1]Lawrence,Twenty - Seven Articlesf August 1917 ; PRO - FO 882/7,f. 93 -97.
2]Clayton to Military Intelligence Director (London) , July 11,1917 ; PRO - FO 882/7, f. 18 -23.
3]劳伦斯对自己返回开罗和与艾伦比初次见面的描述来自Seven Pillarsf book 5 , chapters 55 and 56,pp. 317 - 22。
4]Wingate to Robertson, July 14, 1917; PRO - WO 374/41077.
5]Wilson,Lawrence of Arabia % p. 422.
6]Lawrence to Clayton, July 10, 1917 ; PRO - FO 882/16, [ 249.
7]Allenby to Robertson, July 16, 1917; PRO - WO 158/634f f. 4A.
8] Allenby to Robertson, July 19, 1917; PRO - WO 158/634, f: 10A.
9]Lawrence, Twenty - Sevett Articles3 August 1917 ; PRO - FO 882/7, 93 -97.
Aaronsohnf Diary, July 1, 1917 ; ZY.
Ibid.,July 2,1917.
Sykes to Graham f May 5,1917 ; MSP-41a,
Clayton to Sykes, June 22,1917; PRO - FO 371/3058,f. 156.
Cecil to Hardinge, June 13, 1917 ; PRO - FO 371/3058,f. 145.
Cecil to Hardinge,June 13, 1917; PRO - FO 371/3058,f. 146 -48. Aaronsohn f Diary 9 July 17, 1917; ZY, Wingate to Graham, July 23,1917; FRO - FO 371/3083,t 55.
克莱顿在开罗与劳伦斯会谈之后给赛克斯写信称:“费萨尔的名字似 乎有魔力……劳伦斯经过的叙利亚各地区几乎全都接受他。” Clayton,July 22, 1917; PRO - F0882/16, £ 145.
Lawrence,Seven Pillars, p. 323•
Wilson to Clayton, July 29, 1917; PRO - FO 882/7, f 48.
纽科姆很快厌倦了后方工作,被调回开罗。在1917年11月初埃及远 征军的攻势中,他在巴勒斯坦南部被土耳其军队俘虏。
Lawrencef “Report on meeting King Hussein,” July 30, 1917; FRO 一
FO 371/3054, C 372 - 73 ‘
Macindoe for Clayton to Military Intelligence Director,July 28, 1917; PRO - WO 141/668, p. 5.
Lawrence, Seven Pilhrs, p. 326.
Wilson to Arab Bureau (Cairo) , August 6, 1917 ; PRO - WO 158/634, f. 25A.
Lawrence % Seven Pillars f p. 327.
Yale, “Palestine - Syrian Situation,” with addendum, July 10, 1917 ; PRO - FO 371/3050.
Foreign Office to Spring - Rice, July 25 , 1917 ; PRO - FO 371/3057. Yardley, American Black Chamber, p. 172.
Department of State, “History of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security of the United States Department of State,” 201 1. www.state.gov/documents/
organization/176705. pdf.
Harrison to Gunther ( American embassy, London),August 30,1917 ; NARA RG59, Box 1047.
Yale f It Takes So Long% chapter 8,pp. 10 - 1 1.
Aaronsohn,“The Jewish Colonies,” Arab Bulletin no. 64 ( September 27, 1917) : 389 -91.
Aaronsohn, Diary, August 12 f 1917 ; ZY.
Wingate to Balfour, August 20, 1917; FRO - FO 371/3053, f. 384. Engle,The Nili Spies,pp. 152 -54.
间谋船“马纳杰姆”号的船长Lewen Weldon的回忆录Lying充 分见证了英国政府对其情报人员漫不经心的态度。Weldon在第195 页写道:“我们的‘特工’的事情总的来讲是运气好得惊人。我记得 被捕的人数不到7个。其中6人被绞死,1人被斩首。”
Lawrcncc to Clayton, August 27,1917 ; PRO - FO 882/7, f. 88 - 92. Sykes to Clayton, July 22 f 1917; MSP - 69.
Sykes memorandum, “On Mr. Nicholsons [ sic ] Note Regarding Our Commitments, ” July 18,1917 ; MSP - 66.
Curzon to Hardinge f August 23, 1917; PRO - F0371/3044,f. 299. Nicolson precis for Balfour, July 11,1917; FRO - FO 371/3044f f. 286 -
Sykes to Drummond, July 20,1917 ; MSP - 68.
Sykes to Clayton,July 22, 1917 ; MSP -69.
Lawrence to Sykes, September 7, 1917 ; SADD ClaytonPapers, 693/1 1/
3 -8.
Clayton to Lawrence, September 20, 1917 ; SADD Clayton Papers, 693/ 11/9 - 12.
Yale,Diaryf September 8 f 1917 ; YU Box 2,Folder 2.
Ibid. , September 12, 1917 ; YU Box 2, Folder 2.
Lawrence, Seuen Pillars, p. 367.
Lawrence to Clayton, September 23 f 1917; PR0-F0882/4, C 71. Lawrence, Seven Pillarsf p. 369.
Lawrence to Clayton f September 23 t 1917; PRO - FO 882/4 f f. 71. Lawrence to Stirling, September 25,1917 ; UT,Folder 6,File 7. Lawrence to Leeds, September 24 f 1917, in Garnett, The Letters of T. E, Lawrence,p. 238.