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1 Pierre Bourdieu,“Systems of Education and Systems of Thought,”Social Science Information,14/3,1967,pp. 338-358.
2 Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron,Les Heritiers: Les etudiants et la culture,Paris: Editions de Minuit,1964;Le Reprodution: Elements pour une theorie du systeme d'enseignement,Paris: Editions de Minuit,1970. English Version:The Inheritors: French Students and Their Relation to Culture,Chicago,I.L.:University of Chicago Press,1979;Reproduction in Education,Society and Culture,London:Sage,1977.
3 Pierre Bourdieu,Homo Academicus,Stanford,C.A.: Stanford University Press,1988;La noblesse d'Etat:Grands corps et grandes ecoles,Paris: Editions de Minuit,1989.
4 Pierre Bourdieu,La noblesse d'Etat,p. 375.
5 Pierre Bourdieu,Homo Academicus,p. 54.
6 Ibid.,p. 44.
7 Richard Curt Kraus,Class Conflict in Chinese Socialis,New York: Columbia University Press,1981,p. 32.
8 Ibid.,p. 35.
9 William Sewell,Robert Hauser and Alexander Portes,“The Education and Early Occupational Attainment Process,”American Sociological Review,34,1969:82-92.
10 David Swartz,Cultrue and Power: The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu,Chicago,I.L.:Chicago University Press,1997,p. 198.
11 Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron,Reproduction in Education,Society and Culture,pp. 121,128.
12 Ibid.,pp. 116,134.
13 Pierre Bourdieu,La noblesse d'Etat,pp. 19-47.
14 Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron,Reproduction in Education,Society and Culture,pp. 177-178.
15 Ibid.,pp. 195-198.
16 John Dewey,The Middle Works of John Sewey,1899-1924,Carbondale,I.L.: Southern Illinois University Press,1976-1983,15 vols,9: 103.
17 Ibid.,1: 18.
18 Ibid.,10: 139.
19 John Dewey,The Later Works of John Dewey,1925-1953,Carbondale,I.L.:Southern Illinois University Press,1981-1991,17 vols,5: 416.
20 Ibid.,13: 294.
21 John Dewey,The Middle Works of John Sewey,12: 199.
22 John Dewey,The Later Works of John Dewey,9: 110.
23 Ibid.,11: 414.
24 Ibid.,5: 102.
25 Ibid.,11: 414.
26 Ibid.,11: 38.
27 Ibid.,11: 47.
28 Ibid.,2: 345.