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1 Herbert Spencer,Essays,Scientifi,Political,and Speculative,New York: D. Appleton,[1857] 1904; Edward B. Tylor,Primitive Culture,2 vols,New York: Harper Torchbooks,[1871] 1958.
2 Franz Boas,The Mind of Primitive Man,revised edition,New York: Free Press,[1938] 1965;Race,Language,and Culture,New York: Free Press,1966.
3 Elvin Hatch,Culture and Morality: The Relativity of Values in Anthropology,New York: Columbia University Press,1983,pp. 32,59.
4 Paul de Man,Allegories of Reading,New Haven,C.T.: Yale University Press,1979,p. 19.
5 See,for example,Murray Edelman,Constructing the Political Spectacle,Chicago,I.L.: University of Chicago Press,1988,p. 5.
6 Marc Wortman,“Book Review of The Post-Modern Aura,”Telos,71,Spring 1987,p. 171.
7 Agnes Heller,“Movements culturels et changements de modeles de vie quotidienne depuis la deuxieme guerre,”in Andre Corten and Marie-Blanche Tahon,eds.,La radicalit?du quotidian,Montreal: VLB editeur,1987,p. 177.
8 Mary Hawkesworth,“Knowers,Knowing,Known: Feminist Theory and Claims of Truth,”Signs,14/3: 533-549,p. 555.
9 John McGowan,Postmodernism and Its Critics,Ithaca,N.Y.: Cornell University Press,1991,p. 28.
10 Stanley Aronowitz,“Postmodernism and Politics,”Social Text,18,1987: 99-115,p. 108.
11 John McGowan,Postmodernism and Its Critics,p. 28.