Chapter 16:What Kind of Reform? Deng’s Southern Tour
?Richard ?Baum, Burying ?Mao:?Chinese ?Politics ?in ?the ?Age ?of ?Deng Xiaoping ?(Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1994), 334.
“Excerpts from Talks Given in Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanghai:January ?18–February ?21, ?1992,” ?Selected ?Works ?of ?Deng ?Xiaoping , ?vol. ?3, ?trans., The Bureau for the Compilation and Translation of Works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin Under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Beijing:Foreign Languages Press, 1994), 359.
Ibid., 360.
Ibid., 361.
Ibid., 362–63.
Ibid, 364–65.
Ibid., 366.
David M. Lampton, ?Same Bed, Different Dreams:Managing U.S.-China Relations, 1989–2000 ?(Berkeley:University of California Press, 2001), xi.
“Excerpts from Talks Given in Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanghai:January 18—February 21, 1992,” ?Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, vol. 3, 370. 10. Ibid., 369.
Chapter 15:TiananmenChapter 17:A Roller Coaster Ride Toward Another Reconciliation:The Jiang Zemin Era