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- 知识分子和公共政治 - 徐贲 >
- 注释
1 M. De Certeau,The Practice of Everyday Life,Berkeley,C.A.: University of California Press,1984,p. 18.
2 Stanley Cohen and Laurie Taylor,Escape Attempts: The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Everyday Life,London: Allen Lane,1976,p. 12.
3 张德祥、金惠敏:《王朔批判》,中国社会科学出版社1993年版,第18页。
4 Matthew C. Gutman,“Ritual of Resistance: A Critique of the Theory of Everyday Forms of Resistance,”Latin American Perspectives,22/2,1993: 74-92,pp. 79,77-78,80.
5 Robin D. G. Kelley,“An Archaeology of Resistance,”American Quarterly44/2,1992: 292-298,p. 273.
6 Ibid.,p. 276.