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第三章 从“高贵的罗马人”到帝国的官僚:无所作为的体制内教改
1 奥托·基弗:《古罗马风化史》,姜瑞璋译,辽宁教育出版社2002年版,第74页。
2 浦兴祖、洪涛主编:《西方政治学说史》,复旦大学出版社1999年版,第256—257页。
3 M. L. Clarke,The Noblest Roman: Marcus Brutus and His Reputation,Ithaca,N.Y.: Cornell University Press,1981.
4 托马斯·杰斐逊:《杰斐逊文集》,朱曾文译,商务印书馆2011年版,第623页。
5 朱孝远:《欧洲文艺复兴史》(政治卷),人民出版社2010年版,第51—52页。
6 奥托·基弗:《古罗马风化史》,第71页。
7 H. H. Scullard,Roman Politics 220-150 B.C.,Westport,Conn: Greenwood Press,1973,p. 9.
8 参见胡玉娟:《古罗马早期平民问题研究》,北京师范大学出版社2002年版,第133—139页。
9 帕特森:《杰斐逊的宪法原则》,载《美国历史评论》,第六卷,第183页,http://usa.bytravel.cn/art/pjy/pjyltmsjfxdmzsx/index6.html.
10 托克维尔:《论美国的民主》,商务印书馆2008年版,第267页。
11 Plutarch,Pyrrhus,10.
12 Polybius,The Histories,29. 27.
13 Horace,Odes,3. 6.5.
14 Cicero,De Officiis,2. 13. 46.
15 奥托·基弗:《古罗马风化史》,第176页。
16 W. Warde Fowler,Social Life in Rome in the Age of Cicero,London: The Macmillan Company,1922,p. 168.
17 Augustus S. Wilkins,Roman Education,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1905,pp. 1,2.
18 W. Warde Fowler,Social Life in Rome in the Age of Cicero,p. 177.
19 Cicero,De Republica,5.1.
20 汤普逊:《中世纪经济社会史》上册,耿淡如译,商务印书馆1997年版,第34页。
21 William Barclay,Educational Ideals in Ancient World,Grand Rapids,M.I.: Baker Book House,1959,p. 147.
22 Quoted by Aubrey Gwynn,Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1926,p. 22.
23 Aubrey Gwynn,Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian,pp. 14,15.
24 Plutarch,Roman Questions,50.
25 Edward J. Power,Educational Philosophy,New York: Garland Publishing Inc,1996,p. 20.
26 Ibid.
27 William Barclay,Educational Ideals in Ancient World,p. 159.
28 Ibid.
29 让皮埃尔·内罗杜:《古罗马的儿童》,张鸿、向征译,广西师范大学出版社2005年版,第272页。
30 同上书,第285页。
31 同上书,第286页。
32 同上书,第287页。
33 Augustus. S. Wilkins,Roman Education,p. 55.
34 Edward J. Power,Educational Philosophy,p. 21.
35 Cicero,De Republica,4.3.,Quoted by Aubrey Gwynn,Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian,p. 11.
36 Cicero,De Oratore,i. 812;i. 187;iii. 127.
37 Ibid,i. 187.
38 Ibid,ii. 5.
39 Edward J. Power,Educational Philosophy,p. 24.
40 William Barclay,Educational Ideals in Ancient World,pp. 159-160.
41 Quoted by Terrot Reaveley Glover,Greek Byways,Cambridge: The University Press,1932,p. 122.
42 William Barclay,Educational Ideals in Ancient World,p. 118.
43 柏拉图:《理想国》,郭斌和、张竹明译,商务印书馆2002年版,第74页。
44 同上书,第114页。
45 同上书,第121页。
46 同上书,第141,71,112页。
47 Plato,Laws,643 E,644 A;846 D.
48 William Barclay,Educational Ideals in Ancient World,p. 82.
49 Quintilian,Institutio Oratoria. Trans. by H. E. Butler,Loeb Classical Library,Cambridge: Harvard University Press,1920. I. 10.2226;I. 11. 18.
50 萨拉·B. 波默罗伊等:《古希腊政治、社会和文化史》,傅洁莹等译,上海三联书店2010年版,第298页。
51 M. L. Clarke,Higher Education in the Ancient World,London: Routledge & Kegan Paul,1971,p. 30.
52 Ibid.,p. 31.
53 Ibid.
54 萨拉·B. 波默罗伊等:《古希腊政治、社会和文化史》,第503—504页。
55 M. L. Clarke,Higher Education in the Ancient World,p. 11.
56 Ibid,p. 12.
57 Ibid.,pp. 1314.
58 R. R. Bolgar,The Classical Heritage and Its Beneficiaries,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1958,p. 30.
59 M. L. Clarke,Higher Education in the Ancient World,p. 41.
60 Quintilian,Institutio Oratoria,II. 10. 8.
61 St. Augustine,De Util. Cred,Vii. 16.,Quoted by M. L. Clarke,Higher Education in the Ancient World,p. 45.
62 R. R. Bolgar,The Classical Heritage and Its Beneficiaries,pp. 3233.
63 John P. McKay et al.,A History of Western Society,Third Edition,Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1987,p. 175.
64 Oswyn Murray,et al.,eds.,The Oxford History of the Roman World,New York: Oxford University Press,1991,p. 19.
65 James J. Murphy,ed.,Quintilian on the Teaching of Speaking and Writing: Translations from Books One,Two and Ten of the Institutio Oratoria,Edwardville: Southern Illinois University Press,1987,p. xx.
66 George Kennedy,Quintilian,New York: Twayne Publishers,1969,p. 24.
67 奥托·基弗:《古罗马风化史》,第410页。
68 James J. Murphy,ed.,Quintilian on the Teaching of Speaking and Writing,p. xx.
69 Ibid.
70 Ibid.
71 Aubrey S. J. Gwynn,Roman Education from Cicero to Quintilian,p. 188.
72 Ibid.,p. 242.
73 奥托·基弗:《古罗马风化史》,第398页。
74 Quintilian,Institutio Oratoria 10. 1. 129.
75 William J. Dominik,“The Style is the Man: Seneca,Tacitus,and Quintilian’s Canon,”in Roman Eloquence: Rhetoric in Society and Literature. William J. Dominik,ed. New York: Routledge,1997. p. 51.
76 William Barclay,Educational Ideals in Ancient World,p. 190.
77 M. L. Clarke,Higher Education in the Ancient World,p. 117.