Chapter 18:The New Mi l lennium

  1. ?Richard ?Daniel ?Ewing, ?“Hu ?Jintao:The ?Making ?of ?a ?Chinese ?General Secretary,” ?China Quarterly 173 (March 2003):19.

  2. Ibid., 21–22.

  3. Xiaokang , ?now ?a ?widely ?used ?official ?policy ?term, ?is ?a ?2,500-year-old Confucian ?phrase ?suggesting ?a ?moderately ?well-off ?population ?with ?a ?modest amount of disposable income. See “Confucius and the Party Line,” The Economist (May 22, 2003); ?“Confucius Makes a Comeback,” ?The Economist (May 17, 2007).

  4. ?George W. ?Bush, ?“Remarks ?Following ?Discussions ?with ?Premier Wen Jiabao ?and ?an ?Exchange ?with ?Reporters:?December ?9, ?2003,” Public ?Papers ?of the Presidents of the United States ?(Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006), 1701.

  5. David Barboza, “Chinese Leader Fields Executives’ Questions,” New York Times (September 22, 2010).

  6. ?Cui ?Changfa ?and ?Xu ?Mingshan, ?eds., Gaoceng ?Jiangtan ?[Top-leaders’ Rostrums] ?(Beijing:?Hongqi ?Chubanshe, ?2007), ?165–82, ?as ?cited ?in ?Masuda Masayuki, ?“China's ?Search ?for ?a ?New ?Foreign ?Policy ?Frontier:?Concept ?and Practice of ‘Harmonious World,’ ” 62, in Masafumi Iida, ed., ?China's Shift:Global Strategy of the Rising Power (Tokyo:NIDS Joint Research Series, 2009).

  7. Wen ?Jiabao, ?“A ?Number ?of ?Issues ?Regarding ?the ?Historic Tasks ?in ?the Initial ?Stage ?of ?Socialism ?and ?China's ?Foreign ?Policy,” Xinhua ?(February ?26, 2007), ?as ?cited ?in ?Masuda, ?“China's ?Search ?for ?a ?New ?Foreign ?Policy ?Frontier:Concept and Practice of ‘Harmonious World,’ ” 62–63.

  8. ?David ?Shambaugh, ?“Coping ?with ?a ?Conflicted ?China,” The ?Washington Quarterly ?34, no. 1 (Winter 2011):8.

  9. ?Zheng ?Bijian, ?“China's ?‘Peaceful ?Rise’ ?to ?Great-Power ?Status,” ?Foreign Affairs ?84, no. 5 (September/October 2005):22.

  10. ?Hu ?Jintao, ?“Build Towards ?a ?Harmonious World ?of ?Lasting ?Peace ?and Common Prosperity,” speech at the United Nations Summit (New York, September?15, 2005).

  11. The number eight is regarded as auspicious in Chinese numerology. It is a near homonym for the word “to prosper” in some Chinese dialects.

  12. ?Nathan ?Gardels, ?“Post-Olympic ?Powershift:The ?Return ?of ?the ?Middle Kingdom in a Post-American World,” ?New Perspectives Quarterly 25, no. 4 (Fall 2008):7–8.

  13. ?“Di ?shi ?yi ?ci ?zhuwaishi ?jie ?huiyi ?zhao ?kai, ?Hu ?Jintao, ?Wen ?Jiabao jianghua” ?[“Hu ?Jintao ?and ?Wen ?Jiabao ?speak ?at ?the ?11th ?meeting ?of ?overseas envoys”], website of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, accessed at ldhd/2009-07/20/content_1370171.html.

  14. Wang Xiaodong, “Gai you xifang zhengshi zhongguo ‘bu gaoxing’ le” [“It is now up to the West to face squarely that China is unhappy”], in Song Xiaojun, Wang Xiaodong, Huang Jisu, Song Qiang, and Liu Yang, Zhongguo bu gaoxing:da shidai, da mubiao ji women de neiyou waihuan ?[ China Is Unhappy:The Great Era, the ?Grand ?Goal, ?and ?Our ?Internal Anxieties ?and ?External ?Challenges ] ?(Nanjing:Jiangsu Renmin Chubanshe, 2009), 39.

  15. Song Xiaojun, “Meiguo bu shi zhilaohu, shi ‘lao huanggua shua lü qi’” [“America ?is ?not ?a ?paper ?tiger, ?it's ?an ?‘old ?cucumber ?painted ?green’ ?”] ?in ?Song, Wang, et al., Zhongguo bu gaoxing , 85.

  16. A classical Chinese expression signifying a postconflict return to peace with no expectation of recommencing hostilities.

  17. Song, “Meiguo bu shi zhilaohu,” 86.

  18. Ibid., 92.

  19. Ibid.

  20. ?Liu ?Mingfu, Zhongguo ?meng:?hou ?meiguo ?shidai ?de ?daguo ?siwei ?yu zhanlüe ?dingwei ? [ China ?Dream:?Great ?Power ?Thinking ?and ?Strategic ?Posture ?in the Post-American Era] (Beijing:Zhongguo Youyi Chuban Gongsi, 2010).

  21. Ibid., 69–73, 103–17.

  22. Ibid., 124.

  23. Ibid., 256–62.

  24. Some analyses posit that while the sentiments expressed in these books?are real and may be common in much of the Chinese military establishment, they partly ?reflect ?a ?profit ?motive:?provocative ?books ?sell ?well ?in ?any ?country, ?and nationalist ?tracts ?such ?as ?China ?Is ?Unhappy ?and ?China ?Dream ?are ?published ?by private publishing companies. See Phillip C. Saunders, “Will China's Dream Turn into America's Nightmare?” ?China Brief 10, no. 7 (Washington, D.C.:Jamestown Foundation, April 1, 2010):10–11.

  25. Dai Bingguo, “Persisting with Taking the Path of Peaceful Development” (Beijing:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, December 6, 2010).

  26. Ibid.

  27. Ibid.

  28. Ibid.

  29. Ibid.

  30. Ibid.

  31. Ibid.

  32. ?Hu ?Jintao, ?“Speech ?at ?the ?Meeting ?Marking ?the ?30th Anniversary ?of Reform and Opening Up” (December 18, 2008), accessed at http://www. bjreview. Translation/2009-04/27/content_194200. htm.

  1. Dai, “Persisting with Taking the Path of Peaceful Development.”

  2. Ibid.

Chapter 17:A Roller Coaster Ride Toward Another Reconciliation:The Jiang Zemin EraEpilogue:Does History Repeat Itself?