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第八章 安分守己的国民与民主的公民教育
1 “Washington to Congress on a National University,1790,”see Richard Hofstadter and Wilson Smith,eds.,American Higher Education: A Documentary History,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1961,1:157-158;转引自埃里克·古尔德:《公司文化中的大学》,北京大学出版社2005年版,第109—110页。
2 转引自National Standards For Civics and Government,Calabases,C.A.: Center for Civic Education,1994,p. v.
3 William J. Bennett,“Education for Democracy,”Paper presented at the regular meeting of the Consejo Interamericano para la Education,la Cierncia,y la Cultura,Washington,D.C.,1985;Albert Shanker,“Education and Democratic Citizen,”Speech to the 1986 meeting of the American Federation of Teachers;Paulo Freire,The Politics of Education: Culture,Power and Liberation,South Hadley,M.A.: Bergin & Garvy,1985. All quoted by Joel Westheimer and Joseph Kahne,“Educating the ‘Good’ Citizen: Political Choices and Pedagogical Goals,”in Donovan R. Walling,ed.,Public Education,Democracy,and the Common Good,Bloomington,I.N.: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation,2004,p. 30.
4 Christina Hoff Sommers,“How Moral Education Is Finding Its Way Back into American’s Schools,”in William Damon,ed.,Bring in a New Era in Character Education,Stanford,C.A.: Hoover Institution Press,2002,pp. 37,38.
5 See“The Six Pillars of Character,”http://www.ncsu.edu/midlink/cc/cc.pillars.html.
6 Joel Westheimer and Joseph Kahne,“Educating the ‘Good’ Citizen: Political Choices and Pedagogical Goals,”pp. 33-34 .
7 托克维尔:《论美国的民主》下卷,第645页。
8 Benjamin Barber,Strong Democracy: Participatory Politics for a New Age,Berkeley,C.A. : University of California Press,1984,p. 118.
9 托克维尔:《论美国的民主》下卷,第645页。
10 同上书,第647页。
11 同上书,第648页。
12 亚里士多德:《尼各马科伦理学》,苗力田译,中国人民大学出版社2003年版,第10页。
13 同上书,第20页。
14 参见徐贲:《告别“送芒果”的礼物关系》,见《在傻子和英雄之间:群众社会的两张面孔》,花城出版社2010年版,第103—110页。
15 Quoted from B. Edward McClellan,Moral Education in America: Schools and the Shaping of Character from Colonial Times to the Present,New York: Teacher’s College,Columbia University,pp. 51,112,n. 5.
16 Hugh Hartshorne,Character in Human Relations,New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,1932,p. 208.
17 John Dewey,Moral Principles in Education,Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.,1909,p. 58.
18 亚里士多德:《尼各马科伦理学》,第2页。
19 Aristotle,The Politics,Ernest Barker,trans.,New York: Oxford University Press,1962,p. 7.
20 See Marc Bloch,Feudal Society,2 vols,Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1961.
21 Edward J. Power,Educational Philosophy: A History from the Ancient World to Modern America,New York: Garland Pub.,1996,p. 53.
22 Ibid.,p. 54.
23 蒙田:《蒙田随笔全集》上卷,潘丽珍等译,译林出版社1996年版,第166页。
24 Chantal Mouffe,“Democratic Citizenship and the Political Community,”in the Miami Theory Collective ed.,Community at Loose Ends,Minneapolis,M.N.: University of Minnesota Press,1991,p. 76
25 Edmund Burke,Reflections on the Revolution in France,New York: Liberal Arts Press,1790,1955,p. 197.
26 Jose Ortega y Gasset,The Revolt of the Masses,Anon trans.,New York: Norton,1932.
27 Michael Oakeshott,“The Masses in Representative Democracy,”in William Buckley,ed.,American Conservative Thought in the Twentieth Century,New York: Bobbs-Merrill,1970,pp. 118,121.
28 Jacques Ellul,Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes,New York: Alfred A. Knopf,1965,pp. 31,155.
29 Shirley H. Engle and Anna S. Ochoa,Education for Democratic Citizenship: Decision Making in the Social Studies,New York: Teachers College Press,Teachers College,Columbia University,1988,p. 14.
30 J. A. Whitson and W. B. Stanley,“ ‘Re-Minding’ Education for Democracy,”in W. C. Parker,ed.,Educating the Democratic Mind,Albany,N.Y.: State University of New York Press,1996.
31 Joel Westheimer and Joseph Kahne,“Educating the ‘Good’ Citizen: Political Choices and Pedagogical Goals,”p. 35.
32 Ibid. See Harold O. Gugg,“Reonstructing the Curriculum: An Open Letter to Professor Henry Johnson Commenting on Committee Procedure as Illustrated by the Report of the Joint Committee on History and Education for Citizenship,”Historical Outlook 12 (1921): 184-189 . Reprinted in W. C. Parker,ed.,Educating the Democratic Mind,Albany,N.Y.: State University of New York Press,1996.
33 Joel Westheimer and Joseph Kahne,“Educating the ‘Good’ Citizen: Political Choices and Pedagogical Goals,”p. 36.
34 Eugene F. Provenzo,Jr.,An Introduction to Education in American Society,Columbus,O.H.: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co.,1986,p. vi.
35 Amy Gutmann,Democratic Education,Princeton,N.J.: Princeton University Press,1987,p. 15.
36 D. Mattews,“Reviewing and Previewing Civics,”in W. C. Parker,ed.,Educating the Democratic Mind,Albany N.Y.: State University of New York Press,1996,p. 284 .
37 Ibid.,p. 282.
38 刘军宁:《警惕权力哲学的知识保镖》,鲍兹的话引自刘文,http://www.21ccom.net/articles/read/article_201001203977.html。大卫·鲍兹:《古典自由主义:入门读物》,陈青蓝译,同心出版社2009年版。
39 Paulo Freire,Pedagogy of Indignation,Boulder,C.O.: Paradigm,2004,p. 15.
40 Paulo Freire,Pedagogy of the Oppressed,New York: Continuum,1970,p. 77.
41 John Dewey,My Pedagogic Creed. Washington: Progressive Education Association,1929,p. 16. Retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?id=gZq6NB6R—P8C.