一〇九 卷二五〇


《李安期》(出《朝野僉載》)“看判曰:‘書稍弱。’選人對曰:‘昨墜馬傷足。’安期曰:‘損足何廢好書?’”按此謔於英國名家小説中兩見。迭更司《滑稽外史》中一愚妄女子作書云: “吾父命我通書,因其足傷,不能把筆,醫言恐難復原”(My pa requests me to write to you,the doctors considering it doubt- ful whether he will ever recover the use of his legs which pre-vents his holding a pen);蓋斯基爾夫人《鄉鎮舊聞》中一人致函言“勿許其妻作書,因妻足踝扭筋,握管不便”(His wife did not write,said the old gentleman,because he had forbidden it,she being indisposed with a sprained ankle,which(he said) incapacitated her from holding a pen)。

Nicholas Nickleby,ch. 15.

MrsGaskell,Cranford:“Old Letters”.

一〇八 卷二四九一一〇 卷二五一