphrates River, 32f 41 Europe:
Eastern Front in, 151,244, 375,419,438 imperialist mind-set in, 269, 362,491,
imperial powers in, 29,36f 69, 70f 430
Jewish emigration from, 75
lack of progress on battlefields of, 151-52
no-mans-land in, L51, 167
Southern Front in, 151, 375,457
trench warfare in, 166-67, 225
war euphoria in, 68-69
Western Front in, 28,81 -82,87, 104-5,
146,149,151,166-67t 197,213,225, 244, 268, 296f 331, 343, 366-67, 375, 376,424, 438,441,455-56,457,482 Euryalus, HMS, 212 Exodus, book of, 50, 56, 57
Faisal I, king of Iraq (Faisal ibn Hussein), 111, 113, 117,121-23,131, 179-80,189, 20卜2, 243, 248, 250, 261 f 286, 305, 308, 311. 312, 316, 321,361,427,490 Allenby and, 352 in approach to Wejhf 256-58, 259 Aqaba landing considered by, 264-65f
269- 72,274-75
Auda Abu Tayifs alliance sought by, 288 Bremonds overtures to, 264-65,26B-72, 289
British liaison officer assigned to, 232-34 caution coward British involvement by,
220, 226, 243,319 character and personality of, 205, 290 as Commander of Arab Forces, 336-37 Damascus provisional government off 475 as disheartened, 374
Djemals correspondence with, 405,408-10 French mistrusted by, 449 on Iraqi throne, 492t 504-5 Lawrence and, 204-6,207, 209-11, 214,
215,216,222, 234, 235—38,243-47f 258,
260, 288-89, 374,413,428-31, 504-5 and Lawrences Aqaba plan, 291 leadership off 245
Medina rebel force led by,191,199-200, 203-6,215 military setbacks of, 236-38 mountain defenses of, 223 Ottoman correspondence of, 537», 539w-40w
Paris Peace Conference and, 486-87,491 as peacekeeper and consensus builder,
245, 276
political gamesmanship by, 318-19 as self-declared king of Syria, 491 and September 1918 Syrian campaign, 461-63,467-68,473 Shalaan and, 393
Sykes-Picot revealed by Lawrence to,
270- 71, 295, 309-10, 318,447, 528«f 53U - 32»
Turkish secret dialogue of, 410, 439,
447—49, 454, 459 at Victoria Hotel meeting, 479-81,483 war campaign of, 236-38 wariness of, toward French, 261. 268 Weizmann as ally of, 486-87 Yale and, 488 Zionists and. 445-49 Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, 487 Fakhri Pasha, 273 Falkenhayn, Erich von, 403-4
Faraifra, 437-38 Farasan Island, 498
Faroki, Mohammed al-f 140-43, 145,150,
Farraj (Othman), 313-14,413,436-38,441,
455 fascism, 71
Fawzi Bey, Omar, 78,80 Feinberg,Absalom, 135f 143-44, 158-60,
180- 81, 252-53, 301f SUn death oft 255-56, 260, 298-99,443 fellaheen, 84, 156, 357-58 Field Aviation Detachment 300, German, 239-41 First Balkan War, 40 FitzMauricef Gerald, 229, 232 Flavius Josephus, 219 Flecker, James Elroy, 66 Fliegertruppen (German Flying Corps), 239 Florence, Ronald, 53,83 Fontana, Winifred, 82,83 Foreign Affairs Ministry, French, 198, 315 Foreign Office, British, 213, 220, 227, 243,
293- 94, 301-3, 349—50, 359, 362, 396,407, 444,446,447,449-50,479-80, 494 Fourth Army, Ottoman, 91,99-103 France, 20,43,69, 248f 287,331,403.418,430 Alexandretta plan blocked by, 95f 104-6, 146-47, 150, 225, 269 Allied Aqaba landing urged by, 261-65, 268-72
amity between Britain, Russia, and, 30 Arab conspirators’ exclusion of, 141 Arab Revolt and, 212, 222, 225-26,227,407 Britain and, 261, 270,386,479-81 on capture of Medina, 233 Cilicia region and, 492-93 in Dardanelles invasion, 105 draft in, 73 Egypt invaded by, 15 Frank Lawrence on front in, 129 German attacks on, 72,438 Lawrence in, 17-18, 21, 22f 28f 202 Lebanon and, 134-35, 162,199, 515-17, 318 Middle Eastern territory claimed by, 183, 21 卜 15, 224-25,233f 29!f 309-10, 317, 323-24, 362,404,417,450,453-54,520« military mission to the 卜lejaz of, 198 North African possessions of, 197 Palestine and, 293
resistance to Alexandretta landing by, 95,
104- 6? 146-47, 150,225, 269 Syria claimed by, 146-47-152, 162-65,197f 199, 212, 215, 264, 270-72, 289, 291 -92,
300, 307’ 314-15, 318-19, 346, 363’ 364, 374, 384,405t 419f 429, 479-81,485-86, 488-89,491-93, 503 technical advisors from,212, 26lf 272f 289 in Triple Entente,介f Triple Entente Tunisia conquered by, 34. 38 U.S. entry into war and, 265, 287 Western Front and, 104-5, 151,213,457-58 World War Is impact on, 70 Franco-Prussian War, 28, 70 Frankfurter, Felix, 49, 304 Franz Ferdinand,Austro-Hungarian archduke, assassination of, 66-67 Free Officers Movement, 493 free trade, 266 Frey, Alexis, 171 -72 Friedman, Isaiah, 232t 521«
Fromkin, David. 516«, 520«, S2\n Fuweila, 329
Turkish garrison at, 333, 337
Gallipoli, 103
military debacle at, 118-23, 125, 130-31, 139-41, 145-46, 150, 156, 170, \79% 190, 263,268,492f518«
Garland, Herbert, 244, 282 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 458 Gary, Hampson, 452 Gasimt 312, 314 Caster, Moses, 231-32 Gaza, 54, 55,211、274-75, 279, 297, 358, 364, 443
Allenbys attack onf 373, 404 British defeats at, 286、287. 293,299-300, 342,343, 387,403 First Battle of, 299-300 Second Battle oft 342f 343 Turkish garrison at, 389 Geneva conventions, 98 Georges-Picot, Francois, 162-64,230-31, 300, 308-9, 314-15, 317-18, 352, 572, 407-8
named liaison to Murray’s army, 291-93 Seven Syrians and, 453-54 Georgette (German offensive), 438 George V, 1-2,178,314f 505 Georgia, republic of, 497 Germany. 181, 324,430f 440,497 on Abbas Hilmi, 382-83 airplanes oft 238-39, 272 approaches toward Suez available to, 90-91
buildup on Western Front by, 419
in Central Powers, 71,83, 84 class system in, 28, 59-60 councerintelligence agents from, 217t 218
diplomatic transgressions by, 36-39 draft in, 73
on Eastern Fronr,151, 375 Enver Pasha’s treaty with, 77-78 France anacked by, 72f 438 imperialism off 28-29,30, 36-3(>
Jewish homeland and, 349 militarization of, 30f 44, 71-72 minclaying bv> 305
movements between the wars in, 499-501 nationalism of, 29-30f 58 Nazi party of, 500-502, 505 Ottoman Empire’s relarionship with, 30, 38,41,66,83,94,99-100, 102, 113- W.
116, 118, 125, 142f 145, 190,216, 248,273f 303, 377,385,406,430,515«
Ottoman military installations of, 332 provocation of U.S. by, 266 Priifersjewish spy ring for, 14-15,126-29, 144
rivalry with Britain of, 13,38’ 55, 58-59,
Russian provisional government undermined bv, 287 Russian peace overtures roward, 375, 419, 424-25 Socony and, 386 surrender of, 1,482 U-boats from, 104, 266, 287 unification of, 28, 29 U.S. declaration of war against, 287, 331, 430
war declared on Russia by, 77 on Western Front, 151, 213, 424,440,441,
Western Front headquarters of, 455-56 withdrawal from Jerusalem of, 406 World War 丨 casualties of, 70 Gideonkes,85,135 Glazebrook, Otis, 418 Gotland, 253-55 Gorringe, George, 170 Grand Continental Hotel, Cairo, 87 Grand New Hotel Jerusalem, 89 Graves, Philip, 254 Graves, Robert, 540»
Great Bitter Lake, 100 Great Britain, 4, 20,66.95,287, 307,418,430,
Aqaba landing supported by, 268-72, 285
Great Britain (continued)
Arab alliance with, 1 丨 5-17,141-42, 208, 212, 386,408-9 Arab suspicions of, 223-24 arrogance and smugness oft 104,155, 170, 182
carrier pigeons used by, 376 Chaim Weizmann and munitions industry of, 128 class system in, 18, 271 contempt toward Turks by, 104.120 Dardanelles strategy of, 103-6, 117-23 draft in, 73
Egypt ruled by, 14, 34-39,54-56, 58. 68, 77,78,80,91,100, 113-17, 122t 125, 127, 145. 147f 164,216,266, 301, 354,439~40, 493,500 France and, 261,270,386,479-81 Germany’s rivalry with,13, 38. 55, 58-59, 60, 72
imperial designs oft 152, 162-65,183,
190-91, 225, 291,309f 319, 362,404.
407, 417,419,450, 453-54, 485-86,489, 491-92, 520«
Jewish homeland in Palestine and,
349-50, 371-72, 377,379-80, 386, 396, 411,432
Muslim territories controlled by, 78 Ottoman Empire's relations with, 37f
55, 56
Prufer on enemies blacklist of, 500 self-determination advocated by, 362 on Socony oil interests, 64 spy ships of, 144, 158-60, 181,253,256, 278,298f 326-27, 360,376, 378 Suez Canal and, 37f 55-56 territorial troops from, 56 in Triple Entente, 30; Triple Entente
Turkish negotiations u ith,409,447 war euphoria in, 68-69 Great Loot, 5,152,486 Great Pyramids of Giza, 86 Great Rifr Valley, 48 Greece, Greeks. 43, 104,296,418,457 imperial ambitions of9 153 neutrality off 96 in Ottoman Empire, 35 Grey, Edward, 162f 231, 293 Gribbon, Walter, 219 Grignon Institute, 51 Gunkel, Oscar, 138-39 Gurkhas, 461
Hadassah. 128,497
Hadera, 135
Hafir el Andscha, 101
Hague war conventions, 98
Haidar, Ali, 273-74
Haifa, 50,136,143, 358, 364,469
Haig, Douglas, 70, 225, 375
Hajim Muhittin, 398-402
Hall, Henry, 21
Hama, 344,522i»
Hamburg-America Line, 44 Hamed (Moroccan), 276-77, 311-12 Hamidian Massacres, 519w Hamilton, lan, 140 Hampshire. HMS, 184 Mamra% Arabia. 204, 205 Handbook of the Hejaz、The, 259 Hanna, Edith, 498 Hardinge, Lord Charles, 227, 349 Hareidhin, Talal el, 470 Harrison, Leland, 355-56, 365,371f 419-20, 425,430-31, 449,451 Hashemite clan, 112,114,180, 205,408,427, 486
Hebrew language, 372 Hebrew Union College, 410-11 Hebron, 332 Hebron road, 65, 90-91 Hejazf I12f 113,131, 179,191、307, 316f 323,
347, 384,439 Arab Revolt in, 184,189-209, 222, 240,
248,336-37, 341, }43t 346, 404,407,
British officers in, 268-72, 352, 532w economy of, 380 Hussein's rule in, 492 Lawrences permanent posting tof 258
Lawrences postage stamps for, 192 Lawrences return to Cairo from, 232-34.
limited access to non-Muslims in, 190-91, 204,209, 224 Newcombe in, 251 proposed Arab rebellion in. 115-17,
12卜23, 142 seasonal watercourses in, 203-4 Turkish troops in, 194, 204-5 Hejaz Railway, 41,112, 244, 246, 261-63,
273- 75,281-85, 288, 290, 305-6, 327-28, 336, 345, 351, 373, 390,421,427,435,436, 440,460,464,467-68, 520n incomplete state of, 98 Herbert, Aubrey, 87, 171,176—78
Herzl, Theodore, 52,54 HillJ.C, 43,47-49. 63-65,174 Hindenburg Line, 457,482 Hitler, Adolf, 242,499t 500-501 Hittitccivilizarion, 32 Hodgson, Captain, 459 Hogarth, David, 17, 22-23, 28, 32, J4f 65-66, 99,118,119,370 at Arab Bureau, 372f 380, 389, 400,428f 454 and Lawrences push for Alexandretta,
105-6 Hollis, Stanley, 68 Horns, 344, S22n Hotel Fast,Jerusalem, 238f 240 Hotel Germania, Constantinople, 77f 78 House, Edward, 396, 489 Howeitat tribe, 288, 312f 320, 323, 327, 329, 334-35, 337t 353 Hungary, 52
Hussein, King (Emir), i 11-14, 115-17,121-23, 141,150,156, 183-84,207,231, 233,289f 380, 385,404,439,446,450f 462,475,487 administration oft 198 allies courted by, 323 Arab Revolt begun by, 184, 188-90, 192, 240,273
Britain’s ncgoriations with, 152f 16l-65f
189, 193, 194-95, 200, 52\n, 522”
British alliance off 427-28,493 on British honor, 311. 316t 318-19 Constantinople’s negotiations with, 179-80 deposed, 493
fighting capability of troops oft 212 Hashemite dynasty of, 112, 114,180, 205, 408f 427,486 ibn-Saud as chief rival of, 427-28 Lawrencesjeddah meeting with, 351-55 private phone line of, 195 risks of British alliance for, 190-91, 209 Sykes’s double-dealing and, 292, 307-10,
314- 19. 362-64,405,409, 531 Zionists and, 428,449 Hussein, Zeid al-f 188-89, 190,207, 236, 238, 289,435
character and personality of, 201-2 Guweira gold caravan and, 421-23 Hussein family, 131
Husseini, Ismail Hakki Bey al-, 49,173, 175-76, 249-50
ibn-Saud, Abdul Aziz, 164-66,427-28,487,
491,493 Impcrator. SS, 43-44, 330
Imperial Camel Corps, 361,441 -42,446 Imperial Colonial Office, German, 527» Imperial General Staff, British, 81-83, 146, 219, 344, 346 India, 7,44. 79 Lawrence in, 504 Muslims in, 113, 161t 198 Priifer in, 501-2 set also British India Indian Expeditionary Force (IEF)f 164,170-71 Intelligence BulUtin for tbf Middle East, 164-65 Iraq, 16, 39, 87,91,199-200, 117, 141, 166f 168, 182,332f44If 522n Arab Revolt and, 198 British claim on, 3I7f 405,485,491 f 495 British Indian army in, 96,150,164,
167- 71, 182, 248, 273.495 British mandate in, 497-98 Faisal placed on throne of, 492, 504—5 French claim on, 162 revolt in, 491
slaughter of ethnic minorities in, 494 trench warfare in, 167-69 2006 U.S. military “surge” in, 347 Ireland, 19, 153 Iskcnderun, /^Alexandretta Islam:
Wahhabism, 165-66 Young Turks as supporters of, 35 see also Muslims; pan-lslam, pan-Islamic jihad Islamic jihad, 4
against Christian military foes, 84, 85 Oppenheim、promotion of, 38, 59, 77-78, 79f 117
Ottoman promotion of, 97 pan-Islam and, 39,92,102, 111, 114, 131,
190, 241^42, 325 Prufer's embrace of, 102,114 Isle of Man, 20 Ismailia, 192t 342 Isonzo valley, 375 Israel, 50,52,490,493,496 Aaronsohns dream of, 388 Erecz (Greater), 50 modern-day, 56, S22n wars between Arabs and, 494 Israelites, ancient, 56-57 Istanbul, /rr Constantinople Italy, 104,128,242,301, 418,430,431,465 imperial ambitions off 153,450, 520»
Libya invaded byf 14,40 on Southern Front, 375,457 Triple Entente joined by, 127f 129,151
Jaffa, 65, 73,86t 126.134, 240, 376,435,443f 452
British troops in, 395 Djemal Pasha’s evacuation off 296-98, 299-305, 547, 362, 377, 530»
Jaffa Gatejerusalem, 89 Jebel Druze area, 337
Jeddah, 187, 188, 191,196, 198,207, 211, 212, 214, 224f 242«43,247,258, 260f 262,264, 272, 306-8, 310, 314-19, 350, 364,407t 409,493, 524ii French-Onoman bank proposed for, 26I#
Lawrence、mission to, 350-54 Turkish threat to, 261 Jefert wells at, 327-29
Jerablus, 33, 34, 36, 39,40,41,44一46, 66, 97、 483
Lawrence and Woolley’s leopard in, 45 Jericho, 110,412,422
Jerusalem, 13,48-49f 63, 131,159,238,240, 332, 345, 373, 387f 406f 413,437,460,467, 497,498, 522u British entry into. 395,406-8,411 as cosmopolitan, 74 expatriates in, 73, 171-73,418 German Hospice in, 108, 113,131,138, 174,
248, 250,265 German military presence in, 113, 125, 354 Hospice for Russian Pilgrims in, 125 Lawrences withering appraisal oft 88 Old City of, 406
Storrs as military governor off 415 Yale in, 72-75, 88-89,137 Jewish Agriculrural Experiment Station, 15,53 Jewish CbronicU, 302 Jewish Committee in Alexandria, 359 Jewish State. T^(Herzi)f 52 Jews:
anti-Semitic suspicions against, 35 assimilationist, 358 British, 230,448
as British spies, jrr Aaronsohn, Aaron, spy network of diaspora of, 50,395 discrimination against, 50 as emigres, 14-15
expulsion from Jaffa of, 297-98, 299-305 German, 349
German protection of, 378-79, 535» as German spies, 14-15,126-29, 144 in Jerusalem, 74 Jerusalem as sacred to, 406 Muslim Arab disdain for, 84-85
in Ottoman Empire, 35, 50, 74, 76, 83-86,
- 134,159.230,279f 378-79 in Palestine, Palestine,Jewish emigration to; Palestine,Jewish homeland in persecution feared by, 159 philanthropy by, 15 political alliances of, 230 Russian, 86,126-27, 349,5\6rt in Syria, 156
Turkish treatment oft 535»
U.S., 49, 230, 303-4, 371, 396, 448,458 westernized, 299
Zionism and,财Zionism, Zionists Joffre, Joseph, 233 Jordan, 61t320f 392,493 modern, 492 Jordan River, 295,435,436,447,460, 467,491 Jordan valley, 348,421-22,436 Joyce, Pierce, 272, 352, 374,460-61,467 Judaism, Ormsby-Gore s conversion to, 254 Judea, 12, 107,133, 138 Judean foothills, 49,65
Kabul, 493 Kauerscbiacbt, 456 Katra,133-34 Kedouri, EIief 52\n
Kemal, Mustafa, Ataturk, Mustafa Kemai Kerak, 412,414,415,416,421 Kerensky, Alexander, 349,404 Kerensky regime, Russian, 375f 404 Khali) Pasha, 170,176-78 khamsin (sandstorm), 9-10,12 Kharpoucli, Mustapha, 172, 266 Khartoum, 212, 215,220-23,243 Khcif Hussein, 235-36 King-Crane Commission, 489,499 Kirkbride, Alec, 422 Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, 216-17 Kitchener, Horario Herbert, 56,146, 221, 382 as British secretary of war, 68-69t 140 death of, 184 Hussein and, 115-16, 161 on invasion of Iraq, 168-69,170 Lawrence ordered to defer enlisting by,
on Priifers appointment, 60-61 Storrs as misted lieutenant of, 115 Sykes and,153 Knabenshue, Charles, 385-86 Kornub, 12,49,6l-63f 73, 107,173, 174t 250, 497-98
Kressenstein, Friedrich Kress von, I00t 129 Kuhlmann, Richard von, 530w Kurds, in Syria, 40
Kut, 164,167-72, 177-78.182f 183, i90f 268, 522n
Kutabv Fuad aU, 315, 317-18
Lake, Percy, 170-71 /-amtf.HMS. 187t193-Q4 Lansing, Robert, 332-33, 355-56,452-53 Lawrence, Arnold, 71, 148.424, 505 Lawrence, Bob, 71,148 Lawrence, Frank, 71 death of, 129-30, 139, 147-48, 182 Lawrence, Sarahjunner (mother), 19f 490 as family disciplinarian, 21 family secret of, 19-20,513” and Frank’s death, 129-30, 147*-48 Lawrence, Thomas (father), 19 family secret of, 19-20, 513»
Lawrence, Thomas Edward, 16f 164t 229f 417, 457, 537» affinity for East oft 32—33 Alexandretta invasion advocated by, 95-99, 103-5. 119, 120, 124, 14 卜42, 145-47 aliases of, 485, 502-5 alienation from Englishness of, 27 as apologist for Arabs, 258 as apologise for Faisal, 258 appearance of. 2l9 23f 211, 344 Aqaba campaign oft 305-7, 310, 311-14, 320-24, 327-30, 335-38. 342, 345, 353-54, 375
Aqaba Allied strategy opposed by, 268-72, 289f 290,S29n in Arab advance into Svria,453-55 Arab dress adopted by, 244f 341-42, 344, 406, 424,474,477 Arab Revolt and, 184,19卜96,198-206, 320-24, 366-67 Arabs favored over British by, 385.409 Arabs1 image oft 384 Arabs romanticized by. 34,40 as archaeologist, 3, 21f 27-28, 32-33,45-46, 54-57,65-66,67 on Auda Abu Tayi, 288 Beersheva meeting with Yale by, 10-13, 40f 57,63-64t 90% 421t$12i» bicycle tour of Fra nee byt 17-18, 21,22f 202 bodyguard of, 401 f 413-14,454 British Indian army cruiqucd by, 182-83 burden ofleadership on, 311-14 as bureaucratic infighter, 210-llf 233
in Cairo military intelligence, B3t 86-88f 90f 99, 114,116, 119, 125,154, 361, 374 in captured Aqaba, 360-61, 363f 364, 372f 374
at Carchemish dig, 39-41,65-66,462 circumspection of, 540»
Clouds Hill home of. 504-5 at Colonial Office, 492f 502 on crumbling of Ottoman Empire, 36 cynicism of, 539«
Dardanelles operation as concern of,
105-6,117-19 death oft 505
in Dcraa railway attacks, 460-65,467-69 desire to leave Syrian war[heater by, 421-25
despondency of, 380-82,490 under EEF command, 192-93 emotional constriction of, 18v 139,148,401 in England, 66, 67,71-72 as enigmatic and controversial figure, 2-3 epiphany about Arab Revolt of, 274, 285 exaggerated navigational reputation of, 384 exhaustion off 342 as family bohemian, 44 as first British officer with Arab rebels in field, 208 gamesmanship of, 57 growing fame of, 343, 345-46, 350-51, 380-81,486 Hamed killed by, 276-77. 311 Heja2 postage stamps designed by, 192 hopes of. aimed to ashes, 485-87 identification with Arab cause by% 271 ill health of, 276-77,280-81f 283, 312,406 immersion in Arab culture byf 208f 233-34, 244~46, 347,425-26 Iraq revolt predicted by, 491 Jeddah mission of, 350-54 Kitcheners orders to, 71-72 knighthood refused by, 1-2, 3, 5 leave to return to England granted,483 letters of, 17-18,27f 34,46. 55,62t 66, 72t 82,83,87t 95,99,105.106v 118,119, 124, 129-30, 139f 145, 148f 149、369,380, 384, 401,410.412-14,423,461,462,485, 503, 505
limits of endurance tested byt 20-21 as marksman, 187
on McMahon-Hussein correspondence, 116-17
medieval military history and Arthurian lore as tascinarions of, 2,21, 22-23, 208-9.250. 271,503
Lawrence, Thomas Edward (continued) military culture disdained by, 81,82f 88, 100,124,169,192-94, 211,350-51, 502 minimal Allied military presence in Arabia advocated by, 214-15, 233 missed communications as strateev of.
in mission to Iraq, 168-71, 176-78 motorcycles ridden by, 504-5 myths of, 208, 472-73 in negotiations between Faisal and rhe Turks, 447-49 Newcombe s affinity fort 57,62 at Oxford, 3, 2卜23, 27-28,46, 54, 87,208. 424
personality and temperament of, 3, 20-21, 34, 57,62,196, 234, 242-43, 257,259. 306, 383, 504 persuasive skills of, 328 physical contact disliked by. 245 ttPolitics of Mecca” report by, 164-65 in preparations for permanent assignment to Arabia, 259-60 promotions and decorations of, 169, 234, 322, 343,346, 370,416.425,512»
Priifer^ reverse trajectory with, 241 psychic toll onf 424, 503 in RAF, 502, 504-5
rape and torture of, 398-402, 406,413, 423,
455,473 on religion, 406 return from Iraq of, 182-84 sense of honor of, 271-72 sexuality of, 313,402 snakes feared by, 320-21 as stoic,402
Storrs and, 114一15, 116-17, 187-88, 191, 524w
Sykes and. 154, 307-10, 317. 32!f 362-63
Syria as focus of, 114t 192
Syrian recruitment mission of, 311—14,
320-24, 325, 327-30,341-42, 344-45 Syrian Crusader castle tour of. 26-27 at Tafas, 470-73,479 in Tafileh, 41 卜 16,42卜23, 424-25, 428,
as temporary liaison officer to Faisal, 234 trademark sarcasm of, 124 Turkish hospital incident and,476-79 uncomfortable camel ride of, 202-3 at Victoria Hotel meeting, 479-8lf 483 at War Office, 81-83,87 Will Lawrence’s last meeting with, 44 Yale and, 90,410,449-50,491
Yarmuk mission oft 381-82,383-85, 389-90, 394f 400, 406, 423, 455,464 Lawrence, Will, 44, 71t 139 death off 148. I49f 182 Laurence of Arabia (film), 314, 338,366 Lawrenceville School, 25 League of Nations, proposed, 429-30 Lean, David, 314, 338, 366 Lebanon, 11、72t 111, 134-35, 179,322, 332, 344,402-3,489 Christians in, 134,151f 156 civil war in, 494
Frances claim on, 134-35, 162, 199f 315-17, 318
modern-day, 480-81,493, S22n show trial of Arab nationalists in, 179—80 Leeds, Edward, 62,87t 149, 153, 369f 380,423 Legion d'Honneur, 169 Lenin, V. I., 287, 404 Lepsius,Karl, 30 “Lewis” (Australian officer), 367 Libya, Italian invasion of, 14f 40 Liddell Han, Basil, 147, 540w LishanskyJoseph, 255-56, 326-27, 378-79, 443, 535”
Lloyd, George, 87, 380-82f 383-85, 389,409 Lloyd George, David, 243-44, 293, 388,457, 491-92, 495 Clemenceau's agreement wirht 485-86 London, 216,219f 228,251, 310,324,346, 348, 356, 359, 365-66, 370-71, 379、394, 397,
398,431,458 Loytved-Hardegg,Julius, 248 Lynden-Bellf Arthur, 226, 260, 291
Maan, 274, 305-6, 312, 327, 329-30, 334-35f 337,437
Lawrence’s mission to’ 434-48 Maan-Aqaba road, 329 Maccabean Society, 443-44 VlacDonogh, George, 149 Macedonia, 296,457 McGovern, Rudolf, 10-11,43,47t 49 in Kornub, 63-65, 174,498 machine gunsf 69, 222, 282, 283, 367,469,471 Mack,Julian, 49
McKale, Donald, 28, 241—2,439f 499 McMahon, Henry, 168,205, 220—21, 225,227, 317-18,520«. 522n on Alexandretta scheme, 146 on Arab independence, 150, 161-63 as British high commissioner for Egypt, 142, 223, 232
McMahon-Hussein Correspondence, 142f I63f 270, 292f 308, 317, 520», 52S22n, Silrt
McMeekinf Sean, 37 MacMillan, Margaret, 486 Madeba. 412.414,416,421 Mahdi War, 56,221 Mallet, Louis, 80
Managrm, 278. 298. 326-27, 360. 376-77, 379f 534”
Manchester, University of, 294 Mapping of Palestine, 56, 57 Marmara, Sea of, 103 Marne River, 72 Martyrs' Square, Beirut,403 Mary, Queen, 1-2 Masri, Abdul Aziz al-,140-41 Maxwelljohn, 146
Mecca, U29113-14,121f 139f 14lf 142f 179,
Arab Revolt in, 184, 188-90, 203, 237 hajj to, 198
as off-limits co non-Muslims, 190t 270 Turkish threat to, 189, 236,261 Medina,41,47, 112,113,114,121,131t 180, 189t 204, 284 Djemal Pasha’s withdrawal order and,
France on preventing capture of, 233 as off-limits to non-Muslims, 190 Turkish garrison in, 190, I91f 198f 205,
214, 236, 244, 246, 248f 261, 269, 273-76, 280-85. 305-6, 336f 351,435, 441 Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (Med-Ex)t 117-19, 139 Mediterranean Sea, 9f 16f 22, 53,65,96, 103, 107,119, 146, 253,291, 295,417,435 Suez Canal and, 55, 61 Mesopotamia (Iraq), 39,87, 199-200, 405, 522w Meuse River, 457 Mexico, 287 Meyer, Louis, 433-34 MI5, 500
Michael (German offensive), 438 Middle East. 50, 53,89f 95,104, 106,117,333, 364, 386,417 agricultural science in, 15 British entanglements in, 160-66f 183 British war effort in, 83 crumbling of the Ottoman Empire in, 39-40
European territorial claims coward, 152-55, 291
modern, creation of, 1, 3f 5 oil in, 46-47,72
Wilson as voice of British conscience in, 307 Military Handbook for South Syria, The. 278 - 79 mimeograph machines, 210 Minifir, 390-91 Mint, (Lawrence), 504 “mission creep•” 106. 262 Moab Plateau, 414, 421-22,435 Moneim, Abdel, 458-59,482 Money, Arthur, 497 Mons, battle of, 344 Montenegro, 34f 104 Montgelas, Griihn, 458 Morgenthau, Henry, 91-92 Morocco, Moroccans, 197f 198, 276-77 Mors, Robert, 77, 79-80 Moses, 56,57t 72 yMoslem-Syrian littoral" 315 MosserifJack# 371-72 Mount Hermon, 51 Mount of Olives, 75f 108, 265,266 Mudowarra, 368—69, 380 Mudros, 146
Murray, Sir Archibald. 183,190-92,220-21, 225-28, 234, 243,260, 262-64, 344, 346 Palestine offensives of, 213f 225§ 262, 269, 272-75, m、287, 291-93, 297f 29<>-300f 345-46, 373 removed from command, 342-43 Muslims, 30 Arab, 35,157 in British Empire, 308 in British military, 191 control of Medina and, 273 Crusaders and, 23
fears of Christian intentions toward, 65 in Jerusalem, 74 Jerusalem as sacred to, 406 Jews seen as inferior by, 84-85 Kurdish, 35
in Ottoman Empire, 74, 89
in Palestine, 397,420
as pilgrims to Mecca and Medina, 112,
113, 198
under the rule of European colonial powers, 38 self-rule by, 522w Sunni, 84 in Syria, 438,451 Turkish, 35 set also Islam Mussolini, Benito, 242 Mustafa Bey (town), 93
Naama (camel), 334-35 Nablus, 83, 85,466,467
expulsion of elders from,109, 110-11, 113 Nachrichtenstelle fur den Orient (Intelligence Bureau for the East),
Nakhl Mubarak. 235-38t 245, 258 Napoleon It emperor of France, 15 Napoleonic wars, 69 Nasir, Sherif, 314,479 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 493 Nassif, Suleiman Bey, 49, 64f 433-34,
Navajo Bar, Panama City, 26 Navy, French,off Palestinian coastline, 143 Navy, German, 47 Nazis, 500-502, 505 Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, 32 Necho II, pharaoh of Egypt, 32 Newcombe, Stewart Francis, 12, 264-65,275,
315- 16,318-19, 352, 504f 505 Alex Aaronsohn spurned by, 144 assigned as liaison officer to Faisal, 232-33, 247,250-51,258 as head of military intelligence unit in Cairo,83f 86-87, 192, 260, 380 Lawrence recruited for intelligence work by, 66f 71
military survey conducted by, 54-57, 61-62,98 New Delhi, 501-2
New Hampshire, University oft 498-99 New York. N.Y” 24-25,46-47, 64,136, 144. 216f 218t 219, 330f 331, 356,360, 388, 397, 458,482,489 Nnv York. USSf 356 Sns York Evening Post, 217 New York Stock Exchange, 25 Nev: York Times. 79, 303, 395 New Zealand, rerritorial troops from, 87 Nicholas II, czar of Russia, 296 Nicolson. Arthur, 362-63 Nile River, 66, 220f 386,418 NILI (Nezah Israel Lo Ieshaker) spy network, 278, 325-27, 347-48,357f 359-60, 376-80, 397-98,431,443,
see also Aaronsohn, Aaron, spy network of Nimr, Faris, 451,452 Normandy, 17f 21, 22
HMS, 317-19 SurelRabr.ll^
Nuremberg trials, 501 Nuri Said, 479
Odyssey (Homtr), 504 oil:
growing demand for, 47 in Middle East, 493-94 see also Standard Oil Company of New York Oklahoma:
Kiefer oilfield in, 41,43,44,46. 72, 108,
unruly oilmen from, 73-74 Omdurman, battle of9 69 Oppenheimf Max von, Countf 37-39, 40, 93-94, 122f440 concubines oft 37-38 Constantinople assignmenc of, 77-80 economic ambitions oft 241-42, 324 “going native” by, 37 on Hussein, 131
Islamic jihad promoted by, 38, 59,117 Jewish ancestry of, 59-60 Montblanc pen named after, 37, 39 Prufersdispatches to, 101-2, 113-14,127 wanderings in Bedouin garb by, 39 Organization A, 278 Orient Express, 43 Orkney Islands, 216
Ormsby-Goref William, 254, 278, 302-3.431» 443
Ottoman (Turkish) Army, 367-68, 369, 398f 436,463,479f 481-82 Amman ruse effective against, 463-64 Arab officers wanting to revolt inv 140-42f 168
Arab regiments in, I30t 177-78, 448, 520« attempt to retake Tafilch by, 413-16 at Bair, 327-29
friction between German units and, 324 Fuweila and, 329-30 indifference of commanders to soldiers in,178
limits of supplies and reinforcements for, 332
military installations of, 427 oil shortage of. 181 Palestine defeat of, 466-69 passive resistance oft 102 patrols by, 37
as stretched ro breaking point, 273 in Svria, 344
Syrian, German command over, 403 Syrian deserters from, 268 total collapse of, 473 Turkish regiments inv I30t 283
Orcoman Empire, 32,64,164, 2421 266, 284, 299, 304, 323, 331f 354,408,421,440,451 Aaronsohn and, 359 alliances of, 34-35
apathy in general population to war by,
approaches toward Suez available to,
90-91 *
Arab revolt against, 4 armed forces mobilized by, 76 breakup of, 492
Britain's relations with, 37f 55, 56, 220
British negotiations with, 409, 447
Capitulations in, 32-3 J, 74-76,85f 134
carving up of, 486
in Central Powers, 83,382
Christian minority in, 33
conservative backlash in, 35
counterintelligence agents from, 217, 218
currency collapse of, 249
decline of, 16, 34-36, 39-40f 50, 79f 134,
diversity and cultural mosaic off 74,97f 296-97 Doris incident and, 98-99 in Eastern Front, 438
entry into World War 丨 by, 9f 83, 84, 89,91f
94, 116t 126 ever-mutating nature oft 438 foreign debt of, 54 geography of, 16,95-97 Germany s relationship with, 30, 38,41’ 66, 8), 94t 99一 100, 102,113-14f 116, 1189 125, 142,145,190, 216,248,273,303, 377, 385, 406,430f 5!5» government cormption in, 297 Husseins break with, 184, 190 imperial intentions of Triple Entente coward, 172 Islamists vs. Turkish nationalists in, 410 Jews in, 156-57 as launching pad for German destabilization efforts, 77-80 Lawrence and officials of丨 26-27, 57 Lawrencefs background report on, 88 Lawrence’s map oft 95, 150 Lloyd George and war effort against, 244 mining laws of, 108
pan-Islamic jihad promoted by, 102, 111 potential Achilles* heel of9 66 religious minorities in, 230 requisitioning byt 76-77, 134 revelation of Sykes-Picot Agreement and, 404-5
and Russia's withdrawal from war, 404 scorchcd-earth policy of, 296 Sinai peninsula wrested from, 37 Socony and, 47-49,丨07,138 speculation about secret war alliance of, 71,72, 75-80,82 Standard Oil trucks requisitioned by, 73 surrender of, 1,481
Three Pashas triumvirate in, 91,122t 145, 481
travel permits in, 181, 216-17f 266-67 U.S. break in diplomatic relations with, 324 war planes off 199 in Wilson’s Fourteen Points, 430 withdrawal frorajcrusalem off 406 Young Tories in,游 Young Turks Zichron Yaakov residents as citizens of, 75-76
Zionist hopes of acquiring Palestine from, 54 /era/w Turkey Ottoman Front, forced evacuations on, 296 Oxford, 66, 71, 169, 369
Lawrence family in, 20f 271, 383,425 Oxford High School for Boys, 17,20 Oxford University, 20
Lawrence at, 3f 21-23,27-28,46,54,87,
pack howitzers (mountain guns), 282 Palestine, 9、10, 27,46, 50,55,65,159, 190,
216, 239,252,261, 266, 298, 325, J32, 333, 370,426,453,480,481,489,496 1914 mapping of, 71
and Aaronsohn on need forjews to break from Ottoman Empire, 135 Aaronsohn's spy ring in, 135-36,143-44, 158-60,180-81f 216-20, 228-29t 232, 251-56. 277,280, 326-27f 347-50, 370t 443f 522”
Allenby’s offensive on, 361, 373-75,389f
395,404- 7,427,435,437f 441*42, 453,455, 459-60,464-68,473,475-76,479 Arab-Jewish tensions in, 135,494 Arab Revolt and, 198 Arabs in, 74, 295, 357, 358-59,426,431,
432,434,444,445-46,448-49,486-87f 490,491
archaeological expedition as cover for British interests in, 12 Balfour Declaration and, 388-89 Britain's interest in, 485 British inf 414,418-19,432,442
Palestine (continued)
British mandate in, 492f 493,497, 500 as British protectorate, 293-96, 301, 396, 411,433, 448-49, 491 British support for Jewish enclave in,
229-32, 279 Christians in, 357,359,420,431 coast of, 56,136,143,376,467,469 European imperial ambitions toward, 152 expanded boundaries for, 491 expulsion ofjews from, 86,126-27, S\6rt fellaheen system in, 84,156,357-58 first wave ofjewish emigration to, 75, 85 flora and geology of, 51 French in, 162,418
German and Tbrkish troops in, 464,469f 471,472-73 HerzKs attempted purchase of, 54 international administration proposed for,
293, 405,407-8 Jewish emigration to, 50-51, 53f 75-76, 83-86,126—27, 134, 173,254,279,
294- 96, 302-5, 357-58, 360,366,408,
444,487,491 Jewish homeland in, 4t 295, 348-50, 357, 364, 366, 371-72, 377-80, 388,420,426, 432,433,448,449,458, 500 Jewish paramilitary forces in, 85f 135 Kitchener's mapping of, 56 locust plague in, 110-11, 131,133-36,
158-60,180 modern-day, 522rt
Murrays offensives on, 213, 225, 262, 269, 272-74, 279, 287,29卜93, 297、299-300, 345-46, 373 NILI relief funds in, 348, 360 non-Jewish population of, 54,397 oil concession holders in, 64 oil sought by Socony in, 11, 48-49 as part of Ottoman Syria, 50, 55, 61 populations of,52-53 poverty in, 52
second wave ofjewish emigration to, 75# 84 Socony land grab in, 106-8, 137-39,
174-76, 181,249, 266-68,433,451,
Socony’s road building in, 65, 72-73,
90-91, 332、387 Turkish supply line imof 375 Turkish troops in, 158,272-73, 350,358, 442
unruly oil workers in, 73-74 U.S. and. 386 wartime, 88—89
Yale barred from battlefront in, 418 Yale in, 72-75, 88-89, 137, 354f 45卜53 Zionism in, 432,443-44f 490; see also Zionism, Zionists Palestine Exploration Fund, 11,46, 56-57,66 Palestine Land Development Company, 294 Panama Canal, 24,26t 90,417 Pan-Arab military league, 99 pan-Islam, pan-lslamic jihad, 39,92, 102,111,
114, 131, 190,241-42, 325 Paris, 11、356, 359, 366,370, 371, 372, 379,
(MacMillan), 486 Paris Peace Conference,482-83,486-89,491, 495-99, 539n private agreements in advance oft 485-86 Parker. Alfred, 209-10,211-13,222 Passchendaele, battle of, 375 Passover, 52, 297, 303 Persia, 363
Persian Gulf, oil in, 47 Petah Tikvah, 134 Petraeus, David, 347 Petrie, Flinders, 17 Piavc Riverf 457 pigeons, carrier, 376 Place des Canons, Beirut, 403 Plain of Sharon, 465 Playfair Cipher, 188 poison gas, 2^9 Poland, 4! 1,501
Port Said, 143,252.253, 255, 298, 347f 360 Port Suez, 148,168,187, 264-65, 308f 342, 350 Portugal, 356
post-traumatic stress disorder (FTSD)f 503 Provisional Law of Relocation, 132 Priifer, Agnes, 28 Prufer, Carl, 28, 29 Priifer, Curt, 4,16, 29f 248 Abbas Hilmi and, 38-39, 382-83,439-40f 455-56,458-59,482,500 on Abd el Kader, 385 appearance and personality of, 13 as Cairo embassy dragoman, 36-39, 59 childhood oft 28-29
in Constantinople for Oppenheim, 77-80 deepening anti-Semitism of, 499-501 Djemal Pasha and, 91,108,113,114,127, 156-58; 173 education of, 30-31 Enver Pasha psychoanalyzed by, 79 and failed appointment as director of Cairo khedival library, 58-61,115 in German Flying Corps,239-41
as head of German intelligence bureau in Constantinople, 242, 324-25 ill health of. 241, 325 Lawrences reverse trajectory with, 241 marriages of, 14, 31f 500-501 military training lacked by, 100 Minna Weizmann’s relationship with, 126-29,500 Mors affair and, 80-81 in Nazi regime, 500-502 Near East as fascination of, 30 as notorious seducer of women, 14 Oppenheim and, 38-39, 241-42 as Oriental language teacher, 66-67, 77 as Oriental secretary to Cairo German embassy, 13-14, 59-60 resignation from foreign ministry by, 58 seen as menace byjerusalem expatriates, 173
as senior Nazi diplomat, 129 spy network developed by, 126-29, 144,
294, 500
on Suez offensive, 93-94,100-102,108, 125-26
Syrian explorations oft 156-58 wanderings of, in Bedouin disguise, 39 Weizmann and, 500 on Young Turks, 113-14 Priifer, Frances Ethel Pinkham, 31, 126, 500 Prufer, Olaf, 502 Prussia, 28
441-42 Quweira mountains,62
Rabat, 197
Rabegh, 190-91,194, 200,203,212,215、232, 236-38, 246 BremoncTs desire ro send troops to, 213—14, 222,224, 227, 243, 261,270, 528好 British supply line to, 207 British troops considered for, 223-24, 238 railway sabotage, 337 see also Hejaz Railway Ramleh,424-25,440-41 Rawlinson, Henry, 82
Red Sea, 61,113f 168, 187,189,190, 206,212, 259, 262,264, 268f 342, 350,427 Suez Canal and, 55 Report on the Desirrs of tbf Syrians, 488 Republican party, U.S., 489 Revolt in the Desert (Lawrence), 503-4
Richards, Vyvyant 461-62 Rifkit Faiihf 108-9,403 River Clyde. SS, 119-20 Riyadh, 165
Robertson, William. 146-47, 170, 226-27, 346 Rockefeller,John D” 42 Rolls-Royce armored cars, 413,463 Rolls-Royce “Blue Mist; 473-74 Romani, battle oft 240-41 Romania, 34,128,229, 356
discrimination againstjews in, 50, 75-76 Rome,128 ancient, 393 Roosevelt, Theodore, 25,49, 54 Rosh Pinah, 358
Ross,John Hume, /"Laurence,Thomas Edward, aliases of,
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de, 50-51,
370- 72, 392 Rothschild, Lord Walter, 294-95 Rothschild, Moses, 127-28 Rothschild family, 60 Royal Air Force, British, 502,504-5 Royal Army Medical Corps, British, 71 Royal Engineers, British. 12t 46, 61-62 Royal Flying Corps, British, 139,148,427, 465,467 Royal George, 168-69
Royal Navy, British, 184,198f 224t 243, 246, 305
conversion from coal to oil of, 47 Dardanelles strategy advocated by, 104 off Palestinian coastline, 143 Red Sea controlled by, 113 at Wcjh, 257 off Yenbo, 238 Royal Tank Corps,504 Rualla tribe, 323, 393,462 Rudhwa,247
Russia, 163f 231, 273, 301,429.493,497 amity between Britain, France, and, 30 anti-Semitism in, 12, 230, 293 in battle of Sarikamish, 104 Bolshevik rise to power in, 404,406 Caucasus ruled by, 38 Dardanelles strategy and, 103-4 defeat of, 438,440 on Eastern Front, 96, 151, 375 German declaration of war on, 77 German peace talks with, 375,419, 424-25 Germany's rivalry with, 38, 72 governmental collapse in, 343, 375 imperial ambitions of, 152f 520«
Jewish emigration from, 75,84-86, 125-27
Russia (continued)
and Jewish enclave in Palestine, 231 Kerensky regime overthrown in, 404, 406 Minna Weizmann returned to, 128 Ottoman conflicts of, 34t 50 Palestine and, 293 Red Army of, 497
Romanov dynasty ended in, 286-87t 304 withdrawal from war oft 404, 419 Russian Central Asia, 79 Russo-Turkish War, 50
Saad (Ageyl camp commander), 313 Sahara Desert, 9 Sahyun,26
Said, Mohammed, 475-76 St. Paul, SS, 397 Saladin, 393
Salem (Ageyl tribesman), 276-77
Salt, Syria, 436,437,441,442,460
Samaria, 466
Samarin, 50-51
Samima, 188, 189
Samoa, 29
Samuel, Herbert, 230-31, 294 Sanders, Liman von, 118,120-21, 515»
San Remo conference, 491 Sarajevo, 66, 67 Sarikamish, battle of, 104 Sarosf Gulf oft 118 Sassoon, Siegfried, 505 Saudi Arabia, 165-66 Savoy Hotel, Cairo, 87-88,95, 105, 123, i24-25,140,148-50,163, 184t 202,210, 258, 260,264, 300,418 ttthe 丨rumsives” at9 192t 220 Savoy Hotel, London, 365 Scandinavian-American Line, 216 Scapa Flow, 216
Schaumburg-Lippe, Viktoria von, Princess, 458
Schliemann, Heinrich, 30 Schlotheim, Seline von, 458 Schmidt, Rochus,527«
Schneersohn, Liova, 278, 348 Scotland, 20,69,216 Scotland Yard, 217
Criminal Investigation Department, 216 Second Balkan War, 40 Secret Intelligence, Bureau oft 355-56 Selective Service* U.S., 330-31 Senega丨,264 Serahin tribe, 389
Serbia, 34, 66,104,457 sesame seed oil, 181
Srjnt Pillars of Wisdom (Lawrence), 45f 155f 1829 204, 234, 256,2S9,264, 271, 275,277, 306, 313, 320, 322, 324, 334-36, 345, 351, 366, 368, 390, 394f 398-402f 410t 416,417, 423-24,436,461-62,467f 469-73,478, 502-4, 537#i. 540»
•Seven Syrians” letter, 453-54,468 shadow plays, Egyptian, 31. 38 Shalaan, Nuri, 320, 323, 393, 461,462, 540n Shaw, Charlotte, 401-2, 505 Shaw, George Bernard, 401 Shaw, T. E.# see Lawrence, Thomas Edward, aliases of Shawish, Sheikh, 78 Sheikh Saad (village), 468-69,471 “shell shock,” 503 Shepheards Hotel,丨27-28 Shobek, 337
Shukri Pasha el-Ayubif 475-76 Sinai land bridge, 159
Sinai Peninsula, 37,55, 56, 61’ 95,96,99-103,
159- 60, 181f 213, 239f 255f 260, 261,403, 441
British advance across, 219,262 British headquarters in, 376 Lishanslcy’s death on, 255-56 railway building in, 219 slavery, 112, 199, 347 Slavs, in Ottoman Empire, 35 Smith, Ian, 347-50 Snakefy, 170 socialism, 126, 128 SokoIowf Nahum, 348, 371 Soliman (Oppenheims head servant), 37 Somme offensive, 70, 225f 375 South America, 501 Spa, Belgium, 455-56 Spain, 25, 109f 172-73 neutrality of, 304 Spring Offensive, German, 457 Spring-Rice, Cecil, 333 Spuyten Duyvil, 24-25 spy ships, 144, 158-60, 181, 253, 256, 278, 298, 326-27. 360, 376, 378 Standard Oil: breakup of, 42 distrust of, 47-48 Standard Oil Company of New York (Socony), 4, 26, 331, 333, 354,370,452 Britain on Kornub interests of, 64 British antipathy toward, 386 Middle East wartime employees oft 89-91
oil smuggled to Turkey by, 107, 138 oil sources sought by, 47-49 Palestine land grab of, 106-8,137-39, 174-76, 181, 249f 266-68,433,451,
Palestine operations of, 73—75, 173 Palestine road building of, 65, 72-73, 90-91,332, 387 as petroleum exporter, 47 private militia of. 65
Yale as Mon leave from,” 388,459-60,497 Yale summoned to New York by, 41 一43,
46 - 47
State Department, U.S., 332-33,355-56,
385-89,419,498 Steinbach-Schuh, Hilla, 128 Stirling, Walter, 369,400,402,473-74 “Stokes” (British officer), 367 Storrs, Ronald, 114-16,211,505 Arab Revolt and, 187-96,198-201 on Hussein, 141-42 Lawrence and, 114-15, 116-17,187-88, 191,524
as military governor ofjerusalem,425 Sudan, 54,56,69,113,205, 212f 213,221, 233 Suez Canal, 37, 55-56,61,77, 78, 87, 128,147, 148,192t338 Lawrence at, 342
potential Turco-German approaches to, 90-91,93-94 Turco-German 1915 assault on, 95,99-103f 104
Turco-German 1916 campaign against, 239-41, 248 Sulzberger, Mayer, 304 Supreme Court, U.S., 42,304,396,411 Suva9HMSf 211-12, 242-43,251 Sweden, neutrality of, 304 Switzerland, 52, 324, 332, 333, 382,409, 447, 458,501 Sykes, Edith, 495
Sykes, Mark (Sir Tatton Benvenuto Mark Sykes, 6th Baronet, ofSledmere)t 153-57, 227
Aaronsohn and, 220, 229-32, 300-304, 348,
aristocratic arrogance of, 154-55, 307 on Balfour Declaration, 388, 408f 409 on Bremond, 406-7 on Bricainsjerusalementry,406-7 death of, 495
Hussein and, 292, 307-10, 314-19, 352, 362-64, 405,409f531»-32»
Lawrence and, I54f 217, 307-10,317, 321
as liar, 307,317,319
at Paris Peace Conference, 539«
as political liaison to Murrays army,
reconsideration of Middle East views by, 495
self-determination advocated by, 361 -62 service with War Cabinet, 294-95 uSeven Syrians” and, 453-54,468 Sykes-Picot Agreement and, 162-64. 199, 230, 294, 307, 309-10, 315-17, 362,409, 53I»-32»
Zionists supported by, 229-32? 294-96f 301,358,364,396-97,426,428, 431,447, 458
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 162-64,197,199t 230, 233,275,292, 307, 315-17, 352, 362, 364,384-85, 386,404-5,407,427,430, 440,447,462f 479-80,485,491,494,495, 520», 521”
Lawrence on, 163, 309-10 Lawrence’s revelation to Faisal oft 270-71,
295, 309-10, 518,447, 528«, 531»-32»
Symes, Stewart, 319
Syria, 9,10,14,23,26.28, 32f 33f 37, 39t 41,
44, 54,65, 89,92,95,105-6,113, 117,122, 130, 132,133, 137, 141,156, 171,199,228, 239, 248,249,274, 283, 305, 311, 320, 322,
329, 332f 350, 373,402,403,405,412,428, 439,440,446,482,494,496 Arab advance into, 453-55 Arab claim to, 429, 479-81,486-87,495 Arab resentment of Ottoman Turks in,102, HM3f 116-17 Arab Revolt and, 190, 198,212. 307, 314, 318, 322, 343, 374, 385 Arab secessionists in, 150 British attitude toward, 271-72, 300 Christians in, 438 deserts of, 367
Djemal Pasha as governor of, 91-94 European-imposed borders of, 480-81 Faisal and, 336-37, 351,491 France’s interests in, 146-47, 152,162-65, 197,199t 212, 215, 264, 270-72, 289t 291-92, 300, 307, 314-15, 318-19, 346, 363f 364, 374,384,405,419,429,479-81 f 485-86,488-89,491-93, 503 interior of, 434-35 Jews in, 156
Lawrences focus on, 114,192, 363 locust plague and, 134 modern-day, 522” modernization of, 403
Syria (continu(d)
Muslims in, 438 northern, 57
Ottoman, Palestine as part of, 50, 55, 61 Ottoman requisitions from, 83-84 pro-independence Arab conspirators in,
Proposed joint Arab-Bricish advance into,
345- 46, 351 Prufer in, 13 rampant scurvy in, 325 slaughter of crhnic minorities in, 494 starvation and disease in, 331 Sylcesfs duplicity about, 539« tribal leaders in, 213 Turkish garrisons in, 345, 404 U.S. mandate proposed for, 488 Syrian Committee, 433-34 Syrian Protestant College, 92, 109, 249 aSyria:The Raw Material” (Lawrence), 420-21
Tafas, 469,470-73,479
Tafileh, battle att 411-I6t 421,422-25,428,455
Taift 189, 194
Tajikistan, 497
Talaat Pasha, 122, 131-32. 455, 481,497. 535» tanks, 299 Taranto, 431
Taurus Mounrainsy 98, 145
Taurus Railway, 66
Tel Aviv, 443
telegraph, wireless, 210
Tell al Shehab, 389
Tell Halafv 379 39t 40
Texas, unruly oilmen from, 73-74
36th Indian Infantry Brigade, 166-68
Thomas, Lowell, 486
Thomas, Lucien I.f 138-39
Thomson, Basil, 216, 219
Thrace, 64
Tigris River, 66f 150, 164, 166,170, 178, 182,
totalitarianism, 70-71
Townshend, Charles, I64t 167-69,171, 178
Transjordan, 491 f 492
Travels in Arabia Daerta (Doughty), 23-24
Tremadoc, 19-20
trench warfare, 166-69, 240, 283-84f 331 Triple Entente, 72,74, 77f 94f 127, I29f 132f 15it 163. !80f 184f 196. 230, 249t 251-52, 270, 291, 295,304, 315,332, 349,355, 361, 363,375,377t 396,406,441
bleak outlook for, 419 imperial plans oft 152,407 U.S. and, 265-66,287f 348 Trotsky, Leon, 425 Tunisia, 34, 38 Turanism, 35 Turf Club, Cairo, 418 Turkey, 16, 32f 356,489 battle of Sarikamish in, 104 modern-day borders of, 492 rce also Ottoman Empire Turkish Army, /^Ottoman (Turkish) Army Turkish Fourth Army, 429 Turkish nationalists, 492 Turkish Tobacco Regie, 171-72 Turks, 96,114,296
Feinbergfs dislike o(% 135 injerusalem, 74 Tv>cnty-Seven Articlrs(Lawrence), 34If
U-boats, German, !04f 266,287 Um Lejj,251,256, 258 Union Club, Berlin, 37,60 United Nations, Committee on Trusteeship of, 498-99 United States, 359
Aaronsohn in, 49-52f 216 Arabs and, 430 Brazil and, 501
break in Ottoman diplomatic relations with, 324 as British ally, 301
British Zionists1 push to declare war against Ottoman Empire byf 411 combustion-engine vehicles in, 47 Djemal Pasha and, 248-49 entry into war by, 230f 249,266, 287, 304, 330-33, 356, 586,418,438,451 evacuation of “neutrals’ from Ottoman Empire by, I36f 143 isolationism off 333,489 Jewish emigration to, 50 Middle Ease military interventions ofv 494
military intelligence of, 333,463 neutrality of, 73f 127f 216, 265-66, 348, 355 as new imperial power, 71 seen as Middle East peacebroker, 450-51, 488—89, 490 self-determination for oppressed peoples advocated by, 362 small standing army oft 330, 356
troops arriving in Europe from, 451, 456, 457-58
war against Germany by, 287, 331f 430 wartime draft in, 330-31
Vatican, neutrality of, 304
V Beach, Gallipoli, 119—20
Verdun, 225
Vickery, Charles, 258
Victoria, Qpeen,29
Victoria Hotel. Damascus, 479-81,483
Vienna, 16,2I7t 331
Wadi Ais, 247f 275,280-81, 283, 289, 306 Wadi Ghazzal, 300 Wadi Hesa, 414,415,424 Wadi Irm, 263f 305, 330,337 Wadi Kitan,276-77, 280,311-12 Wadi Rumm, 383 Wadi Safra, 204, 206 Wadi Sirhan, 213, 320-24, 328-29 Wahhabists, 165-66,427-28,487,493 Wales, 19,333, 354 Wall Street, panic of 1907 on,25 Wangenheim, Hans von, I01t 127 War Cabinet, British, 293-95, 301-3, 314, 362, 371,410 Near East Committee of, 431 War Committee, British, 191,194, 213-14, 222-24, 227-28 War Departmcntl U.S.f 35S War Ministry, French, 242 War Office, British, 104-5f 150,168,220, 227 Kitchener at, 68 Lawrence at, 81 -83, 87 Lawrence s correspondence with, 124 war reparations, 151
War Trade Intelligence Departmencf British, 229
Washington, D.C”49, 324, 331-32, 371,
410- 1 lf 451 Weizman, Ezer, 128
Weizmann, Chaim, 15,128-29, 294, 301-2, 348-49t 358-59,365, 371, 379,411, 431-34,450 Aaronsohn and, 394-98f 443-44 Arab suspicions of, 445-46 Balfour Declaration and, 388 Faisal’s alliance with, 486-87 as Israel’s first president. 496 Lawrences meeting with, 448-49 Prufer’s meeting with, 500
Weizmann, Minna “Fanny,” 14一 15, 126-29, 144,294f 496-97, 500 Wejh, 236t 246, 268、270-72, 288-89, 2Q1-92, 305-10, 31 卜13, 320-21. 335f 337, 342,
Lawrence's return to, 286-87, 528w march on, 250-51,256-62, 264-65 shuttering of rebel base a[,351,361 Weldon, Lewen, 534w Wemyss, Rosslyn, 212v 215, 257 Westermann, William, 488 wheat, wild emmer, 51 “white man’s burden•” 183 White Russia (Belarus), 126 Wilhelm II9 kaiser of Germany, 29-30, 108,
Abbas Hilmi and9 455-56 foreign policy off 36. 38 Jerusalem visit of, 406 secret Turkish alliance of, 78,515»
Wilson, Cyril, 193-95, 200, 209-10, 211-13, 222, 226, 234, 238, 247, 258, 260, 272,
275,288-89,306-8,311,315-16,318-19, 352-53,409, S32» as British agent injeddahf 193f 212 Wilson,Jeremy, 52Sn
Wilson, Woodrow, 249,265—66, 287, 330, 333, 355,372f 396,411,418,489 Fourteen Points of, 429-30,446,487-88 free trade policy of, 497 “lasting peace” sought by, 333 “new world order” oft 486 self-determination promoted byt 362, 429f 485t 488,489 and “a world made safe for democracy,”
330, 362,429 Wilson administration, 355, 396,450f 451f 489 Wingate, Reginald, 226-28, Ml, 407, 409-10,
428,446 Aaronsohn and, 278f 303, 350, 359 and Aqaba strategy, 262—63, 290 and Br^mond's proposals for military intervention, 2IJ-15t 220,222,225, 243-44f 262-63 as Egyptian high commissioner, 223,232, 262f292
as governor-general of the Sudan, 212 Lawrence sent to Yenbo by, 232-34 as sirdar of the Egyptian army,221 Sykes and, 290, 303, 307-9, 314-15, 319, 363, 532»
Yale and, 386-88,421,449-50 With tbf Turks in PaUstine{Wtx Aaronsohn), 360
in expatriate Jerusalem, 171-73 as Priifer、spies, 127
Young Turks1 emancipation policy for, 112 Wood, Lieutenant, 381, 383-84 Woolley, Leonard, 12. 34,62, 71f 253 in Cairo military intelligence, 83,87 at Carchemish dig, 39-411 55-57 Feinbcrg and,143-44 World War lf 5,108
aerial reconnaissance in, 100 aerial warfare in, 101 casualties in, 70
Central Powers in, /"Central Powers Eastern From in, 72t 96 European outbreak of, 87 European powers jockeying for advantage as cause of, 61 European theater of% 3-4 as gentlemans war, 79 horse-mounted cavalry in, 469 impact of Dardanelles decision on, 106 impact on European imperial powers of, 70-71
Middle Eastern theater in, 1 Ottoman entry into, 9, 83, 84, 89, 91f 94, U6t 126
Ottoman humiliation in, 98-99 peace process in, 1 progress of, 457
totalitarianism in wake of, 70-71 Triple Entente in, /^Triple Entente U.S. entry into, 230, 249,265-68, 287, 304% 330-33, 356, 386,418,438,451 weapons changes in, 69 Western Front in, 28, 72, 81-82, 87t 104-5, 146,149,151,166-67,197, 213t 225, 244, 268, 296, 331, 343, 366-67, 375, 376,424, 438t441f455-56f457f 482 World War II, 493 Prufer in, 501 Yale and, 498-99 World Zionist Congress, 52
Yale, Elihu, 24
Yale, William, 4, 16, 66, 67
Aaronsohn and, 394-98, 411,458 background and education of, 24-26 Beersheva meeting with Lawrence by, 10-13,49, 57,63-64,90,421, 512” black market scheme of, 249 Djemal Pasha and, 91f 137-38, 174-76,
249- 50, 265-68
as history professor, 498-99 at Kornub massif, 61-63 Lawrence and, 410,449-50,476f 491 Lawrence、Cairo encounter with, 90 in London, 365-66 in Oklahoma, 41—3,46f 72f 108, 417 Ottoman oil concessions explored byt 46-49
Palestine oil development projects of,
Panama Canal and, 24,26.90,417 Paris Peace Conference and, 482-83, 487-89,497-98 romantic entanglements and rivalries of, 171-73
search for wartime role by, 330-33 and Socony’s Middle East strategy, 106-8# 136-38
and Spring-Rice, 333, 354-55 as State Department “special agent,r 356-57, 370-72, 392,417-21,425-27,
430-31, 433—34,449-53,459-60,488 Syria report of, 355-56, 365 Turkish hospital incident and, 476-79 U.S. entry into war and changed conditions for, 265-68 as U.S. military attache to EEF, 453, 459-60,463,465-67, 469-70,474,
476- 79,482 - 83 in wartime Cairo, 88-91, 106 World War II service of, 498-99 Yale, William Henry, 24-25 Yale Plan, 489 Yale University, 24f 25-26 Yarmuk mission, 374-75, 381, 384, 400,406, 423,442,455,464,467-69,471,475 Yemen, 180,498 civil war in, 494 Yenbo. 206, 233, 235-38, 242-44, 246-47,
250- 51t 256-58, 351 Lawrence stranded in, 207-1 lf 213 Yildirim Army Group, 404 Yom Kippur, 52
Young Turks (Committee of Union and Progress), 35, 73f 77-78,85,97. 122, 242,
249, 296,429,438f 459,49}, 500 Abbas Hilmi II feted by, 382 Armenian massacres and, 132, 159 Capitulations withdrawn by, 74-75 conservative Arab opposition to, 111 一15f
117, 131 Doris incident and, 98-99 European liberalism and, 35 Hussein and, 179
internal contradictions of, 92, 94 modernization, Islam, and Turanism as rallying points oft 35 1913 coup by, 40
seen as modern and secular, 97f 112 Yusuf, Abdul Rahman Pasha al-x 136-37
Zaki Bey, 267,418-19 Zammarin, 325
Zichron Yaakov, 51, 53, 75-77, 135, 298, 325, 389, 535n NILI repudiated by, 377-79,443 in wake of Ottoman entry into the war, 83-86
Zin Desert, 9、46, 54, 56, 57,61
Lawrence in, 62,65-66, 71, 81,l43-44f 264 Zionism, Zionists, 15, 50, 128, 157,293, 303-5, 357,417,426,448,450,482,494,496 - 97, 500
Aaronsohns leadership of, 15, 50,53, 219-20,254, 370 Arab rebels and丨 430,444, 445-49
Arabs and, 430 assimilation vs” 52
British, 229-32, 294-95f 301-2, 348-50, 358, 359, 362, 370, 371, 395,410,411,458 British government and, 365-66,388-89, 486
definition of a Jewish state and, 53-54 as divisive issue among Jews, 279 Faisal and, 445-49 Germans and, 349f 377-78 Hussein and, 428 modern, founding of, 52 opposition to, 53,359,366,410 Palestine land bought by, 358 Sykes’s support for, 229-32, 264, 294-96, 301, 358,396—97,426,428,431,447,458 Turkey and, 438-39 in U.S., 52, 53, 216, 302, 303, 348-49f 395-97,411,431,450 U.S. government and, 486 Zionist Commission, 411,431-34,443-44, 449
Zionist Federation, U.S., 396-97
1 切尔卡西亚人是北高加索的一个民族,在19世纪俄国对高加索的征服战争 期间被驱逐到当时的奥斯曼帝国各地。两方文学艺术中有+少以貌美的切尔 卡西亚人为主题的作品。