Chapter 14:Reagan and the Advent of Normalcy?

  1. ?George ?H. W. ?Bush ?and ?Brent ?Scowcroft, A ?World ?Transformed ?(New York:Alfred A. Knopf, 1998), 93–94.

  2. Taiwan Relations Act, Public Law 96-8, § 3.1.

  3. ?Joint ?Communiqué ?Issued ?by ?the ?Governments ?of ?the ?United ?States ?and the People's Republic of China (August 17, 1982), as printed in Alan D. Romberg, Rein In at the Brink of the Precipice:American Policy Toward Taiwan and U.S.-PRC Relations ?(Washington, D.C.:Henry L. Stimson Center, 2003), 243.

  4. Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, Strait Talk:United States–Taiwan Relations and the Crisis with China ?(Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2009), 151.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Ibid., 148–50.

  7. John Lewis Gaddis, The Cold War:A New History (New York:Penguin, 2005), 213–14, note 43.

  8. ?Hu ?Yaobang, ?“Create ?a ?New ?Situation ?in ?All ?Fields ?of ?Socialist Modernization—Report to the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China:September 1, 1982,” Beijing Review 37 (September 13, 1982):29.

  9. Ibid., 30–31.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Charles Hill, “Shifts in China's Foreign Policy:The US and USSR” (April 21, ?1984), ?Ronald ?Reagan ?Presidential ?Library ?(hereafter ?RRPL), ?90946 ?(Asian Affairs Directorate, NSC).

  13. ?Directorate ?of ?Intelligence, ?Central ?Intelligence Agency, ?“China-USSR:Maneuvering in the Triangle” (December 20, 1985), RRPL, 007-R.

  14. ?“Memorandum ?to ?President ?Reagan ?from ?Former ?President ?Nixon,” ?as appended ?to ?Memorandum ?for ?the ?President ?from William ?P. ?Clark, ?re:?Former President Nixon's Trip to China (September 25, 1982), RRPL, William Clark Files, 002.

  15. George P. Shultz, ?Turmoil and Triumph:My Years as Secretary of State (New York:Charles Scribner's Sons, 1993), 382.

  16. ?Ronald ?Reagan, ?“Remarks ?at ?Fudan ?University ?in ?Shanghai, April ?30, 1984,” Public ?Papers ?of ?the ?Presidents ?of ?the ?United ?States ? (Washington, ?D.C.:U.S. ?Government ?Printing ?Office, ?1986), ?book ?1, ?603–8; ?“Remarks ?to ?Chinese Community Leaders in Beijing, April 27, 1984,” ?Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States , book 1, 579–84.

  17. ?Donald ?Zagoria, ?“China's ?Quiet ?Revolution,” ?Foreign Affairs ?62, ?no. ?4 (April 1984):881.

  18. ?Jonathan ?Spence, The ?Search ?for ?Modern ?China ?(New York:?W. ?W. Norton, 1999), 654–55.

  19. ?Nicholas ?Kristof, ?“Hu Yaobang, ?Ex- ?Party ?Chief ?in ?China, ?Dies ?at ?73,” New York Times ?(April 16, 1989), http://www hu-yaobang-ex-party-chief-in-chinadies-at-73.html?pagewanted=1.

  20. ?Christopher ?Marsh, ?Unparalleled ?Reforms ?(New York:?Lexington, 2005), 41.

Chapter 13:“Touching the Tiger’s Buttocks”:The Third Vietnam WarChapter 15:Tiananmen