[1 ] Hollis to Lansing, November 9, 1914 ; NARA M353 y Roll 6,Decimal 867.00/713.
[2]Magnus, Kitchener, pp. 283 -84.
[3]Stevenson, 1914 - 1918 f p. 54.
[4]Keegan, The First World Wary p. 7 ; J. Vallin, “La Mortalicc pargeneration en France depuis 1899 [ Mortality by Generation in France Since 1899],,, Travaux et Documents, Cahier no. 63 ( Paris: Presses Universitaires de France).
[5]Haig, diary entry of July 2, 1916, as cited in Gilbert, The Somtne, p. 93.
[6]Lawrence to Liddell Hart, in Graves and Hart, T. E. Lawrence: Letters to His Bio^raphen, Pt. 2,p. 90.
[7] Ibid. •
[8]As quoted in Fischer, War of Illusions ^ p. 542.
[9]Lawrence to Rieder, September 18,1914, in Garnett, The Letters of T. E. Lawrence ^ p- 185.
[10]威廉•耶鲁对自己在1914年底在耶路撒冷的生活的i己述主要来自 Yale, It Takes So Long, chapter 2c
[11] NARA RG84,Entry 448, Volume 14.
[12] Beaumont to Gray, August 3,1913,File 35857, No. 605 ; and Tewfik Pasha to Grey f August 4, 1914,File 35844,No. 598,in Gooch & Temperly, British Documents on the Origins oj the War% Vol. XI.
[13] 美国驻大马士革领事扣hn Dye在领事馆日志中对叙利亚战前的紧张局 势作了极好的、相当客观公正的描述,见NARARG84,Emry 350, Volume 101。Alex Aaronsohn 的 With the Turks in 较有偏见。
[14] 土耳其和德国双方都竭力隐瞒两国的秘密盟约。1914年7月29 H , 即与恩维尔帕夏的秘密协定还在谈判的时候,德国驻土耳其军事代表 团团长利曼•冯•桑德斯将军向上级请求,一旦发生战争,就返回德 国。德皇威廉二世读到桑德斯的电报时,在电文边缘批示道:“他必
Oppenheim to Bethmann-Hollweg, August 18,1914 ; NARAT 137,Roll 143,Frames 16-21, Der Weltkrieg no. 11 , Band 1.
Pruferf D/ary, September 8 , 1914 ; HO.
Oppenheim to Bethmann- Hollwegf August 18,1914 ; NARAT 137, Roll 143,Frames 16 - 21,Der Weltkrieg no. 11,Band 1.
New York Titttes,April 20, 1915.
Priifer, Diary y September 7,1914 ; HO.
Interrogation of Robert Mors, October 10,1914f pp. 4 -5; PRO - FO
371/1972,File 66271.
Mallet to Grey, September 15,1914; PRO - FO 371/1970f f. 8,
Mallet to Grey, October 6,1914; PRO - F〇 371/1970,C 93. Interrogation of Robert Mors, October 10,1914,p. 5 ; PRO - F0371/ 1972,File 66271.
McKale, Curf Priifer,p. 31.
Lawrence to “Friend,” in Garnett, The Letters of T. E. Lawrence, p. 188. Lawrence to Liddell Hart, August 1, 1933,in Graves and Hart, 7: E. Lawrence : Letters to His Biographers, Pt. 2, p. 141.
Lawrence to Fontana,October 19, 1914,in Garnett, The Letters of T. E. Lawrence, p. 187.
Lawrence to Fontana, December 4,1914, in ibid. , p. 189.
Florence,Lawrence and Aaronsohti f p. i 19.
Aaronsohn f Present Hconotttic and Political Conditions itiPalestine y p. 6, early
1917; PRO-FO 882/14, C 328.
Aaronsohn (anonymous), “Syria: Economic and Political Conditions/’ Arab Bulletin no. 33 (December 4,1916): 505.
Kayali,Arabs and Young Turksy pp. 187 - 88.
Djemal Pasha, Memories of a Turkish Statesman f p. 204.
Aaronsohn (anonymous)," The Jewish Colonies,” Arab Bulletin, no. 64 (September 27 , 1917): 391.
Alex Aaronsohn, “ Saifha Ah mar, Ya Sultan!” The Atlantic Monthly, July 1916, Vol. 118.
一些历史学家认为,杰马勒帕夏在1914〜1915年下令将犹太人从巴勒斯坦驱逐出去,这是旨在消灭犹太人社区的广泛行动的一部分。这种观点最强柯力的支持者是大卫•弗洛姆金。他在《终结所有和平的和约》(A Peace to End All Peace)第210~211页写道,杰马勒“对犹太人定居者砲加暴力。在一位强烈反对犹太复国主义的奥斯曼官员贝哈艾丁的影响下,杰马勒采取措施去摧毁犹太复国主义定居点,并命令将所有外籍犹太人驱逐出境,也就是说,巴勒斯坦的绝大多数犹太人%事实上,杰马勒存:1914年12月的驱逐命令明确只针对敌国公民——第一次世界大战爆发时,其他参战国也都采取了这项政策——而a很快又改为.英国和法国籍犹太人不在受驱逐之列.另外,在巴 勒斯坦的那些被划入驱逐范围的“敌国”犹太人,主要是俄国籍犹太人,如果愿意加入奥斯曼国籍,就可以留下。也只有奥斯曼帝国会 给出这样宽厚的条件由于这种相对比较宽大的处理和它造成的许多 漏洞,居住在战前巴勒斯坦的约8.5万犹太人中只有少数离丌,或者 被驱逐,绝不是弗洛姆金估计的“巴勒斯坦的绝大多数犹太人”。
[37] Ajromt)hn to Kosenwald t January 21 , 1915; N AKA RG84, Entry 58, Volume 378,Decimal 800.
[38] Brown, The Letters of T. E. Lawrence, p. 69.
[39] Lawrence, “Syria: The Raw Material,” wntten early 1915, Arab Bulletin no. 44 (March 12, 1917).
[40] Yale, It Takes So Long,chapter 3 f p. 1.
[41] Military Censor, Statement of W. M. Yale, November 17, 1914 ; PR0W0157/688.
[42] Yale,T. E. Lmretice: Scholar^ Soldiery Statesman, Diplomat ( undated but 1935) ; BU Box 6, Folder L
[43] Lawrence ( unsigned and undated ),handwritten notes on interview of William Yale; PRO - WO 158/689.
[44] Morgenthau, Attibassador Xlor^eiithdu's Story,p. 120.
[45] Bliss,“Djemal Pasha: A Portrait•” in The Sitietcetith Centur)f and After, voL 86 ( New York: Leonard Scottf July 一 December 1919) f p. 1151.
[46] Ibid. , p. 1153.
[47] Djemal Pasha f Memories of a Turkish Statesman % pp. 141 - 42.
[48] Ibid. , p. 143.
[49] Priifer to Oppenheim,December 31,1914 ; PAAA t Roll21128 f Der Weltkrieg no. llg. Band 6.