Chapter 6:China Confronts Both Superpowers
?“Assistant ?Secretary ?Dean ?Rusk ?addresses ?China ?Institute ?in America, May 18, 1951,” as reproduced in “Editorial Note,” Fredrick Aandahl, ed., Foreign Relations ?of ?the ?United ?States ?(FRUS), ?1951, ?vol. ?7, ?Korea ?and ?China:?Part ?2 (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983), 1671–72.
?Due ?to ?differences ?in ?dialect ?and ?methods ?of ?transliteration, ?Quemoy ?is elsewhere known as “Jinmen,” “Kinmen,” or “Ch'in-men.” Matsu is also known as “Mazu.”
?Xiamen ?was ?then ?known ?in ?the Western ?press ?as ?“Amoy”; ?Fuzhou ?was “Foochow.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union:February 2, 1953,” no. 6, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960), 17. 5. John Lewis Gaddis, The Cold War:A New History ?(New York:Penguin, 2005), 131.
Robert L. Suettinger, “U.S. ‘Management’ of Three Taiwan Strait ‘Crises,’ ” ?in ?Michael ?D. ?Swaine ?and ?Zhang Tuosheng ?with ?Danielle ?F. ?S. ?Cohen, ?eds., Managing ?Sino-American ?Crises:?Case ?Studies ?and Analysis ?(Washington, ?D.C.:Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2006), 254.
Ibid., 255.
“The Chinese People Cannot Be Cowed by the Atom Bomb:January 28th, 1955 (Main points of conversation with Ambassador Carl-Johan [Cay] Sundstrom, the first Finnish envoy to China, upon presentation of his credentials in Beijing),” Mao ?Tse-tung:?Selected ?Works, ?vol. ?5 ?(Peking:?Foreign ?Languages ?Press, ?1977), 152–53.
?“Text ?of ?the ?Joint ?Resolution ?on ?the ?Defense ?of ?Formosa:?February ?7, 1955,” Department ?of ?State ?Bulletin, ?vol. ?32, ?no. ?815 ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?U.S. Government Printing Office, 1955), 213.
?“Editorial ?Note,” ?in ?John ?P. ?Glennon, ?ed., Foreign ?Relations ?of ?the United States (FRUS) , vol. 19, ?National Security Policy, 1955–1957 ?(Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1990), 61.
Suettinger, “U.S. ‘Management’ of Three Taiwan Strait ‘Crises,’ ” 258.
?Strobe ?Talbott, ?trans. ?and ?ed., ?Khrushchev ?Remembers:?The ?Last Testament (Boston:Little, Brown, 1974), 263.
“Memorandum of Conversation of N. S. Khrushchev with Mao Zedong, Beijing:?2 ?October ?1959,” ?Cold ?War ?International ?History ?Project ?Bulletin ? 12/13 (Washington, ?D.C.:?Woodrow ?Wilson ?International ?Center ?for ?Scholars, ?Fall/ Winter 2001), 264.
?Jung ?Chang ?and ?Jon ?Halliday, ?Mao:?The ?Unknown ?Story ? (New York:Random House, 2005), 389–90.
?Zhang ?Baijia ?and ?Jia ?Qingguo, ?“Steering Wheel, ?Shock Absorber, ?and Diplomatic ?Probe ?in ?Confrontation:?Sino-American Ambassadorial ?Talks ?Seen from ?the ?Chinese ?Perspective,” ?in ?Robert ?S. ?Ross ?and ?Jiang ?Changbin, ?eds., ?Re-examining the Cold War:U.S.-China Diplomacy, 1954–1973 ?(Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2001), 185.
?Steven ?Goldstein, ?“Dialogue ?of ?the ?Deaf? ?The ?Sino-American Ambassadorial-Level Talks, ?1955–1970,” ?in ?Ross ?and ?Jiang, ?eds., ?Re-examining the ?Cold ?War , ?200. ?For ?a ?compelling ?history ?of ?the ?talks ?making ?use ?of ?both Chinese and American sources, see Yafeng Xia, Negotiating with the Enemy:U.S.-China ?Talks ?During ?the ?Cold ?War, ?1949–1972 ?(Bloomington:?Indiana ?University Press, 2006).
?“Text ?of ?Rusk's ?Statement ?to ?House ?Panel ?on ?U.S. ?Policy ?Toward Communist ?China,” ?New ?York ?Times ? (April ?17, ?1966), ?accessed ?at ?ProQuest Historical Newspapers (1851–2007).
Talbott, trans. and ed., ?Khrushchev Remembers , 249.
?Lorenz ?M. ?Lüthi, The ?Sino-Soviet ?Split:?Cold ?War ?in ?the ?Communist World (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 2008), 38.
?The ?October ?Revolution ?refers ?to ?the ?Bolshevik ?seizure ?of ?power ?in October 1917.
?Stuart ?Schram, ?The ?Thought ?of ?Mao ?Tse-Tung ?(Cambridge:?Cambridge University Press, 1989), 113.
Ibid., 149.
?Lüthi, ?The ?Sino-Soviet ?Split, ?50, ?citing ?author ?examination ?of ?1956 Chinese ?“Internal ?Reference ?Reports” ?and Wu ?Lengxi, Shinian ?lunzhan, ?1956–
1966:?ZhongSu ?guanxi ?huiyilu ? [ Ten ?Years ?of ?Debate, ?1956–1966:?Recollections of ?Sino-Soviet ?Relations ] ?(Beijing:?Zhongyang ?wenxian, ?1999), ?(memoirs ?of ?the former head of China's official Xinhua news agency).
Ibid., 62–63.
Talbott, trans. and ed., ?Khrushchev Remembers , 255.
Ibid., 260.
?“Playing ?for ?High ?Stakes:?Khrushchev ?speaks ?out ?on ?Mao, ?Kennedy, Nixon and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” LIFE 69, no. 25 (December 18, 1970), 25.
?“First ?conversation ?between ?N. ?S. ?Khrushchev ?and ?Mao ?Zedong:7/31/1958,” Cold ?War ?International ?History ?Project:?Virtual Archive, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, accessed at www.cwihp .org. 31. Ibid.
William Taubman, Khrushchev:The Man and His Era (New York:W. W. Norton, 2003), 392.
?“Discussion ?Between ?N. ?S. ?Khrushchev ?and ?Mao ?Zedong:?October ?03, 1959,” Archive ?of ?the ?President ?of ?the ?Russian ?Federation ?(APRF), ?fond ?52, ?opis 1, delo 499, listy 1–33, trans. Vladislav M. Zubok, ?Cold War International History Project:?Virtual ?Archive, ?Woodrow ?Wilson ?International ?Center ?for ?Scholars, accessed at
?Lüthi, ?The ?Sino-Soviet ?Split, ?101; ?Wu ?Lengxi, ?“Inside ?Story ?of ?the Decision ?Making ?During ?the ?Shelling ?of ?Jinmen” ?( Zhuanji ?wenxue ?[ Biographical Literature], ?Beijing, ?no. ?1, ?1994), ?as ?translated ?and ?reproduced ?in ?Li ?Xiaobing, Chen ?Jian, ?and ?David ?L. Wilson, ?eds., ?“Mao ?Zedong's ?Handling ?of ?the Taiwan Straits ?Crisis ?of ?1958:?Chinese ?Recollections ?and ?Documents,” ?Cold ?War International ?History ?Project ?Bulletin ? 6/7 ?(Washington, ?D.C.:Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Winter 1995), 213–14.
?Wu, ?“Inside ?Story ?of ?the ?Decision ?Making ?During ?the ?Shelling ?of Jinmen,” 208.
Ibid., 209–10.
?Gong ?Li, ?“Tension Across ?the ?Taiwan ?Strait ?in ?the ?1950s:?Chinese Strategy ?and Tactics,” ?in ?Ross ?and ?Jiang, ?eds., Re-examining ?the ?Cold ?War, ?157–58; ?Chen ?Jian, Mao's ?China ?and ?the ?Cold ?War ? (Chapel ?Hill:?University ?of ?North Carolina Press, 2001), 184.
Chen, Mao's ?China and the Cold War , 184–85.
?“Statement ?by ?the ?Secretary ?of ?State, ?September ?4, ?1958,” ?in ?Harriet Dashiell Schwar, ed., ?Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1958–1960, vol. 19, China (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996), 135.
“Telegram from the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State, Moscow, September 7, 1958, 9 p.m.,” ?FRUS 19, 151.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Letter to Nikita Khrushchev, Chairman, Council of ?Ministers, ?U.S.S.R., ?on ?the ?Formosa ?Situation:?September ?13, ?1958,” ?no. ?263, Public ?Papers ?of ?the ?Presidents ?of ?the ?United ?States ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?U.S. Government Printing Office, 1960), 702.
Andrei Gromyko, ?Memoirs (New York:Doubleday, 1990), 251–52.
Lüthi, The Sino-Soviet Split, 102.
Ibid., 102–3.
“Telegram from the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State, September 19, 1958, 8 p.m.,” FRUS 19, 236.
?“Discussion ?Between ?N. ?S. ?Khrushchev ?and ?Mao ?Zedong:?October ?03, 1959.”
Xia, Negotiating with the Enemy, 98–99.
On September 30, 1958, six weeks into the second offshore islands crisis, Dulles gave a press conference in which he questioned the utility of stationing so many ?Nationalist ?troops ?on ?Quemoy ?and ?Matsu, ?and ?noted ?that ?the ?United ?States bore ?“no ?legal ?responsibility ?to ?defend ?the ?coastal ?islands.” ?Chiang ?Kai-shek responded the next day by dismissing Dulles's remarks as a “unilateral statement” that Taipei ?“had ?no ?obligation ?to ?abide ?by,” ?and Taipei ?continued ?to ?defend ?and fortify ?the ?islands. ?Li, ?“Tension Across ?the Taiwan ?Strait ?in ?the ?1950s:?Chinese Strategy and Tactics,” 163.
“Memorandum of Conversation, Beijing, February ?24, 1972, 5:15–8:05 p.m.,” ?in ?Steven ?E. ?Phillips, ?ed., ?Foreign ?Relations ?of ?the ?United ?States ?(FRUS), 1969–1976 , ?vol. ?17, ?China ?1969–1972 ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?U.S. ?Government Printing Office, 2006), 766.
Talbott, trans. and ed., ?Khrushchev Remembers , 265.
Chapter 5:Triangular Diplomacy and the Korean WarChapter 7:A Decade of Crises