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第十二章 纳粹德国的党国主义教育
1 J.M. 里奇:《纳粹德国文学史》,孟军译,文汇出版社2006年版,第5—6页。
2 Quoted from Gilmer W. Blackburn,Education in the Third Reich: A Study of Race and History in Nazi Textbooks,Albany,NY: State University Press,1985,p. 12.
3 Richard Grunberger,The 12-Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi Germany 1933—1945,New York: Holt,Rinehart and Wilson,1971,p. 285.
4 Robert Solomon Wistrich,Who’s Who in Nazi Germany,London: Routledge,2002,p. 85.
5 25 -Punkte-Programm der NSDAP. DHM. Retrieved on 9,April 2009.
6 Richard Grunberger,The 12-Year Reich,p. 285.
7 参见安德森:《想象的共同体:民族主义的起源与散布》,吴叡人译,上海人民出版社2005年版。
8 J.M.里奇:《纳粹德国文学史》,第5页。
9 Gilmer W. Blackburn,Education in the Third Reich,p. 16.
10 David Schoenbaum,Hitler’s Social Revolution,London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1966,p. 274.
11 Richard Grunberger,The 12-Year Reich,p. 286.
12 Ibid.,p. 287.
13 Ibid.
14 Ibid.
15 Leszek Kolakowski,“Totalitarianism and the Virtue of the Lie,”in Irving Howe,ed.,1984 Revisited,New York: Harpe & Row,1983,p. 126.
16 Ibid.
17 J. Noakes and G. Pridham,eds.,Nazism 1919-1945 . Volume I: The Nazi Party,State and Society,New York: Schocken Book,1983,p. 418.
18 Ibid.,p. 419.
19 提尔曼·阿勒特:《德意志问候——关于一个灾难性姿势的历史》,孟翰译,江苏人民出版社2008年版,第86—87页。
20 Richard Grunberger,The 12-Year Reich,p. 296.
21 Ibid.,pp. 287-288 .
22 参见本书第十章:《学校里的政治教育和宣传》。
23 Richard Grunberger,The 12-Year Reich,p. 288.
24 提尔曼·阿勒特:《德意志问候:关于一个灾难性姿势的历史》,第66—67页。
25 Primer for the Württemberg Public Schools,http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/textbk03.htm.
26 提尔曼·阿勒特:《德意志问候:关于一个灾难性姿势的历史》,第43页。
27 同上书,第43—45页。
28 同上书,第45页。
29 Richard Grunberger,The 12-Year Reich,p. 288.
30 Gilmer W. Blackburn,Education in the Third Reich,p. 24.
31 Ibid.
32 Marie Harm and Hermann Wiehle,Lebenskunde für Mittelschulen,Fünfter Teil. Klasse 5 für Mdchen. Halle: Hermann Schroedel Verlag,1942,pp. 168-173 .
33 David Bodanis,Web of Words: The Ideas behind Politics,London: Macmillan,1988,pp. 15-38 .
34 Gilmer W. Blackburn,Education in the Third Reich,p. 35.
35 Ibid.,p. 19.
36 Jacques Ellul,Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes. New York: Alfred,A. Knopf,1965,pp. 30-31;15.
37 Gilmer W. Blackburn,Education in the Third Reich,p. 35.
38 Ibid.,p. 36.
39 Ibid.,pp. 3637.
40 Ibid.,p. 37.
41 Ibid.,p. 37.,pp. 3738.
42 Ibid.,p. 39.
43 Ibid.,p. 42.
44 Michael Walzer,“On‘Failed Totalitarianism’,”in Irving Howe,ed.,1984 Revisited,New York L Harp & Row,1983,p. 105.
45 Gilmer W. Blackburn,Education in the Third Reich,p. 76.
46 Lisa Pine,Hitler’s National Community,London: Hodder Arnold,2007,p. 55.
47 Ernst Krieck,Nationalpolitische Erziehung. Leipzig,1941,p. 48.
48 Lisa Pine,Hitler’s National Community,pp. 55-56 .
49 Ibid.,p. 57.
50 Ibid.
51 Ibid.,p. 58.
52 J. Noakes and G. Pridham,eds.,Nazism 1919-1945 . Volume I,pp. 427-428 .
53 Ibid.,1919-1945,Volume I,pp. 428,429,430.
54 Richard Grunberger,The 12-Year Reich,p. 297.
55 Ibid.,pp. 296-297 .
56 Ibid.,p. 298.
57 Ibid.,p. 300.
58 转引自筱敏:《这一代以及那一代的理想》,http://www.ht88.com/article/article_4412_1.html。