第8章 主动参与

  1. Classic experiment comparing active and passive kittens: Held and Hein, 1963.

  2. Statistical learning of syllables and words: Hay et al., 2011; Saffran et al., 1996; see also ongoing research in G. Dehaene-Lambertz’s lab on learning in sleeping neonates.

  3. Effect of word processing depth on explicit memory: Craik and Tulving, 1975; Jacoby and Dallas, 1981.

  4. Memory for sentences: Auble and Franks, 1978; Auble, Franks, and Soraci, 1979.

  5. “Making learning conditions more difficult ...”: Zaromb, Karpicke, and Roediger, 2010.

  6. Brain imaging of the effect of word processing depth on memory: Kapur et al., 1994.

  7. The activation of prefrontal-hippocampal loops during incidental learning predicts subsequent memory: Brewer, Zhao, Desmond, Glover, and Gabrieli, 1998; Paller, McCarthy, and Wood, 1988; Sederberg et al., 2006; Sederberg, Kahana, Howard, Donner, and Madsen, 2003; Wagner et al., 1998.

  8. Memory for conscious and unconscious words: Dehaene et al., 2001.

  9. Active learning of physics concepts: Kontra, Goldin-Meadow, and Beilock, 2012; Kontra, Lyons, Fischer, and Beilock, 2015.

  10. Comparison of traditional lecturing versus active learning: Freeman et al., 2014.

  11. Failure of discovery learning and related pedagogical strategies: Hattie, 2017; Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark, 2006; Kirschner and van Merriënboer, 2013; Mayer, 2004.

  12. To add all numbers from 1 to 100, pair 1 with 100, 2 with 99, 3 with 98, and so forth. Each of these pairs adds up to 101, and there are fifty of them, hence the total is 5050.

  13. Instructional guidance rather than pure discovery: Mayer, 2004.

  14. Urban legends in education: Kirschner and van Merriënboer, 2013.

  15. The myth of learning styles: Pashler, McDaniel, Rohrer, and Bjork, 2008.

  16. Variations in amount of reading in first grade: Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding, 1988.

  17. Early childhood curiosity and academic achievement: Shah, Weeks, Richards, and Kaciroti, 2018.

  18. Dopaminergic neurons sensitive to new information: Bromberg-Martin and Hiko saka, 2009.

  19. Novelty seeking in rats: Bevins, 2001.

  20. Brain imaging of curiosity: Gruber, Gelman, and Ranganath, 2014; see also Kang et al., 2009.

  21. Laughter as an epistemic emotion unique to humans: Hurley, Dennett, and Adams, 2011.

  22. Laughter and learning: Esseily, Rat-Fischer, Somogyi, O’Regan, and Fagard, 2016.

  23. Review of psychological theories of curiosity: Loewenstein, 1994.

  24. Inverted-U curve of curiosity: Kang et al., 2009; Kidd, Piantadosi, and Aslin, 2012, 2014; Loewenstein, 1994.

  25. Curiosity in a robot: Gottlieb, Oudeyer, Lopes, and Baranes, 2013; Kaplan and Oudeyer, 2007.

  26. Goldilocks effect in eight-month-olds: Kidd et al., 2012, 2014.

  27. Metacognition in young children: Dehaene et al., 2017; Goupil, Romand-Monnier, and Kouider, 2016; Lyons and Ghetti, 2011.

  28. Gender and race stereotypes in mathematics: Spencer, Steele, and Quinn, 1999; Steele and Aronson, 1995.

  29. Stress, anxiety, learned helplessness, and the inability to learn: Caroni et al., 2012; Donato et al., 2013; Kim and Diamond, 2002; Noble, Norman, and Farah, 2005.

  30. Explicit teaching may kill curiosity: Bonawitz et al., 2011.

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