

1 Christopher Lasch,The New Radicalism in America,1889-1963,New York: Norton,1965,p. ix.

2 参见赵祥麟、王承绪编译:《杜威教育论著选》,华东师范大学出版社1981年版。

3 例见Arthur Bestor,“John Dewey and American liberalism,”New Republic,29,August 1955:18-19;Arthur E. Murphy,“John Dewey and American Liberalism,”Journal of Philosophy,57,1960 pp. 420-436;Howard White,“The Political Faith of John Dewey,”Journal of Politics, 20,1958 pp. 353-367.

4 Walter Lippmann,Public Opinion, New York: Free Press,[1922] 1965,pp. 196-197.

5 Walter Lippmann,The Phantom Public, New York: Macmillan,1925,pp. 126.

6 John Dewey,“Creative Democracy-The Task before Us,”in M. Fisch,ed.,Classical American Philosophers, New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts,1951,p. 394.

7 Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn,“John Dewey,”in Sohnya Sayres, et al.,eds.,The Sixties without Apology, Minneapolis M.N.:University of Minnesota Press,1984,pp. 289-290.

8 Michael Walzer,“The State of Political Theory: A Symposium,”Dissent,Summer 1989,p. 337.

9 Robert B. Westbrook,John Dewey and American Democracy, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1991,p. 540.

10 哲学人类学对于政治哲学的意义,讨论可见Ronold Beiner,What's the Matter with Liberalism,Berkeley,C.A.:University of California Press,1992,pp. 1,5。

11 Robert B. Westbrook,John Dewey and American Democracy,p. 540.

12 Carlin Romano,“Naughty,Naughty: Richard Rorty Makes Philosophers Squirm,”Voice Literary Supplement,June 1987,p. 14.

13 Robert B. Westbrook,John Dewey and American Democracy,p. 540.

14 Ibid.,p. 541.

15 Richard J. Bernstein,Philosophical Profiles,Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,1986,p. 268;Michael J. Sandel,Liberalism and Limits of Justice,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,pp. 149 ff.

16 John Dewey,Individualism: Old and New,New York:Henry Holt,1927,p. 41.

17 童世骏:《中国应创造地借鉴西方经验——访美国哲学家理查德·伯恩斯坦教授》,http://www.csdn618.com.cn/luntan/china/ June 15,2002。
