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1 Karl Jaspers,The Question of German Guilt,New York: Capricorn Book,1947,p. 61.
2 Ibid.,p. 31.
3 Ibid.,p. 56.
4 Ibid.,p. 55.
5 Ibid.,p. 61.
6 Ibid.,p. 78.
7 Ibid.,p. 62.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.,p. 63.
10 Ibid.,p. 66.
11 Ibid.,p. 67.
12 Ibid.,p. 68.
13 Ibid.,p. 68.
14 Ibid.,p. 69.
15 Ibid.,p. 69.
16 Ibid.,p. 70.
17 Ibid.,p. 71.
18 Ibid.,pp. 71-72.
19 Ian Buruma,The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan,New York: Meridian,1994,p. 116.转引自Ruth Benedict,The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture,London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,[1946] 1967。
20 Karl Jaspers,The Question of German Guilt,p. 72.
21 Paul Ricoeur,The Symbolism of Evil,Boston: Beacon Press,1967,pp. 100-101.
22 A. Rabinbach,“The Germans as Pariah: Karl Jaspers and the Question of German Guilt,”Radical Philosophy75,1996: 15-25,p. 20.
23 M. Humphrey,“From Terro to Trauma: Commissioning Truth for National Reconciliation,”Social Identities6/1,2000: 7-27,p. 15.
24 Andrew Schaap,“Guilty Subjects and Political Responsibility: Arendt,Jaspers and the Resonance of the‘German Guilt Question’in Politics of Reconciliation,”Political Studies49,2001: 749-766,p. 762.
25 Hannah Arendt,Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought, Harmondsworth: Penguin,1977,p. 151.
26 Andrew Schaap,“Guilty Subjects and Political Responsibility,”pp. 757-758.
27 Hannah Arendt,“Collective Responsibility,”in J. Bernauer,ed.,Amor Mundi: Explorations in the Faith and Thought of Hannah Arendt,Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff,1987,pp. 43-44.
28 Hannah Arendt,Eichmann in Jerusalum: A Report on the Banality of Evil,New York: Penguin Books,1977,p. 251.
29 Hannah Arendt,The Human Condition,2nd edition,Chicago,I.L.: University of Chicago Press,p. 50.
30 Hannah Arendt,On Revolution. Moskva: Evropa,2011,p. 85.
31 Ibid.,pp. 98-109.
32 “斯德哥尔摩综合征”(Stockholm Syndrom):1973年,四位人质在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩被劫持。六天以后,当他们可以获得自由的时侯,他们坚决拒绝营救。在劫持犯受审时,他们不仅拒绝作证,而且还为劫持者的行为辩护。有报道说,被劫持者中有一位后来甚至和服刑的劫持犯中的一个订了婚。
33 Hannah Arendt,Eichmann in Jerusalum,p. 251.
34 Karl Jaspers,The Question of German Guilt,p. 77.