

1 王四四:《我们现在还相信什么?》,2000年11月2日,http://www.csdn.net.cn。

2 Jeffrey C. Goldfarb,The Cynical Society,Chicago,I.L.: The University of Chicago Press,1991,p. 152.

3 Donald R. Dudley,A History of Cynicism: From Diogenes to the 6th Century A. D.,London: Methuen,1937,p. x.

4 Ibid.,pp. 104-106.

5 Timothy Bewes,Cynicism and Postmodernism,London: Verso,1997,p. 2.

6 Claude Lefort,The Political Forms of Modern Society: Bureaucracy,Democracy,Totalitarianism,Cambridge,M.A.: MIT Press,1986,p. 216.

7 Paul Roazen,“Orwell,Fread,and 1984,”in Harold Bloom,ed.,George Orwell's 1984New York: Chelsea House,,1987,p. 33.

8 Vaclav Havel,Living in Truth,London: Faber and Faber,1987,pp. 44-45.此处借用了徐友渔的译文,特此致谢。

9 Jeffrey C. Goldfarb,Beyond Glasnost: The Post-Totalitarian Mind,Chicago,I.L.: University of Chicago Press,1989,p. 48.

10 Ibid.,p. 216.

11 Max Weber,From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology,London: Routledge and K. Paul,1970,p. 78.

12 James C. Scott,Domination and Arts of Resistance(New Haven,CT:Yale University Press,1990),53.

13 Donald R. Dudley,A History of Cynicism,p. 153.

14 Timothy Bewes,Cynicism and Postmodernism,p. 8.

15 王蒙:《躲避崇高》,载《读书》,1993年第1期,第10—11页。

16 Michael Lerner,The Politics of Meaning: Restoring Hope and Possibility in an Age of Cynicism,Reading,M.A.: Addison-Wesley,1996,p. 20.

17 James C. Scott,Domination and Arts of Resistance,p. 157.

18 Ibid.,157.
