Chapter 7:A Decade of Crises

  1. ?Frederick ?C. Teiwes, ?“The ?Establishment ?and ?Consolidation ?of ?the ?New Regime, ?1949–1957,” ?in ?Roderick ?MacFarquhar, ?ed., The ?Politics ?of ?China:?The Eras of Mao and Deng , 2nd ed. (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1997), 74.

  2. ?Jonathan ?Spence, The ?Search ?for ?Modern ?China ?(New York:?W. ?W. Norton, 1999), 541–42.

  3. Lorenz M. Lüthi, The Sino-Soviet Split:Cold War in the Communist World (Princeton:Princeton University Press, 2008), 76.

  4. Ibid., 84.

  5. ?For ?an ?elaboration ?of ?this ?point, ?and ?of ?the ?links ?between ?Mao's ?foreign and domestic policies, see Chen Jian, Mao's China and the Cold War (Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 2001), 6–15.

  6. Neville Maxwell, India's China War (Garden City, NY:Anchor, 1972), 37.

  7. John W. Garver, “China's Decision for War with India in 1962,” in Alastair Iain ?Johnston ?and ?Robert ?S. ?Ross, ?eds., ?New ?Directions ?in ?the ?Study ?of ?China's Foreign Policy ?(Stanford:Stanford University Press, 2006), 106.

  8. Ibid., 107.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Ibid., 108.

  11. Ibid., 109.

  12. Ibid., 110.

  13. Ibid., 115.

  14. Ibid., 120–21.

  15. ?“Workers ?of All ?Countries ?Unite, ?Oppose ?Our ?Common ?Enemy:December 15, 1962” (Peking:Foreign Languages Press, 1962) (reprint of editorial from Renmin Ribao [ People's Daily ]).

  16. Ibid.

  17. Pravda, April 5, 1964, as quoted in Hemen Ray, ?Sino-Soviet Conflict over India:An Analysis ?of ?the ?Causes ?of ?Conflict ?Between ?Moscow ?and ?Beijing ?over India Since 1949 ?(New Delhi:Abhinav Publications, 1986), 106.

  18. ?John ?King ?Fairbank ?and ?Merle ?Goldman, China:A ?New ?History, ?2ndenlarged edition (Cambridge:Belknap Press, 2006), 392.

  19. ?Roderick ?MacFarquhar ?and ?Michael ?Schoenals, ?Mao's ?Last ?Revolution (Cambridge:Belknap Press, 2006), 87–91.

  20. ?Mark ?Gayn, ?“China ?Convulsed,” ?Foreign Affairs ?45, ?issue ?2 ?(January 1967):247, 252.

  21. ?Renmin Ribao ?[ People's Daily ] (Beijing), January 31, 1967, at 6, as cited in Tao-tai ?Hsia ?and ?Constance A. ?Johnson, ?“Legal ?Developments ?in ?China ?Under Deng's ?Leadership” ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?Library ?of ?Congress, ?Far ?Eastern ?Law Division, 1984), 9.

  22. Anne ?F. Thurston, Enemies ?of ?the ?People ?(New York:Alfred A. ?Knopf, 1987), 101–3; MacFarquhar and Schoenals, ?Mao's Last Revolution , 118–20. 23. MacFarquhar and Schoenals, Mao's Last Revolution , 224–27.

  23. Ibid., 222–23.

  24. See Chapter 14, “Reagan and the Advent of Normalcy”.

  25. ?See Yafeng ?Xia, ?moderator, ?H-Diplo ?Roundtable ?Review ?11, ?no. ?43 (Hu Angang, ?Mao ?Zedong ?yu ?wenge ?[ Mao ?Zedong ?and ?the ?Cultural ?Revolution]) (October ?6, ?2010), ?27–33, ?accessed ?at ? ?roundtables/

PDF/Roundtable-XI-43 .pdf.

  1. John F. Kennedy, “A Democrat Looks at Foreign Policy,” ?Foreign Affairs 36, no. 1 (October 1957):50.

  2. Wu ?Lengxi, ?“Inside ?Story ?of ?the ?Decision ?Making ?During ?the ?Shelling of Jinmen,” in Li, Chen, and Wilson, eds., “Mao Zedong's Handling of the Taiwan Straits Crisis of 1958,” CWIHP Bulletin 6/7, 208.

  3. Yafeng ?Xia, ?Negotiating ?with ?the ?Enemy:?U.S.-China ?Talks ?During ?the Cold ?War, ?1949–1972 ?(Bloomington:?Indiana ?University ?Press, ?2006), ?109–14, 234; ?Noam ?Kochavi, ?A Conflict Perpetuated:China Policy During the Kennedy Years (Westport, Conn.:Praeger, 2002), 101–14.

  4. Lyndon B. Johnson, “Remarks to the American Alumni Council:United States Asian Policy:July 12, 1966,” no. 325, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967), book 2, 719–20.

  5. Xia, Negotiating with the Enemy, 117–31.

  6. “Communist China:6 December 1960,” National Intelligence Estimate, no. 13–60, 2–3.

  7. Li Jie, “Changes in China's Domestic Situation in the 1960s and Sino-U.

S. Relations,” in Robert S. Ross and Jiang Changbin, eds., Re-examining the Cold War:?US-China ?Diplomacy, ?1954–1973 ?(Cambridge:?Harvard ?University ?Press, 2001), 302.

  1. Ibid., 304.

  2. Ibid., 185, 305.

Chapter 6:China Confronts Both SuperpowersChapter 8:The Road to Reconci l iation