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1 Scott Lash,Sociology of Postmodernism,London: Routledge,1990,p. 239.
2 详细讨论参见Derek Robbins,Bourdieu and Culture,London: Sage Publications,2000,p. 68。
3 Derek Robbins,Bourdieu and Culture,pp. 70-71.
4 Ibid.,p. 71.
5 J-P. Sartre,What is Literature?trans. by B. Frechtman,London: Methuen,1967,p. 52.
6 Ibid.,p. 85.
7 Oeuvres complete de Gustave Flaubert: Correspondence,nouvelle edition augmentee,14 vols,Paris: L. Conard,1926-1954,vol. 5,p. 300.
8 G. Flaubert,Correspondance,2 vols.,ed.,by Jean Bruneau, Paris: Gallimard,1980,vol. 2,pp. 643-644.
9 Ibid.,p. 31.
10 K. L. Gorder,“Understanding School Knowledge: A Critical Appraisal of Basil Bernstein and Pierre Bourdieu,”Educational Theory,30: 4,1980,p. 335.
11 P. diMaggio,“Review of P. Bourdieu,Reproduction in Education,Society and Culture and Outline of a Theory of Practice,”American Journal of Sociology,84:6,1979,p. 1463 note 6.
12 M. S. Archer,“Process without System,”Archive europeenes de sociologie,21:1,1983,p. 196.
13 P. Bourdieu,Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste,trans. by Richard Rice,Cambridge,M.A.: Harvard University Press,1984,p. 7.