1 ]Dobell, as cited by Keogh, Suez to Aleppo,p. 102.
2 ]Wilson, War Message to Congressf April 2,1917.
3]Moore, The Mounted Riflemen in Sinai and Palestinef p. 67.
4]Lawrence, “The Howeitat and their Chiefs,” Arab Bulletin no. 57 ( July 24,1917) : 309 - 10.
5]Lawrence to Liddell Hart, October 31,1933 ; Graves and Hart, T. E.
Lawrence : Letters to His Biographers,Pt. 2, pp. 188 - 89.
6]Clayton directive of March 8, 1917, with copies to Wingate, C. Wilson, and Lawrence; PRO - FO 686/6,C 46.
7]Clayton to Wingate, May 29,1917; PRO - FO 882/6,f. 388. 8]Lawrence, Seven Pillars, p. 222.
9]Lyndon Bell to Lloyd, March 17,1917 ; GLLD 9/3.
10]Sykes to Wingate, February 22,1917 ; PRO — FO 882/16, f. 58.
1 1 ]Foreign Office to Wingate f March 14,1917 ; SADD Wingate Papers, 145/ 3/38.
12]Grey to Buchanan f ambassador to Russia, March 16,1916 ; PRO - FO 371/2767,Registry 49669.
13]Adelson, Mark Sykes, p. 220.
14]As quoted by Friedman f The Question of Palestine, p. 130.
15]Adelson, Mark Sykes, pp. 220 -21.
16]As quoted by Friedman t The Question of Palestine,p. 131.
17]Hardegg to Gbzebrook, April 2,1917 ; NARA RG84,Entry 448, Volume 3.
18]关p萨拉•亚伦森一生的最佳英文资料是Engle, The Nili SpiesQ 19]Florence, Lawrence and Aaronsohti, p. 287.
[20] Aaronsohn, Diaryt April 19, 1917 ; ZY.
[21 ] Ibid. , March 12, 1917.
[22] Sykes to War Office, Apnl30f 1917; PRO - FO 371/3053, f. 191 -93.
[23] 亚伦森在1917年4月27日的日记中写道:“我去见温德姆•迪兹, 告诉他,马克(•赛克斯)爵士想让我通过迪兹,把宣布雅法犹太 人遭驱逐消息的电报发出去。”
[24] Aaronsohn," Addendum to k Report of an inhabitant of Athlit, undated but November 1916; PRO - FO 371/2783,
[25] Sykes to Gmham, April 28,1917; PRO - FO 371/3055.
[26] Jewish Chronicle (London) - May 4,1917 ; PRO - FO 371/3055.
[27] See FRO - FO 371/3055, File 87895.
[28] Oliphant, minutes to "Jews in Palestine,M May 4, 1917 ; PRO - FO 37 1/ 3055,File 87895.
[29] Orinsby - Gore to Sykes, May 8, 1917 ; MSP-47,p. 4.
[30] Wingate to Foreign Office, May II,1917 ; PRO - FO 371/3055.
[31 ]New York Times9 June 3,1917.
[32]关于雅法驱逐事件,一份非常有趣的文件是德国驻耶路撒冷领事海因 里希•布罗德于1917年4月5 Fi写给新任德国大使Rkhard von Kuhlmann的报告。布罗德担心土耳其政府的行动会疏远巴勒斯坦的 犹太人,于是向杰马勒帕夏告知f他的担忧。在他们的会议上,杰马 勒澄清说,雅法犹太人中的农业人口可以留下,而波疏散的那些人如 果愿意,可以太耶路撒冷,而被疏散的“奥斯曼人”不准去耶路撒 冷。Brode to Kuhlmann, April 5, 1917 ; NARA T1201 Roll 4333, Fiirkei 195,Band 12, Frames K178502 - 8.
[33] Turkish Legation to the Netherlands, May 24. 1917; PRO - FO 371/ 3055. Also, Alvarado to Hardinge, June 8,1917 ; PRO - FO 371/3055.
[34] Deedes to Egypt High Commissioner's Office,Cairo,Junel , 1917 ; PRO - FO 141/805 ‘
[35] Aaronsohn to Sulzberger, June 2,1917; PRO - FO 141/805.
[36] Report to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden f August 25, 1917; NARA RG84, Entry 58, Volume 399.
[37] Townley to Balfour, August 10,1917; FRO - FO 371/3055,
[38] Aaronsohn, “The Evacuation Menace, ” undated but late July 1917 ; PRO - FO 141/805.
[39] Lawrencc to Wilsonf Intelligence Memo, undated but circa April 21,
1917; PRO-FO 686/6,f. 88.
[40] Lawrence f Seuen Pillars. p. 224.
[41] Ibid. , p. 225.
[42] Wilson to Claytonf “Note on the Proposed Military Plan of Operations of the Arab Armies•” May 1 , 1917; PRO-FO 882/6, £ 351.
[43] Lawrence,Seven Pillars, p. 226.
[44] Wilson to Clayton,March 21,1917; PRO - FO 882/12,f. 199-201. [45] Wingate to Foreign Office, April 27 f 1917; MSP-41 d.
[46] Sykes to Wingate, May 5 f 1917 ; MSP-41 d.