

[1]Lawrence, The Sherifs, October 27 , 1916 ; PRO - FO 882/5,f. 41.

[2]Wilson,Notes on the Military Situation in the Hedjaz, September 11,1916 ;

PRO - FO 882/4, £ 329.

[3] Minutes of Conference held at Commander - in - Chiefs Residencet Ismailia, September 12,1916; PRO - FO 882/4, f. 333.

4]Boylef My Naval Life, p. 99.

5 ] Lawrence f Seven Pillars% p. 143.

6]Wingate to Foreign Office, November 2 t 1916; PRO - WO 158/603.

7]Arabian Report no. 16 ( November 2,1916); PRO 一 CAB 17/177, p. 2. Also, Wilson to Arab Bureau f November 1,1916; PRO - WO 158/ 603,f. 49A.

8] Parker to Arab Bureau,November 2,1916; PRO - WO 158/603,f. 17b.

9]Br6mond report, January 2,1917, as quoted by Tanenbaum f France and the Arab Middle Easty p. 19.

10] Aaronsohn,Diary% October 25,1916 ; ZY.

11 ]Katz, The Aarotisohti Sa^a ^ p. 6.

12] Aaronsohn, Diary 9 October 25 f 1916 ; ZY.

13]Engle, The Nili Spies,p. 77•

14]Aaronsohn “confession” to Julius Mackt October 9f 1916, pp. 12-13; ZY. 15]Thomson, My Experiences at Scotland Yard, pp. 225 一 26,and The Scene Changes, pp. 387 - 88.

16] Aaromohn to Alex and Rivka Aaronsohn, October 28 f 1916 ; ZY,

17]Lawrence, Seven Pillars f p. 57.

18] Wingate to Clayton,November 7 f 1916 ; PRO - WO 158/603,f. 79A.

19] French Embassy ( London) to Foreign Office, November 8, 1916,as quoted by Wilson, Lawrence oj Arabia,p. 325.

20] Wingate to Robertson, November 12, 1916 f as repeated by Wingate to Murray, November 18, 1916 ; PRO-WO 158/627 f f. 10A,p. 4.

21]Lawrencef Report^ November 17,1916 ; PRO - WO 106/1511, f. 34- 36.

22] Ibid..

23]Parker to Wingate, July 6, 1916 ; SADD Wingate Papers, W/138/3/69• 24]Minutes of Conference held at Commander - in - Chiefs Residence f Ismailia, September 丨 2, 1916 ; PRO - FO 882/4, f. 333.

25]Lawrence, Seren Pillarsf p. 112.

26]Murray to Wingate, November 17, 1916; PRO - WO 158/627, f. 7A.

Robertson, The Occupation oj El Arish, November 19,1916 ; PRO - WO 106/1511, C 34.

Sykest Appreciation of Arabian Report,No. XVIII,November 20,1916; PRO - CAB 17/177.

Cited by Wilson, Lawrence^ pp. 327 - 28.

Lawrence,Seven Pillars f p- 1 12.

Robertson to Murray,November 22,1916; PRO - WO 158/604,f. 75A.

Murray to Robertson,November 23,1916 ; PRO - WO 158/604, f. 76A.

Aaronsohn, Diary, November 11, 1916; ZY.

W. T. I. D. , Report of Inhabitant of Athlit f November 2,1916 ; PRO - FO 371/2783.

Aaronsohn, Diaryf November 24 , 1916 ; ZY.

Schneer, The Balfour Declaration, pp. 135 - 45.

Sykes to Buchanan, March 14,1916; PRO - F0371/2767,File 938,


Edward Grey notes on Sykes's cable to Buchanan, March 15, 1916 ; PRO -

FO 371/2767, File 938.

Adelsont Mark Sykes, p. 213.

Friedman, The Question of Palestinef p. 122.

Aaronsohn f Diary, October 30 % 1916 ; ZY.

Wingate to Clayton f November 11,1916 ; PRO - WO 158/604,C 18 A. Joffre to Bremond,November 27,1916,as cited byBremond,Lc Hcdjaz dans la Guerre Mondiale^ p. 97.

Clayton to Wingate, November 23,1916 ; SADD Wingate Papers, 143/6/ 44.

Wingate to Wilson,November 23 , 1916 ; SADD Wingate Papers, 143/6/ 54.

Wilson to Clayton, November 22, 1916; SADD Clayton Papers, 470/5/ 7.

Lawrencef Seven Pillars,p. 114.
