附录二 缩写词表



5-羟色胺转运体(serotonin transporter) ACCLPP

预防儿童铅中毒咨询委员会(Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention)


被拘捕者药物滥用监测项目(Arrestees Drug Abuse Monitoring Program) ADD-Health

全美从青春期到成年期健康纵向调查(National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health)


注意缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) ADX

最大监管设施(administrative maximum facility) ALI

美国法律研究所(American Law Institute) BLL

血铅水平(blood lead levels) APA

美国心理学协会(American Psychological Association) C

反社会型人格障碍(antisocial personality disorder) AQAP

阿拉伯半岛的“基地”组织(al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) ARBD

酒精相关性出生缺陷(alcohol-related birth defects) ARND

酒精相关性神经发育障碍(alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder) BAC

血液酒精浓度(blood alcohol concentration) BAU

行为分析部(Behavioral Analysis Unit) BBC

英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Cororation) BCS

银行犯罪统计(Bank Crime Statistics) BDOs

行为侦查员(behavioral detection officers) BJS

司法统计局(Bureau of Justice Statistics) BNS

巴巴多斯营养研究(Barbados Nutrition Study) BSU

行为科学部(Behavioral Science Unit) BTK

捆绑-折磨-杀害(bind,torture,and kill.) CAPS

临床创伤后应激障碍管理量表(Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale) CASA

《校园责任和安全法案》(Campus Accountability and Safety Act,2015) CD

品行障碍(conduct disorder) CDC

疾病防控中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) CGT

《嫌疑人地理目标分析》(Criminal Geographic Targeting) CHINS

《儿童需要监护法》(Child in Need of Supervision)


中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency) CIS-R

儿童鉴别量表-修订版(Child Identification Scale-Revised) CNS

中枢神经系统(central nervous system) COVR

暴力风险分类(Classification of Violence Risk) CPPRG

行为问题预防研究课题组(Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group) CPS

儿童期人格异常量表1997版(Childhood Psychopathy Scale 1997) CR

累积风险(Cumulative risk) CSA

《药物管制法》(Controlled Substances Act) CSE

商业性剥削(commercial sexual exploitation) CSQ

儿童与性的调查问卷(Children and Sex Questionnaire 1987) CU

冷酷无情特质(callous-unemotional) DAR

不同接触强化(differential association reinforcement) DAWN

药品滥用报警网络(Drug Abuse WarningNetwork) DBD

破坏性行为障碍(disruptive behavior disorders) DEA

美国药品管制局(Drug Enforcement Administration) DID

分离性认同障碍(dissociative identity disorder) DHHS

美国卫生及公共服务部(Department of Health and Human Services) DNA

脱氧核糖核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid) DSM

《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)


家庭暴力(domestic violence) DZ

双卵双胞胎(Dizygotic twins);又称异卵双胞胎(fraternal twins) ECA

流行病学区域(Epidemiologic Catchment Area) ECWC

与儿童情感吻合度(emotional congruence with children) EDA

可疑死因剖析(equivocal death analysis) ELF

地球解放阵线(Earth Liberation Front) ERASOR

青春期性犯罪再犯风险评估(Estimate of Risk of Adolescent Sexual Offe nse Recidivism)


体验性吸毒(experimental substance use) FASD

胎儿酒精谱系障碍(fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) FAS

胎儿酒精综合征(fetal alcohol syndrome) FBI

联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation) FDA

美国食品及药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration) FFT

家庭功能性矫治(Functional Family Therapy) GBL

Y-丁内酯(gammabutyrolactone) GBMI

有精神疾病但也有罪(Guilty but Mentally IIl) GHB

γ-羟基丁酸(gamma-hydroxybutryrate) GSG

研究女孩课题组(Girls Study Group) GTC

一般犯罪理论(General Theory of Crime) HC1

海洛因和可卡因粉末混合(heroin with cocaine powder)



历史-临床-风险管理20条-II(Historical-Clinical-Risk Management-20-II) HIV

艾滋病病毒(human immunodeficiency virus) HOBAS

联邦调查局人质/对峙信息系统(FBI's Hostage/Barricade System) HVEs

本土暴力极端分子(Homegrown Violent Extremists) IC3

互联网犯罪控诉中心(Internet Crime Complaint Center) ICD

国际疾病分类(International Classification of Disease) ICT

多重迭代分类树(Multiple Iterative Classification Tree) IPV

亲密伴侣暴力(intimate partner violence) ISIL

“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) ISIS

“伊拉克及大叙利亚伊斯兰国”(Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) IQ

智商(intelligence quotient) IRS

美国国税局(Internal Revenus Service) IST

无受审能力(incompetent to stand trial) JHOs

未成年杀人犯(juvenile homicide offenders) JSOs

未成年性侵者(juvenile sexual offenders) J-SORRAT-II

未成年人性犯罪再犯风险快速评估第II版(Juvenile Sexual Offense Recidivism Risk Assessment Tool-II)


持续终身型(Life-Course-Persistent) LSD

麦角酸酰二乙胺(一种迷幻药)(lysergic acid diethylamide) LSI-R

等级服务水平量表-修订版(Level of Service Inventory-Revised) MAOA

单胺氧化酶(monoamine oxidase) MAOA-L

低活性单胺氧化酶(monamine oxidase A low activity) MDA

3,4-亚甲二氧基苯丙胺(3,4-methylenedioxy-amphetamine abbreviated) MDMA

3,4-亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺(3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) MJTC

门多塔未成年人矫治中心(Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center) MO

惯技(modus operandi) MPC

标准刑法典(Model Penal Code) MPD

多重人格障碍(multiple personality disorder) MSBP

看护者孟乔森综合征(Munchausen syndrome by proxy) MST

多系统治疗(Multi-System Therapy) MTA

4-甲硫基苯丙胺(4-methylthioamphetamine) MTC

马萨诸塞矫治中心(Massachusetts treatment Center) MTC:CM3

马萨诸塞矫治中心:猥亵儿童(第三版)(Massachusetts Treatment Center: Child Molester,Version 3)


第三版马萨诸塞矫治中心分类体系(Massachusetts treatment classification: rape)


监测未来项目(Monitoring the Future) MZ

单卵双胞胎[Monozygotic(MZ)twins];也称同卵双胞胎:(identical twins) NatSCEV

美国对儿童遭受暴力的调查(National Survey of Children Exposed to Violence) NBC

核生化恐怖主义(Nuclear/biological/chemical terorism)


美国暴力犯罪分析中心(National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime) NCCD

美国犯罪和违法事务委员会(National Council on Crime and Delinquency) NCMEC

美国失踪和被利用儿童中心(National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)


美国心理健康及少年司法中心(National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice)


美国犯罪调查(National Crime Survey) NCTC

美国反恐中心(National Counterterrorism Center) NCVS

美国犯罪被害调查(National Crime Victimization Survey) NDSDA

美国药物滥用和健康调查(National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health) NDIC

美国毒品情报中心(National Drug Intelligence Center) NGRI

因精神错乱而无罪(not guilty by reason of insanity) NHSDA

药物滥用的美国入户调查(National Household Survey on Drug Abuse) NIBRS

美国基于案件的报告系统(National Incidence Based Reporting System) NISMART

美国儿童失踪、诱拐、离家出走和被遗弃发生率研究(National IncidenceStudies of Missing,Abducted,Runaway,& Thownaway Children,) HNaSN

美国药物滥用和健康调查(National Survey on Drug Use and Health) NVAWs

美国女性暴力调查(National Violence Against Women Survey) NW3C

美国白领犯罪研究中心(National White Collar Crime Center) ODARA

安大略省家庭暴力风险评估工具(Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment) ODD:

对立违抗性障碍(oppositional defiant disorder) OJJDP

少年司法和违法预防办公室(Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)


少年司法和违法预防协调委员会(Coordinating CCouncil on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)


美国药物控制政策办公室(Office of National Drug Control Policy) OR

定向反应(orienting response) OSHA

职业安全与健康管理局(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) OSDV

异性恋的家庭暴力(opposite-sex domestic violence) PCBs

多氯联苯(polychlorinated biphenyls) PCL:SV

人格异常检测表-筛查版(Psychopathy Checklist:Screening Version) PCL:YV

人格异常检测表-少年版(Psychopathy Checklist:Youth Version) PCL-R

人格异常检测表-修订版(Psychopathy Checklist-Revised) PCP

苯环已哌啶,又名致幻剂(pentachlorophenol) PFAS

部分胎儿酒精综合征(partial fetal alcohol syndrome) PHDCN

芝加哥地区人类发展项目(Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods)


心理测量学智力(psychometric intelligence) PINS

《需要监护者法》(Person in Need of Supervision) PGS

匹兹堡女孩研究(Pittsburg Girls Study)


周围神经系统(peripheral nervous system)

SNd P-Scan

人格异常筛查-研究版(P-Scan:Research Version) PSD

人格异常筛选量表(Psychopathy Screening Device) PTSD

创伤后应激障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder) PYS

匹兹堡少年研究项目(Pittsburgh Youth Study) RNR

风险、需求和响应原则(principles of risk,need and responsivity) RRASOR

性侵犯再犯风险快速评估(Rapid Risk Assessment for Sex Offender Recidivism)


药物滥用和心理健康服务管理局(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)


配偶暴力风险评估指南(Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide) SAT

能力倾向测试(Scholastic Aptitude Test) SAVRY

青少年暴力风险结构化评估(Structured Assessment of Violence Risk among Youth)


摇晃婴儿综合征(shaken baby syndrome) SCR

皮肤导电反应(skin conductance response) SCT

自我控制理论(self-control theory) SDS

学生争取民主社会(Students for a Democratic Society) SES

性经历调查(Sexual Experiences Survey) SIDS

婴儿猝死综合征(sudden infant death syndrome) SMI

严重精神疾病(serious mental illness) SORAG

性犯罪者风险评估指南(Sex Offender Risk Appraisal Guide) SPJ

结构化专业诊断(Structured Professional Judgment) SPOT

犯罪类型的统计模式(Statistical Paitterns of Offending Typology) UCR SRS

统一犯罪报告的汇总报告统计(UCR Summary Report Statistics) 又称汇总报告系统(Summary Reporting System)


同性恋的家庭暴力(same-sex domestic violence) TBI

创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury) TCHAD

双生子童年和青春期发展研究(Twin Study of Child and Adolescent Development)


双生子早期发展研究(Twins'Early Development Study) THC

四氢大麻酚(tetrahydrocannabinol) TMT

恐惧管理理论(terror management theory) UCR

统一犯罪报告(Uniform Crime Reports) VAWA

《遏止暴力侵害女性法案》(Violence Against Women Act) ViCAP

暴力犯罪研究项目(Violent Criminal apprehension Program) WMD

大规模杀伤性武器(weapons of mass destruaction) YPI

未成年人人格异常倾向量表(Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory)

附录一 术语表参考文献