Chapter 17:A Roller Coaster Ride Toward Another Reconciliation:The Jiang Zemin Era

  1. ?See ?David ?M. ?Lampton, ?Same ?Bed, ?Different ?Dreams:?Managing ?U.S.-China Relations, 1989–2000 (Berkeley:University of California Press, 2001), 293, 308.

  2. State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research, “China:Aftermath of the Crisis” (July 27, 1989), 17, in Jeffrey T. Richardson and Michael L. Evans, eds., ?“Tiananmen ?Square, ?1989:?The ?Declassified ?History,” ?National ?Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book no. 16 (June 1, 1999), Document 36.

  3. ?Steven ?Mufson, ?“China's ?Economic ?‘Boss’:?Zhu ?Rongji ?to Take ?Over ?as Premier,” Washington Post (March 5, 1998), A1.

  4. ?September ?14, ?1992, ?statement, ?as ?quoted ?in A. ?M. ?Rosenthal, ?“On ?My Mind:Here We Go Again,” New York Times ?(April 9, 1993); on divergent Chinese and ?Western ?interpretations ?of ?this ?statement, ?see ?also ?Lampton, ?Same ?Bed, Different Dreams , 32.

  5. ?“Confronting ?the ?Challenges ?of ?a ?Broader ?World,” ?President ?Clinton Address ?to ?the ?United ?Nations ?General Assembly, ?New York ?City, ?September ?27, 1993, from ?Department of State Dispatch 4, no. 39 (September 27, 1993).

  6. ?Robert ?Suettinger, ?Beyond ?Tiananmen:?The ?Politics ?of ?U.S.-China Relations, 1989–2000 (Washington, D.C.:The Brookings Institution, 2003), 161.

  7. ?Deng ?Xiaoping ?had ?given ?a ?speech ?in ?November ?1989 ?calling ?on ?China to “Adhere to Socialism and Prevent Peaceful Evolution toward Capitalism.” Mao had warned repeatedly against “peaceful evolution” as well. See “Mao Zedong and Dulles's ?‘Peaceful ?Evolution’ ?Strategy:?Revelations ?from ?Bo Yibo's ?Memoirs,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin 6/7 (Washington, D.C.:Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Winter 1996/1997), 228.

  8. ?Reflecting ?this ?fact, ?“Most ?Favored ?Nation” ?has ?since ?been ?technically renamed “Permanent Normal Trade Relations,” although the “MFN” label remains in use.

  9. Anthony Lake, “From Containment to Enlargement,” address at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C., September 21, 1993, from Department of State Dispatch ?4, no. 39 (September 27, 1993).

  10. Suettinger, Beyond Tiananmen , 165.

  11. William ?J. ?Clinton, ?“Statement ?on ?Most-Favored-Nation Trade ?Status for ?China” ?(May ?28, ?1993), ?Public ?Papers ?of ?the ?Presidents ?of ?the ?United ?States (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1994), book 1, 770–71.

  12. Ibid., 770–72.

  13. Lake, “From Containment to Enlargement.”

  14. Suettinger, Beyond Tiananmen , 168–71.

  15. Warren Christopher, ?Chances of a Lifetime ?(New York:Scribner, 2001), 237.

  16. Ibid.

  17. Ibid., 238.

  18. Ibid., 238–39.

  19. ?See, ?for ?example, ?Deng ?Xiaoping, ?“An ?Idea ?for ?the ?Peaceful?Reunification of the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan:June 26, 1983,” Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, vol. 3, 40–42.

  20. ?John ?W. ?Garver, Face ?Off:?China, ?the ?United ?States, ?and ?Taiwan's Democratization (Seattle:?University ?of ?Washington ?Press, ?1997), ?15; ?James Carman, ?“Lee Teng-Hui:A ?Man ?of ?the ?Country,” Cornell ?Magazine ?(June ?1995), accessed at .edu/campus/Lee/Cornell_Magazine_ Profile.html.

  21. Lampton, ?Same Bed, Different Dreams, 101.

  22. William J. Clinton, “Remarks and an Exchange with Reporters Following Discussions with President Jiang Zemin of China in Seattle:November 19, 1993,” Public ?Papers ?of ?the ?Presidents ?of ?the ?United ?States ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?U.S. Government Printing Office, 1994), 2022–25.

  23. Garver, ?Face Off, 92–97; Robert Suettinger, “U.S. ‘Management’ of Three Taiwan Strait ‘Crises,’ ” in Michael D. Swaine and Zhang Tuosheng with Danielle F. ?S. ?Cohen, ?eds., ?Managing ?Sino-American ?Crises:?Case ?Studies ?and Analysis (Washington, D.C.:Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2006), 278.

  24. Madeleine Albright, ?Madam Secretary (New York:Hyperion, 2003), 546.

  25. ?Robert ?Lawrence ?Kuhn, ?The ?Man ?Who ?Changed ?China:?The ?Life ?and Legacy of Jiang Zemin (New York:Crown Publishers, 2004), 2.

  26. Albright, Madam Secretary, 531.

  27. ?Christopher ?Marsh, ?Unparalleled ?Reforms ?(New York:?Lexington, 2005), 72.

  28. ?Barry ?Naughton, ?The ?Chinese ?Economy:?Transitions ?and ?Growth (Cambridge:MIT Press, 2007), 142–43.

  29. Michael P. Riccards, The Presidency and the Middle Kingdom:China, the ?United ?States, ?and ?Executive ?Leadership ? (New York:?Lexington ?Books, 2000), 12.

  30. Lampton, ?Same Bed, Different Dreams, Appendix A, 379–80.

  31. ?Zhu ?Rongji, ?“Speech ?and ?Q&A ?at ?the Advanced ?Seminar ?on ?China's Economic ?Development ?in ?the ?Twentyfirst ?Century” ?(September ?22, ?1997), ?in Zhu Rongji's Answers to Journalists’ Questions (Oxford:Oxford University Press,?2011) (forthcoming), Chapter 5.

Chapter 16:What Kind of Reform? Deng’s Southern TourChapter 18:The New Mi l lennium