[1 ]Lawrence to Armstrong, October 6, 1914 ; UT, Folder 2, File 6.
[2]Arthur Hirtzel to Curzon, June 19,1919 ; PRO - FO 371/4149 , f. 149A. [3] Clark - Kerr, quoted by Wilson, Lawrence of Arabia f p. 617.
[4] The Weizmann - Faisal Agreement, January 3,1919, as reproduced in Friedman f Tension in Palestine f pp. 157 -61.
[5]Weizmann, “Proposals Relating to the Establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, ” November 19,1918 ; PRO - FO 371/3385.
[6]Gelfand,The Ittqi“ry,pp. 60 - 62.
[7]E. H. Byme, Report on the Desires of the Synans, October 7 , 1918 ; YU Box 4, Folder 23.
[8]Yale, h lakes So Lott^ % chapter 10,p. 6,
[9]Gamett, The Letters of T. E. Lawrence, p. 294.
[10] The Weizmann - Faisal Agreement f January 3, 1919,as reproduced in Friedman, Tension in Palestinef pp. 157 -61.
[11 ] Lawrence to Liddell Hart, Graves and Liddell Hart, 1\ E. Laurence: Letters to His Biographers, Pt. 2, p. 143.
[12] Sykes, memorandum, October 15, 1918 ; PRO - FO 371/3413.
[13] Hogarth to Clayton, quoted by Adelson, Mark Sykes, p. 281.
[14] Sykes, as quoted by Adelson, Ibid.,p. 289.
[15] Lloyd George f as quoted by Wilson, Lawrence oj Arabia, p. 609.
[16] Aaronsohn, Diary, Januar\f 16, 1919; ZY.
[17] Aaronsohn f as quoted by Florence, Lawrence and Aaronsohn, p. 406.
[18] 1919〜1924年英美关于石油开采权的争议,详见DeNovo,
Interests and Policies in the Middle East, pp. 167 -209; Farming, Foreign Oil and the Free World, chapter 5 ; Shwadran, The Middle East f Oil and the Great Powerst pp. 403 -9; and PRO - FO 141/456, File 6522.
Suleiman Nassif to Yale, March 24, 1924 ; BU Box 15, Folder 6.
Yale to Birch Helms ( Socony) f May 5,1922 ; BU Box 15, Folder 5. Yale, “Islam Versus Christianity/1 North American Reviewf February 1923 BU Box 11.
Yale, letter to Free Worldf August 1942 ; BU Box 1,Folder 9.
McKale, Curt Prufer, p. 59.
Priifer to Otto Gunther von Wesendonck, German Foreign Ministry November 2 f 1918; NARA T136f RoU 94 f Frame 21.
PRO - KV 2/3114.
Priifer, as quoted by McKalet Cun Priifery p. 177.
From Priifer's MI5 Security Service file, PRO 一 KV 2/31 14.
Lawrence to Graves,May 21,1912 ; Graves and Liddell Hart, T. E Lawrence: Letters to His Biographersy Pt. 1 , p. 15.
Lawrence, Seven Pillars,p. 641.
Ibid.,p. 276,
Meyers, The IVoiwded Spirit, p. 11.
[32] Lawrence to Newcombe,February 28, 1929 ; UT Folder 5, File 2.
[33] Lawrence to Charlotte Shaw, as cited in Brown, The Letters of T. E. Lawrencef p. 290.
[34] Lawrence to Rogers, as cited in Brown, The Letters of T. E. Lawrence
p. 536.
Lawrcnce f Times ( London) , May 21 , 1935.
W. Lawrence, T. E. Lawrence by His Friends