

1 Elazar Barkan,Guilt of Nations: Restitution and Negotiating Historical Injustices,Baltimore,M.D.: The Johns Hopkins University Press,2000,p. ix.

2 Ibid.,pp. 246,378 note 23.

3 “Bring Them Home,”inReport of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Children from Their Families,Part 4. April 1997,http://gwb.com.au/gwb/news/sorry/stolen_c.html.

4 Michelle Grattan and Margo Kinston,“Regrets,But No Apology,”The Sydney Morning Herald,August 26,1999,p. 1.

5 John Howard,Opening Ceremony Speeches,1997,http://www.austlii.edu.au/opening/howard.htm.

6 Michael Perry,“Catholic Chruch Apologizes for‘Stolen’Generation,”Reuters,July 19,1996,http://elibrary.com.

7 Michael Perry,“Howard Rejects Compensation for‘Stolen’Aborigines,”Reuters,May 28,1997,http://elibrary.com.

8 John Howard,“Motion of Reconciliation”,Hansard,August 26,1999,p. 7046,http://www.aph.gov.au/hansard.

9 Michael Perry,“Howard Rejects Compensation for‘Stolen’Aborigines,”http://elibrary.com.

10 “Bring Them Home,”http://gwb.com.au/gwb/news/sorry/stolen_c.html.

11 Michael Perry,“Aborigines Launch 'Sorry' Day for Stolen Children,”Reuters,March 10,1997,http://www.e;ibrary.com.

12 Mary R. Power,“Reconciliation,Restoration and Guilt:The Politics of Apologies,”Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy95,May 2000: 191-206,p. 193.

13 John Frow,“A Politics of Stolen Time,”Meanjin,57/2,1998.

14 K. Beazley,“Motion of Reconciliation,”Hansard,August 26,1999,p. 7049,http://www.aph.gov.au/hansard.

15 Willaim L. Benoit,Accounts,Excuses,and Apologies:A Theory of Image Restoration Strategies,Albany,N.Y.: State University of New York Press,1994,p. 74.

16 B. R. Schlenker,Impression Management: The Self-Concept,Social Identity,and Interpersonal Relations,Monterey,C.A.: Brooks/Cole,1980,p. 31.

17 Willaim L. Benoit,Accounts,Excuses,and Apologies,p. 77.

18 Ibid.

19 Ibid.

20 Ibid.

21 作者在《国人之过和公民责任》一文中另有专门讨论。

22 M. Humphrey,“From Terror to Trauma: Commissioning Truth for National Reconciliation,”Social Identities,6/1,2000: 7-27,p. 15.

23 J. Zalaquett,Untitled conference presentation,in A. Boraine and J. Levy,eds.,The Healing of a Nation?,Capetown: Justice in Transition,1995,p. 46.

24 Hannah Arendt,Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought,Harmondsworth: Penguin,1977,p. 151.

25 Elazar Barkan,Guilt of Nations,p. 317.

26 Ibid.,p. 318.
