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1 Maurice Halbwachs,On Collective Memory,Chicago,I.L.: The University of Chicago Press,[1952] 1992.
2 Walter Adamson,Marx and the Disillusionment of Marxism,Berkeley,C.A.: University of California Press,1985,p. 233.
3 John O'Neill,“Critique and Remembrance,”in John O'Neill,ed.,On Critical Theory,New York: Seabury Press,1976,p. 4.
4 S. D. Welch,Communities of Resistance and Solidarity,Maryknoll,N.Y.: Orbis Books,1985,p. 39.
5 Herbert Marcuse,The Aesthetic Dimension,Boston,M.A.: Beacon Press,1978,p. 73.
6 Karl Marx,The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte,New York: International Publishers,1967,pp. 15-16.
7 Walter Adamson,Marx and the Disillusionment of Marxism,p. 236.
8 Walter Benjamin,Illuminations,New York: Schocken Books,1969,pp. 253264.
9 Hannah Arendt,Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought,New York: Penguin,1956.
10 Michel Foucault,Language,Counter-Memory,Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews,Ithaca,N.Y.: Cornell University Press,1977,p. 153.
11 Ibid.,p. 142.
12 Ibid.,pp. 153-157.
13 Deborah Battagilia,“At Play in the Fields (and Borders)of the Imaginary: Melanesian Transformations of Forgetting,”Cultural Anthropology,8/4: 430-442,p. 430.
14 Friedrich Nietzsche,The Will to Power,New York: Vintage Books,1968,pp. 57,58.
15 Milan Kundera,The Book of Laughter and Forgetting,New York: Penguin Books,1979,p. 3.
16 Ian Gambles,“Lost Time: The Forgetting of the Cold War,”National Interest,Fall 1995: 26-35,p. 26.
17 Ibid.,p. 26.
18 Richard S. Esbenshade,“Remembering to Forget: Memory,History,National Identity in Postwar East-Central Europe,”Representations,49,Winter 1995: 72-96,p. 74.
19 Ibid.,p. 136.
20 Henri Bergson,Matter and Memory,New York: Zone Books,[1908] 1991.