Chapter 9:Resumption of Relations:First Encounters with Mao and Zhou

  1. “Answers to the Italian Journalist Oriana Fallaci:April 21 and 23, 1980,” in Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (1975–1982) , vol. 2, trans. The Bureau for the Compilation and Translation of Works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin Under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Beijing:Foreign Languages Press, 1984), 326–27.

  2. “Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, July 9, 1971, 4:35–11:20 p.m.,” in ?Steven ?E. ?Phillips, ?ed., ?Foreign ?Relations ?of ?the ?United ?States ?(FRUS), ?1969–

1976, ?vol. ?17, China ?1969–1972 ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?U.S. ?Government ?Printing Office, 2006), 363.

  1. ?“Memorandum ?of ?Conversation:?Beijing, ?October ?21, ?1971, ?10:30 ?a.m.–

1:45 ?p.m.,” ?FRUS ?17, ?504. The ?original American ?records ?of ?these ?conversations list ?the ?name ?“Zhou” ?using ?the ?then-prevalent Wade-Giles ?transliteration ?“Chou.” To avoid frequent shifts in spelling between the present volume's main text and the quoted conversations, in passages excerpted from American transcripts the names of Chinese interlocutors, as well as Chinese-language words originally spoken by Chinese parties, have been rendered using pinyin spellings.

  1. ?“Memorandum ?of ?Conversation:?Beijing, ?February ?17–18, ?1973, ?11:30 p.m.–1:20 ?a.m.,” ?in ?David ?P. ?Nickles, ?ed., Foreign ?Relations ?of ?the ?United?States ?(FRUS), ?1969–1976, ?vol. ?18, ?China ?1973–1976 ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007), 124.

  2. “Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, July 9, 1971, 4:35–11:20 p.m.,” FRUS 17, 367.

  3. Ibid., 390. 7. “Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, July 10, 1971, 12:10–6:00 p.m.,” FRUS 17, 400. 8. ?Shortly ?after ?my ?July ?1971 ?visit, ?Zhou ?flew ?to ?Hanoi ?to ?brief ?North Vietnamese ?leaders ?on ?China's ?new ?diplomatic ?posture. ?By ?most ?accounts, ?these talks ?did ?not ?proceed ?smoothly; ?nor ?did ?Zhou's ?subsequent ?discussions ?with Madame ?Nguyen Thi ?Binh, ?the ?implacable ?shadow ?foreign ?minister ?of ?the ?Hanoi front ?“Provisional ?Revolutionary ?Government” ?of ?South Vietnam. ?See ?Chen ?Jian, “China, Vietnam ?and ?Sino-American ?Rapprochement,” ?in ?Odd Arne Westad ?and Sophie ?Quinn-Judge, ?eds., The ?Third ?Indochina ?War:?Conflict ?Between ?China, Vietnam and Cambodia, 1972–1979 ?(London:Routledge, 2006), 53–54; and Qiang Zhai, China and ?the Vietnam Wars, 1950–1975 (Chapel Hill:?University of North Carolina Press, 2000), 196–97.

  4. “Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, July 9, 1971, 4:35–11:20 p.m.,” FRUS 17, 367–68.

  5. Ibid., 367.

  6. Ibid.

  7. Ibid., 369.

  8. “Memorandum of Conversation:Shanghai, February 28, 1972, 8:30–9:30 a.m.,” ?FRUS 17, 823.

  9. A partial record of this luncheon discussion is available in ?FRUS ?17, 416.

  10. ?In ?the ?years ?since, ?Fujian ?has ?become ?a ?center ?of ?cross-Strait ?trade ?and tourism links, including via Quemoy and Matsu. 16. ?“Memorandum ?of ?Conversation:?Beijing, ?July ?10, ?1971, ?12:10–6:00 p.m.,” ?FRUS 17, 403–4.

  11. ?Chen ?Jian, Mao's ?China ?and ?the ?Cold ?War (Chapel ?Hill:?University ?of North Carolina Press, 2001), 267.

  12. “Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, July 10, 1971, 12:10–6:00 p.m.,” FRUS 17, 430–31.

  13. ?Margaret ?MacMillan, Nixon ?and ?Mao:?The ?Week ?That ?Changed ?the World (New York:Random House, 2007), 22.

  14. ?“Memorandum ?of ?Conversation:?Beijing, ?February 21, 1972, 2:50–3:55 p.m.,” ?FRUS 17, 681.

  15. Ibid., 678–79.

  16. Ibid., 681.

  17. Ibid., 680.

  18. Ibid., 681–82.

  19. ?Edward ?(Ted) ?Heath, ?British ?Prime ?Minister ?from ?1970 ?to ?1974. ?Heath would later visit Beijing and meet with Mao in 1974 and 1975.

  20. Charles de Gaulle, French resistance leader and President from 1959 to 1969. Paris had recognized the People's Republic of China in 1964.

  21. “Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, February 21, 1972, 2:50–3:55 p.m.,” ?FRUS 17, 679–80.

  22. Ibid., 684.

  23. Ibid., 683.

  24. Ibid.

  25. ?“Conversation ?Between ?President ?Nixon ?and ?the Ambassador ?to ?the Republic of China (McConaughy):Washington, June 30, 1971, 12:18–12:35 p.m.,” FRUS 17, 349.

  26. Ibid., 351–52.

  27. ?“Memorandum ?of ?Conversation:?Beijing, ?February 21, 1972, 5:58–6:55 p.m.,” ?FRUS 17, 688.

  28. Ibid., 689.

  29. “Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, February 22, 1972, 2:10–6:00 p.m.,” FRUS 17, 700.

  30. “Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, February 24, 1972, 5:15–8:05 p.m.,” ?FRUS 17, 770.

  31. “Memorandum of Conversation:Washington, February 14, 1972, 4:09–6:19 p.m.,” ?FRUS ?17, 666.

  32. See, for example, Gao Wenqian, ?Zhou Enlai, 151–53, 194–200.

  33. ?See ?Kuisong Yang ?and Yafeng ?Xia, ?“Vacillating ?Between ?Revolution and Détente:Mao's Changing Psyche and Policy Toward the United States, 1969–

1976,” ?Diplomatic History ?34, no. 2 (April 2010):407.

  1. ?“Joint ?Statement ?Following ?Discussions ?with ?Leaders ?of ?the ?People's Republic of China:Shanghai, February 27, 1972,” FRUS 17, 812–16.

  2. Ibid., 814.

  3. ?“Memorandum ?of ?Conversation:?Beijing, ?February ?22, ?1972, 2:10–6:00 p.m.,” ?FRUS 17, 697.

  4. ?“Joint ?Statement ?Following ?Discussions ?with ?Leaders ?of ?the ?People's Republic of China:Shanghai, February 27, 1972,” FRUS 17, 815.

  5. ?CCP ?Central ?Committee, ?“Notice ?on ?the ?Joint ?Sino-American Communiqué, ?March ?7, ?1972,” ?as ?translated ?and ?quoted ?in ?Yang ?and ?Xia, “Vacillating Between Revolution and Détente,” 395.

Chapter 8:The Road to Reconci l iationChapter 10:The Quasi-Al l iance:Conversations wi th Mao