Epilogue:Does History Repeat Itself?
The Crowe Memorandum
Crowe knew the issue from both sides. Born in Leipzig to a British diplomat father and a German mother, he had moved to England only at the age of seventeen. His wife was of German origin, and even as a loyal servant of the Crown, Crowe retained ?a ?cultural ?and ?familial ?connection ?to ?the ?European ?continent. ?Michael ?L. Dockrill and Brian J. C. McKercher, Diplomacy and World Power:Studies in British Foreign Policy, 1890–1951 ?(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1996), 27.
?Eyre ?Crowe, ?“Memorandum ?on ?the ?Present ?State ?of ?British ?Relations with France and Germany” (Foreign Office, January 1, 1907), in G. P. Gooch and?Harold Temperley, eds., ?British Documents on the Origins of the War, vol. 3:The Testing of the Entente ?(London:H.M. Stationery Office, 1928), 406.
Ibid., 417.
Ibid., 416.
Ibid., 417.
Ibid., 407.
?Phillip ?C. ?Saunders, ?“Will ?China's ?Dream ?Turn ?into ?America's Nightmare?” ?China ?Brief ?10, ?no. ?7 ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?Jamestown ?Foundation, April 1, 2010):10 (quoting Liu Mingfu Global Times article).
?Liu ?Mingfu, ?Zhongguo ?meng:?hou ?meiguo ?shidai ?de ?daguo ?siwei ?yu zhanlüe ?dingwei ? [ China ?Dream:?Great ?Power ?Thinking ?and ?Strategic ?Posture ?in the ?Post-American ?Era ] ?(Beijing:?Zhongguo Youyi ?Chuban ?Gongsi, ?2010), ?24; Chris Buckley, “China PLA Officer Urges Challenging U.S. Dominance,” Reuters, February ?28, ?2010, ?accessed ?at ?http:// ?www.reuters.com/article/2010/03/01/ ?us-china-usa-military-exclusiveidUSTRE6200P620100301.
?Richard ?Daniel ?Ewing, ?“Hu ?Jintao:The ?Making ?of ?a ?Chinese ?General Secretary,” ?China Quarterly 173 (March 2003):29–31.
Dai Bingguo, “Persisting with Taking the Path of Peaceful Development” (Beijing:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, December 6, 2010).
Adele ?Hayutin, ?“China's ?Demographic ?Shifts:The ?Shape ?of Things ?to Come” (Stanford:Stanford Center on Longevity, October 24, 2008), 7.
?Ethan ?Devine, ?“The ?Japan ?Syndrome,” ?Foreign ?Policy ?(September ?30, 2010), ?accessed ?at ?http://www.foreignpolicy ?.com/articles/2010/09/30/the_japan_ syndrome.
Hayutin, “China's Demographic Shifts,” 3.
See Joshua Cooper Ramo, “Hu's Visit:Finding a Way Forward on U.S.-China Relations,” Time ?(April 8, 2010). Ramo adopts the concept of co-evolution from the field of biology as an interpretive framework for U.S.-China relations.