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張湛《嘲范甯》:“得此方,云用:損讀書一、減思慮二、專内視三、簡外觀四、旦晚起五、夜早眠六,凡六物。……修之一時,近能數其目睫,遠視尺捶之餘。長服不已,洞見牆壁之外,非但明目,乃亦延年。”按“諸賢並有目疾”,以“鄭康成”、“左太沖”與“左丘明”、“杜子夏”並舉,當是瞽者、眇者、短視者、“患目疾”者,以終身殘廢與一時疾恙,泛濫牽連。鄭玄、左思,載籍不言其盲,史衹云太沖“貌寢”,《藝文類聚》卷一七引《鄭玄别傳》且稱“秀眉明目”也。“智如目也,能見百步之外而不能自見其睫”,出《韓非子·喻老》(又見《觀行》),“數” 極言服方奇效,能世所不能;“一尺之捶,日取其半,萬世不竭”,出《莊子·天下》,“餘”隱謂經萬世取半而猶存者,其細已甚。“六物”中首舉“損讀書”,終歸“夜早眠”,蓋於學人之手不釋卷、膏以繼晷對症下藥。黄庭堅《病目和答子瞻》:“請天還我讀書眼,欲載軒轅乞鼎湖”,《次韻元實病目》:“道人常恨未灰心,儒士苦愛讀書眼;要須玄覽照鏡空,莫作白魚鑽蠹簡”,可參觀。温庭筠《訪知玄上人遇曝經》:“惠能不肯傳心法,張湛徒勞與眼方”;楊玄齡《楊公筆録》:“余自幼病目昏,徧求名方二十餘年,略不少愈,因得張湛與范甯治目疾六物方,遂却去諸藥不御”;陳與義《目疾》:“著籬令惡誰能繼,損讀奇方定有功”;則明指張湛此文矣。斐爾丁劇本中一貴公子(Lord Formal)云:“天下傷眼之事,無過於讀書(Reading is the worst in the world for the eyes)。吾嘗閲法國小説,數月間纔畢十一二葉耳,而秋水之明已大減,致不辦向婦人平視目語”(But I found itvastly impaired the lustre of my eyes. I had,in that short time, perfectly lost the direct ogle);此亦以“損讀”爲“眼方”也!


張璠《易集解序》:“蜜蜂以兼採爲味。”按以學問著述之事比蜂之采花釀蜜,似始見於此。《全宋文》卷一七裴松之《上三國志注表》亦云:“竊惟繢事以衆色成文,蜜蜂以兼采爲味,故能絢素有章,甘踰本質”;劉知幾《史通·補注》則誚讓其“繁蕪”曰:“但甘苦不分,難以味同萍實者矣。”西人設譬,無乎不同,如古希臘一文家云:“獨不見蜜蜂乎,無花不采,吮英咀華,博雅之士亦然,滋味徧嘗,取精而用弘”(Just as we see the bee settling on all the flowers,and sipping the best from each,so al- so those who aspire to culture ought not to leave anything untast- ed,but should gather useful knowledge from every source);古羅馬一大詩人頌一哲學家云:“饜飫大作中金玉之言,如蜂入花林,采蜜滿股”(tuisque ex,inclute,chartis floriferis ut apes in salti- bus omnia libant,/omnia nos itidem depascimur aurea dicta,/aurea);詩人自言慘淡經營云:“吾辛苦爲詩,正如蜜蜂之遍歷河濱花叢,勤劬刺取佳卉”(ego apis Matinae/more modoque/ grata carpentis thyma per laborem/plurimum circa nemus uvidique/Tiburis ripas operosa parvus/carmina fingo);哲學家教子姪讀書作文云:“當以蜂爲模範,博覽羣書而匠心獨運,融化百花以自成一味,皆有來歷而别具面目”(apes debemus imi- tari et quaecumque ex diversa lectione congessimus,separare, melius enim distincta servantur,deinde adhibita ingenii nostri cura et facultate in unum saporem varia illa libatamenta confun- dere,ut etiam si apparurit unde sumptum sit,aliud tamen esse quam unde sumptum est,appareat);

【增訂四】古基督教以希臘、羅馬詩文爲異端邪説,禁信士勿讀。一神甫謂無須戒絶,當如蜂然,既擇花而採,亦不採全花。人之採玫瑰也,擷花而捨刺,讀書亦求獲其益而慎防其害爾(It is,therefore,in accordance with the whole similtude of the bees,that we should partcipate in the pagan literature. For these neither approach all flowers equally,nor do they at- tempt to carry off entire those upon which they alight. And just as in plucking the blooms from a rose-bed we avoid the thorns,so also in garnering from such writings whatever is useful,let us guard against what is harmful.-St Basil:“To Young Men on How They Might Derive Profit from PaganLiterature”,Letters,Loeb,Vol. IV,pp. 391-3)。

修詞學者教弟子宜廣學問,猶“彼無聲無臭之小蟲豸采繁花而成蜜,甘美乃非人力所及”(et muta animalia mellis illum inimita- bilem humanae rationi saporem vario florum ac sucorum genereperficiunt)。後世遂成教學及作文之常喻。如蒙田論蒙養(l’institution des enfants),即謂當許兒童隨意流覽:“蜂採擷羣芳,而蜜之成悉由於己,風味别具,莫辨其來自某花某卉”(Les abeilles pillotent edça edlà les fleurs,mais elles en font apres le miel,qui est tout leur;ce n’est plus thin ny marjolaine)。古典主義愈尚模擬,不諱撏撦,蜜官金翼使儼爲文苑之師表矣(Il let- tore deve essere un’ape che colga il miele delle ingegnose maniere di scrivere,dell’imitazione,delle poetiche forme del dire)。歌德因學究談藝,不賞會才人之意匠心裁(die Originalität)而考究其淵源師承(die Quellen),乃嗤之曰:“此猶見腹果膚碩之壯夫,遂向其所食之牛、羊、豕一一追問斯人氣力之來由,一何可笑!”(Das ist sehr lächerlich;man könnte ebensogut einen wohlgenährten Mann nach den Ochsen,Schafen und Schweinen fragen,die er gegessenund die ihm Kräfte gegeben)。其喻變蜂採花爲人食肉,然與古羅馬哲學家及蒙田語正爾同歸,指異而旨無異焉。

Fielding,Love in Several Masques,I. v,quoted in F. Homes Dudden,HenryFielding,I . p. 24.

Isocrates:“To Demonicus”,§ 52,“Loeb”,I,35.


Horace,Carminum,IV. ii,27-32,“Loeb”,288.

Seneca,Epistulae morales,84. 5,“Loeb”,II,278.

Quintilian,Institutio oratoria,I. x. 7,“Loeb”,I,162.

Montaigne,Essais,I. 26,“La Pléiade”,162.

D. Bartoli,Dell’Huomo di Lettere,quoted in La Critica stilistica e il Baroc- co letterario. Atti del Secondo Congresso Internazionale di Studi Italiani, 1958, p. 142. Cf. B. Hathaway,The Age of Criticism,451(the classicist bees vs the rationalist silkworms).

Eckermann,Gespräche mit Goethe,16. Dezember 1828,Aufbau,437.

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