Lawrence to K. C. Cornwallis, December 12,1916 ; PRO - W0882/6, C 25A.
[2]Lawrence, Seven Pillars f p. 118.
[3]Ibid. •
[4]Lawrence,Faisal's Operations, October 30, 1916; PRO - FO 882/5, f. 43.
[5]Lawrence to Clayton t December 5,1916 ; PRO - FO 882/6, f. 6.
[6]Lawrence,Military Notes: Possibilities, November 3, 1916; PRO - FO 882/ 5,f. 51.
[7]Lawrence,Faisal's Operations, October 30,1916 ; PRO - FO 882/5, f. 44.
[8]Lawrence to Clayton, December 5 , 1916 ; PRO - FO 882/6,L 8.
[9]La'vrence to Clayton, undated but December 11,1916 ; PRO 一 F0882/6, C 123.
[10] Wilson to Claytont December 12,1916; PRO - WO 158/604, f. 206A.
[11] Ballobar, Jerusalem in World War /, p. 98.
[12] Metternich to German Foreign Ministry f May 2, 1916 ; NARA T137, Roll 25, Frame 384.
[13] Priifer,Vertraulich, August 6,1915 ; NARA T137,Rol] 24 f Frames 790 - 97.
[14] Priifer, Diaryy May 8 and 14,1916 ; HO.
[15] Ibid.,June 9,1916.
[16] Ibid. , July 8,1916.
[17] 丨bid.,May 13,1916.
[18] Nadolny to German Embassy/Constantinople, October 27,1916 ; PAAA, Roll 21142,Der Weltkrieg no. 11 g adh.,Band 1.
[19] Priifer to Central Office of German Foreign Ministry, January 22,1917 ; PAAA,Roll 21142, Der Weltkrieg no. 1 1 g adh.,Band I.
[20] McKale, Curt Priifer, pp. 50 - 51.
[21 ]Wingate to Foreign Office and Murray, December 14, 1916 ; PRO - WO 158/604, £ 211 A.
[22] 劳伦斯最初在 1916 年 10 月 30 日的报告 “Feisal’s Operations" ; PRO - FO 882/5 f £ 42-51中描述了费萨尔军营的散漫。这篇报告是他在 Seven Pillars,book I,chapters 14 and 15,and book 2, chapter 19 中描述 的基础。
[23] Lawrence to Clayton, December 5,1916 ; PRO - FO 882/6,L 7.
[24] Lawrence to Clayton, December 5 , 1916; PRO - FO 882/6f f. 6.
[25] Lawrence to Clayton, December 11 , 1916; PRO - FO 882/6, f. 122.
[26] Lawrence to K. C. Cornwallis,December 27, 1917 ; PRO - F0882/5 , £ 25A.
[27] Loytved - Hardegg to unknown addressee, May 6 % 1916 ; NARAT139 f Roll 457.
[28] 1915年7月,一位名叫罗胡斯•施密特的少校抱怨称,一方面,在叙 利、IR的帝国殖民部官员穿德国制服,让杰马勒大发雷霆;另一方面, 他却“对被扣押的英法平民表现出极大善意,并下令赋予他们很大的 自由 ”0 NARAT137, Reel 139, Frame 790 [29] Vester,Our Jerusalem f pp. 243 - 54.
[30] Bliss to Edelman, March 11,1917; NARA RG84,Entry 306,Volume 34.
[31] Edelman to Elkus,January 20, 1917; NARA, ibid..
[32]威廉•耶鲁对自己在战时耶路撒冷生活的大部分描述都来自Yale, It
rakes So Long,chapters 5 and 6。
[33] Lawrence to Wilson, January 8, 1917; PRO - FO 882/6,f. 127 -28.
[34] Lawrence,The Home Letters,p. 333.
[35] Brown,The Letters of T. E. Lawrence, p. 102.
[36]亚伦森关于他在战时开罗早期岁月的描述主要引自他在1916年12月 至1917年1月的日记;ZY。
[37] Aaronsohn, Diary, December 14, 1916; ZY.
[38] Aaronsohn,Diary, December 16,1916 ; ZY.
[39] “jewish Colonies in Palestine,M Arab Bulletin ( January 19, 1917) ; p. 35. [40] Aaronsohn,Diary, January 24, 1917 ; ZY.
[41] Ibid. f January 26, 1917 ; ZY.
[42] Ibid. f January 30 f 1917 ; ZY.
[43] Lawrencc, Seven Pillars ? p. 152.
[44] Wemys,s report to Secretary of the Admiralty % January 30,1917 ; PRO - ADM 137/548, f. 114- 15.
[45] Bray,Arab Bulletin no. 41 ( February 6, 1917): p. 68.
[46] Lawrence to Wilson, December 19,1916; PRO - FO 882/6,f. 49. [47] j. C. Watson, report, January 11,1917; PRO - WO 158/605 f p. 4. [48] Vickery,Memorandum on the General Situation in Arabia, February 2, 1917; PRO - FO 882/6, f. 152.
[49] Wilson to Arab Bureau,Cairo,January 25 , 1917; PRO - FO 141/736.