

1 W. Paul Vogt,Tolerance and Education: Learning to Live with Diversity and Difference,Thousand Oaks,C.A.:Sage Publications,1997.

2 Thomas Aquinas,Summa TheologiaeII,Questions,10,11.

3 John Locke,A Letter on Toleration,Oxford: Clarendon,[1689] 1968,p. 85.

4 John S. Mill,On Liberty,Indianapolis,I.N.:Hackett,[1859] 1978.

5 E. Labrousse,“Religious Toleration,”inP. P. Dictionary of the History of Ideas,vol 4.,New York:Scribner's,1973,pp. 112-121;J. W. Merrick,The Desacralization of the French Monarchy in the 18th Century,Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,1990,ch. 6.

6 P. King,Toleration,London: Allen & Unwin,1976,p. 8.

7 B. Crick,“Toleration and Tolerance in Theory and Practice,”Government and Opposition,6,1971: 144-171,p. 149.

8 Robert Paul Wolff,Barrington Moore,and Herbert Marcuse,A Critique of Pure ToleranceBoston: Beacon,,1969,p. vi.

9 Ibid.,p. 83.

10 G. de Ruggiero,“Religious Freedom,”in E. R. A. Seligman and A. S. Johnson,eds.,Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences,vol. 13.,New York: Macmillan,1942,pp. 239-246,240.

11 Issac Berlin,Four Essays on Liberty,Oxford: Oxford University Press,1969.

12 John Rawls,Political Liberalism,New York: Columbia University Press,1993,p. 54.
