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元帝《攝山棲霞寺碑》:“苔依翠屋,樹隱丹楹。澗浮山影,山傳澗聲。”按“隱”字尋常,“依”字新切;卷三四江淹《青苔賦》:“嗟青苔之依依兮”,即此“依”也。王維《書事》:“輕陰閣小雨,深院晝慵開,坐看蒼苔色,欲上人衣來”,末句正“青苔依依”之的解,猶李商隱《贈柳》:“隄遠意相隨”,乃“楊柳依依”之的解(别見《毛詩》卷論《采薇》)。“欲上”與“意相隨”,同心之言也。“澗浮”二語一若山與澗有無互通,短長相資,彼影此寫,此響彼傳,不具情感之物忽締交誼,洵工於侔色揣稱矣。西方作者則常道樹臨溪畔,溪水潤樹,樹蔭庇水,濟美互惠(“bagna egli[il canaletto]il bosco e’l bosco il fiume adom- bra,/col bel cambio fra lor d’umore e d’ombra”;“quello[l’a- rbore]con gli spaziosi rami della sua prolezione favoreggiando questo[il ruscello],e questo porgendo a quello con le vive acque della sua feconda vena vita immortale”;“sometimes angling to a little river near hand,which for the moisture it bestowed upon the roots of flourishing trees,was rewarded with their shadow”; “Is like a cedar planted by a spring;/The spring bathes the tree’sroot,the grateful tree/Rewards it with his shadow”;“The ripples seem right glad to reach those cresses,/And cool themselves a- mong the em’rald tresses;/The while they cool themselves,they freshness give,/And moisture,that the bowery green may live:/ So keeping up an interchange of favours,/Like good men in thetruth of their behaviours”)。其言溪與樹如朋友通財協力,無異梁元之言山與澗焉。
Tasso,Gerusalemme Liberata,XVIII. 20,Poesie,Ricciardi,437;Marino: “ A Carlo Emanuelel”,Marino e i Marinisti,Ricciardi,24;Sidney,Arcadia,quoted from the 1674 ed. in J. Dunlop, History of Fiction, 4th ed., 341; Webster,The Duchess of Malfi,III. ii,Plays by Webster and Ford,“Everyman’s”,138;Keats:“I stood tiptoe upon a little Hill”,Poems,“Everyman’s”,3.