

1 Bruce A. Ackerman,Social Justice in the Liberal State,New Haven,C.T.: Yale University Press,1980,p. 115.

2 Ronald Beiner,What's the Matter with Liberalism,Berkeley,C.A.:University of California Press,1995,p. 100.

3 Bruce A. Ackerman,Social Justice in the Liberal State,p. 115.

4 Joseph Carens,“Alien and Citizen: The Case for Open Borders,”Review of Politics49/2,Spring 1987: 251-273,p. 272 note 3.

5 Michael Ignatieff,“The Myth of Citizenship,”Queen's Quarterly94/4,Winter 1987,p. 981.

6 John Rawls,A Theory of Justice,Oxford: Oxford University Press,1971,pp. 227-228.

7 Lewis P. Hinchman and Sandra K. Hinchman,“Existentialism Politicized: Arendt's Debt to Jaspers,”in Lewis P. Hinchman and Sandra K. Hinchman,eds.,Hannah Arendt: Critical Essays,Albany,N.Y.:State University of New York Press,1994,p. 167.

8 Hannah Arendt,The Human Condition,Chicago,I.L.:University of Chicago Press,1958,pp. 26-27.

9 Ibid.,p. 50.

10 Hannah Arendt,Men in Dark Times,New York:Harcourt,Brace and World,1968,p. iii.

11 Hannah Arendt,The Origins of Totalitarianism,New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1973,pp. 296-297.

12 Hannah Arendt,The Human Condition,pp. 173-174.

13 Ibid.,pp. 28,29,176-179.

14 参见Maurio Passerin d'Entreves,“Agency,Identity,and Culture: Hannah Arendt's Conceptions of Citizenship,”Praxis International,9: 1/2,1989:1-24,pp. 11-13。

15 Bhikhu C. Parekh,Hannah Arendt and the Search for a New Political Philosophy,London: Macmillan,1981,pp. 177-178.

16 Dana R. Villa,Politics,Philosophy,Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt,Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1999,pp. 151-152.

17 Adrian Oldfield,Citizenship and Community: Civic Republicanism and the Modern World,London: Routledge,1990,pp. 1,5.

18 Jeffrey C. Isaac,“A New Guarantee on Earth: Hannah Arendt on Human Dignity and the Politics of Human Rights,”American Political Science Review,90/1,March, 1996:61-74,p. 61.

19 David Miller,On Nationality,Oxford: Claredon Press,1995,pp. 77-80.

20 Hannah Arendt,Men in Dark Times,pp. 13,16,25.

21 Ibid.,p. 13.

22 Adrian Oldfiel,Citizenship and Community,p. 7.

23 Jurgen Habermas,The Structural Transformation of the Public Realm,trans. by Thomas Berger,Cambridge,M.A.: MIT Press,1987,pp. 106-107.

24 Peter Fuss,“Hannah Arendt's Conception of Political Community,”in Melvyn A. Hill,ed.,Hannah Arendt: The Recovery of the Public World,New York: St.Martin’s Press,1979,p. 173.
