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1 Max Pensky,“Universalism and the Situated Critic,”in Stephen K. White,ed.,The Cambridge Companion to Habermas,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1995,p. 83.
2 Jurgen Habermas,Fakitizitat und Geltung: Beitrage zur Diskurstheorie des Rechts und des Demodratischen Rechtsstaats,Frankfurt:Suhrkamp,1992,p. 638.
3 Jurgen Habermas,“Citizenship and National Identity: Some Reflections of the Future of Europe,”in Ronald Beiner,ed.,Theorizing Citizenship,Albany,N.Y.:State University of New York,1995,p. 261.
4 Ibid.,p. 260.
5 Ibid.,p. 258.
6 Ibid.,p. 259.
7 费孝通主编:《中华民族研究新探索》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版。
8 Jurgen Habermas,“Citizenship and National Identity,”p. 262.
9 Ibid.,pp. 259-260.
10 Ibid.,p. 260.
11 Michael Richter,“The Basic Law and the Democratic Party State: Constitutional Theory and Political Practice,”in Erich J.C. Hahn,et al.,Cornerstone of Democracy:The West German Grundgesetz,1949-1989,Washington,D.C.:German Historical Institute,1995,p. 37.
12 Ibid.,pp. 45-46.
13 Brian Barry,Socialists,Economists,and Democracy,London: Collier Macmillian,1970,p. 48.
14 Jurgen Habermas,“Uber den doppelten Boden des demokratischen Rechtsstaates,”inEine Art Schadensabwicklung : kleine politische Schriften VI / Jürgen Habermas,Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp,1987,pp. 18-19.
15 Jurgen Habermas,Die Neue Unubersichtlichketi(Frankfurt : Suhrkamp,1985),p. 41.
16 Jurgen Habermas,The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and the Historians' Debate,ed. and trans,by Shierry Weber Nicholsen,Cambridge,M.A.: MIT Press,1989,p. 42.
17 Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba,The Civic Culture,Boston M.A.:Little,Brown,1965;Russell Dalton,Politics in Western Germany,Glenville,I.L.:Scott Foresman,1989,pp. 103-104.
18 Russell Dalton,Politics in West Germany,p. 107.
19 David Gonradt,“The Changing German Political Culture,”in Babriel Almond and Sydney Verba,eds.,The Civic Culture Revisited,Boston:Little Brown,1980,pp. 224-225.
20 Kenneth Dyson,“Left-Wing Political Extremism and the Problem of Tolerance in Western Germany,”Government and Opposition,Summer 1975,pp. 319-320.
21 Donald P. Kommers,Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Federal Republic of Germany,Durham,N.C.:Duke University Press,1989,p. 36.