Chapter 4:Mao’s Continuous Revolution
?For ?Mao ?on ?Qin ?Shihuang, ?see, ?for ?example, ?“Talks ?at ?the ?Beidaihe Conference:August ?19, ?1958,” ?in ?Roderick ?MacFarquhar, Timothy ?Cheek, ?and Eugene ?Wu, ?eds., ?The ?Secret ?Speeches ?of ?Chairman ?Mao:?From ?the ?Hundred Flowers ?to ?the ?Great ?Leap ?Forward ? (Cambridge:?Harvard ?University ?Press, 1989), ?405; ?“Talks ?at ?the ?First ?Zhengzhou ?Conference:?November ?10, ?1958,” ?in MacFarquhar, ?Cheek, ?and Wu, ?eds., ?The ?Secret ?Speeches ?of ?Chairman ?Mao , ?476; Tim Adams, “Behold the Mighty Qin,” ?The Observer (August 19, 2007).
André ?Malraux, Anti-Memoirs , ?trans. ?Terence ?Kilmartin ?(New York:Henry Holt, 1967), 373–74.
?“Speech ?at ?the ?Supreme ?State ?Conference:?Excerpts, ?28 ?January ?1958,” in ?Stuart ?Schram, ?ed., ?Mao ?Tse-tung ?Unrehearsed:?Talks ?and ?Letters:?1956–71 (Harmondsworth:Penguin, 1975), 92–93.
?“On ?the ?People's ?Democratic ?Dictatorship:?In ?Commemoration ?of ?the Twenty-eighth Anniversary ?of ?the ?Communist ?Party ?of ?China:?June ?30, ?1949,” Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, vol. 4 (Peking:Foreign Languages Press, 1969), 412.
?“Sixty ?Points ?on ?Working ?Methods—A ?Draft ?Resolution ?from ?the Office of the Centre of the CPC:19.2.1958,” in Jerome Ch'en, ed., ?Mao ?Papers:Anthology and Bibliography (London:Oxford University Press, 1970), 63.
Ibid., 66.
?“The ?Chinese ?People ?Have ?Stood ?Up:?September ?1949,” ?in ?Timothy Cheek, ed., ?Mao Zedong and China's Revolutions:A Brief History with Documents (New York:Palgrave, 2002), 126.
See M. Taylor Fravel, “Regime Insecurity and International Cooperation:Explaining ?China's ?Compromises ?in Territorial ?Disputes,” International ?Security 30, ?no. ?2 ?(Fall ?2005):?56–57; ?“A ?Himalayan ?Rivalry:?India ?and ?China,” ?The Economist 396, no. 8696 (August 21, 2010), 17–20.
?Zhang ?Baijia, ?“Zhou ?Enlai—The ?Shaper ?and ?Founder ?of ?China's Diplomacy,” in Michael H. Hunt and Niu Jun, eds., Toward a History of Chinese Communist ?Foreign ?Relations, ?1920s–1960s:?Personalities ?and ?Interpretive Approaches ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?Woodrow ?Wilson ?International ?Center ?for Scholars, Asia Program, 1992), 77.
?Charles ?Hill, Grand ?Strategies:?Literature, ?Statecraft, ?and ?World ?Order (New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010), 2.
“Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, July 10, 1971, 12:10–6 p.m.,” in ?Steven ?E. ?Phillips, ?ed., ?Foreign ?Relations ?of ?the ?United ?States ?(FRUS), ?1969–1976, ?vol. ?17, ?China ?1969–1972, ?(Washington, ?D.C.:?U.S. ?Government ?Printing Office, 2006), 404. Zhou Enlai recited these lines during one of our first meetings in Beijing in July 1971.
?John ?W. ?Garver, ?“China's ?Decision ?for ?War ?with ?India ?in ?1962,” ?in Alastair ?Iain ?Johnston ?and ?Robert ?S. ?Ross, ?eds., New ?Directions ?in ?the ?Study ?of China's Foreign Policy (Stanford:Stanford University Press, 2006), 107.
“On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People:February 27, ?1957,” ?Selected ?Works ?of ?Mao ?Tse-tung, ?vol. ?5 ?(Peking:?Foreign ?Languages Press, 1977), 417.
Edgar Snow, ?The Long Revolution (New York:Random House, 1972), 217.
?Lin ?Piao ?[Lin ?Biao], ?Long ?Live ?the ?Victory ?of ?People's ?War! ?(Peking:Foreign ?Languages ?Press, ?1967), ?38 ?(originally ?published ?September ?3, ?1965, ?in the Renmin Ribao ?
?Kuisong Yang ?and Yafeng ?Xia, ?“Vacillating ?Between ?Revolution ?and Détente:?Mao's ?Changing ?Psyche ? ?and ?Policy Toward ?the ?United ?States, ?1969–1976,” ?Diplomatic History ?34, no. 2 (April 2010).
?Chen ?Jian ?and ?David ?L. Wilson, ?eds., ?“All ?Under ?the ?Heaven ?Is ?Great Chaos:?Beijing, ?the ?Sino-Soviet ?Border ?Clashes, ?and ?the ?Turn ?Toward ?Sino-American ?Rapprochement, ?1968–1969,” Cold ?War ?International ?History ?Project Bulletin 11 (Washington, D.C.:Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Winter 1998), 161.
Michel Oksenberg, “The Political Leader,” in Dick Wilson, ed., Mao Tse-tung in the Scales of History ?(Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1978), 90.
?Stuart ?Schram, ?The ?Thought ?of ?Mao ?Tse-Tung ?(Cambridge:?Cambridge University Press, 1989), 23.
“The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party:December 1939,” ?Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung , vol. 2, 306.
“Memorandum of Conversation:Beijing, Feb. 21, 1972, 2:50–3:55 pm.,” FRUS ?17, 678.
“The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains,” ?Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, vol. 3, 272.?
Chapter 3:From Preeminence to Decl ineChapter 5:Triangular Diplomacy and the Korean War