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第七章 美国建国初期公民社会和杰斐逊的“民主教育”理念
1 詹姆斯·M.伯恩斯等:《美国式民主》,中国社会科学出版社1993年版,第16页。
2 John I. Goodlad,“Our Schools as an Apprenticeship in Democracy,”in Donovan R. Walling,ed.,Public Education,Democracy,and the Common Good. Bloomington,I.N.: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation,2004,p. 5.
3 詹姆斯·M.伯恩斯等:《美国式民主》,第7页。
4 Kenneth A. Sirotnik,“Society,Schooling,Teaching,and Pereparing to Teach,”in John I. Goodlad,Roger Soder,and Kenneth A. Sirotnik,eds.,The Moral Dimensions of Teaching. San Francisco,C.A.: Jossey-Bass,1990,p. 307.
5 汉密尔顿、杰伊、麦迪逊:《联邦党人文集》第十篇,第48—49页。
6 詹姆斯·M. 伯恩斯等:《美国式民主》,第7页。
7 同上书,第24页。
8 詹姆斯·M. 伯恩斯等:《美国式民主》,第6页。
9 John I. Goodlad,“Our Schools as an Apprenticeship in Democracy,”p. 3.
10 German Republican Society of Philadelphia,Address,April 11,1793;The Democratic Society of Pennsylvania,Manuscript Minutes,May 1,1794,in Democratic-Republican Societies,1790-1800 : A Documentary Sourcebook of Constitutions,Declarations,Addresses,Resolutions,and Toasts,Westport,Conn: Greenwood Press,1976,pp. 53,103.
11 Eugene P. Link,Democratic-Republic Societies 1790-1787,New York: Columbia University Press,1942,pp. 13-15,72.
12 Brian W. Dotts,“Cato’s Resolve and the Revolutionary Spirit: Political Education,Civic Action,and the Democratic-Republican Societies of the 1790s,”in Donald Warren and John J. Patrick,eds.,Civic and Moral Learning in America,New York: Plagrave,2006,pp. 33-49 . True Republican Society of Philadelphia,Toast,May7,1800;Republican Society of the Town of Newark,“Cato”to the New York Gazette,March 12,1794,in Philip S. Foner,ed. The Democratic-Republican Societies,pp. 111,144.
13 Abrams Bishop,Georgia Speculation Unveiled,Second Part Containing The Third and Fourth Numbers with a Conclusion,Addressed to the Northern Purchasers,Hartford,C.A.: Hudson & Goodwin,1798,pp. 82-83 .
14 Republican Society of South Carolina,Charleston,Manuscript Minutes,August 1793: Massachusetts Constitutional Society,Circular to All Republican Societies in the United States,August 28,1794,in Foner,ed.,Democratic-Republican Societies,pp. 259,382.
15 James Bough,Political Disquisition: Or,An Enquiry into Public Errors,Defects,and Abuses,3 vols,London,1774 and 1775,Reprint,New York: Da Capo Press,1971,I: 3-4 .
16 Lawrence A. Cremin,American Education: The National Experience,1783-1876 . New York: Harper & Row,1980,p. 125. Allen Oscar Hansen,Liberalism and American Education in the Eighteenth Century,New York: Octagon Books,1977,pp. 4-5 .
17 Gordon S. Wood,The Radicalism of the American Revolution,New York: A.A. Knopf,1992,p. 276.
18 “Norwalk Republican Society,Connecticut,Introduction to the Constitution”,April 4,1798;“The Democratic Society of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Principles,Articles and Regulations,Agreed upon,Drawn,and Adopted”,May 30,1793,in Foner,ed.,Democratic-Republican Societies,pp. 64,254.
19 “Democratic Society of the City of New York,Address to the Republican Citizens of the United States”,may 28,1794. “The Massachusetts Constitutional Society,Boston,Rules and Regulations and Declaration”,January 13,1794,in Foner,ed.,Democratic-Republican Societies,pp. 178-179,257.
20 “Democratic Society of Canaan,Columbia Country,Resolutions Adopted on the Need for Reform in Laws,Courts,and Juries”,July 10,1794,in Foner,ed.,Democratic-Republican Societies,p. 240.
21 “Republican Society of South Carolina,Charles ton,Manuscript Minutes”,August 1793;“Massachusetts Constitutional Society,Circular to All Republican Societies in the United States”,August 28,1794,in Foner,ed.,Democratic-Republican Societies,pp. 259,382.
22 “John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon”,Cato’s Letters,or Essays on Liberty,Civil and Religious,and Other Important Subjects,ed.,by Ronald Hamowy,Indianapolis: Liberty Fund,Inc,1995,No. 15,p. 113.
23 Robert Coram,Political Inquires: to Which is Addressed,A Plan for the General Establishment of Schools Throughout the United States,Wilmington DE,1791.
24 Forrest McDonald,Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution,Lawrence,K.S.: University Press of Kansas,1985,pp. 74-75 .
25 Hannah Arendt,On Revolution,New York: Penguin Books,1965,p. 253.
26 “Republican Society of South Carolina,Charleston,Manuscript Minutes,”August 1793: “Massachusetts Constitutional Society,Circular to All Republican Societies in the United States,”August 28,1794,in Foner,ed.,Democratic-Republican Societies,pp. 259,382.
27 Thomas Paine,Dissertation on First Principles of Government,Philadelphia,1795.Thomas Paine,“A Serious Address to the People of Pennsylvania on the Present Situation of their Affairs,December 1778,”in Complete Writings of Thomas Paine,ed.,by Philip S. Foner,New York: The Citadel Press,1945,p. 290.
28 Coram,Political Inquiries,p. 78.
29 Foner,ed.,Democratic-Republican Societies,pp. 168-169;322-323.
30 Robert Coram,Political Inquiries,p. 104.
31 “Robert Coram to George Washington,”March 5,1791,George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress,1741-1799 : Series 4,General Correspondence,Image 377 of 1130;Coram,Political Inquiries,p. 99.
32 “The Democratic Society of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia,Resolutions Adopted of the Importance of Establishing Public Schools,”March 19,1795,in Foner,ed.,Democratic-Republican Societies,pp. 108-109 .
33 Eugene P. Link,Democratic-Republic Societies 1790-1800,New York: Columbia University Press,1942,p. 59.
34 Howard B. Rock,Artisans of the New Republic: The Tradesmen of New York City in the Age of Jefferson,New York: New York University Press,1979,p. 37.
35 Jeffrey L. Pasley,“The Tyranny of Printers”,in Newspaper Politics in the Early Republic,Charlottesville,N.A.: University of Virginia Press,2001,pp. 48-49 .
36 Jefferson,“A Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge”(1779),“An Act for Establishing Elementary School”(1817). The Papers of Thomas Jefferson,eds. by Julian P. Boyd et al.,22 vols to date. Princeton,N.J.: Princeton University Press,1950,2: 528.
37 “Jefferson to Joseph Cabell”,14 February 1826,Early History of the University of Virginia as Contained in the Letters of Thomas Jefferson and Joseph C. Cabell,ed. by Nathaniel Francis Cabell,Richmond,V.A.: J. W. Randolph,1856,p. 373.
38 “Jefferson to John Tyler”,26 May,1818,Adrienne Koch & William Peden,eds.,The life and Selected writings of Thomas Jefferson,New York: The Modern Library,1944,p. 604.
39 托马斯·杰斐逊:《杰斐逊文集》,朱曾文译,商务印书馆2011年版,第431页。
40 同上书,第434页。
41 同上书,第433—434页。
42 同上书,第434页。
43 Saul K. Padover,Thomas Jefferson on Democracy,New York: Appleton-Century Company,Inc.,1933,p. 89.
44 Ibid.,p. 88.
45 托马斯·杰斐逊:《杰斐逊文集》,第433页。
46 “Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Fix the State of the University of Virginia (the Rockfish Cape Report),”Quoted in Loraine Smith Pangle and Thomas Pangle,The Learning of Liberty: The Educational Ideas of the American Founders,Lawrence,K.S.: University Press of Kansans,1993,p. 117.
47 托马斯·杰斐逊:《杰斐逊文集》,第635页。
48 Jefferson,“A Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge (1779),”“An Act for Establishing Elementary School (1817),”see also“Jefferson to Chevalier De Onis,”1814,The Writings of Thomas Jefferson,ed. by Henry A. Washington,9 vols,New York: Riker,Thorne & Co.,1853-1854,6: 342.
49 Loraine Smith Pangle and Thomas Pangle,The Learning of Liberty,p. 116.
50 Jefferson,“A Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge,”Loraine Smith Pangle and Thomas Pangle,The Learning of Liberty,p. 116.
51 Loraine Smith Pangle and Thomas Pangle,The Learning of Liberty,p. 116.
52 Ibid.,p. 114.
53 “Jefferson to Cabell,”14 January 1818,Loraine Smith Pangle and Thomas Pangle,The Learning of Liberty,p. 121.
54 Loraine Smith Pangle and Thomas Pangle,The Learning of Liberty,p. 121.
55 托马斯·杰斐逊:《杰斐逊文集》,第623页。
56 同上书,第722页。
57 同上书,第359—360页。
58 同上书,第360页。
59 同上书,第405—406页。
60 亚里士多德:《政治学》,颜一、秦典华译,中国人民大学出版社2003年版,第213页。
61 同上书,第214页。
62 托马斯·杰斐逊:《杰斐逊文集》,第430页。
63 同上书,第432页。
64 Steven E. Tozer,Paul C. Violas and Guy B. Sense,School and Society: History and Contemporary Perspectives,New York: McGraw-Hill,Inc.,1995,pp. 37-38 .
65 引自詹姆斯·M.伯恩斯等:《美国式民主》,第464页。