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第十三章 德国纳粹的宣传和国民再造
1 Henry Steele Commager,“The Pragmatic Necessity of Freedom,”in Civil Liberties under Attack. ed.by Clair Wilcox,. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,1951.
2 Hannah Arendt,The Origins of Totalitarianism,New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1973 [1951],pp. 447,451.
3 Ibid.,pp. 452,453.
4 Ibid.,p. 455.
5 Randall L. Bytwerk,Bending Spines: The Propagandas of Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic,East Lansing,MI: Michigan State University Press,2004,p. 63. ,p. 1,n. 1.
6 Ibid.,p. 1.
7 勒庞:《乌合之众》,冯克利译,中央编译出版社2004年版。
8 关于纳粹对报纸、媒体的控制,可参见朱庭光:《纳粹德国的文化控制与宣传机构》,http://cn.hqhot.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=193100。
9 Hannah Arendt,The Origins of Totalitarianism,pp. 376,376-377,378.
10 Ibid.,p. 341.
11 Randall L. Bytwerk,Bending Spines,p. 39.
12 Ibid.,p. 38.
13 吴潮、赵晓兰:《纳粹运动与德国青年》,http://www.uus8.com/a/71/05/35/013.htm。
14 同上。
15 勒庞:《乌合之众》,第101-106页。
16 Randall L. Bytwerk,Bending Spines,p. 42.
17 Randall L. Bytwerk,“Western and Totalitarian Views of Propaganda,”in Ted J. Smith III,ed.,Propaganda: A Pluralistic Perspective. New York: Praeger,1989,p. 45
18 Agitation,1973-1983 . Great Soviet Encyclopedia,Vol. 1:137-138 . New York: Macmillan,p. 137.
19 Ibid.,p. 138.
20 “From the Position of Openness,”Provda,trans. by Associated Publishers,March 16,3,1987.
21 Yevgeny Prokhorov,“The Marxist Press Concept,”in H. Fischer and J. Merril,eds.,International and Intercultural Communication,New York: Hastings House,1976,pp. 51-58 .
22 E. K. Bramsted,Goebbels and National Socialist Propaganda:1925-1945. E. Lansing,M.I: Michigan State University Press,1965,p. 429.
23 A. Panfilov,Broadcasting Pirates or Abuse of the Microphone: An Outline of External Political Radio Propaganda by the USA,Britain and the FRG,trans. by N. Bobrov. Moscow: Progress Publishers,1981,p. 76.
24 Michael Walzer,“On ‘Failed Totalitarianism’,”in Irvin Howe,ed.,1984 Revisited,New York: Harpe & Row,1983,p. 104.
25 Jacques Ellul,Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes,New York: Alfred A. Knopf,1965,pp. 304 ff.
26 Michael Walzer,“On ‘Failed Totalitarianism’,”p. 105.
27 Ibid.,pp. 105-106 .
28 Ibid.,p. 106.
29 George L. Mosse,The Nationalization of the Maesses: Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars Through the Third Reich,New York: Howard Fertig,1975,p. 10.
30 Rudolf Herz,Hoffmann & Hitler: Fotografie als Medium des Führer-Mythos,Munich: Klinkhardt & Biermann,1994,p. 329.
31 Randall L. Bytwerk,Bending Spines,p. 17.
32 Ibid.,p. 27.
33 Ibid.,p. 29.
34 Ibid.,p. 15.
35 Ibid.
36 Ibid.,p. 28.
37 Ibid.,p. 29.
38 Ibid.,p. 15
39 Ibid.,pp. 27-28 .
40 http://quotationsbook.com/quote/33893/.
41 http://www.finestquotes.com/author_quotes-author-John%20Jay%20Chapman-page-0.htm.
42 Randall L. Bytwerk,Bending Spines,pp. 71-74 .
43 J. Noakes and G. Pridham,eds.,Nazism 1919-1945,Volume I: The Nazi Party,State and Society,New York: Schocken Book,1983,p. 386.
44 Randall L. Bytwerk,Bending Spines,p. 73.
45 Ibid.,pp. 7374.
46 Randall L. Bytwerk,Bending Spines,p. 74.
47 Ibid.,p. 75.
48 Ibid.,pp. 75-76 .
49 Ibid.,p. 77.
50 Ibid.,pp. 45,44.
51 Hannah Arendt,Eichman in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil,Revised and enlarged edition,New York: Viking,1965,p. 287.
52 Robert Lowell,“Letter to the Editor,”New York Times Book Review,June 23,1963,p. 4.
53 Christopher R. Browning,Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland,New York: Harper and Collins,1992. Daniel Goldhagen,Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. New York: Knopf,1996.
54 提尔曼·阿勒特:《德意志问候:关于一个灾难性姿势的历史》,孟翰译,江苏人民出版社2008年版,第5页。
55 同上书,第6页。
56 同上书,第9页。
57 同上书,第8-9页。
58 同上书,第6-8页。
59 同上书,第135页。
60 沃尔夫·勒佩尼斯:《德国历史中的文化诱惑》,刘春芳、高新华译,译林出版社2010年版,第2、5页。
61 Friedrich Meinecke,The German Catastrophe: Reflections and Recollections,Cambridge,M.A.: Harvard University Press,1950,p. 119.
62 沃尔夫·勒佩尼斯:《德国历史中的文化诱惑》,第158页。
63 参见本书第十一章《20世纪的宣传》,第三节“呼吸肮脏空气的知识分子”。
64 Vaclav Havel,“The Power of the Powerless,”in The Power of the Powerless: Citizens Against the State in Central-Eastern Europe,ed.by John Keane,Armonk,N.y.: M. E. Sharpe,1985,p. 25.
65 哈维尔:《哈维尔文集》,崔卫平译,2003年,第52页。
66 Leszek Kolokowski,“Totalitarianism and the Virtue of the Lie,”in Irving Howe,ed.,1984 Revisited,Harpe & Row,1983,p. 122.
67 哈维尔:《哈维尔文集》,第64页。
68 Leszek Kolokowski,“Totalitarianism and the Virtue of the Lie,”p. 135.