第6章 脑的再利用

  1. Nabokov, 1962.

  2. Difficulties of illiterates in picture recognition: Kolinsky et al., 2011; Kolinsky, Morais, Content, and Cary, 1987; Szwed, Ventura, Querido, Cohen, and Dehaene, 2012.

  3. Difficulties of illiterates in processing mirror images: Kolinsky et al., 2011, 1987; Pegado, Nakamura, et al., 2014.

  4. Difficulties of illiterates in attending to part of a face: Ventura et al., 2013.

  5. Difficulties of illiterates in recognizing and remembering spoken words: CastroCaldas, Petersson, Reis, Stone-Elander, and Ingvar, 1998; Morais, 2017; Morais, Bertelson, Cary, and Alegria, 1986; Morais and Kolinsky, 2005.

  6. Impact of arithmetic education: Dehaene, Izard, Pica, and Spelke, 2006; Dehaene, Izard, Spelke, and Pica, 2008; Piazza et al., 2013; Pica, Lemer, Izard, and Dehaene, 2004.

  7. Counting and arithmetic in Amazon Indians: Pirahã: Frank, Everett, Fedorenko, and Gibson, 2008; Munduruku: Pica et al., 2004; Tsimane: Piantadosi, Jara-Ettinger, and Gibson, 2014.

  8. Acquisition of the number line concept: Dehaene, 2003; Dehaene et al., 2008;Siegler and Opfer, 2003.

  9. Neuronal recycling hypothesis: Dehaene, 2005, 2014; Dehaene and Cohen, 2007.

  10. Evolution by duplication of brain circuits: Chakraborty and Jarvis, 2015; FukuchiShimogori and Grove, 2001.

  11. Learning confined to a neuronal subspace: Galgali and Mante, 2018; Golub et al., 2018; Sadtler et al., 2014.

  12. One-dimensional coding in parietal cortex: Chafee, 2013; Fitzgerald et al., 2013.

  13. Role of parietal cortex in the comparison of social status: Chiao, 2010.

  14. Two-dimensional coding in entorhinal cortex: Yoon et al., 2013.

  15. Coding of an arbitrary two-dimensional space by grid cells: Constantinescu, O’Reilly, and Behrens, 2016.

  16. Coding of syntactic trees in Broca’s area: Musso et al., 2003; Nelson et al., 2017; Pallier et al., 2011.

  17. The number sense: Dehaene, 2011.

  18. Number neurons in untrained animals: Ditz and Nieder, 2015; Viswanathan and Nieder, 2013.

  19. Effect of training on number neurons: Viswanathan and Nieder, 2015.

  20. Acquisition of Arabic numerals in monkeys: Diester and Nieder, 2007.

  21. Relation between addition, subtraction, and movements of spatial attention: Knops, Thirion, Hubbard, Michel, and Dehaene, 2009; Knops, Viarouge, and Dehaene, 2009.

  22. Functional MRI of professional mathematicians: Amalric and Dehaene, 2016, 2017.

  23. Brain imaging of number processing in babies: Izard et al., 2008.

  24. Functional MRI of early math in preschoolers: Cantlon, Brannon, Carter, and Pelphrey, 2006. Cantlon and Li, 2013, show that cortical areas for language and number are already active when a four-year-old watches the corresponding sections of Sesame Street movies, and that their activity predicts the child’s language and math skills.

  25. Blind mathematicians: Amalric, Denghien, and Dehaene, 2017.

  26. Recycling of occipital cortex for math in the blind: Amalric, Denghien, et al., 2017; Kanjlia, Lane, Feigenson, and Bedny, 2016.

  27. Language processing in the occipital cortex of the blind: Amedi, Raz, Pianka, Malach, and Zohary, 2003; Bedny, Pascual-Leone, Dodell-Feder, Fedorenko, and Saxe, 2011; Lane, Kanjlia, Omaki, and Bedny, 2015; Sabbah et al., 2016.

  28. Debate on cortical plasticity in the blind: Bedny, 2017; Hannagan, Amedi, Cohen, Dehaene-Lambertz, and Dehaene, 2015.

  29. Retinotopic maps in the blind: Bock et al., 2015.

  30. Recycling of visual cortex in the blind: Abboud, Maidenbaum, Dehaene, and Amedi, 2015; Amedi et al., 2003; Bedny et al., 2011; Mahon, Anzellotti, Schwarzbach, Zampini, and Caramazza, 2009; Reich, Szwed, Cohen, and Amedi, 2011; Striem-Amit and Amedi, 2014; Strnad, Peelen, Bedny, and Caramazza, 2013.

  31. Connectivity predicts function in visual cortex: Bouhali et al., 2014; Hannagan et al., 2015; Saygin et al., 2012, 2013, 2016.

  32. Distance effect in number comparison: Dehaene, 2007; Dehaene, Dupoux, and Mehler, 1990; Moyer and Landauer, 1967.

  33. Distance effect when deciding that two numbers are different: Dehaene and Akhavein, 1995; Diester and Nieder, 2010.

  34. Distance effect when verifying addition and subtraction problems: Groen and Parkman, 1972; Pinheiro-Chagas, Dotan, Piazza, and Dehaene, 2017.

  35. Mental representation of prices: Dehaene and Marques, 2002; Marques and Dehaene, 2004.

  36. Mental representation of parity: Dehaene, Bossini, and Giraux, 1993; negative numbers: Blair, Rosenberg-Lee, Tsang, Schwartz, and Menon, 2012; Fischer, 2003; Gullick and Wolford, 2013; fractions: Jacob and Nieder, 2009; Siegler, Thompson, and Schneider, 2011.

  37. Language of thought in mathematics: Amalric, Wang, et al., 2017; Piantadosi et al., 2012, 2016.

  38. See my previous book Reading in the Brain: Dehaene, 2009.

  39. Brain mechanisms of the invariant recognition of written words: Dehaene et al., 2001, 2004.

  40. Connections between the visual word form area and language areas: Bouhali et al., 2014; Saygin et al., 2016.

  41. Imaging of the illiterate brain: Dehaene et al., 2010; Dehaene, Cohen, Morais, and Kolinsky, 2015; Pegado, Comerlato, et al., 2014.

  42. Specialization of early visual cortex for reading: Chang et al., 2015; Dehaene et al., 2010; Szwed, Qiao, Jobert, Dehaene, and Cohen, 2014.

  43. Literacy competes with face processing the left hemisphere: Dehaene et al., 2010; Pegado, Comerlato, et al., 2014.

  44. Development of reading and face recognition: Dehaene-Lambertz, Monzalvo, and Dehaene, 2018; Dundas, Plaut, and Behrmann, 2013; Li et al., 2013; Monzalvo, Fluss, Billard, Dehaene, and Dehaene-Lambertz, 2012.

  45. Insufficient activity evoked by words and faces in dyslexic children: Monzalvo et al., 2012.

  46. Universal marker of reading difficulties: Rueckl et al., 2015.

  47. Competition between words and faces— knockout or blocking?: Dehaene-Lambertz et al., 2018.

  48. Learning to read in adulthood: Braga et al., 2017; Cohen, Dehaene, McCormick, Durant, and Zanker, 2016.

  49. Displacement of the visual word form area in musicians: Mongelli et al., 2017.

  50. Reduced response to faces in mathematicians: Amalric and Dehaene, 2016.

  51. Numerous long-term effects of early education: see the Abecedarian program (Campbell et al., 2012, 2014; Martin, Ramey, and Ramey, 1990), the Perry preschool program (Heckman, Moon, Pinto, Savelyev, and Yavitz, 2010; Schweinhart, 1993), and the Jamaican Study (Gertler et al., 2014; Grantham-McGregor, Powell, Walker, and Himes, 1991; Walker, Chang, Powell, and Grantham-McGregor, 2005).

  52. Child-directed speech and vocabulary growth: Shneidman, Arroyo, Levine, and Goldin-Meadow, 2013; Shneidman and Goldin-Meadow, 2012.

  53. Increased response to speech following parent-child story reading: Hutton et al., 2015, 2017; see also Romeo et al., 2018.

  54. Advantages of early bilingualism: Bialystok, Craik, Green, and Gollan, 2009;Costa and Sebastián-Gallés, 2014; Li, Legault, and Litcofsky, 2014.

  55. Benefits of an enriched environment: Donato, Rompani, and Caroni, 2013; Knudsen et al., 2000; van Praag, Kempermann, and Gage, 2000; Voss et al., 2013; Zhu et al., 2014.

第三部分 学习的四大核心支柱

第5章 养育的作用第7章 注意